The purpose of this paper is to explore some mixtures, discrete and continuous, based on the Kies distribution. Some conditions for convergence are established. We study the probabilistic properties of these mixtures. Special attention is taken to the so-called Hausdorff saturation. Several models are examined in detail -- bimodal, multimodal, and mixtures based on binomial, geometric, exponential, gamma, and beta distributions. We provide some numerical experiments for real-life tasks -- one for the Standard and Poor's 500 financial index and another for unemployment insurance issues. In addition, we check the consistency of the proposed estimator using generated data of different sizes.
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Year 2024,
Volume: 53 Issue: 5, 1453 - 1483, 15.10.2024
[1] M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas,
Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, US Government printing office, 1968
[2] T.A. Abushal, T.N. Sindhu, S.A. Lone, M.K.H. Hassan and A. Shafiq, Mixture of
Shanker Distributions: Estimation, Simulation and Application, Axioms 12 (3), 231,
[3] A.Z. Afify, A.M. Gemeay, N.M. Alfaer, G.M. Cordeiro and E.H. Hafez, Power-
Modified Kies-Exponential Distribution: Properties, Classical and Bayesian Inference
with an Application to Engineering Data, Entropy 24 (7), 883, 2022
[4] Z. Ahmad, E. Mahmoudi, R. Roozegar, M. Alizadeh and A.Z. Afify, A new
exponential-X family: modeling extreme value data in the finance sector, Math. Probl.
Eng. 2021 (1), 1-14, 2021
[5] A.A. Al-Babtain, M.K. Shakhatreh, M. Nassar and A.Z. Afify, A new modified Kies
family: Properties, estimation under complete and type-II censored samples, and engineering
applications, Mathematics 8 (8), 1345, 2020
[6] M.M. Al Sobhi, The modified Kies–Fréchet distribution: properties, inference and
application, AIMS Math. 6, 4691-4714, 2021
[7] A. Alsubie, Properties and applications of the modified Kies-Lomax distribution with
estimation methods, J. Math. 2021 (1), 1-18, 2021
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[11] J. D’Errico, fminsearchbnd.m; fminsearchcon.m,
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[12] F.S. dos Santos, K.K.F. do Nascimento, J. da Silva Jale, S.F.A. Xavier and T.A.E.
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[13] W. Emam and Y. Tashkandy, The Weibull claim model: Bivariate extension,
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[14] I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik, Table of ntegrals, Series, and Products, Academic
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[15] M. Hashempour, A weighted Topp-Leone G family of distributions: properties, applications
for modelling reliability data and different method of estimation, Hacet. J.
Math. Stat. 51 (5), 1420-1441, 2022
[16] W. He, Z. Ahmad, A.Z. Afify and H. Goual, The arcsine exponentiated-X family:
validation and insurance application, Complexity 2020 (1), 1-18, 2020
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[18] M. Khalid, M. Aslam and T.N. Sindhu, Bayesian analysis of 3-components Kumaraswamy
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J. 59 (4), 2753-2763, 2020
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[22] S.A. Lone, S. Anwar, T.N. Sindhu and F. Jarad, Some estimation methods for mixture
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[23] S.A. Lone, T.N. Sindhu, S. Anwar, M.K.H. Hassan, S.A. Alsahli and T.A. Abushal,
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[24] R. Maiboroda, V. Miroshnychenko and O. Sugakova, Jackknife for nonlinear estimating
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[25] S. Matsushita, K. Hagiwara, T. Shiota, H. Shimada, K. Kuramoto and Y. Toyokura,
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[27] D.E.Y. Sanku, M. Nassarn and D. Kumar, Moments and estimation of reduced Kies
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[28] C. Satheesh Kumar and S.H.S. Dharmaja, On some properties of Kies distribution,
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[29] C. Satheesh Kumar and S.H.S. Dharmaja, The exponentiated reduced Kies distribution:
properties and applications, Commun. Stat. - Theory Methods 46 (17), 8778-
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[30] C. Satheesh Kumar and S.H.S. Dharmaja, On modified Kies distribution and its applications,
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[31] J.V. Seguro and T.W. Lambert, Modern estimation of the parameters of the Weibull
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75-84, 2000
[32] B. Sendov, Hausdorff Approximations, Springer Science & Business Media 50, 1990
[33] A. Shafiq, A.B. Çolak, C. Swarup, T.N. Sindhu and S.A. Lone, Reliability analysis
based on mixture of Lindley distributions with artificial neural network, Adv. Theory
Simul. 5 (8), 2200100, 2022
[34] A. Shafiq, S.A. Lone, T.N. Sindhu, Y. El Khatib, Q.M. Al-Mdallal and T. Muhammad,
A new modified Kies Fréchet distribution: applications of mortality rate of
Covid-19, Results Phys. 28, 104638, 2021
[35] A. Shafiq, T.N. Sindhu, S.A. Lone, M.K.H. Hassan and K. Nonlaopon, Mixture of
Akash distributions: estimation, simulation and application, Axioms 11 (10), 516,
[36] A. Shafiq, A.B. Çolak, S.A. Lone, T.N. Sindhu and T. Muhammad, Reliability modeling
and analysis of mixture of Exponential distributions using artificial neural network,
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 47 (5), 3308-3328, 2024
[37] F.V.J. Silveira, F. Gomes-Silva, C.R. de Brito, J.S. Jale, F.R.S de Gusmão, S.F.A.
Xavier-Junior and J.S. Rocha, Modelling wind speed with a Univariate probability
distribution depending on two baseline functions, Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 52 (3), 808-
827, 2023
[38] T.N. Sindhu, Z. Hussain and M. Aslam, On the Bayesian analysis of censored mixture
of two Topp-Leone distribution, Sri Lankan J. Appl. Stat. 19 (1), 13-30, 2019
[39] T.N. Sindhu, Z. Hussain, N. Alotaibi and T. Muhammad, Estimation method of
mixture distribution and modeling of COVID-19 pandemic, AIMS Math. 7 (6), 9926-
9956, 2022
[40] A. Soulimani, M. Benjillali, H. Chergui and D.B. da Costa, Multihop Weibull-fading
communications: performance analysis framework and applications, J. Frankl. Inst.-
Eng. Appl. Math. 358 (15), 8012-8044, 2021
[41] M.T. Vasileva, On Topp-Leone-G power series: saturation in the Hausdorff sense and
applications, Mathematics 11 (22), 4620, 2023
[42] M. Vasileva and N. Kyurkchiev, Insuarance Mathematics, Plovdiv University Press
(in Bulgarian), 2023
[43] H. Wang, Tolerance limits for mixture-of-normal distributions with application to
COVID-19 data, WIREs Comput. Stat. 15 (6), e1611, 2023
[44] Y. Wang, Z. Meng, Z. Zhang, M. Xia, L. Xia and W. Li, A regularization algorithm of
dynamic light scattering for estimating the particle size distribution of dual-substance
mixture in water, Particuology 89, 246-257, 2024
[45] W. Weibull, A statistical distribution function of wide applicability, J. Appl. Mech.
18 (3), 293-297, 1951
[46] D.S. Wilks, Rainfall intensity, the Weibull distribution, and estimation of daily surface
runoff, J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol. 28 (1), 52-58, 1989
[47] A. Yan, J. Guo and D. Wang, Robust stochastic configuration networks for industrial
data modelling with Students-t mixture distribution, Inf. Sci. 607, 493-505, 2022
[48] J. Yazhou, W. Molin and J. Zhixin, Probability distribution of machining center failures,
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 50 (1), 121-125, 1995
[49] Y.I. Yeleyko and O.A. Yarova, Mixture of distributions based on the Markov chain,
Cybern. Syst. Anal. 58 (5), 754-757, 2022
[50] T.S. Zaevski and N. Kyurkchiev, Some notes on the four-parameters Kies distribution,
C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 75 (10), 1403-1409, 2022
[51] T. Zaevski and N. Kyurkchiev, On some composite Kies families: distributional properties
and saturation in Hausdorff sense, Mod. Stoch.: Theory Appl. 10 (3), 287-312,
[52] T. Zaevski and N. Kyurkchiev, On min- and max-Kies families: distributional properties
and saturation in Hausdorff sense, Mod. Stoch.: Theory Appl. 11 (3), 265-288,
[53] T. Zaevski and N. Kyurkchiev, On the Hausdorff saturation of some trigonometric-
Kies families, Palest. J. Math. 13 (2), 249-262, 2024
[54] Y. Zhang, Y. Dong and R. Feng, Bayes-informed mixture distribution for the EVD
estimation and dynamic reliability analysis, Mech. Syst. Signal Proc. 197, 110352,
[55] Y. Zhenwu, Z. Ahmad, Z. Almaspoor and S.K. Khosa, On the genesis of the Marshall-
Olkin family of distributions via the T-X family approach: statistical modeling, CMCComput.
Mat. Contin. 67 (1), 753-760, 2021
There are 55 citations in total.
Primary Language
Probability Theory, Approximation Theory and Asymptotic Methods
Zaevski, T., & Kyurkchiev, N. (2024). On some mixtures of the Kies distribution. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 53(5), 1453-1483.
Zaevski T, Kyurkchiev N. On some mixtures of the Kies distribution. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. October 2024;53(5):1453-1483. doi:10.15672/hujms.1482377
Zaevski, Tsvetelin, and Nikolay Kyurkchiev. “On Some Mixtures of the Kies Distribution”. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 53, no. 5 (October 2024): 1453-83.
Zaevski T, Kyurkchiev N (October 1, 2024) On some mixtures of the Kies distribution. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 53 5 1453–1483.
T. Zaevski and N. Kyurkchiev, “On some mixtures of the Kies distribution”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1453–1483, 2024, doi: 10.15672/hujms.1482377.
Zaevski, Tsvetelin - Kyurkchiev, Nikolay. “On Some Mixtures of the Kies Distribution”. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 53/5 (October 2024), 1453-1483.
Zaevski T, Kyurkchiev N. On some mixtures of the Kies distribution. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 2024;53:1453–1483.
Zaevski, Tsvetelin and Nikolay Kyurkchiev. “On Some Mixtures of the Kies Distribution”. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 53, no. 5, 2024, pp. 1453-8, doi:10.15672/hujms.1482377.
Zaevski T, Kyurkchiev N. On some mixtures of the Kies distribution. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 2024;53(5):1453-8.