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Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 3, 831 - 844, 01.09.2020


Stacked denoising auto-encoder and deep belief network are proposed as methods of deep learning for cow nose image texture feature extraction, and for learning the extracted features for better representation. While stacked denoising auto-encoder is applied for encoding and decoding of the extracted features, a deep belief network is applied for learning the extracted features and representing the cow nose image in feature space. Stacked denoising auto-encoder and deep belief network help in animal biometrics. Biometrics emanated from computer vision and pattern recognition and it plays an important role in the automated animal registration and identification process. Using the visual attributes of cow, and for the fact that the existing visual feature extraction and representation methods are not capable of handling cow recognition; deep belief network and stacked denoising auto-encoder are proposed. An experiment performed under different conditions of identification indicated that deep belief network outshines other methods with approximately 98.99% accuracy. 4000 cow nose images from an existing database of 400 individual cows contribute to the community of research especially in the animal biometrics for identification of individual cow.

Destekleyen Kurum

University of Africa, Toru-Orua, Bayelsa State, Nigeria




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  • [21] Vincent, P., Larochelle, H., Lajoie, I., Bengio, Y., Manzagol, P.-A., “Stacked denoising auto-encoders: learning useful representations in a deep network with a local denoising criterion”, JMLR 11, 3371–3408, (2010).
  • [22] Vincent, P., Larochelle, H., Bengio, Y., & Manzagol, P. A., “Extracting and composing robust features with denoising autoencoders”, In Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning (pp. 1096-1103), (2008). ACM.
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 3, 831 - 844, 01.09.2020



  • [1] Kumar, S., Singh, S.K., Datta, T., Gupta, H.P., “A fast cattle recognition system using smart devices”, in: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM conference on Multimedia, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 15-19, pp.742–743, (2016).
  • [2] Noviyanto, A., Arymurthy, A.M., “Automatic cattle identification based on muzzle photo using speed-up robust features approach”, in: Proceedings of the 3rd European conference of computer science, ECCS, vol. 110, p. 114, (2012).
  • [3] Kohl, H.S., Burkhart, T., “Animal biometrics: quantifying and detecting phenotypic Appearance”, Trends Ecol. Evol. 28 (7), 432–441, (2013).
  • [4] Duyck, J., Finn, C., Hutcheon, A., Vera, P., Salas, J., Ravela, S., “Sloop: a pattern retrieval engine for individual animal identification”, Pattern Recogn. 48 (4) 1059–1073, (2015).
  • [5] Nasirahmadi, A., Richter, U., Hensel, O., Edwards, S., Sturm, B., “Using machine vision for investigation of changes in pig group lying patterns”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 119, 184-190, (2015).
  • [6] Wang, Z., Fu, Z., Chen, W., Hu, J., “A rfid-based traceability system for cattle breeding in china”, in: Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM), 2, pp. V2–567, (2010).
  • [7] Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., Hinton, G., “ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems”, Curran & Associates Inc., Red Hook, NY, USA, pp. 1097–1105, (2012).
  • [8] Farabet, C., Couprie, C., Najman, L., LeCun, Y., “Learning hierarchical features for scene labeling”, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence 35 (8), 1915–1929, (2013).
  • [9] Sun, Y., Wang, X., Tang, X., “Deep convolutional network cascade for facial point Detection”, Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. 3476–3483, (2013).
  • [10] Kumar, S., Singh, S.K., “Visual animal biometrics: survey”, IET Biometrics. 6 (3), 139–156, (2016).
  • [11] Barron, U.G., Butler, F., McDonnell, K., Ward, S., “The end of the identity crisis? Advances in biometric markers for animal identification”, Irish Veterinary J. 62 (3), 204–208, (2009).
  • [12] Minagawa, H., Fujimura, T., Ichiyanagi, M., Tanaka, K., Fangquan, M., “Identification of beef cattle by analyzing images of their muzzle patterns lifted on paper”, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference for Information Technology in Asian agricultural information technology & management, pp. 596–600, (2002).
  • [13] Barry, B., Gonzales-Barron, U., McDonnell, K., Butler, F., Ward, S., “Using muzzle pattern recognition as a biometric approach for cattle identification”, Trans. ASABE 50 (3), 1073–1080, (2007).
  • [14] Dalal, N., Triggs, B., “Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection”, Proc. CVPR, 1: 886-893. Felzenszwalb, P. and D. Huttenlocher, 2005. Pictorial structures for object recognition. Int. J. Comput. Vis., 61(1): 153-190, (2005).
  • [15] Awad, A.I., Zawbaa, H.M., Mahmoud, H.A., Nabi, E.H.H.A., Fayed, R.H., Hassanien, A.E., “A robust cattle identification scheme using muzzle print images”, in: Proceedings of IEEE Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), pp. 529–534, (2013).
  • [16] Noviyanto, A., Arymurthy, A.M., “Beef cattle identification based on muzzle pattern using a matching refinement technique in the sift method”, Comp. Electr. Agr. 99, 77–84, (2013).
  • [17] Kumar S, Tiwari S., Singh S.K., “Face recognition for cattle”, in: Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), pp. 65–72, (2015).
  • [18] Ehsani, K., Bagherinezhad, H., Redmon, J., Mottaghi, R., Farhadi, A., “Who let the dogs out? modeling dog behavior from visual data”, In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 4051- 4060, (2018).
  • [19] Gaber, T., Tharwat, A., Hassanien, A.E., Snasel, V., “Biometric cattle identification approach based on webers local descriptor and AdaBoost classifier”, Comp. Electr. Agr. 122, 55–66, (2016).
  • [20] Risha, K. P., Chempak, K. A., Sindhu, C. S., “Difference of Gaussian on Frame Differenced Image”. International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Vol. 3, Special Issue 1, pp. 92-95, (2016).
  • [21] Vincent, P., Larochelle, H., Lajoie, I., Bengio, Y., Manzagol, P.-A., “Stacked denoising auto-encoders: learning useful representations in a deep network with a local denoising criterion”, JMLR 11, 3371–3408, (2010).
  • [22] Vincent, P., Larochelle, H., Bengio, Y., & Manzagol, P. A., “Extracting and composing robust features with denoising autoencoders”, In Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning (pp. 1096-1103), (2008). ACM.
  • [23] Bengio, Y., “Learning deep architectures for AI. Foundations and trends in Machine Learning”, 2(1), 1-127, (2009).
  • [24] Bengio, Y., Courville, A., & Vincent, P., “Representation learning: A review and new perspectives,” IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 35(8), 1798-1828, (2013).
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Statistics

Rotimi-williams Bello 0000-0002-8121-2712

Abdullah Zawawi Hj Talıb Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9610-4060

Ahmad Sufril Azlan Bin Mohamed Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2838-0872

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Bello, R.-w., Talıb, A. Z. H., & Mohamed, A. S. A. B. (2020). Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern. Gazi University Journal of Science, 33(3), 831-844.
AMA Bello Rw, Talıb AZH, Mohamed ASAB. Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern. Gazi University Journal of Science. Eylül 2020;33(3):831-844. doi:10.35378/gujs.605631
Chicago Bello, Rotimi-williams, Abdullah Zawawi Hj Talıb, ve Ahmad Sufril Azlan Bin Mohamed. “Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern”. Gazi University Journal of Science 33, sy. 3 (Eylül 2020): 831-44.
EndNote Bello R-w, Talıb AZH, Mohamed ASAB (01 Eylül 2020) Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern. Gazi University Journal of Science 33 3 831–844.
IEEE R.-w. Bello, A. Z. H. Talıb, ve A. S. A. B. Mohamed, “Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern”, Gazi University Journal of Science, c. 33, sy. 3, ss. 831–844, 2020, doi: 10.35378/gujs.605631.
ISNAD Bello, Rotimi-williams vd. “Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern”. Gazi University Journal of Science 33/3 (Eylül 2020), 831-844.
JAMA Bello R-w, Talıb AZH, Mohamed ASAB. Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2020;33:831–844.
MLA Bello, Rotimi-williams vd. “Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern”. Gazi University Journal of Science, c. 33, sy. 3, 2020, ss. 831-44, doi:10.35378/gujs.605631.
Vancouver Bello R-w, Talıb AZH, Mohamed ASAB. Deep Learning-Based Architectures for Recognition of Cow Using Cow Nose Image Pattern. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2020;33(3):831-44.

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