Research Article
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Effects of nitrogen recycling by human urine fertilization on butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant in green wall system on AIT campus

Year 2020, , 129 - 134, 30.09.2020


The use of wastewater (urine) as a fertilizer was shown to potentially reduce the campus wastewater load and contribute to saving in expensive wastewater treatment, while dealing with it as valuable resource. If one assumed that this wastewater fertilizer (arguably, one of the best agriculturally acknowledged fertilizers), was applied at odor appropriate and physiologically sustainable rates (Nitrogen Loading Rate (NLR) of up to 0.73 g N m-2 week-1 equivalent to 104.28 mL urine m-2 week-1 applied for 16 weeks) and considered total available area for potential green walls, it could be stated that the entire urine stream generated daily on campus (varying from 2.2 to 4.5 m3) could be accommodated on campus green walls as a valuable resource with significant benefits. In the studies on monitored plant physiological parameters under various conditions, it was observed that urine fertilizer positively affected to the food production, inflorescences and health of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant as well as could say that it was the most suitable plant for green wall. Further integration of urban wastewater management and agriculture (urban food production) into this scenario can make it even more attractive and economically sustainable.

Supporting Institution

Badakhshan University

Project Number



It's my pleasure to meet this journal and hope to have continuous work with each other. also, thanks for providing this opportunity that scholars and institutions publish their works and research through this journal. If you require any additional information regarding my manuscript. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly via my contacts. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


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  • [3]. H. JOENSSON, A. RICHERT, B. VINNERAS, E. SALOMON,: “Guidelines on the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production,” Stockholm, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), EcoSanRes Publication Series, Report 2004-2, 2004.
  • [4]. M. Johansson, “Urine Separation - Closing the Nutrient Cycle,” (Final Report of the R&D Project), Source-Separated Human Urine - A Future Source of Fertilizer for Agriculture in the Stockholm Region. Stockholm: Stockholm Vatten, Stockholmshem & HSB National Federation, 2000.
  • [5]. H. Jonsson, A R Stinzing, B. Vinnerås, & E. Salomon, “Guidelines for the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production,” EcoSanRes Publications Series, Report 2004- 2, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004.
  • [6]. A. Munoz, M. Rueda, R. Schaldach, & J. Behrendt, “Utilisation of Urine in Agriculture,” United Nations General Assembly President Peter Thomson, 2017.
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  • [13]. A. RICHERT, R. GENSCH, H. JOENSSON, T. A. STENSTROEM, L. DAGERSKOG, “Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production,” (= EcoSanRes Publication Series, Report No. 2010-1). Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2010.
  • [14]. E. TILLEY, L. ULRICH, C. LUETHI, P. REYMOND, C. ZURBRUEGG, “Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies,” 2nd Revised Edition, Duebendorf, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), 2014.
  • [15]. J. Germer, S. Addai, & J. Sauerborn, “Response of grain sorghum to fertilisation with human urine,” Field Crops Research, 122(3), 234-241, 2011.
  • [16]. W. E. Federation, & American Public Health Association, “Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater,” American Public Health Association (APHA): Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
  • [17]. P. K. Behera, “Soil and solid waste analysis,” a laboratory manual. Dominant Publishers and Distributors. New Dlhi, India. ISBN: 81-7888-406-2, 2006.
  • [18]. C. Schonning, R. Leeming, & T. Strenström, “Faecal contamination of source separated human urine based on the content of faecal sterols,” Water Research, 36, 1965- 1972, 2002.
  • [19]. J. A. Wilsenach, MCM. Loosdrecht, “Integration of processes to treat wastewater and source-separated urine,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 132 (3), 331-341, 2006.
  • [20]. S. M. N. Uddin, V. S. Muhandiki, A. Sakai, A. Al Mamun, & S. M. Hridi, “Socio-cultural acceptance of appropriate technology,” Identifying and prioritizing barriers for widespread use of the urine diversion toilets in rural Muslim communities of Bangladesh. Technology in Society, 38, 32-39. 2014.
  • [21]. C. SCHOENNING, T. A. STENSTROEM, “Guidelines on the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems,” (= EcoSanRes Publication Series). Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2004.
  • [22]. M. Sene, N. Hijikata, K. Ushijima, & N. Funamizu, “Effects of extra human urine volume application in plant and soil,” Int Res J Agric Sci Soil Sci, 3(6), 182-191, 2013.
  • [23]. B. Vinneras, H. Jönsson, “The performance and potential of faecal separation and urine separation to recycle plant nutrients in household wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 84, 275-282, 2002.
  • [24]. T. A. Larsen, & W. Gujer, “Separate management of anthropogenic nutrient solutions (human urine),” Water Science and Technology 34.3-4 (1996): 87-94, 1996.
Year 2020, , 129 - 134, 30.09.2020


Project Number



  • [1]. C. Höglund, “Evaluation of microbial health risks associated with the reuse of source separated human urine,” PhD thesis, Department of Biotechnology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 91-7283-039-5, 2001.
  • [2]. WHO, “Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater excreta and greywater,” Volume IV. Excreta and Greywater Use in Agriculture”, 2006.
  • [3]. H. JOENSSON, A. RICHERT, B. VINNERAS, E. SALOMON,: “Guidelines on the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production,” Stockholm, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), EcoSanRes Publication Series, Report 2004-2, 2004.
  • [4]. M. Johansson, “Urine Separation - Closing the Nutrient Cycle,” (Final Report of the R&D Project), Source-Separated Human Urine - A Future Source of Fertilizer for Agriculture in the Stockholm Region. Stockholm: Stockholm Vatten, Stockholmshem & HSB National Federation, 2000.
  • [5]. H. Jonsson, A R Stinzing, B. Vinnerås, & E. Salomon, “Guidelines for the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production,” EcoSanRes Publications Series, Report 2004- 2, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004.
  • [6]. A. Munoz, M. Rueda, R. Schaldach, & J. Behrendt, “Utilisation of Urine in Agriculture,” United Nations General Assembly President Peter Thomson, 2017.
  • [7]. C. Schoenning, & T. Stenstroem, “Guidelines on the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems,” Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2004.
  • [8]. R. Hermanson, W. Pan, C. Perillo, R. Stevens, & C. Stockle, “Nitrogen use by crops and the fate of nitrogen in the soil and vadose zone,” Washington State University and Washington Department of Ecology Interagency Agreement, (C9600177), 2000.
  • [9]. D. M. Jackson, B. J. Matthews, & S. R. Bornslaeger, U.S. Patent No. 4,576,596. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office‏ ,1986.
  • [10]. P. Gioacchini, A. Nastri, C. Marzadori, C. Giovannini, L. V. Antisari, & C. Gessa, “Influence of urease and nitrification inhibitors on N losses from soils fertilized with urea,” Biology and fertility of soils, 36(2), 129-135, 2002.
  • [11]. C. Bonvin, B. Etter, K. M. Udert, E. Frossard, S. Nanzer, F. Tamburini, & A. Oberson, “Plant uptake of phosphorus and nitrogen recycled from synthetic source-separated urine,”Ambio, 44(2), 217-227, 2015.
  • [12]. Y. A. Alemayehu, A. Adane, M. Amberber, G. Dagnew, & S. Fetene, “Effect of human urine application on cabbage production and soil characteristics,” Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2020.
  • [13]. A. RICHERT, R. GENSCH, H. JOENSSON, T. A. STENSTROEM, L. DAGERSKOG, “Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production,” (= EcoSanRes Publication Series, Report No. 2010-1). Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2010.
  • [14]. E. TILLEY, L. ULRICH, C. LUETHI, P. REYMOND, C. ZURBRUEGG, “Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies,” 2nd Revised Edition, Duebendorf, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), 2014.
  • [15]. J. Germer, S. Addai, & J. Sauerborn, “Response of grain sorghum to fertilisation with human urine,” Field Crops Research, 122(3), 234-241, 2011.
  • [16]. W. E. Federation, & American Public Health Association, “Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater,” American Public Health Association (APHA): Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
  • [17]. P. K. Behera, “Soil and solid waste analysis,” a laboratory manual. Dominant Publishers and Distributors. New Dlhi, India. ISBN: 81-7888-406-2, 2006.
  • [18]. C. Schonning, R. Leeming, & T. Strenström, “Faecal contamination of source separated human urine based on the content of faecal sterols,” Water Research, 36, 1965- 1972, 2002.
  • [19]. J. A. Wilsenach, MCM. Loosdrecht, “Integration of processes to treat wastewater and source-separated urine,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 132 (3), 331-341, 2006.
  • [20]. S. M. N. Uddin, V. S. Muhandiki, A. Sakai, A. Al Mamun, & S. M. Hridi, “Socio-cultural acceptance of appropriate technology,” Identifying and prioritizing barriers for widespread use of the urine diversion toilets in rural Muslim communities of Bangladesh. Technology in Society, 38, 32-39. 2014.
  • [21]. C. SCHOENNING, T. A. STENSTROEM, “Guidelines on the Safe Use of Urine and Faeces in Ecological Sanitation Systems,” (= EcoSanRes Publication Series). Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2004.
  • [22]. M. Sene, N. Hijikata, K. Ushijima, & N. Funamizu, “Effects of extra human urine volume application in plant and soil,” Int Res J Agric Sci Soil Sci, 3(6), 182-191, 2013.
  • [23]. B. Vinneras, H. Jönsson, “The performance and potential of faecal separation and urine separation to recycle plant nutrients in household wastewater” Bioresource Technology, 84, 275-282, 2002.
  • [24]. T. A. Larsen, & W. Gujer, “Separate management of anthropogenic nutrient solutions (human urine),” Water Science and Technology 34.3-4 (1996): 87-94, 1996.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmad Shabir Hozad 0000-0002-2113-6930

Project Number 1
Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date June 28, 2020
Acceptance Date September 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Hozad, A. S. (2020). Effects of nitrogen recycling by human urine fertilization on butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant in green wall system on AIT campus. Environmental Research and Technology, 3(3), 129-134.
AMA Hozad AS. Effects of nitrogen recycling by human urine fertilization on butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant in green wall system on AIT campus. ERT. September 2020;3(3):129-134. doi:10.35208/ert.758126
Chicago Hozad, Ahmad Shabir. “Effects of Nitrogen Recycling by Human Urine Fertilization on Butterfly Pea (Clitoria Ternatea) Plant in Green Wall System on AIT Campus”. Environmental Research and Technology 3, no. 3 (September 2020): 129-34.
EndNote Hozad AS (September 1, 2020) Effects of nitrogen recycling by human urine fertilization on butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant in green wall system on AIT campus. Environmental Research and Technology 3 3 129–134.
IEEE A. S. Hozad, “Effects of nitrogen recycling by human urine fertilization on butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant in green wall system on AIT campus”, ERT, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 129–134, 2020, doi: 10.35208/ert.758126.
ISNAD Hozad, Ahmad Shabir. “Effects of Nitrogen Recycling by Human Urine Fertilization on Butterfly Pea (Clitoria Ternatea) Plant in Green Wall System on AIT Campus”. Environmental Research and Technology 3/3 (September 2020), 129-134.
JAMA Hozad AS. Effects of nitrogen recycling by human urine fertilization on butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant in green wall system on AIT campus. ERT. 2020;3:129–134.
MLA Hozad, Ahmad Shabir. “Effects of Nitrogen Recycling by Human Urine Fertilization on Butterfly Pea (Clitoria Ternatea) Plant in Green Wall System on AIT Campus”. Environmental Research and Technology, vol. 3, no. 3, 2020, pp. 129-34, doi:10.35208/ert.758126.
Vancouver Hozad AS. Effects of nitrogen recycling by human urine fertilization on butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) plant in green wall system on AIT campus. ERT. 2020;3(3):129-34.