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Rehabilitasyon Sporunun Yaşlı Yetişkinlerin Performans Düzeylerine Etkilerinin Senior Fitness Test ile Belirlenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 247 - 264, 06.04.2021


Bu çalışmada rehabilitasyon sporları programının yaşlı yetişkinlerin fiziksel performans düzeyi ve fonksiyonel becerileri üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmaya yaşları 60 ile 89 arasında olan, deney grubunda 183 (99 kadın, 84 erkek) ve kontrol grubunda 171 (94 kadın, 77 erkek) olmak üzere toplam 354 kişi katılmıştır. Çalışmada 50 hafta süreyle, haftada bir gün 45 dakikalık rehabilitasyon sporu programı uygulanmış olup, kas kuvveti, aerobik dayanıklılık, dinamik denge ve beceri ölçümleri yapan ve altı farklı test parametresinden oluşan Senior Fitness Test kullanılmıştır. Fiziksel performans gelişimlerini değerlendirmek ve karşılaştırmak için ön test ve son test uygulanmıştır. Verilerin çarpıklık – basıklık değerleri ile normallik analizine bakılmış, veriler normal dağılım gösterdiği için gruplar arasındaki farkı belirlemede bağımsız örneklem t-testi, grup içi ön test ve son test arasındaki farkı belirlemek için bağımlı örneklem t-testi kullanılmıştır. Yaş gruplarının standart norm değerlerine uygunluğunun belirlenmesinde tek yönlü varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Karşılaştırmalar için istatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p<0,05 olarak alınmıştır. Çalışmada uygulanan 50 haftalık rehabilitasyon sporu programının yaşlı yetişkinlerin bacak kuvveti, kol kuvveti, esneklik, dayanaklılık ve becerilerine olumlu katkı sağladığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Deney ve kontrol gruplarında ilerleyen yaş ile beraber performans düşüşü gözlenmiştir. Aynı zamanda erkeklerin kadınlara oranla daha kuvvetli, dayanıklı ve hızlı, kadınların ise erkeklere oranla daha esnek oldukları belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar yaşlı yetişkinlerin fiziksel performans değerlendirmeleri için önemli ipuçları vererek, ilerleyen yaşın fiziksel performans üzerine olumsuz etki yaptığını göstermektedir. Bu nedenle fiziksel aktivitenin yaşlılıkta günlük yaşama entegre edilmesi, fiziksel performansın norm değerlerine ulaşmasını olumlu yönde etkileyeceği düşünülmektedir.

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  • 1. Aksay, E. ve Göngörür, Ö. (2019a, Kasım). Rehabilitasyon Sporları kavramı ve uygulama alanları Almanya örneği. 17. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresine sunulan bildiri, Spor Bilimleri Derneği, Antalya.
  • 2. Aksay, E. ve Göngörür, Ö. (2019b, Kasım). Rehabilitasyon sporlarının yaşlı bireylerin performans düzeylerine etkileri. 17. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresine sunulan bildiri, Spor Bilimleri Derneği, Antalya.
  • 3. Aksay, E. (2013a). Rehabilitasyon ve engelliler sporunun hedefleri. Biz Bir Aileyiz. Empati, 2(6), 24-29.
  • 4. Aksay, E. (2013b). Do simple warning signs enhance the use of stairs? Health Education Journal. 73(6), 683–692. doi:10.1177/0017896913511810
  • 5. Baltes, P. (1990). Entwicklungspsychologie der lebensspanne: Theoretische leitsätze. Psychologische Rundschau, 41, 1-24.
  • 6. Baumgartner, T. A., Jackson, A. S., Mahar, M. T. ve Rowe, D. A. (2007). Measurement for evaluation in physical education and exercise science (8th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • 7. Brach, M. ve Schott, N. (2003). Motorisches Lernen im Alter. H. Mechling., J. Munzert (Ed.), Handbuch Bewegungswissenschaft-Bewegungslehrer (s. 461-474). Schorndorf: Hofmann Verlag.
  • 8. Brubaker, T. H. ve Powers, E. A. (1976). The stereotype of “old“: A review and alternative approach. Journal of Gerontology, 31(4), 441-447.
  • 9. Brussig, M. (2015). Demografischer wandel, alterung und arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitung für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 67, 295-324.
  • 10. Bundes Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e.V. (2011). Rahmenvereinbarung über den Rehabilitationssport und das Funktionstraining. Frankfurt/Main: BAR
  • 11. Chmelo, E., Crotts, C., Newman, J., Brinkley, T., Lyles, M., Leng, X., Marsh, A. ve Nicklas, B. (2015). Heterogeneity of physical function responses to exercise training in older adults. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 63, 462-469. 12. Chodzko-Zajko, W. J., Proctor, D. N., Fiatarone-Singh, M. A., Minson, C. T., Nigg, C. R., Salem, G. J. ve Skinner, J. S. (2009). Exercise and physical activity for older adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(7), 1510-1530. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181a0c95c
  • 13. Devi, G. (2018). Alzheimer’s disease in physicians—assessing professional competence and tempering stigma. N Engl J Med, 378(12), 1073-1075.
  • 14. Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund e.V. (2016). Der Alltags-Fitness-Test-Deutsches Übungsleitermanual. Frankfurt am Main: DOSB.
  • 15. Dunn, A., Marsden, D. L., Van Vliet, P., Spratt, N. J. ve Callister, R. (2017). Independently ambulant, community-dwelling stroke survivors have reduced cardiorespiratory fitness, mobility and knee strength compared to an age- and gender-matched cohort. Topics Stroke Rehabilitation, 24(3), 163–69. doi:10.1080/10749357.2016.1236482
  • 16. Eichberg, S. ve Mechling, H. (2009). Motorische Entwicklung im höheren Erwachsenenalter. J. Baur, K. Bös, A. Conzelmann, R. Singer, (Ed.), Handbuch motorische Entwicklung (s. 333–348). Schorndorf: Hofmann Verlag
  • 17. Freund, A. M. ve Smith, J. (1997). Self-definition in old age. Zeitung für Sozialpsychologie, 28, 44–59.
  • 18. Fröhlich, M. (2014). Krafttraining. Kempf H. D. (Ed.), Funktionelles Training mit Hand- und Kleingeräten (s. 3-12). Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.
  • 19. George, D. ve Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows step by step: A Simple guide and reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.) Boston: Pearson.
  • 20. Jones, C. J. ve Rikli, R. E. (2002a). Senior fitness test manual. The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 10(1), 110.
  • 21. Jones, C. J. ve Rikli, R. E. (2002b). Measuring functional fitness of older adults. The Journal on Active Aging, 1(2), 24-30.
  • 22. Kolasse, L. T., Glöckner, F., Leirer, V. ve Diener, C. (2010). Neuronale plastizität bei gesundem und pathologischem altern. N. Schott ve J. Munzert (Ed.), Motorische Entwicklung (s. 41-65), Göttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag.
  • 23. Köther, I. ve Gnamm, E. (Ed.). (2000). Altenpflege in ausbildung und praxis. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
  • 24. Langhammer, B. ve Stanghelle, J. K. (2018). Senior fitness test; a useful tool to measure physical fitness in persons with acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 33(2), 183-188.
  • 25. Langhammer, B. ve Stanghelle, J. K. (2011). Functional fitness in elderly Norwegians measured with the senior fitness test advances in physiotherapy. Advances in Physiotherapy, 13(4), 137-144. doi:10.3109/14038196.2011.616913
  • 26. Mahar, M. R. ve Rowe, D. A. (2008). Practical guidelines for valid and reliable youth fitness testing. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 12(3), 126-145. doi:10.1080/1091367080 2216106
  • 27. Mason, R. C., Horvat, M. ve Nocera, J. (2016). The effects of exercise on the physical fitness of high and moderate-low functioning older adult women. Journal of Aging Research, 2016 (ID:8309284), 1-7. doi:10.1155/2016/8309284
  • 28. Morrow, J. R., Jackson, A. W., Disch, J. G. ve Mood, D. P. (2011). Measurement and evaluation in human performance (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • 29. Newton, R. A., Cromwell, R. L. ve Rogers, H. L. (2009). The relationship between physical performance and obesity ın elderly african-american women. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 27(6), 423-440.
  • 30. Pandey, A., Patel, M. R., Willis, B., Gao, A., Leonard, D., Das, S. R., Defina, L. ve Berry, J. D. (2016). Association between midlife cardiorespiratory fitness and risk of stroke: the cooper center longitudinal study. Stroke, 47(7), 1720-26. doi:10.1161/ STROKEAHA.115.011532.
  • 31. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (2013a). Senior fitness test manual (2. Aufl.). Champain, USA: Human Kinetics.
  • 32. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (2013b). Development and validation of criterion-referenced clinically relevant fitness standards for maintaining physical independence in later years. Gerontologist, 53(2), 255-267.
  • 33. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (2001). Senior fitness test manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • 34. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (1999a). Development and validation of a functional fitness test for community-residing older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 127-159.
  • 35. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (1999b). Functional fitness normative scores for community-residing adults, ages 60-94. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 160-179.
  • 36. Roaldsen, K., Halvarsson, A., Sahlstrom, T. ve Stahle, A. (2014). Task-specific balance training improves self-assessed function in community-dwelling older adults with balance deficits and fear of falling: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 28(12), 1189-1197.
  • 37. Schachtschabel, D. O. (2005). Zur definition des alterns: humanbiologische aspekte. V. Schumpelick ve B. Vogel (Ed.) Alter als Last und Chance. Beiträge des Symposiums vom 30. September bis 03. Oktober 2004 in Cadenabbia (s. 52-66). Freiburg: Herder.
  • 38. Schumpelick, V. ve Vogel, B. (Ed.). (2014). Demografischer Wandel und Gesundheit Lösungsansätze und Perspektiven. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
  • 39. Taks, E., van Uffelen, J., Paw, M., van Mechelen, W. ve Hopman-Rock, M. (2012). Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 20, 32-46.
  • 40. WHO (Weltgesundheitsorganisation) (2015). Age-friendly Practices. (2015, 22 July). Erişim adresi: healthinfo/survey/ageingdefnolder/en/
  • 41. Wessel, K. ve Hummel, A. (2019). Bewegung und sport als alternsstabilisierende aktivitäten. Zeitung für Gerontologi Geriatrie, 52, 290-291.
  • 42. Witte, K. (2018). Motorik im alter. Ausgewählte themen der sportmotorik für das weiterführende studium (Band 2). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.
  • 43. Wydra, G., Bös, K. ve Karisch, G. (1991). Zur effektivität verschiedener dehntechniken. Deutsche Zeitung für Sportmedizin, 42, 386-400.

Determining the Effects of Rehabilitation Sports on Performance Levels of Elderly Individuals by Using Senior Fitness Test

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 247 - 264, 06.04.2021


The present study aims to determine the effects of rehabilitation sports on the physical performance levels and functional skills of elderly individuals. This study involved 354 individuals aged between 60 and 89 years, 183 (99 females and 84 males) in experiment group and 171 (94 females and 77 males) in control group. During the study, 45-min. rehabilitation sports program was performed once every week for 50 weeks and Senior Fitness Test comprised of 6 different test parameters and measuring muscle power, dynamic balance, endurance, and skills was conducted. Pretest and posttest were applied in order to evaluate and compare the physical performance improvements. The normality analysis was performed using skewness and kurtosis coefficients of data. Since the data showed normal distribution, the difference between groups was determined using independent sample t-test, whereas dependent sample t-test was used for determining the intragroup difference between pretest and posttest. One-way variance analysis was used for determining the age groups’ compliance with standard norm values. Comparisons were performed setting the statistical significance at p<0.05. At the end of the present study, it was determined that 50-week Rehabilitation Sports Program was found to have positive effect on leg force, arm force, flexibility, endurance, and skills of elderly individuals. In experiment and control groups, performance decrease was observed with advancing age. Moreover, it was also found that men were stronger, faster, and more enduring than women. The results obtained here provided significant tips for the physical performance evaluations of elderly people and indicate that advancing age has negative effects on the physical performance. For this reason, integration of physical activity into daily life in elderliness would positively contribute to achieving norm values in physical performance.


  • 1. Aksay, E. ve Göngörür, Ö. (2019a, Kasım). Rehabilitasyon Sporları kavramı ve uygulama alanları Almanya örneği. 17. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresine sunulan bildiri, Spor Bilimleri Derneği, Antalya.
  • 2. Aksay, E. ve Göngörür, Ö. (2019b, Kasım). Rehabilitasyon sporlarının yaşlı bireylerin performans düzeylerine etkileri. 17. Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresine sunulan bildiri, Spor Bilimleri Derneği, Antalya.
  • 3. Aksay, E. (2013a). Rehabilitasyon ve engelliler sporunun hedefleri. Biz Bir Aileyiz. Empati, 2(6), 24-29.
  • 4. Aksay, E. (2013b). Do simple warning signs enhance the use of stairs? Health Education Journal. 73(6), 683–692. doi:10.1177/0017896913511810
  • 5. Baltes, P. (1990). Entwicklungspsychologie der lebensspanne: Theoretische leitsätze. Psychologische Rundschau, 41, 1-24.
  • 6. Baumgartner, T. A., Jackson, A. S., Mahar, M. T. ve Rowe, D. A. (2007). Measurement for evaluation in physical education and exercise science (8th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
  • 7. Brach, M. ve Schott, N. (2003). Motorisches Lernen im Alter. H. Mechling., J. Munzert (Ed.), Handbuch Bewegungswissenschaft-Bewegungslehrer (s. 461-474). Schorndorf: Hofmann Verlag.
  • 8. Brubaker, T. H. ve Powers, E. A. (1976). The stereotype of “old“: A review and alternative approach. Journal of Gerontology, 31(4), 441-447.
  • 9. Brussig, M. (2015). Demografischer wandel, alterung und arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland. Kölner Zeitung für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 67, 295-324.
  • 10. Bundes Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation e.V. (2011). Rahmenvereinbarung über den Rehabilitationssport und das Funktionstraining. Frankfurt/Main: BAR
  • 11. Chmelo, E., Crotts, C., Newman, J., Brinkley, T., Lyles, M., Leng, X., Marsh, A. ve Nicklas, B. (2015). Heterogeneity of physical function responses to exercise training in older adults. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 63, 462-469. 12. Chodzko-Zajko, W. J., Proctor, D. N., Fiatarone-Singh, M. A., Minson, C. T., Nigg, C. R., Salem, G. J. ve Skinner, J. S. (2009). Exercise and physical activity for older adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(7), 1510-1530. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181a0c95c
  • 13. Devi, G. (2018). Alzheimer’s disease in physicians—assessing professional competence and tempering stigma. N Engl J Med, 378(12), 1073-1075.
  • 14. Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund e.V. (2016). Der Alltags-Fitness-Test-Deutsches Übungsleitermanual. Frankfurt am Main: DOSB.
  • 15. Dunn, A., Marsden, D. L., Van Vliet, P., Spratt, N. J. ve Callister, R. (2017). Independently ambulant, community-dwelling stroke survivors have reduced cardiorespiratory fitness, mobility and knee strength compared to an age- and gender-matched cohort. Topics Stroke Rehabilitation, 24(3), 163–69. doi:10.1080/10749357.2016.1236482
  • 16. Eichberg, S. ve Mechling, H. (2009). Motorische Entwicklung im höheren Erwachsenenalter. J. Baur, K. Bös, A. Conzelmann, R. Singer, (Ed.), Handbuch motorische Entwicklung (s. 333–348). Schorndorf: Hofmann Verlag
  • 17. Freund, A. M. ve Smith, J. (1997). Self-definition in old age. Zeitung für Sozialpsychologie, 28, 44–59.
  • 18. Fröhlich, M. (2014). Krafttraining. Kempf H. D. (Ed.), Funktionelles Training mit Hand- und Kleingeräten (s. 3-12). Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.
  • 19. George, D. ve Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows step by step: A Simple guide and reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.) Boston: Pearson.
  • 20. Jones, C. J. ve Rikli, R. E. (2002a). Senior fitness test manual. The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 10(1), 110.
  • 21. Jones, C. J. ve Rikli, R. E. (2002b). Measuring functional fitness of older adults. The Journal on Active Aging, 1(2), 24-30.
  • 22. Kolasse, L. T., Glöckner, F., Leirer, V. ve Diener, C. (2010). Neuronale plastizität bei gesundem und pathologischem altern. N. Schott ve J. Munzert (Ed.), Motorische Entwicklung (s. 41-65), Göttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag.
  • 23. Köther, I. ve Gnamm, E. (Ed.). (2000). Altenpflege in ausbildung und praxis. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag.
  • 24. Langhammer, B. ve Stanghelle, J. K. (2018). Senior fitness test; a useful tool to measure physical fitness in persons with acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 33(2), 183-188.
  • 25. Langhammer, B. ve Stanghelle, J. K. (2011). Functional fitness in elderly Norwegians measured with the senior fitness test advances in physiotherapy. Advances in Physiotherapy, 13(4), 137-144. doi:10.3109/14038196.2011.616913
  • 26. Mahar, M. R. ve Rowe, D. A. (2008). Practical guidelines for valid and reliable youth fitness testing. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 12(3), 126-145. doi:10.1080/1091367080 2216106
  • 27. Mason, R. C., Horvat, M. ve Nocera, J. (2016). The effects of exercise on the physical fitness of high and moderate-low functioning older adult women. Journal of Aging Research, 2016 (ID:8309284), 1-7. doi:10.1155/2016/8309284
  • 28. Morrow, J. R., Jackson, A. W., Disch, J. G. ve Mood, D. P. (2011). Measurement and evaluation in human performance (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • 29. Newton, R. A., Cromwell, R. L. ve Rogers, H. L. (2009). The relationship between physical performance and obesity ın elderly african-american women. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 27(6), 423-440.
  • 30. Pandey, A., Patel, M. R., Willis, B., Gao, A., Leonard, D., Das, S. R., Defina, L. ve Berry, J. D. (2016). Association between midlife cardiorespiratory fitness and risk of stroke: the cooper center longitudinal study. Stroke, 47(7), 1720-26. doi:10.1161/ STROKEAHA.115.011532.
  • 31. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (2013a). Senior fitness test manual (2. Aufl.). Champain, USA: Human Kinetics.
  • 32. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (2013b). Development and validation of criterion-referenced clinically relevant fitness standards for maintaining physical independence in later years. Gerontologist, 53(2), 255-267.
  • 33. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (2001). Senior fitness test manual. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • 34. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (1999a). Development and validation of a functional fitness test for community-residing older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 127-159.
  • 35. Rikli, R. E. ve Jones, C. J. (1999b). Functional fitness normative scores for community-residing adults, ages 60-94. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 160-179.
  • 36. Roaldsen, K., Halvarsson, A., Sahlstrom, T. ve Stahle, A. (2014). Task-specific balance training improves self-assessed function in community-dwelling older adults with balance deficits and fear of falling: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 28(12), 1189-1197.
  • 37. Schachtschabel, D. O. (2005). Zur definition des alterns: humanbiologische aspekte. V. Schumpelick ve B. Vogel (Ed.) Alter als Last und Chance. Beiträge des Symposiums vom 30. September bis 03. Oktober 2004 in Cadenabbia (s. 52-66). Freiburg: Herder.
  • 38. Schumpelick, V. ve Vogel, B. (Ed.). (2014). Demografischer Wandel und Gesundheit Lösungsansätze und Perspektiven. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
  • 39. Taks, E., van Uffelen, J., Paw, M., van Mechelen, W. ve Hopman-Rock, M. (2012). Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 20, 32-46.
  • 40. WHO (Weltgesundheitsorganisation) (2015). Age-friendly Practices. (2015, 22 July). Erişim adresi: healthinfo/survey/ageingdefnolder/en/
  • 41. Wessel, K. ve Hummel, A. (2019). Bewegung und sport als alternsstabilisierende aktivitäten. Zeitung für Gerontologi Geriatrie, 52, 290-291.
  • 42. Witte, K. (2018). Motorik im alter. Ausgewählte themen der sportmotorik für das weiterführende studium (Band 2). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.
  • 43. Wydra, G., Bös, K. ve Karisch, G. (1991). Zur effektivität verschiedener dehntechniken. Deutsche Zeitung für Sportmedizin, 42, 386-400.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Ebubekir Aksay 0000-0002-5706-6698

Publication Date April 6, 2021
Submission Date November 3, 2020
Acceptance Date March 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Aksay, E. (2021). Rehabilitasyon Sporunun Yaşlı Yetişkinlerin Performans Düzeylerine Etkilerinin Senior Fitness Test ile Belirlenmesi. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 26(2), 247-264.

Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly.