Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 8 , 64 - 72, 10.12.2017


Firms, which
have to compete with global firms in domestic market, try to internationalize
for gaining competitive advantage.
The aim of this study is to recommend a conceptual framework to explain the
dynamics of internationalization process of leader and follower firms that
internationalize from an emerging country. In this study, author tries to
figure out
the determinants of entry
mode decisions of follower firms. In addition, bandwagon effect of leaders'
entry mode strategies on followers' entry mode decisions should be investigated
in this study. Multiple theories are used to explain the internationalization
process of developing countries. Prepositions are given to present the
bandwagon effect of leaders' entry strategies on followers' entry strategies.
According to the conceptual model, leaders' entry strategies create a bandwagon
effect on followers' entry strategies.
follower firms follow leader firms that form the reference group and learn from
them. Other than previous studies, in the study this mechanism is explained
with bandwagon effect. It is hoped that this study is helpful
to enlighten the problem of determining the dynamics of internationalization
process of emerging country firms. Moreover, this study integrates the
international business and institutional theory literature with bandwagon
effect and reference groups. The conceptual framework that is given in this
study is beneficial for follower firms, which have to learn from leaders and
provides academic contribution.



  • Abrahamson, E. & Rosenkopf, L. (1993). Institutional and Competitive Bandwagons: Using Mathematical Modeling as a Tool to Explore Innovation Diffusion. The Academy of Management Review, 18, 487-517. Alvarez, I. & Marin, R. (2010). Entry Modes and National Systems of Innovation. Journal of International Management, 16, 340-353. Amighini, A., Sanfilippo, M. & Rabellotti, R. (2007). The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Countries. A Review of the Literature., PRIN 2007 Working Papers,4. Ang, S. H., Benischke, M. H. & Doh, J. P. (2015). The Interactions of Institutions on Foreign Market Entry Mode. Strategic Management Journal, 36, 1536-1553. Anil, I., Tatoglu, E. & Ozkasap, G. (2014). Ownership and Market Entry Mode Choices of Emerging Country Multinationals in a Transition Country: Evidence from Turkish Multinationals in Romania. Journal for East European Management Studies, 19, 413-452. Arslan, A. & Wi, W. (2015). Acquisition Entry Strategy of Nordic Multinational Enterprises in China: An Analysis of Key Determinants. Journal of Global Marketing, 28, 32-51. Belberbos, R., Olfeen, W. V. & Zou, J. (2011). Generic and Specific Social Learning in Foreign Entry Location Choice. Strategic Management Journal, 32, 1309-1330. Beugelsdijk, S., Maseland, R., Onrust, M., Hoorn, A. V & Slangen, A. (2015). Cultural Distance in International Business and Management: From Mean-Based To Variance-Based Measures. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26, 165-191. Boone, C., Wezel, F. C. & Witteloostuijn, A. V. (2013). Joining the Pack or Going Solo? A Dynamic Theory of New Firm Positioning. Journal of Business Venturing, 28, 511-527. Brouthers, K. D. & Brouthers, L. E. (2000). Acquisition Or Greenfield Start-up? Institutional, Cultural And Transaction Cost Influences. Strategic Management Journal, 21. Brouthers, K. D. (2002). Institutional, Cultural and Transaction Cost Influences on Entry Mode Choice and Performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 33. Castaner, X. & Genç, M. (2012). Expanding Into Institutionally Different Countries: Firm Experience and Entry Mode Choice. In T.K. Das (Ed.) Strategic Alliances in a Globalizing World, (pp 1-25). Information Age Publishing: Charlotte. Caves, R. E. & Porter, M. E. (1977). From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 91, 241-262. Cheng, H. L. & Yu, C. M. J. (2008). Institutional pressures and initiation of internationalization: Evidence from Taiwanese small- and medium-sized enterprises. International Business Review, 17. Choi, J. & Yeniyurt, S. (2015). Contingency Distance Factors and International Research and Development (R&D), Marketing, and Manufacturing Alliance Formations. International Business Review, 24, 1061-1071. Chua, R. Y. J., Roth, Y., Lemoine, J. F. (2015). The Impact of Culture on Creativity: How Cultural Tightness and Cultural Distance Affect Global Innovation Crowdsourcing Work. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60, 189–227. Chung, C. C., Xiao, S. S., Lee, J. Y., Kang, J. (2015). The Interplay of Top-down Institutional Pressures and Bottom-up Responses of Transition Economy Firms on FDI Entry Mode Choices. Management International Review, 1-34. Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2016). Corruption in International Business. Journal of World Business, 35-49. Cuervo-Cazurra A. & Genç, M. (2012). Categories of Distance and International Business. In G. Wood and M. Demirbag (Eds.) Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business, 219-235. Edward Elgar: Northampton. Delerue, H. & Lejeune, A. (2011). Internationalization of Biotechnology Starts-ups: Geographic Location and Mimetic Behaviour.International Small Business Journal, 30, 388-405. Demirbağ, M., McGuiness, M. & Altay, H. (2010). Perceptions of Institutional Environment and Entry Mode. Management International Review, 50. DeVilla, M., Rajwani, T. & Lawton, T. (2015). Market Entry Modes in a Multipolar World: Untangling the Moıderating Effect of the Political Environment. International Business Review, 24, 419-429. DiMaggio, P. J. & Powell, W. W. (1983). The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields. American Sociological Review. 48, 147-160. Dranove, D., Peteraf M. & Shanley M. (1998). Do Strategic Groups Exist? An Economic Framework for Analysis. Strategic Management Journal, 19, 1029-1044. Drogendijk, R., & Martin M., O. (2015). Relevant dimensions and contextual weights of distance in international business decisions: Evidence from Spanish and Chinese outward FDI. International Business Review, 24, 133-147. Dunning, J. H. (1979). Explaining Changing Patterns of International Production: in Defense of the Eclectic Theory. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, November. Dunning, J. H. (2006). Comment on Dragon Multinationals: New Players in 21st Century Globalization. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23, 139-141. Egan, P. J.W. (2013). R&D in the Periphery? Foreign Direct Investment, Innovation, and Institutional Quality in Developing Countries. Business and Politics, 15, 1–32. Feigenbaum, A. & Thomas, H. (1995). Strategic Groups as Reference Groups: Theory, Modeling and Empirical Examination of Industry and Competitive Strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 16, 461-477. Fosfuri, A., Lanzolla, G. & Suarez, F. F. (2013). Entry-Timing Strategies: The Road Ahead. Long Range Planning, 46, 300-311. Francionia, B., Mussoa, F. & Vardiabasis, D. (2013). Key Decisions and Changes in Internationalization Strategies: The Case of Smaller Firms. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 21, 240-259. Gans, J. S. & King, S. P. (2004), "Supermarkets and Shopper Dockets: The Australian Experience", The Australian Economic Review, 37, 311-316. Godinez, J. R. & Lui, L. (2015). Corruption Distance and FDI Flows Into Latin America. International Business Review, 24, 33-42. Goldenberg, J., Libai, B. & Muller, E. (2010). The Chilling Effects of Network Externalities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27, 4-15. Górecka, D. & Szałucka, M. (2013). Country Market Selection in International Expansion Using Multicriteria Decision Aiding Methods. Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 8, 31-54. Griffith, D., Cavusgil, T. & Xu S. (2008). Emerging Themes in International Business Research. Journal of International Business Studies, 39, 1220-1235. Hariharan, S. & Rangan, S. (2011). Entrepreneurial Globalization: Emerging Multinationals from Emerging Economies. European Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance, 209-216. Henderson, J. & Cool K. (2003a). Corporate Governance, Investment Bandwagons and Overcapacity: An Analysis of the Worldwide Petrochemical Industry, 1975-95. Strategic Management Journal, 24, 349-373. Henderson, J. & Cool K. (2003b). Learning to Time Capacity Expansions: An Empirical Analysis of the Worldwide Petrochemical Industry, 1975-95. Strategic Management Journal, 24, 393-413. Hillman, A. J., & Wan, W. P. (2005). The determinants of MNE subsidiaries' political strategies: Evidence of institutional duality. Journal of International Business Studies, 36, 322-340. Hofstede G. (2005). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. USA:.McGraw-Hill. Huang Y. & Sternquist, B. (2007). Retailers’ foreign market entry decisions: An institutional perspective. International Business Review, 16. Kang, Y. & Jiang, F. (2012). FDI location choice of Chinese multinationals in East and Southeast Asia: Traditional economic factors and institutional perspective. Journal of World Business, 47 Knight, G. & Liesch, P. (2016). Internationalization: From Incremental to Born Global. Journal of World Business, 51, 93-102. Lieberman, M. & Montgomery, D. B. (1998). First-mover (Dis)advantages: Retrospective and Link With The Resource-Based View. Strategic Management Journal, 19, 1111-1125. Lien, Y. C. & Filatotchev, I. (2015). Ownership Characteristics as Determinants of FDI Location Decisions in Emerging Economies. Journal of World Business, 50, 637-650. Mas-Ruiz, F., Nıcolau-Gonzalbez, J. L. & Ruız-Moreno, F. (2005). Asymmetrıc Rıvalry Between Strategıc Groups: Response, Speed of Response and Ex Ante vs. Ex Post Competıtıve Interactıon ın the Spanısh Bank Deposıt Market. Strategic Management Journal. 26, 713–745. Mathews, J. A. (2002a). Competitive Advantages of the Latecomer Firm: A Resource-Based Account of Industrial Catch-Up Strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 19, 467-488. Mathews, J A. (2002b). Dragon Multinational: A New Model of Global Growth, USA: Oxford University Press. Mathews, J. A. (2006). Response to Professors Dunning and Narula. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23, 153-155. Meyer, K. E., Estrin, S., Bhaumik, S. K. & Peng, M. W. (2009). Institutions, Resources, And Entry Strategies In Emerging Economies. Strategic Management Journal, 30. Mukundhan, K. V. & Nandakumar, M. K. (2013). An Isomorphism Perspective to FDI-Based Entry-Mode Strategies of Emerging Market Firms —A Conceptual Model. Strategic Change, 22, 259-269. Mulotte, L., Dussauge, P. & Mitchell, W. (2013). Does Pre-entry Licensing Undermine the Performance of Subsequent Independent Activities? Evidence from the Global Aerospace Industry, 1944-2000. Strategic Management Journal, 34, 358-372. Narula, R. (2006). Globalization, New Ecologies, New Zoologies, and the Purpoted Death of the Eclectic Paradigm. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23, 143-151. Ojala, A. (2015). Geographic, Cultural, and Psyhic Distance to Foreign Markets in the Context of Small and New Ventures. International Business Review, 24, 825-835. Pan, Y. & Tse D. K. (2000). The Hierarchical Model of Market Entry Modes. Journal of International Business Studies, 31, 535-554. Peteraf, M. A. (1993). Intra-industry Structure and the Response toward Rivals. Managerial and Decision Economics, 14, 519-528. Powell, K. S. & Rhee, M. (2013). Experience in Different Institutional Environments and Foreign Subsidiary Ownership Structure. Journal of Management, 20. Shaner, J. & Maznevski, M. (2011). The Relationship between Networks, Institutional Development, And Performance In Foreign Investments. Strategic Management Journal, 32. Stevens, C. E. & Makarius, E. E. (2015). Overcoming Information Asymmetry in Foreign Entry Strategy: The Impact of Reputation. Global Strategy Journal, 5, 256-272. Swoboda, B., Elsner, S. & Olejnik, E. (2015). How do Past Mode Choices Influence Subsequent Entry? A Study on the Boundary Conditions of Preferred Entry Modes of Retail Firms, International Business Review, 24, 506-517. Tian, X., Lo, V. I., Song, M. (2015). FDI Technology Spillovers in China: Implications for Developing Countries. The Journal of Developing Areas, 49, 37-48. Ulaş, D., (2009), Internationalization Strategies in Globalization Process, Ankara: Nobel Publication. Wang, Y. K. (M.), Chung, C. C., Lim, D. S.K. (2015). The Drivers of International Corporate Entrepreneurship: CEO Incentive and CEO Monitoring Mechanisms. Journal of World Business, 50, 742-753. Williams, C., Martinez, C., Gastelaars, E., Galesloot, L. & Van De K. D. (2011). Dutch MNE Foreign Expansion into Developed and Developing Economies. Management International, 16, 31-44. Wu, J. & Chen, X. (2014). Home country institutional environments and foreign expansion of emerging market firms. International Business Review, 23. Xia, J., Tan, J. & Tan, D. (2008). Mimetic Entry and Bandwagon Effect: The Rise and Decline of International Equity Joint Venture in China. Strategic Management Journal, 29, 195-217. Yang, M. & Hyland, M. (2012). Similarity in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: Imitation, Uncertainty and Experience among Chinese Firms, 1985-2006. Journal of International Management, 18, 352-365. Zhao, H., Luo, Y. & Suh, T. (2004). Transaction cost determinants and ownership-based entry mode choice: a meta-analytical review. Journal of International Business Studies, 35, 524–544. Zheng, C. (2012). Isomorph Isomorphic Influences and Aspiration: Reference Group Choice in Entry Mode Decisions. Journal of International Business Research, 11, 129-141. Zheng, N. & Qu Y. (2015). What Explains the Performance of Chinese Exporting Firms?. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13, 51-70.
Year 2017, Volume: 8 , 64 - 72, 10.12.2017



  • Abrahamson, E. & Rosenkopf, L. (1993). Institutional and Competitive Bandwagons: Using Mathematical Modeling as a Tool to Explore Innovation Diffusion. The Academy of Management Review, 18, 487-517. Alvarez, I. & Marin, R. (2010). Entry Modes and National Systems of Innovation. Journal of International Management, 16, 340-353. Amighini, A., Sanfilippo, M. & Rabellotti, R. (2007). The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Countries. A Review of the Literature., PRIN 2007 Working Papers,4. Ang, S. H., Benischke, M. H. & Doh, J. P. (2015). The Interactions of Institutions on Foreign Market Entry Mode. Strategic Management Journal, 36, 1536-1553. Anil, I., Tatoglu, E. & Ozkasap, G. (2014). Ownership and Market Entry Mode Choices of Emerging Country Multinationals in a Transition Country: Evidence from Turkish Multinationals in Romania. Journal for East European Management Studies, 19, 413-452. Arslan, A. & Wi, W. (2015). Acquisition Entry Strategy of Nordic Multinational Enterprises in China: An Analysis of Key Determinants. Journal of Global Marketing, 28, 32-51. Belberbos, R., Olfeen, W. V. & Zou, J. (2011). Generic and Specific Social Learning in Foreign Entry Location Choice. Strategic Management Journal, 32, 1309-1330. Beugelsdijk, S., Maseland, R., Onrust, M., Hoorn, A. V & Slangen, A. (2015). Cultural Distance in International Business and Management: From Mean-Based To Variance-Based Measures. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26, 165-191. Boone, C., Wezel, F. C. & Witteloostuijn, A. V. (2013). Joining the Pack or Going Solo? A Dynamic Theory of New Firm Positioning. Journal of Business Venturing, 28, 511-527. Brouthers, K. D. & Brouthers, L. E. (2000). Acquisition Or Greenfield Start-up? Institutional, Cultural And Transaction Cost Influences. Strategic Management Journal, 21. Brouthers, K. D. (2002). Institutional, Cultural and Transaction Cost Influences on Entry Mode Choice and Performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 33. Castaner, X. & Genç, M. (2012). Expanding Into Institutionally Different Countries: Firm Experience and Entry Mode Choice. In T.K. Das (Ed.) Strategic Alliances in a Globalizing World, (pp 1-25). Information Age Publishing: Charlotte. Caves, R. E. & Porter, M. E. (1977). From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 91, 241-262. Cheng, H. L. & Yu, C. M. J. (2008). Institutional pressures and initiation of internationalization: Evidence from Taiwanese small- and medium-sized enterprises. International Business Review, 17. Choi, J. & Yeniyurt, S. (2015). Contingency Distance Factors and International Research and Development (R&D), Marketing, and Manufacturing Alliance Formations. International Business Review, 24, 1061-1071. Chua, R. Y. J., Roth, Y., Lemoine, J. F. (2015). The Impact of Culture on Creativity: How Cultural Tightness and Cultural Distance Affect Global Innovation Crowdsourcing Work. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60, 189–227. Chung, C. C., Xiao, S. S., Lee, J. Y., Kang, J. (2015). The Interplay of Top-down Institutional Pressures and Bottom-up Responses of Transition Economy Firms on FDI Entry Mode Choices. Management International Review, 1-34. Cuervo-Cazurra, A. (2016). Corruption in International Business. Journal of World Business, 35-49. Cuervo-Cazurra A. & Genç, M. (2012). Categories of Distance and International Business. In G. Wood and M. Demirbag (Eds.) Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business, 219-235. Edward Elgar: Northampton. Delerue, H. & Lejeune, A. (2011). Internationalization of Biotechnology Starts-ups: Geographic Location and Mimetic Behaviour.International Small Business Journal, 30, 388-405. Demirbağ, M., McGuiness, M. & Altay, H. (2010). Perceptions of Institutional Environment and Entry Mode. Management International Review, 50. DeVilla, M., Rajwani, T. & Lawton, T. (2015). Market Entry Modes in a Multipolar World: Untangling the Moıderating Effect of the Political Environment. International Business Review, 24, 419-429. DiMaggio, P. J. & Powell, W. W. (1983). The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields. American Sociological Review. 48, 147-160. Dranove, D., Peteraf M. & Shanley M. (1998). Do Strategic Groups Exist? An Economic Framework for Analysis. Strategic Management Journal, 19, 1029-1044. Drogendijk, R., & Martin M., O. (2015). Relevant dimensions and contextual weights of distance in international business decisions: Evidence from Spanish and Chinese outward FDI. International Business Review, 24, 133-147. Dunning, J. H. (1979). Explaining Changing Patterns of International Production: in Defense of the Eclectic Theory. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, November. Dunning, J. H. (2006). Comment on Dragon Multinationals: New Players in 21st Century Globalization. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23, 139-141. Egan, P. J.W. (2013). R&D in the Periphery? Foreign Direct Investment, Innovation, and Institutional Quality in Developing Countries. Business and Politics, 15, 1–32. Feigenbaum, A. & Thomas, H. (1995). Strategic Groups as Reference Groups: Theory, Modeling and Empirical Examination of Industry and Competitive Strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 16, 461-477. Fosfuri, A., Lanzolla, G. & Suarez, F. F. (2013). Entry-Timing Strategies: The Road Ahead. Long Range Planning, 46, 300-311. Francionia, B., Mussoa, F. & Vardiabasis, D. (2013). Key Decisions and Changes in Internationalization Strategies: The Case of Smaller Firms. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 21, 240-259. Gans, J. S. & King, S. P. (2004), "Supermarkets and Shopper Dockets: The Australian Experience", The Australian Economic Review, 37, 311-316. Godinez, J. R. & Lui, L. (2015). Corruption Distance and FDI Flows Into Latin America. International Business Review, 24, 33-42. Goldenberg, J., Libai, B. & Muller, E. (2010). The Chilling Effects of Network Externalities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27, 4-15. Górecka, D. & Szałucka, M. (2013). Country Market Selection in International Expansion Using Multicriteria Decision Aiding Methods. Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 8, 31-54. Griffith, D., Cavusgil, T. & Xu S. (2008). Emerging Themes in International Business Research. Journal of International Business Studies, 39, 1220-1235. Hariharan, S. & Rangan, S. (2011). Entrepreneurial Globalization: Emerging Multinationals from Emerging Economies. European Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance, 209-216. Henderson, J. & Cool K. (2003a). Corporate Governance, Investment Bandwagons and Overcapacity: An Analysis of the Worldwide Petrochemical Industry, 1975-95. Strategic Management Journal, 24, 349-373. Henderson, J. & Cool K. (2003b). Learning to Time Capacity Expansions: An Empirical Analysis of the Worldwide Petrochemical Industry, 1975-95. Strategic Management Journal, 24, 393-413. Hillman, A. J., & Wan, W. P. (2005). The determinants of MNE subsidiaries' political strategies: Evidence of institutional duality. Journal of International Business Studies, 36, 322-340. Hofstede G. (2005). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. USA:.McGraw-Hill. Huang Y. & Sternquist, B. (2007). Retailers’ foreign market entry decisions: An institutional perspective. International Business Review, 16. Kang, Y. & Jiang, F. (2012). FDI location choice of Chinese multinationals in East and Southeast Asia: Traditional economic factors and institutional perspective. Journal of World Business, 47 Knight, G. & Liesch, P. (2016). Internationalization: From Incremental to Born Global. Journal of World Business, 51, 93-102. Lieberman, M. & Montgomery, D. B. (1998). First-mover (Dis)advantages: Retrospective and Link With The Resource-Based View. Strategic Management Journal, 19, 1111-1125. Lien, Y. C. & Filatotchev, I. (2015). Ownership Characteristics as Determinants of FDI Location Decisions in Emerging Economies. Journal of World Business, 50, 637-650. Mas-Ruiz, F., Nıcolau-Gonzalbez, J. L. & Ruız-Moreno, F. (2005). Asymmetrıc Rıvalry Between Strategıc Groups: Response, Speed of Response and Ex Ante vs. Ex Post Competıtıve Interactıon ın the Spanısh Bank Deposıt Market. Strategic Management Journal. 26, 713–745. Mathews, J. A. (2002a). Competitive Advantages of the Latecomer Firm: A Resource-Based Account of Industrial Catch-Up Strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 19, 467-488. Mathews, J A. (2002b). Dragon Multinational: A New Model of Global Growth, USA: Oxford University Press. Mathews, J. A. (2006). Response to Professors Dunning and Narula. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23, 153-155. Meyer, K. E., Estrin, S., Bhaumik, S. K. & Peng, M. W. (2009). Institutions, Resources, And Entry Strategies In Emerging Economies. Strategic Management Journal, 30. Mukundhan, K. V. & Nandakumar, M. K. (2013). An Isomorphism Perspective to FDI-Based Entry-Mode Strategies of Emerging Market Firms —A Conceptual Model. Strategic Change, 22, 259-269. Mulotte, L., Dussauge, P. & Mitchell, W. (2013). Does Pre-entry Licensing Undermine the Performance of Subsequent Independent Activities? Evidence from the Global Aerospace Industry, 1944-2000. Strategic Management Journal, 34, 358-372. Narula, R. (2006). Globalization, New Ecologies, New Zoologies, and the Purpoted Death of the Eclectic Paradigm. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23, 143-151. Ojala, A. (2015). Geographic, Cultural, and Psyhic Distance to Foreign Markets in the Context of Small and New Ventures. International Business Review, 24, 825-835. Pan, Y. & Tse D. K. (2000). The Hierarchical Model of Market Entry Modes. Journal of International Business Studies, 31, 535-554. Peteraf, M. A. (1993). Intra-industry Structure and the Response toward Rivals. Managerial and Decision Economics, 14, 519-528. Powell, K. S. & Rhee, M. (2013). Experience in Different Institutional Environments and Foreign Subsidiary Ownership Structure. Journal of Management, 20. Shaner, J. & Maznevski, M. (2011). The Relationship between Networks, Institutional Development, And Performance In Foreign Investments. Strategic Management Journal, 32. Stevens, C. E. & Makarius, E. E. (2015). Overcoming Information Asymmetry in Foreign Entry Strategy: The Impact of Reputation. Global Strategy Journal, 5, 256-272. Swoboda, B., Elsner, S. & Olejnik, E. (2015). How do Past Mode Choices Influence Subsequent Entry? A Study on the Boundary Conditions of Preferred Entry Modes of Retail Firms, International Business Review, 24, 506-517. Tian, X., Lo, V. I., Song, M. (2015). FDI Technology Spillovers in China: Implications for Developing Countries. The Journal of Developing Areas, 49, 37-48. Ulaş, D., (2009), Internationalization Strategies in Globalization Process, Ankara: Nobel Publication. Wang, Y. K. (M.), Chung, C. C., Lim, D. S.K. (2015). The Drivers of International Corporate Entrepreneurship: CEO Incentive and CEO Monitoring Mechanisms. Journal of World Business, 50, 742-753. Williams, C., Martinez, C., Gastelaars, E., Galesloot, L. & Van De K. D. (2011). Dutch MNE Foreign Expansion into Developed and Developing Economies. Management International, 16, 31-44. Wu, J. & Chen, X. (2014). Home country institutional environments and foreign expansion of emerging market firms. International Business Review, 23. Xia, J., Tan, J. & Tan, D. (2008). Mimetic Entry and Bandwagon Effect: The Rise and Decline of International Equity Joint Venture in China. Strategic Management Journal, 29, 195-217. Yang, M. & Hyland, M. (2012). Similarity in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: Imitation, Uncertainty and Experience among Chinese Firms, 1985-2006. Journal of International Management, 18, 352-365. Zhao, H., Luo, Y. & Suh, T. (2004). Transaction cost determinants and ownership-based entry mode choice: a meta-analytical review. Journal of International Business Studies, 35, 524–544. Zheng, C. (2012). Isomorph Isomorphic Influences and Aspiration: Reference Group Choice in Entry Mode Decisions. Journal of International Business Research, 11, 129-141. Zheng, N. & Qu Y. (2015). What Explains the Performance of Chinese Exporting Firms?. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 13, 51-70.
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Journal Section Articles

Tugba Kaplan This is me

Publication Date December 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 8


APA Kaplan, T. (2017). THE BANDWAGON EFFECT OF LEADERS’ ENTRY STRATEGIES ON FOLLOWERS’ ENTRY STRATEGIES. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 8, 64-72.