Year 2021,
, 71 - 96, 30.06.2021
Sidika Akyüz Aru
Mustafa Kale
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Multilevel Effects of Student Qualifications and In-Classroom Variables on Science Achievement
Year 2021,
, 71 - 96, 30.06.2021
Sidika Akyüz Aru
Mustafa Kale
This research aims to determine the effects of student qualifications and some in-classroom variables related to the school teaching process on the TIMSS science achievement of 4th-grade students in Turkey. It was also aimed to determine the variables that contributed the most to explaining the achievement differences between schools at the student and classroom levels in this study, which was conducted with a causal comparison pattern. The sample of the study consists of 6378 students and classroom teachers of these students. The data of this group was analyzed using the Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM). The effects of absenteeism, not having breakfast, use of technology in school, use of technology outside school and home on science achievement scores were found to be statistically significant as a result of HLM analysis. Teachers’ perceptions of the inadequacy of the school's facilities and resources, giving feedback on homework, discussing homework in the classroom, and explaining the answers given by the students in the classroom have significant effects on science achievement at the classroom level. These results are related to students in improving the academic performance of primary school students and reveal the importance of a number of psychological and physical characteristics that may affect the teaching process positively or negatively.
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- Akyüz-Aru, S., & Kale, M. (2019). Effects of school-related factors and early learning experiences on mathematics achievement: A multilevel analysis to analyze the TIMSS data. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(4), 259-272. doi: 10.11114/jets.v7i4.3949
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