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Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Gash Rake Angle on Drilling AISI 4140 Tempered Steel

Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 594 - 605, 31.12.2022


In this study, drilling of AISI 4140 tempering steel with different gash rake angle the effects of the gash rake angle on the thrust force and drilling moment were investigated by experimental and FEM supported virtual simulation studies, and surface roughness was investigated experimentally.In the experiments, monolithic solid carbide drill are used that has +10 °, 0 °, -10 ° gash rake angle and diametre with 6,8mm. Experimental design was developed based on three different drill gash rake angle, cutting speed and feed rate with using Minitab 18 statistical software and Taguchi L9 experiment design method. Experiments have been carried out on AISI 4140 tempering steel is widely used in the manufacturing industry and can be purchased commercially. Variance Analysis (ANOVA) was applied to evaluate the test results and the effects of the independent variables (Ya: slit saw angle, Vc: cutting speed, f: feed amount) on the pushing force during hole drilling were evaluated according to significance value of 0.05. When the test results are examined, it is seen that the drill gash rake angle does not have a significant effect on the thrust force, drilling moment and surface roughness in drilling of AISI 4140 tempered steel, but it has a 63.78% effect on the thrust force. In the Finite Element supported virtual simulation studies, it is seen that it gives guiding results for the thrust force and drilling moment in drilling of AISI 4140 tempered steel with different drill slot swarf angles.


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  • Ferreiro, S., Sierra, B., Irigoien, I., and Gorritxategi, E. "Data mining for quality control: Burr detection in the drilling process." Computers & Industrial Engineering 60.4, pp. 801-810, May 2011. Doi:
  • Merchant, M. E. "Mechanics of the metal cutting process. I. Orthogonal cutting and a type 2 chip." Journal of applied physics 16.5, pp. 267-275, Sept 1945. Doi:
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  • Wang, J., Feng, P., Zheng, J., and Zhang, J. “Improving hole exit quality in rotary ultrasonic machining of ceramic matrix composites using a compound step-taper drill.” Ceramics International, 42(12), pp. 13387-13394, September 2016. Doi:
  • Davim, J. P., and Reis, P. “Study of delamination in drilling carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) using design experiments.” Composite structures, 59(4), pp. 481-487, March 2003. Doi:
  • Çakır, M. C. Modern talaşlı imalatın esasları. Vipaş AŞ, Bursa. 1999.
  • Rincon, D. M., Ulsoy, A. G., and Kaftanoĝlu, B. "Effects of drill vibrations on cutting forces and torque." CIRP annals 43.1, pp. 59-62, 1994. Doi:10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62164-7
  • Chen, W. C., Fuh, K. H., Wu, C. F., and Chang, B. R. “Design optimization of a split-point drill by force analysis.” Journal of Materials Processing Technology,58(2-3), pp.314-322, March 1996. Doi:
  • Çavuş, Y., Katmer, Ş., Tekaüt, İ., Kurt, S., Şeker, U. "Delme işlemlerinde matkap yarık talaş açısının itme kuvveti ve delme momenti üzerindeki etkisi." 9th International Congress On Machining, Kasım 2018, pp..341-347.
  • Meral, G., Sarıkaya, M., Mia, M., Dilipak, H., Şeker, U., & Gupta, M. K. "Multi-objective optimization of surface roughness, thrust force, and torque produced by novel drill geometries using Taguchi-based GRA." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101.5, pp. 1595-1610, November 2018. Doi:
  • Arafat M. “CNC delme işleminde delme parametrelerinin yüzey pürüzlülüğü açısından optimizasyonu”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2009.
  • Korkmaz, M. E., Çakıroğlu, R., Yaşar, N., Özmen, R. and Günay, M.. “Al2014 Alüminyum Alaşımının Delinmesinde İtme Kuvvetinin Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi İle Analizi”. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(1), pp.193-199, January 2019. Doi:
  • Meral, G., Sarıkaya, M., Mia, M., Dilipak, H., & Şeker, U. "Optimization of hole quality produced by novel drill geometries using the Taguchi S/N approach." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101.1, pp. 339-355, November 2018. Doi:
  • Tosun, N., Özek, C., Tosun, G. “Delme İşleminde Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Deneysel İncelenmesi.” 11.Uluslararası Makine Tasarım ve imalat Kongresi, pp. 867-874, 2004.
  • Tofana, G. V., Popa, M. S., and Sattel, S. "Solid carbide tool wear monitoring and evaluation in drilling processes." International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies 5.1, pp. 113-120, June 2013.
  • Yavuz, M., Gökçe, H., Çiftçi, İ., Gökçe, H., Yavaş, Ç., and Şeker, U. "Investigation of the effects of drill geometry on drilling performance and hole quality." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 106.9, pp. 4623-4633, January 2020. Doi:
  • Siddiquee, A. N., Khan, Z. A., Goel, P., Kumar, M., Agarwal, G., and Khan, N. Z. "Optimization of deep drilling process parameters of AISI 321 steel using Taguchi method." Procedia Materials Science 6, pp. 1217-1225, 2014. Doi:
  • Tekaüt, İ., Demir, H., and Şeker, U. "Experimental analysis and theoretical modelling of cutting parameters in the drilling of AISI H13 steel with coated and uncoated drills." Transactions of FAMENA 42.2,pp. 83-96, 2018. Doi:
  • Polli, M. L., & Cardoso, M. J. "Effects of process parameters and drill point geometry in deep drilling of SAE 4144M under MQL." Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 40.3, pp. 1-9, February 2018. Doi: Jafarian, F., & Samarikhalaj, H. "Experimental investigation and optimizing geometrical characteristics and surface quality in drilling of AISI H13 steel." Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 6.2, pp.332-343, 2020. Doi: 10.22055/JACM.2019.29070.1552
  • Astakhov, V. P. “Effects of the cutting feed, depth of cut, and workpiece (bore) diameter on the tool wear rate.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 34(7), pp. 631-640, May 2007. Doi: 10.1007/s00170-006-0635-y
  • Lambert, B.K., “Prediction of force, torque and burr length in drilling titanium-composite materials”, Society of Manufacturing Engineer, 1979.
  • Yavuz, M., Gökçe, H., Yavaş, Ç., Korkut, İ., and Şeker, U. “Matkap geometrisinin delik kalitesi ve kesme performansına etkisi.” Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(5), pp. 1051-1066, 2017. Doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.292019

AISI 4140 Islah Çeliğinin Delinmesinde Yarık Talaş Açısının Etkisinin Deneysel ve Teorik Araştırılması

Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 594 - 605, 31.12.2022


Bu çalışmada farklı yarık talaş açısına (gash rake angle) sahip matkaplar ile AISI 4140 ıslah çeliğinin delinmesinde yarık talaş açısının itme kuvveti ve delme momenti üzerine etkileri deneysel ve FEM destekli sanal simülasyon çalışmaları ile yüzey pürüzlülüğü ise deneysel olarak araştırılmıştır. Deneylerde +10°, 0°, -10° yarık talaş açısına sahip 6,8 mm çapında yekpare karbür kaplamalı matkaplar kullanılmıştır. Deney tasarımı Minitab 18 istatistik yazılımı Taguchi L9 deney tasarımı kullanılarak üç farklı matkap yarık talaş açsı, kesme hızı ve ilerleme miktarı esas alınarak oluşturulmuştur. Deneyler imalat sanayisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan ve ticari olarak temin edilebilen AISI 4140 ıslah çeliği üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney sonuçlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) uygulanmış olup bağımsız değişkenlerin (Ya: yarık talaş açısı, Vc: Kesme hız, f: İlerleme miktarı) delik deleme sırasında meydana gelen itme kuvveti üzerine etkileri 0,05 anlamlılık değerine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Deney sonuçları incelendiğinde AISI 4140 ıslah çeliğinin delinmesinde matkap yarık talaş açısının itme kuvveti, delme momenti ve yüzey pürüzlülüğü üzerinde üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı görülse de itme kuvveti üzerinde %63,78’lik bir etkiye sahiptir. Yapılan Sonlu Elemanlar destekli sanal simülasyon çalışmalarında ise farklı matkap yarık talaş açılarıyla AISI 4140 ıslah çeliğinin delinmesinde itme kuvveti ve delme momenti için yol gösterici sonuçlar verdiği görülmektedir.


  • Bayraktar, Ş., Siyambaş, Y., and Turgut, Y.. "Delik delme prosesi: bir araştırma." Sakarya University Journal of Science 21.2, pp. 120-130, April 2017. Doi:
  • Ferreiro, S., Sierra, B., Irigoien, I., and Gorritxategi, E. "Data mining for quality control: Burr detection in the drilling process." Computers & Industrial Engineering 60.4, pp. 801-810, May 2011. Doi:
  • Merchant, M. E. "Mechanics of the metal cutting process. I. Orthogonal cutting and a type 2 chip." Journal of applied physics 16.5, pp. 267-275, Sept 1945. Doi:
  • Demir, Z., and Yakut, R. "An investigation of the effect of parameters and chip slenderness ratio on drilling process quality of AISI 1050 steel." Advances in Materials Science and Engineering May 2018. Doi:
  • Feng, P., Wang, J., Zhang, J., and Zheng, J. “Drilling induced tearing defects in rotary ultrasonic machining of C/SiC composites.” Ceramics International, 43(1), pp. 791-799, January 2017. Doi:
  • Wang, J., Feng, P., Zheng, J., and Zhang, J. “Improving hole exit quality in rotary ultrasonic machining of ceramic matrix composites using a compound step-taper drill.” Ceramics International, 42(12), pp. 13387-13394, September 2016. Doi:
  • Davim, J. P., and Reis, P. “Study of delamination in drilling carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) using design experiments.” Composite structures, 59(4), pp. 481-487, March 2003. Doi:
  • Çakır, M. C. Modern talaşlı imalatın esasları. Vipaş AŞ, Bursa. 1999.
  • Rincon, D. M., Ulsoy, A. G., and Kaftanoĝlu, B. "Effects of drill vibrations on cutting forces and torque." CIRP annals 43.1, pp. 59-62, 1994. Doi:10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62164-7
  • Chen, W. C., Fuh, K. H., Wu, C. F., and Chang, B. R. “Design optimization of a split-point drill by force analysis.” Journal of Materials Processing Technology,58(2-3), pp.314-322, March 1996. Doi:
  • Çavuş, Y., Katmer, Ş., Tekaüt, İ., Kurt, S., Şeker, U. "Delme işlemlerinde matkap yarık talaş açısının itme kuvveti ve delme momenti üzerindeki etkisi." 9th International Congress On Machining, Kasım 2018, pp..341-347.
  • Meral, G., Sarıkaya, M., Mia, M., Dilipak, H., Şeker, U., & Gupta, M. K. "Multi-objective optimization of surface roughness, thrust force, and torque produced by novel drill geometries using Taguchi-based GRA." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101.5, pp. 1595-1610, November 2018. Doi:
  • Arafat M. “CNC delme işleminde delme parametrelerinin yüzey pürüzlülüğü açısından optimizasyonu”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2009.
  • Korkmaz, M. E., Çakıroğlu, R., Yaşar, N., Özmen, R. and Günay, M.. “Al2014 Alüminyum Alaşımının Delinmesinde İtme Kuvvetinin Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi İle Analizi”. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(1), pp.193-199, January 2019. Doi:
  • Meral, G., Sarıkaya, M., Mia, M., Dilipak, H., & Şeker, U. "Optimization of hole quality produced by novel drill geometries using the Taguchi S/N approach." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 101.1, pp. 339-355, November 2018. Doi:
  • Tosun, N., Özek, C., Tosun, G. “Delme İşleminde Yüzey Pürüzlülüğünün Deneysel İncelenmesi.” 11.Uluslararası Makine Tasarım ve imalat Kongresi, pp. 867-874, 2004.
  • Tofana, G. V., Popa, M. S., and Sattel, S. "Solid carbide tool wear monitoring and evaluation in drilling processes." International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies 5.1, pp. 113-120, June 2013.
  • Yavuz, M., Gökçe, H., Çiftçi, İ., Gökçe, H., Yavaş, Ç., and Şeker, U. "Investigation of the effects of drill geometry on drilling performance and hole quality." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 106.9, pp. 4623-4633, January 2020. Doi:
  • Siddiquee, A. N., Khan, Z. A., Goel, P., Kumar, M., Agarwal, G., and Khan, N. Z. "Optimization of deep drilling process parameters of AISI 321 steel using Taguchi method." Procedia Materials Science 6, pp. 1217-1225, 2014. Doi:
  • Tekaüt, İ., Demir, H., and Şeker, U. "Experimental analysis and theoretical modelling of cutting parameters in the drilling of AISI H13 steel with coated and uncoated drills." Transactions of FAMENA 42.2,pp. 83-96, 2018. Doi:
  • Polli, M. L., & Cardoso, M. J. "Effects of process parameters and drill point geometry in deep drilling of SAE 4144M under MQL." Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 40.3, pp. 1-9, February 2018. Doi: Jafarian, F., & Samarikhalaj, H. "Experimental investigation and optimizing geometrical characteristics and surface quality in drilling of AISI H13 steel." Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 6.2, pp.332-343, 2020. Doi: 10.22055/JACM.2019.29070.1552
  • Astakhov, V. P. “Effects of the cutting feed, depth of cut, and workpiece (bore) diameter on the tool wear rate.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 34(7), pp. 631-640, May 2007. Doi: 10.1007/s00170-006-0635-y
  • Lambert, B.K., “Prediction of force, torque and burr length in drilling titanium-composite materials”, Society of Manufacturing Engineer, 1979.
  • Yavuz, M., Gökçe, H., Yavaş, Ç., Korkut, İ., and Şeker, U. “Matkap geometrisinin delik kalitesi ve kesme performansına etkisi.” Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(5), pp. 1051-1066, 2017. Doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.292019
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Yafes Çavuş 0000-0002-3491-456X

Şükran Katmer 0000-0002-3641-2328

İsmail Tekaüt 0000-0001-8655-0422

Seçil Kurt 0000-0003-0831-8286

Harun Gökçe 0000-0002-2702-0111

Ulvi Şeker 0000-0001-6455-6858

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date September 5, 2022
Acceptance Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


IEEE Y. Çavuş, Ş. Katmer, İ. Tekaüt, S. Kurt, H. Gökçe, and U. Şeker, “AISI 4140 Islah Çeliğinin Delinmesinde Yarık Talaş Açısının Etkisinin Deneysel ve Teorik Araştırılması”, GJES, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 594–605, 2022.

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