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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 162 - 189, 31.12.2021



  • Abdous, M. H., Camarena, M. M., & Facer, B. R. (2009). MALL technology: Use of academic podcasting in the foreign language classroom. ReCALL: The Journal of EUROCALL, 21(1), 76.
  • Alm, A. (2013). Extensive listening 2.0 with foreign language podcasts. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7(3), 266-280.
  • Blyth, A. (2012). Extensive listening versus listening strategies: response to Siegel. ELT journal, 66(2), 236-239.
  • Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by Principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy (3rd). Pearson Longman.
  • Buck, G. (2001). Assessing Listening. Cambridge University Press.
  • Call, M. E. (1985). Auditory short‐term memory, listening comprehension, and the input hypothesis. Tesol Quarterly, 19(4), 765-781.
  • Chamot, A.U. (1995). Learning strategies and listening comprehension. In D.J. Mendelsohn and J. Rubin (eds.). A Guide for the Teaching of Second Language Listening. Dominie Press.
  • Chang, A. C., & Millett, S. (2014). The effect of extensive listening on developing L2 listening fluency: Some hard evidence. ELT journal, 68(1), 31-40.
  • Chen, C. W. Y. (2016). Listening diary in the digital age: Students' material selection, listening problems, and perceived usefulness. Jalt Call Journal, 12(2), 83-101.
  • Chen, C. W. Y. (2019). Guided listening with listening journals and curated materials: a metacognitive approach. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(2), 133-146.
  • Chiang, C. S., & Dunkel, P. (1992). The effect of speech modification, prior knowledge, and listening proficiency on EFL lecture learning. TESOL quarterly, 26(2), 345-374.
  • Cross, J., & Vandergrift, L. (2014). Guidelines for designing and conducting L2 listening studies. Elt Journal, 69(1), 86-89.
  • DeKeyser, R. M. (2007). Introduction: Situating the concept of practice. In R.M. DeKeyser (ed.), Practice in a second language: Perspectives from applied linguistics and cognitive psychology (Pp 1-18). Cambridge University Press.
  • Duff, P. (2008). Case study research in applied linguistics. Lawrence Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.
  • Dunkel, P. A. (1986). Developing listening fluency in L2: Theoretical principles and pedagogical considerations. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 99-106.
  • Dupuy, B. C. (1999). Narrow listening: An alternative way to develop and enhance listening comprehension in students of French as a foreign language. System, 27(3), 351-361.
  • Elcin, D., & Sahinkarakas, S. (2021). Self-Regulatory Capacity of Learners' with Differing Proficiency Levels in Vocabulary Acquisition during Three Periods. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9, 162-197. education.v9iS1-May.4011
  • Feyten, C. M. (1991). The power of listening ability: An overlooked dimension in language acquisition. The modern language journal, 75(2), 173-180.
  • Field, J. (1998). Skills and strategies: towards a new methodology for listening. ELT Journal, 52(2), 110-110.
  • Field, J. (1999). Bottom-up and top-down. ELT Journal, 53(4), 338-338.
  • Field, J. (2000). ‘Not waving but drowing’: a reply to Tony Ridgway. ELT Journal, 54(2), 186-195.
  • Field, J. (2004). An insight into listeners' problems: Too much bottom-up or too much top-down?. System, 32(3), 363-377.
  • Field, J. (2007). Looking outwards, not inwards. ELT journal, 61(1), 30-38.
  • Field, J. (2008). Guest editor’s introduction: Emergent and divergent: A view of second language listening research. System, 36(1), 2-9. https://doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.01.001
  • Flavell, J. H. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive–developmental inquiry. American psychologist, 34(10), 906.
  • Flowerdew, J., & Miller, L. (1992). Student perceptions, problems and strategies in second language lecture comprehension. RELC journal, 23(2), 60-80.
  • Galloway, N., & Rose, H. (2014). Using listening journals to raise awareness of Global Englishes in ELT. ELT journal, 68(4), 386-396. https://doi:10.1093/elt/ccu021
  • Goh, C. (1997). Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners. ELT Journal 51 (4), 361–369.
  • Goh, C. (1999). How much do learners know about the factors that influence their listening comprehension? Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics 4 (1), 17–41.
  • Goh, C. C. (2000). A cognitive perspective on language learners' listening comprehension problems. System, 28(1), 55-75.
  • Goh, C. (2002). Exploring listening comprehension tactics and their interaction patterns. System, 30(2), 185-206.
  • Gokmen, M. F. (2020). Post-method pedagogies for English Language Teaching: Emerging research and opportunities. Nobel.
  • Gonulal, T. (2020). Improving Listening Skills with Extensive Listening Using Podcasts and Vodcasts. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 311-320.
  • Graham, S. (2006). Listening comprehension: The learners’ perspective. System, 34(2), 165-182.
  • Graham, S., Santos, D., & Vanderplank, R. (2008). Listening comprehension and strategy use: A longitudinal exploration. System, 36(1), 52-68.
  • Harmer, J. (2003). English Teaching essentials: listen. English Teaching Professional, 26(1), 29-30.
  • Hasan, A. S. (2000). Learners' perceptions of listening comprehension problems. Language Culture and Curriculum, 13(2), 137-153.
  • Higgins, J. M. D. (1995). Facilitating listening in second language classrooms through the manipulation of temporal variables. [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation]. University of Kent.
  • Hinkel, E. (2006). Current perspectives on teaching the four skills. Tesol Quarterly, 40(1), 109-131.
  • Hulstijn, J. H. (2003). Connectionist models of language processing and the training of listening skills with the aid of multimedia software. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16(5), 413-425.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1995). The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications. Longman.
  • Long, D. R. (1990). What you don't know can't help you: An exploratory study of background knowledge and second language listening comprehension. Studies in second language acquisition, 12(1), 65-80.
  • Mendelsohn, D. J. (2006). Learning how to listen using learning strategies. In A. Martínez-Flor & E. Usó-Juan (Eds.), Current trends in the development and teaching of the four language skills (Vol. 29) (pp. 75-89). Walter de Gruyter.
  • Nord, J. (1977). Listening Fluency Before Speaking: An Alternative Paradigm. Paper presented at Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexingto.
  • O'Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., & Küpper, L. (1989). Listening comprehension strategies in second language acquisition. Applied linguistics, 10(4), 418-437.
  • Renandya, W. A. (2012a). Five reasons why listening strategy instruction might not work with lower proficiency learners. English Language Teaching. 21, 43-64.
  • Renandya, W. A. (2012b, November). Materials and methods for extensive listening. In TEFLIN conference, Surabaya, Indonesia. Retrieved from https://www. academia. edu/2462863/Materials_and_Methods_for_Extensive_Listening.
  • Renandya, W. A., & Farrell, T. S. (2010). ‘Teacher, the tape is too fast!’ Extensive listening in ELT. ELT journal, 65(1), 52-59.
  • Renandya, W. A., & Jacobs, G. M. (2016). Extensive reading and listening in the L2 classroom. In W. A. Renandya, & Handoyo, P. (Eds.), English language teaching today (pp. 97-110). Routledge.
  • Richards, J. C. (1983). Listening comprehension: Approach, design, procedure. TESOL quarterly, 17(2), 219-240.
  • Richards, J. C. (2005). Second thoughts on teaching listening. RELC Journal, 36(1), 85-92.
  • Ridgway, T. (2000). Listening strategies—I beg your pardon?. ELT journal, 54(2), 179-185.
  • Rosell-Aguilar, F. (2007). Top of the pods—in search of a podcasting “podagogy” for language learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(5), 471-492.
  • Ross, S. J. (2005). The impact of assessment method on foreign language proficiency growth. Applied linguistics, 26(3), 317-342.

The Role of Extensive Listening in Raising Students’ Metacognitive Awareness of Listening Skill

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 162 - 189, 31.12.2021


The triad purpose of the study was achieved via descriptive single case study with embedded units by using three data collection tools in phases. Preliminarily, the open-ended questionnaire collected from conveniently sampled 39 participants was administered to reach students’ metacognitive awareness of listening skill. The initial analysis induced the researcher to employ podcasts as an extensive listening activity by having 4 voluntary students fill up reflective listening journals for each podcast with the aim of realizing the effect of extensive listening on learners’ metacognition. Lastly, the focus group interview was conducted to solicit students’ possible changing metacognitive views about listening skill in general and extensive listening in particular. As a result, students instructed on listening through the traditional way did not practice their listening outside the class. The dominant factors affecting listening comprehension respectively comprise scanty listening practice, unknown lexis, and unfamiliar background knowledge. The dominant strategies were identified as listening multiple times, raising concentration, taking notes, and looking up into dictionary. The participants also designated favourable metacognitive awareness towards the study per se, extensive listening, and general listening skill.


  • Abdous, M. H., Camarena, M. M., & Facer, B. R. (2009). MALL technology: Use of academic podcasting in the foreign language classroom. ReCALL: The Journal of EUROCALL, 21(1), 76.
  • Alm, A. (2013). Extensive listening 2.0 with foreign language podcasts. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7(3), 266-280.
  • Blyth, A. (2012). Extensive listening versus listening strategies: response to Siegel. ELT journal, 66(2), 236-239.
  • Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by Principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy (3rd). Pearson Longman.
  • Buck, G. (2001). Assessing Listening. Cambridge University Press.
  • Call, M. E. (1985). Auditory short‐term memory, listening comprehension, and the input hypothesis. Tesol Quarterly, 19(4), 765-781.
  • Chamot, A.U. (1995). Learning strategies and listening comprehension. In D.J. Mendelsohn and J. Rubin (eds.). A Guide for the Teaching of Second Language Listening. Dominie Press.
  • Chang, A. C., & Millett, S. (2014). The effect of extensive listening on developing L2 listening fluency: Some hard evidence. ELT journal, 68(1), 31-40.
  • Chen, C. W. Y. (2016). Listening diary in the digital age: Students' material selection, listening problems, and perceived usefulness. Jalt Call Journal, 12(2), 83-101.
  • Chen, C. W. Y. (2019). Guided listening with listening journals and curated materials: a metacognitive approach. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(2), 133-146.
  • Chiang, C. S., & Dunkel, P. (1992). The effect of speech modification, prior knowledge, and listening proficiency on EFL lecture learning. TESOL quarterly, 26(2), 345-374.
  • Cross, J., & Vandergrift, L. (2014). Guidelines for designing and conducting L2 listening studies. Elt Journal, 69(1), 86-89.
  • DeKeyser, R. M. (2007). Introduction: Situating the concept of practice. In R.M. DeKeyser (ed.), Practice in a second language: Perspectives from applied linguistics and cognitive psychology (Pp 1-18). Cambridge University Press.
  • Duff, P. (2008). Case study research in applied linguistics. Lawrence Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.
  • Dunkel, P. A. (1986). Developing listening fluency in L2: Theoretical principles and pedagogical considerations. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 99-106.
  • Dupuy, B. C. (1999). Narrow listening: An alternative way to develop and enhance listening comprehension in students of French as a foreign language. System, 27(3), 351-361.
  • Elcin, D., & Sahinkarakas, S. (2021). Self-Regulatory Capacity of Learners' with Differing Proficiency Levels in Vocabulary Acquisition during Three Periods. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 9, 162-197. education.v9iS1-May.4011
  • Feyten, C. M. (1991). The power of listening ability: An overlooked dimension in language acquisition. The modern language journal, 75(2), 173-180.
  • Field, J. (1998). Skills and strategies: towards a new methodology for listening. ELT Journal, 52(2), 110-110.
  • Field, J. (1999). Bottom-up and top-down. ELT Journal, 53(4), 338-338.
  • Field, J. (2000). ‘Not waving but drowing’: a reply to Tony Ridgway. ELT Journal, 54(2), 186-195.
  • Field, J. (2004). An insight into listeners' problems: Too much bottom-up or too much top-down?. System, 32(3), 363-377.
  • Field, J. (2007). Looking outwards, not inwards. ELT journal, 61(1), 30-38.
  • Field, J. (2008). Guest editor’s introduction: Emergent and divergent: A view of second language listening research. System, 36(1), 2-9. https://doi:10.1016/j.system.2008.01.001
  • Flavell, J. H. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive–developmental inquiry. American psychologist, 34(10), 906.
  • Flowerdew, J., & Miller, L. (1992). Student perceptions, problems and strategies in second language lecture comprehension. RELC journal, 23(2), 60-80.
  • Galloway, N., & Rose, H. (2014). Using listening journals to raise awareness of Global Englishes in ELT. ELT journal, 68(4), 386-396. https://doi:10.1093/elt/ccu021
  • Goh, C. (1997). Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners. ELT Journal 51 (4), 361–369.
  • Goh, C. (1999). How much do learners know about the factors that influence their listening comprehension? Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics 4 (1), 17–41.
  • Goh, C. C. (2000). A cognitive perspective on language learners' listening comprehension problems. System, 28(1), 55-75.
  • Goh, C. (2002). Exploring listening comprehension tactics and their interaction patterns. System, 30(2), 185-206.
  • Gokmen, M. F. (2020). Post-method pedagogies for English Language Teaching: Emerging research and opportunities. Nobel.
  • Gonulal, T. (2020). Improving Listening Skills with Extensive Listening Using Podcasts and Vodcasts. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 7(1), 311-320.
  • Graham, S. (2006). Listening comprehension: The learners’ perspective. System, 34(2), 165-182.
  • Graham, S., Santos, D., & Vanderplank, R. (2008). Listening comprehension and strategy use: A longitudinal exploration. System, 36(1), 52-68.
  • Harmer, J. (2003). English Teaching essentials: listen. English Teaching Professional, 26(1), 29-30.
  • Hasan, A. S. (2000). Learners' perceptions of listening comprehension problems. Language Culture and Curriculum, 13(2), 137-153.
  • Higgins, J. M. D. (1995). Facilitating listening in second language classrooms through the manipulation of temporal variables. [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation]. University of Kent.
  • Hinkel, E. (2006). Current perspectives on teaching the four skills. Tesol Quarterly, 40(1), 109-131.
  • Hulstijn, J. H. (2003). Connectionist models of language processing and the training of listening skills with the aid of multimedia software. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16(5), 413-425.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1995). The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications. Longman.
  • Long, D. R. (1990). What you don't know can't help you: An exploratory study of background knowledge and second language listening comprehension. Studies in second language acquisition, 12(1), 65-80.
  • Mendelsohn, D. J. (2006). Learning how to listen using learning strategies. In A. Martínez-Flor & E. Usó-Juan (Eds.), Current trends in the development and teaching of the four language skills (Vol. 29) (pp. 75-89). Walter de Gruyter.
  • Nord, J. (1977). Listening Fluency Before Speaking: An Alternative Paradigm. Paper presented at Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexingto.
  • O'Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., & Küpper, L. (1989). Listening comprehension strategies in second language acquisition. Applied linguistics, 10(4), 418-437.
  • Renandya, W. A. (2012a). Five reasons why listening strategy instruction might not work with lower proficiency learners. English Language Teaching. 21, 43-64.
  • Renandya, W. A. (2012b, November). Materials and methods for extensive listening. In TEFLIN conference, Surabaya, Indonesia. Retrieved from https://www. academia. edu/2462863/Materials_and_Methods_for_Extensive_Listening.
  • Renandya, W. A., & Farrell, T. S. (2010). ‘Teacher, the tape is too fast!’ Extensive listening in ELT. ELT journal, 65(1), 52-59.
  • Renandya, W. A., & Jacobs, G. M. (2016). Extensive reading and listening in the L2 classroom. In W. A. Renandya, & Handoyo, P. (Eds.), English language teaching today (pp. 97-110). Routledge.
  • Richards, J. C. (1983). Listening comprehension: Approach, design, procedure. TESOL quarterly, 17(2), 219-240.
  • Richards, J. C. (2005). Second thoughts on teaching listening. RELC Journal, 36(1), 85-92.
  • Ridgway, T. (2000). Listening strategies—I beg your pardon?. ELT journal, 54(2), 179-185.
  • Rosell-Aguilar, F. (2007). Top of the pods—in search of a podcasting “podagogy” for language learning. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(5), 471-492.
  • Ross, S. J. (2005). The impact of assessment method on foreign language proficiency growth. Applied linguistics, 26(3), 317-342.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Articles

Muhammed Fatih Gökmen 0000-0002-0868-7623

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökmen, M. F. (2021). The Role of Extensive Listening in Raising Students’ Metacognitive Awareness of Listening Skill. ELT Research Journal, 10(2), 162-189.