e-ISSN: 2147-1762
Founded: 1988
Publisher: Gazi University
Cover Image

Our journal, started publishing life in 1998 named as “Gazi University Journal of Science and Technology”, was serving mainly for our university. But, by the passing years, our reader heap is expanded and we have taken an important place between the national journals. The result is pleasing, but our new aim is going further from the getting point and carrying the journal to international dimensions. The first steps on being an international journal is materialized as making the publishing language as English.

The fundamental variations beginning from 2003 continued; the journal is published in both Turkish and English in 2004 and from 2006 the journal is started to publish in English. The subscription of 32 different universities to our journal is provided and the study on increasing this number is still continue. The journal can be surved in data bases like EBSCO, Thomson Scientific Master Journal List and TUBITAK ULAKBIM, now. In order to take place in establishments such as Science Citation Index (SCI) required background is finished and the process is continuing. We hope that; the journal will take place in lots of important international data base.

2025 - Volume: 38 Issue: 1