Submission Process
Manuscripts will be typeset using the LATEX typesetting system. You may choose to submit your manuscript as a PDF version generated from the TeX file for the refereeing process. To submit your manuscript, register and log in to the submission website ( Besides your manuscript in pdf format, you will be required to upload the Copyright Release Form and ORCID numbers of each authors of the paper. This journal publish papers entirely free of charge.
In the review process, papers that do not have appropriate form and have high rate of similarity to other sources detected by the Ithenticate program will be rejected immediately by the editor. In case of acceptance for publication you will be requested to put your manuscript into the HJMS Style and upload the tex file of the paper with the figure and table files if exist. The style folder contains a class file accompanied by a sample tex file:
Style Files: HJMS style_pdf
The authors have to provide a suggestion for Area Editor (in the “note to editor”) and four potential reviewers with their full names and email addresses in the system. The list for the reviewer should be a globally geographically diverse list of potential reviewers. Please note that the suggested reviewers must not be former co-authors, instructors, co-workers, advisors, students, etc. There must not be conflict of interest between the authors and the potential reviewers suggested by the authors. The editorial office may not use these suggestions, but this may help to accelerate the process.
The authors must notice that only two submissions per author per year will be considered. Once a paper is under review or has been accepted for publication, all co-authors need to wait 6 months from the submission date before submitting another paper to HJMS.
The submitting author, who is generally the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer review process. The submitting author must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list.
Preparation of Manuscripts
The text of the manuscripts should be preceded by a short descriptive title and an informative abstract of not more than 250 words. If the abstract contains a citation, then the names of the authors, the title, the journal, and the date of the publication should be written in square brackets. At least three keywords or phrases and the 2020 AMS Mathematics Subject Classification numbers should also be included. The main body of the text should be divided into numbered sections with appropriate headings. Items should be numbered in the form Lemma 2.1, Definition 2.2, etc.
Figures and tables should be incorporated into the text.
References should be punctuated according to the following example, listed in alphabetical order according to the (first) author’s surname, numbered consecutively and referred in the text by the same number enclosed in square brackets. Only recognized (AMS) abbreviations of the names of journals should be used. All references should be cited in the text.
[1] V.I. Arnold, Singularities of Caustics and Wave Fronts, Mathematics and Its Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
[2] B. Banaschewski, Extensions of topological spaces, Canad. Math. Bull. 7 (1), 1-22, 1964.
[3] A. Chirvasitu, Centers of categorified endomorphism rings, arXiv: 2009.09195 [math.CT].
[4] H. Ehrig and H. Herrlich, The construct PRO of projection spaces: its internal structure, in: Categorical Methods in Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 393, 286-293, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989.
[5] C.M. Hurvich and C.L. Tsai, Regression and time series model selection in small samples, Biometrika 76 (2), 297-307, 1989.
[6] T.Y. Lam and P.P. Nielsen, Jacobson's lemma for Drazin inverses, Ring theory and its applications, 185-195, Contemp. Math. 609, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2014.
[7] K. Rökaeus, Grothendieck rings and motivic integration, Ph.D. thesis, Stockholm University, 2009.
No manuscript should be submitted which has previously been published, or which has been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. The copyright in a published article rests solely with the Faculty of Science of Hacettepe University, and the paper may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means whatsoever without prior written permission. Notice The contents of a paper published in this Journal are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and its publication does not imply the concurrence of the editors or the Publisher.
Peer reviewing of articles is an essential part of the publishing process for scholarly work and is employed by all reputable scientific journals. It is an objective process that often provides useful feedback to authors and ensures that their works are presented in the best possible way. The editorial board of HJMS would like to take this opportunity of publicly thanking our past, present and future reviewers, for giving us their valuable time and for their vital contribution to the success of this journal.
Initial Screening: Each manuscript is reviewed first by a member of the editorial board, if the manuscript passes the initial evaluation. The corresponding author of the paper rejected at this stage will be informed as soon as the decision received.
Reviewing Process: The editor may seek the advice of up to four reviewers among the experts in the field of specialization of the paper. This journal operates a single blind review process. Reviewers are asked to comment on the originality and scientific correctness of the work, and to note deviations from appropriate ethical guidelines, lack of references to the available literature, etc. A reviewer may recommend acceptance, perhaps following minor corrections; acceptance conditional on the successful completion of a more extensive revision; re-evaluation following a major revision that may involve extensions to the original manuscript; or rejection. The time taken by the reviewing process will vary, depending on such factors as the availability of appropriate reviewers, the number and nature of any requested revisions, etc., but every effort is made to complete this process as quickly as possible.
Confidentiality: The reviewing process is conducted in strict confidence and the identity of a reviewer is not disclosed to the authors at any point.
Final Decision: At the completion of the reviewing process the editor makes the final decision to accept or reject the article. This decision is communicated to the corresponding author, together with the comments and suggestions of the reviewers.