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The Interaction Between Mental Skills Training and Trait Sports Confidence Level of Athletes

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 151 - 162, 02.01.2021


This study aimed to examine the interaction between mental training abilities in sports and trait sport confidence level of athletes. To this end, study was conducted with relational survey model which is one of the general survey model. The participants were sampled through convenient sampling method after consent obtained prior to data collection. Data was collected with survey method from 321 athletes who actively involved in sports. Participants were required (a) to have sport experience at least 3 years in any kind of sports and (b) to attend at least one competition in their specific sports. Participants completed demographic form, Mental Training Skills in Sport (MTSS) scale and Trait Sport Confidence Inventory (TSCI). MTSS scale was developed by Vealey (2007) and adapted to Turkish by Yarayan and İlhan (2018). It consists 20 factors and 5 subscales. TSCI is a 13 factor scale developed by Vealey and adapted to Turkish version by Engür (2006). The internal consistency of the MTSS and TSCI for this study was found respectively 0,91 and 0,93 (Cronbach α). The statistical analyses of the study included descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analyses. Experience level in related sport was found for male 11,63±6,88 years and for female 10,54±5,31 years. Pearson correlation analyses revealed that basic mental skills subscale of MTSS had positive strong correlations with TSCI. Regression analyses showed that MTSS have significant effect on the confidence level of the athletes. Consequently, it could be argued that mental skills training in sport seems to have important effect on sport confidence level of the athletes.


  • 1. Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • 2. Behnke, M., Tomczak, M., Kaczmarek, L. D., Komar, M. ve Gracz, J. (2017). The sport mental training questionnaire: development and validation. Current Psychology, 38(2), 1-13.
  • 3. Engür, M., Tok, S. ve Tatar, A. (2006). Durumluk ve sürekli sportif güven envanterinin Türkçeye uyarlanması. Performans, 11(3).
  • 4. Feltz, D. L. (2007). Self-confidence and sports performance. D. Smith and M. Bar-Eli (Eds.), Essential readings in sport and exercise psychology (s. 278–294). Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • 5. Fransen, K., Mertens, N., Feltz, D. ve Boen, F. (2017). “Yes, we can!” review on team confidence in sports. Current Opinion in Psychology, 16, 98-103.
  • 6. Fulgham, A. (1999). Implementing a psychological skills training program in high school volleyball athletes. National Undergraduate Research Clearing House, 2.
  • 7. Gülşen, D. B. A., Yıldız, A. B., Bayköse, N. ve Eryücel, M. E. (2018). Bireysel ve takım sporu yapan spor bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin kendinle konuşma düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Akdeniz Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 58-66.
  • 8. Gould, D. ve Maynard, I. (2009). Psychological preparation for the Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27(13), 1393-1408.
  • 9. Hall, C. R., Rodgers, W. M. ve Barr, K. A. (1990). The use of imagery by athletes in selected sports. The Sport Psychologist, 4(1), 1-10.
  • 10. Hardy, L., Jones, J. G. ve Gould, D. (1996). Understanding psychological preparation for sport: Theory and practice of elite performers. UK: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • 11. Hays, K., Maynard, I., Thomas, O. ve Bawden, M. (2007). Sources and types of confidence identified by world class sport performers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19(4), 434-456.
  • 12. Heydari, A., Soltani, H. ve Mohammadi-Nezhad, M. (2018). The effect of psychological skills training (goal setting, positive selftalk and Imagery) on self-confidence of adolescent volleyball players. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 22(4), 189-194.
  • 13. Hinkle, D. E., Wiersma, W. ve Jurs, S. G. (2003). Applied statistics for the behavioral sciences (Vol. 663). Houghton Mifflin College Division.
  • 14. Hwang, S., Machida, M. ve Choi, Y. (2017). The effect of peer interaction on sport confidence and achievement goal orientation in youth sport. Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, 45(6), 1007-1018.
  • 15. Jeannord, M. (2001). Neural simulation of action: a unifying mechanism for motor cognition. Neuroimage, 14, 103-109.
  • 16. Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., Hassandra, M. ve Dermitzaki, I. (2012). Self-regulated learning in physical education: Examining the effects of emulative and self-control practice. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(4), 383-389.
  • 17. Marshall, E. A., & Gibson, A. M. (2017). The effect of an imagery training intervention on self-confidence, anxiety and performance in acrobatic gymnastics–a pilot study. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity, 12(1), 1-45.
  • 18. Miçooğullari, B. O. ve Kirazci, S. (2016). Effects of 6 weeks psychological skill training on team cohesion, self-confidence anxiety: A case of youth basketball players. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(12), 2761-2768.
  • 19. Sachs, M. L. (1991). Reading list in applied sport psychology: Psychological skills training. The Sport Psychologist, 5(1), 88-91.
  • 20. Tabachnick, B. G. ve Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston: Pearson.
  • 21. Taylor, J. E. ve Wilson, G. E. (2005). Applying sport psychology: Four perspectives, Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • 22. Thomas, O., Lane, A. ve Kingston, K. (2011). Defining and contextualizing robust sport-confidence. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23(2), 189-208.
  • 23. Thomas, O., Thrower, S. N., Lane, A. ve Thomas, J. (2019). Types, sources, and debilitating factors of sport confidence in elite early adolescent academy soccer players. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1-26.
  • 24. Vealey, R. S. (1986). Conceptualization of sport-confidence and competitive orientation: Preliminary investigation and instrument development. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8(3), 221-246.
  • 25. Vealey, R. S. (2007). Mental skills training in sport (3th Edition). In G. Tenenbaum ve R. C. Eklund (Eds.). Handbook of sport psychology. NJ: Wiley.
  • 26. Vealey, R. S., Garner-Holman, M., Hayashi, S. W. ve Giacobbi, P. (1998). Sources of sport-confidence: Conceptualization and instrument development. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20(1), 54-80.
  • 27. Weinberg, R. S. ve Gould, D. S. (2014). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • 28. Wilson, R. C., Sullivan, P. J., Myers, N. D. ve Feltz, D. L. (2004). Sources of sport confidence of master athletes. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 26(3), 369-384.
  • 29. Yarayan, Y. E. ve İlhan, E. L. (2018). Sporda zihinsel antrenman envanteri’nin (SZAE) uyarlama çalışması. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(4), 205-218.

Sporcuların Zihinsel Antrenman Becerileri ile Sürekli Sportif Öz Güven Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1, 151 - 162, 02.01.2021


Bu araştırmanın amacı sporcuların zihinsel antrenman becerileri ile sürekli sportif öz güven düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Bu amaçla araştırma için genel tarama modelinden ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Katılımcılar ulaşılabilir örneklem yöntemiyle seçilerek onayları alındıktan sonra araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında toplamda 321 sporcudan veri toplanmıştır. Araştırmaya dâhil olma kriteri olarak 3 yıldır herhangi bir spor branşı ile ilgilenmek ve branşındaki en az 1 müsabakaya katılmış olmaları şart koşulmuştur. Eleme kriteri uygulandıktan sonra 298 veri analizlere dahil edilmiştir. Anketin birinci bölümünde demografik bilgiler toplanırken ikinci bölümünde ise Sporda Zihinsel Antrenman Envanteri (SZAE) ve Sürekli Sportif Kendine Güven Ölçeği (SSKÖ) kullanılmıştır. SZAE toplamda 20 madde ve 5 alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Ölçeğin bu araştırma için genel iç tutarlılık katsayısı 0,91 bulunmuştur. SSKGÖ Vealey (1986) tarafından geliştirilen 13 maddeden oluşan ölçek Engür (2006) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanmıştır. Ölçeğin uyarlama çalışmasındaki genel iç tutarlılık katsayısı 0.89 bulunurken bu araştırma için 0,93 bulunmuştur. Katılımcıların ilgili spor branşındaki deneyim yılı erkekler için 11,63±6,88 yıl iken; kadınlar için ise 10,54±5,31 yıl olarak bulunmuştur. Verilerin analizinde pearson korelasyon analizi ve regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Pearson korelasyon analizi sonucunda ZTB ile toplam öz güven puanı arasında pozitif yönde kuvvetli ilişki bulunmuştur. Regresyon analizi sonucunda sporda zihinsel antrenman becerileri öz güven düzeyi değişkenini önemli bir oranda açıkladığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucu sporcuların zihinsel antrenman beceri düzeylerinin sportif öz güven düzeyini etkileyebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • 1. Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • 2. Behnke, M., Tomczak, M., Kaczmarek, L. D., Komar, M. ve Gracz, J. (2017). The sport mental training questionnaire: development and validation. Current Psychology, 38(2), 1-13.
  • 3. Engür, M., Tok, S. ve Tatar, A. (2006). Durumluk ve sürekli sportif güven envanterinin Türkçeye uyarlanması. Performans, 11(3).
  • 4. Feltz, D. L. (2007). Self-confidence and sports performance. D. Smith and M. Bar-Eli (Eds.), Essential readings in sport and exercise psychology (s. 278–294). Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • 5. Fransen, K., Mertens, N., Feltz, D. ve Boen, F. (2017). “Yes, we can!” review on team confidence in sports. Current Opinion in Psychology, 16, 98-103.
  • 6. Fulgham, A. (1999). Implementing a psychological skills training program in high school volleyball athletes. National Undergraduate Research Clearing House, 2.
  • 7. Gülşen, D. B. A., Yıldız, A. B., Bayköse, N. ve Eryücel, M. E. (2018). Bireysel ve takım sporu yapan spor bilimleri fakültesi öğrencilerinin kendinle konuşma düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Akdeniz Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 58-66.
  • 8. Gould, D. ve Maynard, I. (2009). Psychological preparation for the Olympic Games. Journal of Sports Sciences, 27(13), 1393-1408.
  • 9. Hall, C. R., Rodgers, W. M. ve Barr, K. A. (1990). The use of imagery by athletes in selected sports. The Sport Psychologist, 4(1), 1-10.
  • 10. Hardy, L., Jones, J. G. ve Gould, D. (1996). Understanding psychological preparation for sport: Theory and practice of elite performers. UK: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • 11. Hays, K., Maynard, I., Thomas, O. ve Bawden, M. (2007). Sources and types of confidence identified by world class sport performers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19(4), 434-456.
  • 12. Heydari, A., Soltani, H. ve Mohammadi-Nezhad, M. (2018). The effect of psychological skills training (goal setting, positive selftalk and Imagery) on self-confidence of adolescent volleyball players. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 22(4), 189-194.
  • 13. Hinkle, D. E., Wiersma, W. ve Jurs, S. G. (2003). Applied statistics for the behavioral sciences (Vol. 663). Houghton Mifflin College Division.
  • 14. Hwang, S., Machida, M. ve Choi, Y. (2017). The effect of peer interaction on sport confidence and achievement goal orientation in youth sport. Social Behavior and Personality: an International Journal, 45(6), 1007-1018.
  • 15. Jeannord, M. (2001). Neural simulation of action: a unifying mechanism for motor cognition. Neuroimage, 14, 103-109.
  • 16. Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., Hassandra, M. ve Dermitzaki, I. (2012). Self-regulated learning in physical education: Examining the effects of emulative and self-control practice. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(4), 383-389.
  • 17. Marshall, E. A., & Gibson, A. M. (2017). The effect of an imagery training intervention on self-confidence, anxiety and performance in acrobatic gymnastics–a pilot study. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity, 12(1), 1-45.
  • 18. Miçooğullari, B. O. ve Kirazci, S. (2016). Effects of 6 weeks psychological skill training on team cohesion, self-confidence anxiety: A case of youth basketball players. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(12), 2761-2768.
  • 19. Sachs, M. L. (1991). Reading list in applied sport psychology: Psychological skills training. The Sport Psychologist, 5(1), 88-91.
  • 20. Tabachnick, B. G. ve Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.), Boston: Pearson.
  • 21. Taylor, J. E. ve Wilson, G. E. (2005). Applying sport psychology: Four perspectives, Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • 22. Thomas, O., Lane, A. ve Kingston, K. (2011). Defining and contextualizing robust sport-confidence. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23(2), 189-208.
  • 23. Thomas, O., Thrower, S. N., Lane, A. ve Thomas, J. (2019). Types, sources, and debilitating factors of sport confidence in elite early adolescent academy soccer players. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1-26.
  • 24. Vealey, R. S. (1986). Conceptualization of sport-confidence and competitive orientation: Preliminary investigation and instrument development. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8(3), 221-246.
  • 25. Vealey, R. S. (2007). Mental skills training in sport (3th Edition). In G. Tenenbaum ve R. C. Eklund (Eds.). Handbook of sport psychology. NJ: Wiley.
  • 26. Vealey, R. S., Garner-Holman, M., Hayashi, S. W. ve Giacobbi, P. (1998). Sources of sport-confidence: Conceptualization and instrument development. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20(1), 54-80.
  • 27. Weinberg, R. S. ve Gould, D. S. (2014). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • 28. Wilson, R. C., Sullivan, P. J., Myers, N. D. ve Feltz, D. L. (2004). Sources of sport confidence of master athletes. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 26(3), 369-384.
  • 29. Yarayan, Y. E. ve İlhan, E. L. (2018). Sporda zihinsel antrenman envanteri’nin (SZAE) uyarlama çalışması. Gazi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(4), 205-218.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammet Cihat Cıftcı 0000-0002-6892-8564

Ersan Tolukan 0000-0002-7769-9580

Baki Yılmaz 0000-0003-1415-0926

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ocak 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Ağustos 2020
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Cıftcı, M. C., Tolukan, E., & Yılmaz, B. (2021). Sporcuların Zihinsel Antrenman Becerileri ile Sürekli Sportif Öz Güven Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 26(1), 151-162.

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