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The Role of Collaborations in Successful R&D Projects

Yıl 2023, , 521 - 542, 30.12.2023


R&D and innovation studies often involve complex and highly uncertain tasks, which require experts to work together. This paper aims to investigate how collaboration affects the probability of success for an R&D (Research and Development) project while controlling some other factors or groups. Retrospective data of the projects managed in an R&D Centre of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) are used in the study. A generalized linear model, logit, and mixed-effect logistic regression in order to examine random effects, are implemented for the empirical analyses. In our findings, exceeding the project deadline appeared as a predictor of success in the R&D project, and collaborations’ effects on R&D project success are dependent on the type of these projects. It is useful to decide on the number of collaborating institutions, depending on the project type, type of funding, and the aim of the R&D projects. Product development projects aiming at digital government or homeland security will increase their probability of success via collaboration. R&D projects with limited funds, probably have concerns about the extra costs, but as odds ratios increase against expectations, we can conclude that these projects may also benefit from collaboration.


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  • Cassiman, B., Di Guardo, M. C., & Valentini, G. (2009). Organising R&D projects to profit from inno-vation: insights from co-opetition. Long Range Planning, 42(2), 216-233. lrp.2009.01.001 google scholar
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  • Maidique M. A., & Zirger B.J. (1985). The New Product Learning Cycle. Research Policy, 14, 299-313. google scholar
  • Mishra, A., Chandrasekaran, A., & Maccormack, A. (2015). Collaboration in Multi-Partner R&D Projects: The Impact of Partnering Scale and Scope. Journal of OperationsManagement, 33-34, 1-14. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jom.2014.09.008 google scholar
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2015). Frascati Manual 2015: Guide-lines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development. The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities, OECD Publishing, Paris. google scholar
  • Okamuro H. (2007). Determinants of successful R&D cooperation in Japanese small businesses: The impact of organizational and contractual characteristics. Research Policy, 36, 1529-1544. google scholar
  • Pinto J. K., & Slevin D. P. (1987). Critical Factors in Successful Project Implementation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, EM-34, 22-27. google scholar
  • Pisano, G. P. (1990). The R&D boundaries of the firm: An empirical analysis. Administrative Science Quar-terly, 35, 153-76. google scholar
  • Simao, L., & Franco M. (2015). The Effect of R&D Cooperation on Organizational Innovation: An Empirical Study of Portuguese Enterprises. In Farinha, L.M.C., Ferreira, J.J.M., Smith, H.L., Bagchi-Sen, S. (Eds) Handbook ofResearch on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ch. 21, pp. 352-370), Spain, IGI Global ABSCA Book Series. google scholar
  • Smith-Doerr, L., Manev, I. M., & Rizova, P. (2004). The meaning of success: Network position and the social construction of project outcomes in an R&D lab. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M, 21(1-2), 51-81. google scholar
  • Souder W. E., & Jenssen S.A. (1999). Management Practices Influencing New Product Success and Failure In The United States And Scandinavia: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study. Journal ofProduct Innova-tion Management, 16, 183-203. google scholar
  • Teng, B. S. (2006). Corporate entrepreneurship activities through strategic alliances: A resource-based app-roach toward competitive advantage. Journal ofManagement Studies, 44, 119-42. google scholar
  • Tether, B. S. (2002). Who co-operates for innovation, and why: An empirical analysis. Research Policy, 31(6), 947-67. google scholar
  • Thamhain, H. J. (2003). Managing innovative R & D teams. R&D Management, 33(3), 297-311. google scholar
Yıl 2023, , 521 - 542, 30.12.2023



  • Agresti, A. (2013). Categorical Data Analysis (3rd Ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons. google scholar
  • Anderson, D. R. (2008). Model Based Inferences in the Life Sciences: a Primer on Evidence. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer. google scholar
  • Aschhoff, B., & Schmidt, T. (2008). Empirical evidence on the success of R&D cooperation: Happy toget-her?. Review of Industrial Organization, 33, 41-62. google scholar
  • Baaken, T., Kesting, T., & Gerstlberger, W. (2017). A benefit segmentation approach for innovation-oriented university-business collaboration. International Journal of Technology Management, 76(1/2), 58. https:// google scholar
  • Baker, B. N., Murphy, D. C., & Fisher, D. (1983). Factors affecting project success, Project Management Handbook. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York (cited from Belassi & Tükel, 1996). google scholar
  • Balachandra R., & Friar J.H. (1997). Factors for Success in R&D Projects and New Product Innovation: A Contextual Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 44, 276-287. google scholar
  • Baniak, A., & Dubina, I. (2012). Innovation analysis and game theory: A review. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 14(2), 178-191. google scholar
  • Bayona, C., Garaa-Marco, T., & Huerta, E. (2001). Firms’ motivations for cooperative R&D: An empi-rical analysis of Spanish firms. Research Policy, 30(8), 1289-1307. google scholar
  • Belassi, W., & Tukel, O. I. (1996). A new framework for determining critical success/failure factors in pro-jects. International Journal ofProject Management, 14(3), 141-151. google scholar
  • Belderbos, R., Carree M., & Lokshin B. (2004). Cooperative R&D and firm performance. Research Policy, 33, 1477-92. google scholar
  • Binenbaum, E. (2008). Incentive issues in R&D consortia: Insights from applied game theory. Contemporary Economic Policy, 26(4), 636-650. google scholar
  • Bizan O. (2003). The determinants of success of R&D projects: evidence from American-Israeli research alliances. Research Policy, 32, 1619-1640. google scholar
  • Bond-Barnard, T. J., Fletcher, L., & Steyn, H. (2018). Linking trust and collaboration in project teams to project management success. International Journal ofManaging Projects in Business, 11(2), 432-457. google scholar
  • Burnham, K. P., & Anderson, D. R. (2004). Multimodel Inference. Sociological Methods & Research, 33(2), 261-304. doi:10.1177/0049124104268644. google scholar
  • Carayannis, E. E. G., & Alexander, J. (1999). Winning by co-opeting in strategic government-university-in-dustry R&D partnerships: the power of complex, dynamic knowledge networks. The Journal of Techno-logy Transfer, 24(2-3), 197-210. google scholar
  • Carayannis, E. G. C., & Alexander, J. (2004). Strategy, structure, and performance issues of precompetitive R&D consortia: insights and lessons learned from SEMATECH. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 51(2):226-32. doi:10.1109/tem.2003.822459 google scholar
  • Cassiman, B., Di Guardo, M. C., & Valentini, G. (2009). Organising R&D projects to profit from inno-vation: insights from co-opetition. Long Range Planning, 42(2), 216-233. lrp.2009.01.001 google scholar
  • Cooper R. G., & Kleinschmidt E. J. (1997). Benchmarking the firm’s critical success factors in new product development. Journal ofProduct Innovation Management, 12, 374-391. google scholar
  • Das, T. K., & Teng, B. S. (2000). A resource-based theory of strategic alliances. Journal of Management, 26(1), 31-60. google scholar
  • Diirr, B., & Cappelli, C. (2018). A systematic literature review to understand cross-organizational relations-hip management and collaboration. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, google scholar
  • Dwyer L., & Mellor R. (1991). New Product Process Activities and Project Outcomes. R&D Management, 21, 31-42. google scholar
  • Etzkowitz H., & Leydesdorff L. (1995). The triple helix - university-industry-government relations: a labora-tory for knowledge based economic development. EASST European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Review, 14 (1), 14-19. google scholar
  • Fernandes, G., Araûjo, M., Andrade, R., Pinto, E. B., Tereso, A., & Machado, R. J. (2020). Critical factors for benefits realisation in collaborative university-industry R&D programs. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 12 (1), 1-30. google scholar
  • Fritsch, M. & Lukas, R. (2001). Who cooperates on R&D?. Research Policy, 30, 297-312. google scholar
  • Gaynor G.H. (1996). Monitoring projects - it’s more than reading reports. Research Technology Manage-ment, March-April, 45-47. google scholar
  • Gong, L., & Zhang, X. (2014). Study of the game theory analysis and incentive mechanism of inter-organi-zational knowledge sharing in cooperative R&D. IERI Procedia, 10, 266-273. ieri.2014.09.087 google scholar
  • Griffin A., & Page A.L. (1993). An interim report on measuring product development success and failure. Journal of Product Innovation Management., 10, 291-308. google scholar
  • Gulati R. (1995). Social structure and alliance formation patterns: A longitudinal analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(4), 619-652. google scholar
  • Hagedoorn, J. (1993). Understanding the rationale of strategic technology partnering: Interorganisational modes of co-operation and sectoral differences. Strategic Management Journal, 14, 371-85. google scholar
  • Hamel, G. (1991). Competition for competence and inter-partner learning within international strategic alli-ances. Strategic Management Journal, 12, 83-103. google scholar
  • Hauser, J. R. (1998). Research, development and engineering metrics. Management Science, 44, 1670-1689. google scholar
  • Katz, M. (1986). An analysis of cooperative research and development. Rand Journal of Economics, Winter, 17, 527-43. google scholar
  • Kang, K. H., & Kang, J. (2010). Does partner type matter in R&D collaboration for product innovation?. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 22(8), 945-959. 0.520473 google scholar
  • Kerssens-van Drongelen, I. C., & Bilderbeek, J. (1999). R&D performance measurement: more than choo-sing a set of metrics. R&D Management, 29(1), 35-46. google scholar
  • Kleinknecht, A. & Reijnen, J. O. N. (1992). Why Do Firms Cooperate on Research-and-Development - an Empirical-Study. Research Policy, 21(4), 347-360. google scholar
  • Lee, S., & Bozeman, B. (2005). The impact of research collaboration on scientific productivity. Social Studi-es of Science, 35(5), 673-702. google scholar
  • Lhuillery, S., & Pfister, E. (2009). R&D cooperation and failures in innovation projects: Empirical evidence from French CIS data. Research Policy, 38(1), 45-57. google scholar
  • Li, D., Eden, L., Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Garrett, R. P. (2012). Governance in multilateral R & D allian-ces. Organization Science, 23(4), 1191-1210. google scholar
  • Maidique M. A., & Zirger B.J. (1985). The New Product Learning Cycle. Research Policy, 14, 299-313. google scholar
  • Mishra, A., Chandrasekaran, A., & Maccormack, A. (2015). Collaboration in Multi-Partner R&D Projects: The Impact of Partnering Scale and Scope. Journal of OperationsManagement, 33-34, 1-14. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jom.2014.09.008 google scholar
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2015). Frascati Manual 2015: Guide-lines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development. The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities, OECD Publishing, Paris. google scholar
  • Okamuro H. (2007). Determinants of successful R&D cooperation in Japanese small businesses: The impact of organizational and contractual characteristics. Research Policy, 36, 1529-1544. google scholar
  • Pinto J. K., & Slevin D. P. (1987). Critical Factors in Successful Project Implementation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, EM-34, 22-27. google scholar
  • Pisano, G. P. (1990). The R&D boundaries of the firm: An empirical analysis. Administrative Science Quar-terly, 35, 153-76. google scholar
  • Simao, L., & Franco M. (2015). The Effect of R&D Cooperation on Organizational Innovation: An Empirical Study of Portuguese Enterprises. In Farinha, L.M.C., Ferreira, J.J.M., Smith, H.L., Bagchi-Sen, S. (Eds) Handbook ofResearch on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Ch. 21, pp. 352-370), Spain, IGI Global ABSCA Book Series. google scholar
  • Smith-Doerr, L., Manev, I. M., & Rizova, P. (2004). The meaning of success: Network position and the social construction of project outcomes in an R&D lab. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M, 21(1-2), 51-81. google scholar
  • Souder W. E., & Jenssen S.A. (1999). Management Practices Influencing New Product Success and Failure In The United States And Scandinavia: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study. Journal ofProduct Innova-tion Management, 16, 183-203. google scholar
  • Teng, B. S. (2006). Corporate entrepreneurship activities through strategic alliances: A resource-based app-roach toward competitive advantage. Journal ofManagement Studies, 44, 119-42. google scholar
  • Tether, B. S. (2002). Who co-operates for innovation, and why: An empirical analysis. Research Policy, 31(6), 947-67. google scholar
  • Thamhain, H. J. (2003). Managing innovative R & D teams. R&D Management, 33(3), 297-311. google scholar
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
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Bölüm Articles

Sema Nur Altuğ 0000-0003-2985-9866

Oya Ekici 0000-0001-5008-0238

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Aralık 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Altuğ, S. N., & Ekici, O. (2023). The Role of Collaborations in Successful R&D Projects. Istanbul Business Research, 52(3), 521-542.

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