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Gelişmiş Ekstraksiyon Teknikleri I

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 209 - 242, 01.06.2012


Son yıllarda, çevresel kirleticilerin bir sağlık riski olduğuna dair toplum bilinci artmıştır. Hava, su ve toprak, tortu, gıda gibi katı örneklerde bulunan toksik kirleticilerin tayin edilmesine duyulan ihtiyaç neticesinde çevresel araştırma ve izlemeye olan ilgi artmıştır. Yüksek seçicilikte ayırmalar ve kantitasyon için duyarlı enstrümantasyona rağmen “seyrelt ve enjekte et” yaklaşımı, çevresel tayinlerle bağdaşmaz. Örnek matrikslerinden eser düzeydeki analitlerin zenginleştirilmesi ve izole edilmesi için bir ekstraksiyon basamağı gereklidir. Klasik ekstraksiyon uygulamaları büyük miktarlarda solvent tüketir. Böylece kendi çevresel ve mesleki tehlikelerini yaratırlar ve genellikle çok düşük seçicilik sağlarlar. Örneğin, farklı matrikslerde yarı-uçucu bileşikleri, katı örnekler için Soxhlet ekstraksiyonu, sulu matriksler için sıvı-sıvı ekstraksiyonu gibi geleneksel yaklaşımlar kullanılarak analiz edildiğinde, toksik kimyasal yönetimi ve imhası gereklidir. Basınçlı sıvı ekstraksiyonu PFE , katı-faz mikroekstraksiyon SPME , mikrodalga-destekli sıvı ekstraksiyonu MAE , süperkritik sıvı ekstraksiyonu SFE gibi yeni teknolojilerin gelişimi solvent kullanımını azaltmıştır. Bu yeni tekniklere artan bir talep olmuştur, çünkü bu teknikler otomasyona uygundur, çok daha hızlıdır ve çevre dostu tekniklerdir.


  • Wan, H.B., Wong, M.K.: Minimization of solvent consumption in pesticide residue anal- ysis. Journal of Chromatography A, 754(1-2), 43 (1996)
  • Eskilsson, C.S., Bjorklund, E.: Analytical-scale microwave-assisted extraction. Journal of Chromatography A, 902(1), 227 (2000)
  • Pawliszyn, J.: Sample preparation: Quo Vadis? Analytical Chemistry, 75(11), 2543 (2003)
  • R. Kellner, M.M., M.Otto, M.Valcarcel, H.M. Widmer, Sample Preparation, in Analytical Chemistry: Modern Approach to Analytical Science. 2004, Wiley: Weinheim. p. 506-508.
  • Luque-Garcia, J.L., de Castro, M.D.L.: Focused microwave-assisted Soxhlet extraction: devices and applications. Talanta, 64(3), 571 (2004)
  • de Castro, M.D.L., Priego-Capote, F.: Soxhlet extraction: Past and present panacea. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217(16), 2383 (2010)
  • de Castro, M.D.L., Garcia-Ayuso, L.E.: Soxhlet extraction of solid materials: an out- dated technique with a promising innovative future. Analytica Chimica Acta, 369(1-2), 1 (1998)
  • Falandysz, J., Wyrzykowska, B., Warzocha, J., Barska, I., Garbacik-Wesolowska, A., Szefer, P.: Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in perch Perca fluviatilis from the Odra/ Oder river estuary, Baltic Sea. Food Chemistry, 87(1), 17 (2004)
  • Diagne, R.G., Foster, G.D., Khan, S.U.: Comparison of Soxhlet and microwave-assisted extractions for the determination of fenitrothion residues in beans. Journal of Agricul- tural and Food Chemistry, 50(11), 3204 (2002)
  • Richter, B.E., Jones, B.A., Ezzell, J.L., Porter, N.L., Avdalovic, N., Pohl, C.: Accelerated solvent extraction: A technique for sample preparation. Analytical Chemistry, 68(6), 1033 (1996)
  • Mockel, H.J., Welter, G., Melzer, H.: Correlation between Reversed-Phase Retention and Solute Molecular-Surface Type and Area .1. Theoretical Outlines and Retention of Vari- ous Hydrocarbon Classes. Journal of Chromatography, 388(2), 255 (1987)
  • Moreno, E., Reza, J., Trejo, A.: Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil using water under subcritical conditions. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 27(4), 239 (2007)
  • Lundstedt, S., van Bavel, B., Haglund, P., Tysklind, M., Oberg, L.: Pressurised liquid extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soils. Journal of Chromatography A, 883(1-2), 151 (2000)
  • Rostagno, M.A., Villares, A., Guillamon, E., Garcia-Lafuente, A., Martinez, J.A.: Sample preparation for the analysis of isoflavones from soybeans and soy foods. Journal of Chromatography A, 1216(1), 2 (2009)
  • R. Kellner, M.M., M.Otto, M.Valcarcel, H.M. Widmer, Sample Preparation, in Analytical Chemistry: A Modern Approach to Analytical Science, xyz, Editor. 2004, Wiley: Wein- heim.
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  • Saim, N., Dean, J.R., Abdullah, M.P., Zakaria, Z.: Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated soil using Soxhlet extraction, pressurised and atmo- spheric microwave-assisted extraction, supercritical fluid extraction and accelerated solvent extraction. Journal of Chromatography A, 791(1-2), 361 (1997)
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  • Papadakis, E.N., Vryzas, Z., Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, E.: Rapid method for the deter- mination of 16 organochlorine pesticides in sesame seeds by microwave-assisted ex- traction and analysis of extracts by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1127(1-2), 6 (2006)
  • Franke, M., Winek, C.L., Kingston, H.M.: Extraction of selected drugs from serum us- ing microwave irradiation. Forensic Science International, 81(1), 51 (1996)
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  • Prados-Rosales, R.C., Garcia, J.L.L., de Castro, M.D.L.: Rapid analytical method for the determination of pesticide residues in sunflower seeds based on focused microwave- assisted Soxhlet extraction prior to gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 993(1-2), 121 (2003)
  • Priego-Capote, F., Luque-Garcia, U., de Castro, M.D.L.: Automated fast extraction of nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil by focused microwave-assisted Soxhlet extraction prior to gas chromatography-electron-capture detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 994(1-2), 159 (2003)
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Advanced Extraction Techniques I

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 209 - 242, 01.06.2012


In the past several decades, public awareness has increased that environmental contaminants are a health risk. As a result of a requirement for determination of toxic contaminants in air, water, and solids including soil, sediment and food samples , the interest in environmental research and monitoring has increased. Although highly selective separation and sensitive instrumentation for quantification, the approach of “dilute and shoot” of is not compatible with environmental determinations. An extraction step is necessary for isolation and enrichment trace level analytes from sample matrixes. Classical extraction procedures consume large amounts of solvents, thus they create their environmental and occupational hazards, and often provide very little selectivity. For example, when semivolatile compounds in different matrixes are analyzed by using conventional approaches such as Soxhlet extraction for solid samples, liquid-liquid extraction for aqueous matrixes, toxic chemical management and disposal are required. The development of new technologies, such as pressurized liquid extraction PLE , solid-phase microextraction SPME , microwave-assisted extraction MAE and supercritical fluid extraction SFE reduced solvent use. There has been an increasing demand for new techiques, because they are appropriate automation, a lot faster and are environmentally friendly techniques.


  • Wan, H.B., Wong, M.K.: Minimization of solvent consumption in pesticide residue anal- ysis. Journal of Chromatography A, 754(1-2), 43 (1996)
  • Eskilsson, C.S., Bjorklund, E.: Analytical-scale microwave-assisted extraction. Journal of Chromatography A, 902(1), 227 (2000)
  • Pawliszyn, J.: Sample preparation: Quo Vadis? Analytical Chemistry, 75(11), 2543 (2003)
  • R. Kellner, M.M., M.Otto, M.Valcarcel, H.M. Widmer, Sample Preparation, in Analytical Chemistry: Modern Approach to Analytical Science. 2004, Wiley: Weinheim. p. 506-508.
  • Luque-Garcia, J.L., de Castro, M.D.L.: Focused microwave-assisted Soxhlet extraction: devices and applications. Talanta, 64(3), 571 (2004)
  • de Castro, M.D.L., Priego-Capote, F.: Soxhlet extraction: Past and present panacea. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217(16), 2383 (2010)
  • de Castro, M.D.L., Garcia-Ayuso, L.E.: Soxhlet extraction of solid materials: an out- dated technique with a promising innovative future. Analytica Chimica Acta, 369(1-2), 1 (1998)
  • Falandysz, J., Wyrzykowska, B., Warzocha, J., Barska, I., Garbacik-Wesolowska, A., Szefer, P.: Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in perch Perca fluviatilis from the Odra/ Oder river estuary, Baltic Sea. Food Chemistry, 87(1), 17 (2004)
  • Diagne, R.G., Foster, G.D., Khan, S.U.: Comparison of Soxhlet and microwave-assisted extractions for the determination of fenitrothion residues in beans. Journal of Agricul- tural and Food Chemistry, 50(11), 3204 (2002)
  • Richter, B.E., Jones, B.A., Ezzell, J.L., Porter, N.L., Avdalovic, N., Pohl, C.: Accelerated solvent extraction: A technique for sample preparation. Analytical Chemistry, 68(6), 1033 (1996)
  • Mockel, H.J., Welter, G., Melzer, H.: Correlation between Reversed-Phase Retention and Solute Molecular-Surface Type and Area .1. Theoretical Outlines and Retention of Vari- ous Hydrocarbon Classes. Journal of Chromatography, 388(2), 255 (1987)
  • Moreno, E., Reza, J., Trejo, A.: Extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil using water under subcritical conditions. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 27(4), 239 (2007)
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Toplam 99 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Ebru Büyüktuncel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Büyüktuncel E. Gelişmiş Ekstraksiyon Teknikleri I. HUJPHARM. 2012(2):209-42.