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Uzun Mesafe Koşucuların Fonksiyonel Hareket Analizi Normlarına Göre Değerlerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 189 - 198, 01.10.2019


Sezon öncesi tarama yapılarak sporcuların aşırı sakatlanma riskini azaltabildiği düşünülen fonksiyonel hareket analizi (FHA) test bataryası, sporcularda potansiyel yaralanma riskini ve cinsiyette farkın olup olmadığı belirlemek için kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; uzun mesafe koşucularında FHA’ya göre normatif değerlerin belirlenmesidir. Yapılan araştırmaya 13 kadın 29 erkek toplam 42 uzun mesafe koşucusu katılmıştır. Bu sporcuların 35’i sakatlanma öyküsüne sahiptir. Sporcular, 19.71±4.08 yıl yaş, 167.48±7.89 cm boy uzunluğu, 56.31±7.20 kg vücut ağırlığı ve 5.62±2.95 yıl spor deneyimi ortalama değerlere sahiptirler. Ölçümler için FHA test bataryası kullanılmıştır. Sporcular bu test kapsamında toplamda 7 hareket yapmıştır. Elde edilen toplam puan kişinin fonksiyonel kapasitesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Her bir hareket 0-3 puan arasında puanlandırılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilme sürecinde öncelikli olarak tanımlayıcı istatistik yapılmıştır. Görsel (olasılık ve histogram grafikleri) ve analitik testler (çarpıklık ve basıklık değerleri) eşliğinde verilerin normal dağılım gösterdiği anlaşıldığından, bu kapsamda cinsiyet, spor deneyimi ve sakatlık öyküsü değişkenlerindeki farklılıkları incelemek amacı ile bağımsız örneklem için bağımsız t testi kullanılmıştır. Sırasıyla kadın ve erkek sporcuların toplam FHA skorları 17.621.39 ve 18.031.24; yeni başlayanlar ve deneyimli sporcuların 17.500.93 ve 18.001.35; sakatlık öyküsü olan ve olmayan sporcuların 18.841.3 ve 18.001.17 olarak bulunmuştur. Sporcuların toplam FHA puan ortalaması ise 17.90 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; ‘dönüş stabilitesi’nde cinsiyete (p<0.05) ve spor deneyimine (p<0.01) göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık görülürken, sakatlık öyküsünde ise tam squat, engel geçişi, doğrusal öne hamle adımı, omuz hareketliliği, aktif düz bacak kaldırma, gövde stabilizasyonu ve dönüş stabilitesinde herhangi bir anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. Fizyoterapistler, spor hekimleri ve atletizm antrenörleri bu çalışmadan, sakatlık geçirmiş veya geçirmemiş, yeni başlayan veya spor deneyimi olan uzun mesafe koşucularının işlevsel kabiliyetini ve benzer gruplar yaralanma riskini değerlendirmek için faydalanabilir.


  • 1. Abrahm, A., Sannasi, R., & Nair, R. (2015). Normative values for the functional movement screentm in adolescent school aged children. International journal of sports physical therapy, 10(1), 29.
  • 2. Agresta, C., Slobodınsky, M., Tucker, C., (2014). Functional Movement Screen – Normative Values İn Healthy Distance Runners. Int J Sports Med, 35(14):1203-1207.
  • 3. Anderson, B. E., Neumann, M. L., & Bliven, K. C. H. (2015). Functional movement screen differences between male and female secondary school athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(4), 1098-1106.
  • 4. Bagherian, S., Ghasempoor, K., Rahnama, N., & Wikstrom, E. A. (2018). The effect of core stability training on functional movement patterns in collegiate athletes. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 1-22.
  • 5. Buist, I., Bredeweg, S. W., Van Mechelen, W., Lemmink, K. A., Pepping, G. J., & Diercks, R. L. (2008). No effect of a graded training program on the number of running-related injuries in novice runners: a randomized controlled trial. The American journal of sports medicine, 36(1), 33-39.
  • 6. Chapman, R. F., Laymon, A. S., & Arnold, T. (2014). Functional movement scores and longitudinal performance outcomes in elite track and field athletes. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 9(2), 203-211.
  • 7. Chorba, R. S., Chorba, D. J., Bouillon, L. E., Overmyer, C. A., & Landis, J. A. (2010). Use of a functional movement screening tool to determine injury risk in female collegiate athletes. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 5(2), 47.
  • 8. Chorley, J. N., Cianca, J. C., Divine, J. G., & Hew, T. D. (2002). Baseline injury risk factors for runners starting a marathon training program. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 12(1), 18-23.
  • 9. Cook, G., Burton, L., & Hoogenboom, B. (2006). Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function–part 1. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 1(2), 62.
  • 10. Cowen, V. S. (2010). Functional fitness improvements after a worksite-based yoga initiative. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 14(1), 50-54.
  • 11. Fields, K. B., Sykes, J. C., Walker, K. M., & Jackson, J. C. (2010). Prevention of running injuries. Current sports medicine reports, 9(3), 176-182.
  • 12. Garrisn, M., Westrick, R., Johnson, M. R., & Benenson, J. (2015). Association between the functional movement screen and injury development in college athletes. International journal of sports physical therapy, 10(1), 21.
  • 13. Goss, D. L., Christopher, G. E., Faulk, R. T., & Moore, J. (2009). Functional training program bridges rehabilitation and return to duty. Journal of special operations medicine: a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals, 9(2), 29-48.
  • 14. Gribbl, P. A., Brigle, J., Pietrosimone, B. G., Pfile, K. R., & Webster, K. A. (2013). Intrarater reliability of the functional movement screen. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(4), 978-981.
  • 15. Grygorowicz, M., Piontek, T., & Dudzinski, W. (2013). Evaluation of functional limitations in female soccer players and their relationship with sports level–a cross sectional study. PloS one, 8(6), e66871.
  • 16. Huxel Bliven, K. C., & Anderson, B. E. (2013). Core Stability Training for Injury Prevention. Sports Health, 5 (6), 514-522.
  • 17. Kiesel, K., Plisky, P. J., & Voight, M. L. (2007). Can serious injury in professional football be predicted by a preseason functional movement screen?. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 2(3), 147.
  • 18. Kuzuhara, K., Shibata, M., Iguchi, J., & Uchida, R. (2018). Functional Movements in Japanese Mini-Basketball Players. Journal of human kinetics, 61(1), 53-62.
  • 19. Lun, V., Meeuwisse, W. H., Stergiou, P., & Stefanyshyn, D. (2004). Relation between running injury and static lower limb alignment in recreational runners. British journal of sports medicine, 38(5), 576-580.
  • 20. Minthorn, L. M., Fayson, S. D., Stobierski, L. M., Welch, C. E., & Anderson, B. E. (2015). The Functional Movement Screen’s ability to detect changes in movement patterns after a training intervention. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 24(3), 322-326.
  • 21. Mokha, M., Sprague, P.A., Gatens, D.R., (2016). Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury İn National Collegiate Athletic Association Division Il Athletes From Asymmetries And Individual-Test Versus Composite Functional Movement Screen Scores. J Athl Train, 51(4):276 282.
  • 22. Niemuth, P. E., Johnson, R. J., Myers, M. J., & Thieman, T. J. (2005). Hip muscle weakness and overuse injuries in recreational runners. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 15(1), 14-21.
  • 23. Perry, F. T., & Koehle, M. S. (2013). Normative data for the functional movement screen in middle-aged adults. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(2), 458-462.
  • 24. Powers, C. M. (2010). The influence of abnormal hip mechanics on knee injury: a biomechanical perspective. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 40(2), 42-51.
  • 25. Renström, A. F. (1993). Mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of running injuries. Instructional course lectures, 42, 225-234.
  • 26. Şahin, M., Doğanay, O., & Bayraktar, B. (2018). Altyapı Futbolcularında Fonksiyonel Hareket Analizinin Atletik Performansla İlişkisi. Internatıonal Refereed Academıc Journal Of Sports, Health And Medıcal Scıences, 1.
  • 27. Van Gent, B. R., Siem, D. D., van Middelkoop, M., van Os, T. A., Bierma-Zeinstra, S. S., & Koes, B. B. (2007). Incidence and determinants of lower extremity running injuries in long distance runners: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine.
  • 28. Wen, D. Y., Puffer, J. C., & Schmalzried, T. P. (1997). Lower extremity alignment and risk of overuse injuries in runners. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 29(10), 1291-1298.
  • 29. Wen, D. Y., Puffer, J. C., & Schmalzried, T. P. (1998). Injuries in runners: a prospective study of alignment. Clinical journal of sport medicine: official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, 8(3), 187-194.
  • 30. Yagi, S., Muneta, T., & Sekiya, I. (2013). Incidence and risk factors for medial tibial stress syndrome and tibial stress fracture in high school runners. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 21(3), 556-563.

Functional Movement ScreenTM – Normative Values in Healthy Distance Runners

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 189 - 198, 01.10.2019


The functional movement screen (FMS) test battery, which is thought to be able to reduce the risk of excessive injury of the athletes by using pre-season health screening, is used to establish normative data, to determine the risk of potential injury in athletes and to determine whether there is a difference in kind of injury in terms of gender. The aim of this study is to determine normative values of long distance runners according to FMS. A total of 42 long distance runners of 13 females and 29 males were participated in the research. 25 of these athletes have a history of injury. The athletes have a mean age of 19.71 ± 4.08 years and mean height of 167.48 ± 7.89 cm, and mean body weight 56.31 ± 7.20 kg; and they have 5.62 ± 2.95 years of exercise history. FMS KIT was used for functional movement analysis. The athletes performed 7 movement in total in scope of this test. The total score obtained was measured as the functional capacity of the athlete. Each move was scored between 0 and 3 points. Descriptive statistics were used primarily in the evaluation process of the data. It is understood that the data shows normal distribution and in this context, independent t-test was used for independent samples in order to examine the differences in variables of gender, age of training and history of injury. Total FMS score were found to be 17.621.39, 18.031.24 for male and female athletes, 17.500.93 18.001.35 for inexperienced and experienced athletes, and 18.841.37 18.001.17 for athletes having history of injury and not having history of injury. The total mean FMS score of the athletes was determined as 17.90. As a result, in case of evaluation of the functional ability of long-distance runners with and without history of injury or those who are inexperienced and experienced, it can be used by physiotherapists, sports physicians and athletics trainers as a reference for injury assessment and for assessing the injury risk of similar groups.


  • 1. Abrahm, A., Sannasi, R., & Nair, R. (2015). Normative values for the functional movement screentm in adolescent school aged children. International journal of sports physical therapy, 10(1), 29.
  • 2. Agresta, C., Slobodınsky, M., Tucker, C., (2014). Functional Movement Screen – Normative Values İn Healthy Distance Runners. Int J Sports Med, 35(14):1203-1207.
  • 3. Anderson, B. E., Neumann, M. L., & Bliven, K. C. H. (2015). Functional movement screen differences between male and female secondary school athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 29(4), 1098-1106.
  • 4. Bagherian, S., Ghasempoor, K., Rahnama, N., & Wikstrom, E. A. (2018). The effect of core stability training on functional movement patterns in collegiate athletes. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 1-22.
  • 5. Buist, I., Bredeweg, S. W., Van Mechelen, W., Lemmink, K. A., Pepping, G. J., & Diercks, R. L. (2008). No effect of a graded training program on the number of running-related injuries in novice runners: a randomized controlled trial. The American journal of sports medicine, 36(1), 33-39.
  • 6. Chapman, R. F., Laymon, A. S., & Arnold, T. (2014). Functional movement scores and longitudinal performance outcomes in elite track and field athletes. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 9(2), 203-211.
  • 7. Chorba, R. S., Chorba, D. J., Bouillon, L. E., Overmyer, C. A., & Landis, J. A. (2010). Use of a functional movement screening tool to determine injury risk in female collegiate athletes. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 5(2), 47.
  • 8. Chorley, J. N., Cianca, J. C., Divine, J. G., & Hew, T. D. (2002). Baseline injury risk factors for runners starting a marathon training program. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 12(1), 18-23.
  • 9. Cook, G., Burton, L., & Hoogenboom, B. (2006). Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function–part 1. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 1(2), 62.
  • 10. Cowen, V. S. (2010). Functional fitness improvements after a worksite-based yoga initiative. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 14(1), 50-54.
  • 11. Fields, K. B., Sykes, J. C., Walker, K. M., & Jackson, J. C. (2010). Prevention of running injuries. Current sports medicine reports, 9(3), 176-182.
  • 12. Garrisn, M., Westrick, R., Johnson, M. R., & Benenson, J. (2015). Association between the functional movement screen and injury development in college athletes. International journal of sports physical therapy, 10(1), 21.
  • 13. Goss, D. L., Christopher, G. E., Faulk, R. T., & Moore, J. (2009). Functional training program bridges rehabilitation and return to duty. Journal of special operations medicine: a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals, 9(2), 29-48.
  • 14. Gribbl, P. A., Brigle, J., Pietrosimone, B. G., Pfile, K. R., & Webster, K. A. (2013). Intrarater reliability of the functional movement screen. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(4), 978-981.
  • 15. Grygorowicz, M., Piontek, T., & Dudzinski, W. (2013). Evaluation of functional limitations in female soccer players and their relationship with sports level–a cross sectional study. PloS one, 8(6), e66871.
  • 16. Huxel Bliven, K. C., & Anderson, B. E. (2013). Core Stability Training for Injury Prevention. Sports Health, 5 (6), 514-522.
  • 17. Kiesel, K., Plisky, P. J., & Voight, M. L. (2007). Can serious injury in professional football be predicted by a preseason functional movement screen?. North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT, 2(3), 147.
  • 18. Kuzuhara, K., Shibata, M., Iguchi, J., & Uchida, R. (2018). Functional Movements in Japanese Mini-Basketball Players. Journal of human kinetics, 61(1), 53-62.
  • 19. Lun, V., Meeuwisse, W. H., Stergiou, P., & Stefanyshyn, D. (2004). Relation between running injury and static lower limb alignment in recreational runners. British journal of sports medicine, 38(5), 576-580.
  • 20. Minthorn, L. M., Fayson, S. D., Stobierski, L. M., Welch, C. E., & Anderson, B. E. (2015). The Functional Movement Screen’s ability to detect changes in movement patterns after a training intervention. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 24(3), 322-326.
  • 21. Mokha, M., Sprague, P.A., Gatens, D.R., (2016). Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury İn National Collegiate Athletic Association Division Il Athletes From Asymmetries And Individual-Test Versus Composite Functional Movement Screen Scores. J Athl Train, 51(4):276 282.
  • 22. Niemuth, P. E., Johnson, R. J., Myers, M. J., & Thieman, T. J. (2005). Hip muscle weakness and overuse injuries in recreational runners. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 15(1), 14-21.
  • 23. Perry, F. T., & Koehle, M. S. (2013). Normative data for the functional movement screen in middle-aged adults. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(2), 458-462.
  • 24. Powers, C. M. (2010). The influence of abnormal hip mechanics on knee injury: a biomechanical perspective. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 40(2), 42-51.
  • 25. Renström, A. F. (1993). Mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of running injuries. Instructional course lectures, 42, 225-234.
  • 26. Şahin, M., Doğanay, O., & Bayraktar, B. (2018). Altyapı Futbolcularında Fonksiyonel Hareket Analizinin Atletik Performansla İlişkisi. Internatıonal Refereed Academıc Journal Of Sports, Health And Medıcal Scıences, 1.
  • 27. Van Gent, B. R., Siem, D. D., van Middelkoop, M., van Os, T. A., Bierma-Zeinstra, S. S., & Koes, B. B. (2007). Incidence and determinants of lower extremity running injuries in long distance runners: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine.
  • 28. Wen, D. Y., Puffer, J. C., & Schmalzried, T. P. (1997). Lower extremity alignment and risk of overuse injuries in runners. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 29(10), 1291-1298.
  • 29. Wen, D. Y., Puffer, J. C., & Schmalzried, T. P. (1998). Injuries in runners: a prospective study of alignment. Clinical journal of sport medicine: official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, 8(3), 187-194.
  • 30. Yagi, S., Muneta, T., & Sekiya, I. (2013). Incidence and risk factors for medial tibial stress syndrome and tibial stress fracture in high school runners. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 21(3), 556-563.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Celal Bulğay 0000-0003-4026-9883

Ali Zorlular This is me

Nihan Kafa

Ebru Çetin

Pelin Aksen Cengizhan

Publication Date October 1, 2019
Submission Date January 4, 2019
Acceptance Date July 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 24 Issue: 4


APA Bulğay, C., Zorlular, A., Kafa, N., Çetin, E., et al. (2019). Uzun Mesafe Koşucuların Fonksiyonel Hareket Analizi Normlarına Göre Değerlerinin Belirlenmesi. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 24(4), 189-198.

Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly.