Conference Paper
BibTex RIS Cite
Year 2023, , 158 - 165, 30.12.2023



  • Baranyi, A., Csernák, J., & Csiszárik-Kocsi, Á. (2022). Methods for developing financial literacy. Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, (39). 174-195.
  • Csapó, L. A., Czikkely, M., & Foldi, P. (2018). Az információ menedzsment szerepe az okos városok vállalatfejlesztésében és kontrollingjában. Controller Info, 6(4), 27–35.
  • Csiszárik-Kocsir, Á., & Dobos, O. (2022). Hungarian SMEs' role and opinion about research, development and innovation projects. In A. Szakál (Ed.), IEEE 20th Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2022) (pp. 199-203). IEEE Hungary Section.

The Role of Human Choices in the Learning Process

Year 2023, , 158 - 165, 30.12.2023


Human decision-making plays a crucial role in the learning process, affecting engagement, motivation, information processing, and social interactions. Learners have the autonomy to select materials, study times, and strategies that suit their preferences and strengths. When faced with complex concepts, learners make cognitive choices that impact their understanding and knowledge application. Additionally, in collaborative settings, learners actively decide when and how to seek help and engage with peers.Understanding the significance of human choices in learning has important implications for educators and instructional designers. By fostering a supportive environment that encourages autonomy, active decision-making, and collaboration, educators can empower learners to take charge of their learning journey and improve outcomes.In conclusion, human choices shape the learning process, influencing engagement, motivation, information processing, and social interactions. Acknowledging and harnessing the power of decision-making can enhance educational practices and empower learners to become active agents in their learning journey.


  • Baranyi, A., Csernák, J., & Csiszárik-Kocsi, Á. (2022). Methods for developing financial literacy. Online Journal Modelling the New Europe, (39). 174-195.
  • Csapó, L. A., Czikkely, M., & Foldi, P. (2018). Az információ menedzsment szerepe az okos városok vállalatfejlesztésében és kontrollingjában. Controller Info, 6(4), 27–35.
  • Csiszárik-Kocsir, Á., & Dobos, O. (2022). Hungarian SMEs' role and opinion about research, development and innovation projects. In A. Szakál (Ed.), IEEE 20th Jubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2022) (pp. 199-203). IEEE Hungary Section.
There are 3 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Patrik Vıktor This is me

Early Pub Date January 2, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Vıktor, P. (2023). The Role of Human Choices in the Learning Process. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 33, 158-165.