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Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with The Systemic Thinking Approach

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 482 - 493, 01.06.2023


The unbalanced distribution of public land uses is one of the consequences of the rapid growth of cities in recent decades. This problem causes the unequal of citizens from urban services, which results in the morphing of the polar and dual spatial structures in the city space. The present study is to recognize and analyze the dimensions of spatial justice and apply this concept in urban planning. Therefore, it is applied research. The research method is descriptive-analytic. Qualitative data were collected with an open questionnaire and through interviews and reviewing library documents. The quantitative data used in numerical form and by the weighting of Delphi questionnaires were prepared. In this study, 12 professors, experts in the field of urban planning and management from five top universities of Tehran in Iran (Tehran University, Sharif University of Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, The University of Tarbiat Modarres, and Shahid Beheshti University) were selected as the team of experts. Then, by forming the matrix of the interaction space justice elements and numerical coding of experts based on the logic of the cause-effect and the effect of each criterion on the system and conversely, effective spatial justice indicators in urban planning, were prioritized. The results of the analysis show that urban space has spatial justice when it includes the indicators of "simplicity and readability", "equality of opportunity" and "human scale". Finally, according to the results of previous stages, the neighborhood layout model in the city is proposed based on the concept of spatial justice.

Destekleyen Kurum

The authors received no financial support for the research and/or authorship of this article.


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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2, 482 - 493, 01.06.2023



  • [1]Shankar, R., and Shah, A., “Bridging the Economic Divide within Countries: A Scorecard on the performance of Regional Policies in Reducing Regional Income Disparities”, World Development, 31(8): 1421-1441, (2010).
  • [2] Sohe Rana, M. D., “Status of water use sanitation and hygienic condition of urban slums: A study on Rupsha ferighat slum, Khulna”, Desalination, 246(3): 322-328, (2009).
  • [3] Hataminezhad, H., manouchehri, A., Baharloo, I., Ebrahimpour, A., and Hataminezhad, H., “City and Social Justice: Analytic Inequalities of Neighborhood (The Case Study: The Old Neighborhoods Miandoab City)”, Human Geography Research Quarterly, 90: 41-63, (2012).
  • [4] Dadashpoor, H., and Rostami, F., “Measurement of Integrated Index of Spatial Justice in the Distribution of Urban Public Services Based on Population Distribution, Accessibility and Efficiency in Yasuj City”, Urban Regional Studies and Research, 3(10): 1-22, (2011).
  • [5] Mousavi, M., “Sustainable Form of the City and Social Justice”, Human Geography Research Quarterly, 80: 177-192, (2011).
  • [6] Zakerian, M., Mousavi, M., and Kashkouli, A., “Analysis of the population and urban services in urban areas of Meybod from the perspective of sustainable development”, Research and Urban Planning, 1(2): 61-84, (2010).
  • [7] Sheykh Beygloo, R., Taghvaeei, M., and Varesi, H., “The Spatial Analysis of Deprivation and Inequalities of Development in Sub-provinces of Iran”, Social Welfare, 46: 189- 214, (2012).
  • [8] Dadashpoor, H., Alizadeh, B., and Rostami, F., “Determination of Conceptual Framework from Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with Focus on the Justice Concept in Islamic School”, Naqshe-Jahan, 5(1): 75-84, (2015).
  • [9] Bromberg, A., Morrow, G., and Pfeiffer, D., “Editorial Note: Why Spatial Justice?”, Critical Planning, 14: 1- 4, (2007).
  • [10] Kananpour, A., Masoumi, M. T. and Nazmfar, H., “Investigation of Spatial Justice in the allocation of Urban Land Uses (Case Study: the five municipality regions of Ardabil City)”, Geography of Urban Planning Research, 9(3): 637-662, (2021).
  • [11] Fainstein, S., “The just city”, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 18: 1-18, (2014).
  • [12] Amin, A., “The Good City”, Urban Studies, 43: 1009-1023, (2006).
  • [13] Dadashpoor, H., and Alvandipour, N., “Spatial Justice in Urban Scale in Iran; Meta- Study of Selected Articles’ Theoretical Famework”, Honarhaye Ziba, 21(3): 67-80, (2016).
  • [14] Tsou, K. W., Yu-Ting, H., and Yaolim, C., “An accessibility-based integrated measure of relative spatial equity in urban public Facilities”, Cities, 22(6): 424–435, (2005).
  • [15] Buzzelli, M., “Environmental Justice in Canada-It Matters Where You Live”, CPRN Research Report, Canadian policy research networks, 21-26, (2008).
  • [16] Albo, G., “Challenges for Urban Social Justice Movements: Neoliberal Urbanism”, Report Prepared for the Centre for Social Justice, The Canadian City and Toronto networks, 134-137, (2009).
  • [17] Pearsal, H., and Joseph, P., “Urban sustainability and environmental justice: evaluating the linkages in public planning/policy discourse”, Local Environment, 15(6): 569–580, (2010).
  • [18] Sajedi, A., “Social Justice and its Role in Sustainable Development”, Third Conference on Geography and Scientific Approach to Sustainable Development, Piranshahr, (2010).
  • [19] Rahnama, M. R., and Zabihi, J., “Analysis of urban public facilities distribution in line with spatial justice with integrated access model in Mashhad”, Journal of Geography and Development, 9(23): 5-26, (2011).
  • [20] Wright, J. D., “International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences”, Second edition, Netherlands: Elsevier Science & Technology, (2015).
  • [21] Lorestani, A., Yaghoubpour, Z., and Shirzadian, R., “Analysis of spatial distribution of Tehran Metropolis urban services using models of urban planning”, Intenational Journal of Human Capital Urban Manage, 1(2): 83-92, (2016).
  • [22] Taqvaee, A. A., Bemanian, M. A., Poor Jafar, M. A., and Bahram Poor, M., “Assessment of spatial justice theory of justice Case: 22 districts of Tehran”, Intenational Journal of Urban and Rural Management, 14(38): 391-423, (2015).
  • [23] Ouyang, O., Wang, B., Tian, L., and Tian, X., “Spatial deprivation of urban public services in migrant enclaves under the context of a rapidly urbanizing China: An evaluation based on suburban Shanghai”, Cities, 60: 436–445, (2017).
  • [24] Stephens, C., and Church, C., “International Encyclopedia of Public Health”, Second edition, Netherlands: Elsevier Science & Technology, (2017).
  • [25] Li, B., Li, T., Yu, M., and Bin, C., “Can equalization of public services narrow the regional disparities in China? A spatial econometrics approach”, China Economic Review, 44: 67–78, (2017).
  • [26] Fontela, E., and Gabus, A., “The DEMATEL observer”, First edition, Geneva: Bat Telle Geneva Research Center, (1976).
  • [27] Yang, Y. P., Shieh, H. M., Leu, J. D., and Tzeng, G. H., “A novel hybrid MCDM model combined with DEMATEL and ANP with applications”, International Journal Operational Research, 5(3): 160-168, (2008).
  • [28] Lin, C. L., and Tzeng, G. H., “A value-created system of science (technology) park by using DEMETEL”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36: 9683-9697, (2009).
  • [29] Tsai, W. H., and Hsu, W., “A novel hybrid model based on DEMATEL and ANP for selecting cost quality model development”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 21(4): 439-456, (2010).
  • [30] Wu, H. H., Shieh, J. I., Li, Y., and Chen, H. K., “A Combination of AHP and DEMATEL in Evaluating the criteria of Employment Service Dutreach Program Personnel”, International Thchnology Journal, 9(13): 569-575, (2010).
  • [31] Hudson, J. A., “Rock engineering systems: theory and practice”, First edition, Chichester: Ellis Horwood, (1992).
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Architecture & City and Urban Planning

Mahya Ghouchani 0000-0001-6306-1909

Mohammad Taji Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7038-4156

Navid Arabi Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-0114-7656

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 36 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ghouchani, M., Taji, M., & Arabi, N. (2023). Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with The Systemic Thinking Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science, 36(2), 482-493.
AMA Ghouchani M, Taji M, Arabi N. Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with The Systemic Thinking Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science. Haziran 2023;36(2):482-493. doi:10.35378/gujs.1016388
Chicago Ghouchani, Mahya, Mohammad Taji, ve Navid Arabi. “Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning With The Systemic Thinking Approach”. Gazi University Journal of Science 36, sy. 2 (Haziran 2023): 482-93.
EndNote Ghouchani M, Taji M, Arabi N (01 Haziran 2023) Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with The Systemic Thinking Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science 36 2 482–493.
IEEE M. Ghouchani, M. Taji, ve N. Arabi, “Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with The Systemic Thinking Approach”, Gazi University Journal of Science, c. 36, sy. 2, ss. 482–493, 2023, doi: 10.35378/gujs.1016388.
ISNAD Ghouchani, Mahya vd. “Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning With The Systemic Thinking Approach”. Gazi University Journal of Science 36/2 (Haziran 2023), 482-493.
JAMA Ghouchani M, Taji M, Arabi N. Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with The Systemic Thinking Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2023;36:482–493.
MLA Ghouchani, Mahya vd. “Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning With The Systemic Thinking Approach”. Gazi University Journal of Science, c. 36, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 482-93, doi:10.35378/gujs.1016388.
Vancouver Ghouchani M, Taji M, Arabi N. Using Spatial Justice in Urban Planning with The Systemic Thinking Approach. Gazi University Journal of Science. 2023;36(2):482-93.