Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2024, Early Access, 1 - 32



  • S. T. Aldrich, E. E. Enochs, O. M. G. Jenda and L. Oyonarte, Envelopes and covers by modules of finite injective and projective dimensions, J. Algebra, 242(2) (2001), 447-459.
  • F. W. Anderson and K. R. Fuller, Rings and Categories of Modules, 2nd edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 13, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992.
  • L. Angeleri Hugel and F. U. Coelho, Infinitely generated tilting modules of finite projective dimension, Forum Math., 13(2) (2001), 239-250.
  • L. Angeleri Hugel, D. Herbera and J. Trlifaj, Tilting modules and Gorenstein rings, Forum Math., 18(2) (2006), 211-229.
  • L. Angeleri Hugel and O. Mendoza Hernandez, Homological dimensions in cotorsion pairs, Illinois J. Math., 53(1) (2009), 251-263.
  • I. Assem, D. Simson and A. Skowronski, Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras, Vol. 1, Techniques of Representation Theory, London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 65, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
  • D. Bennis and N. Mahdou, Global Gorenstein dimensions of polynomial rings and of direct products of rings, Houston J. Math., 35(4) (2009), 1019-1028.
  • D. Bennis and N. Mahdou, Global Gorenstein dimensions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 138(2) (2010), 461-465.
  • I. Bican, R. El Bashir and E. E. Enochs, All modules have flat covers, Bull. London Math. Soc., 33(4) (2001), 385-390.
  • D. Bravo, J. Gillespie and M. Hovey, The stable module category of a general ring, arXiv:1405.5768v1 [math.RA] (2014).
  • D. Bravo and C. E. Parra, Torsion pairs over n-hereditary rings, Comm. Algebra, 47(5) (2019), 1892-1907.
  • D. Bravo and M. A. Perez, Finiteness conditions and cotorsion pairs, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 221(6) (2017), 1249-1267.
  • J. W. Brewer, E. A. Rutter and J. J. Watkins, Coherence and weak global dimension of $R$[[$X$]] when $R$ is von Neumann regular, J. Algebra, 46(1) (1977), 278-289.
  • J. L. Chen and N. Q. Ding, On n-coherent rings, Comm. Algebra, 24(10) (1996), 3211-3216.
  • L. W. Christensen, S. Estrada and P. Thompson, Gorenstein weak global dimension is symmetric, Math. Nachr., 294(11) (2021), 2121-2128.
  • D. L. Costa, Parameterizing families of non-Noetherian rings, Comm. Algebra, 22(10) (1994), 3997-4011.
  • G. C. Dai and N. Q. Ding, Coherent rings and absolutely pure precovers, Comm. Algebra, 47(11) (2019), 4743-4748.
  • P. C. Eklof and J. Trlifaj, How to make Ext vanish, Bull. London Math. Soc., 33(1) (2001), 41-51.
  • E. E. Enochs, Injective and flat covers, envelopes and resolvents, Israel J. Math., 39(3) (1981), 189-209.
  • E. E. Enochs, A. Iacob and O. M. G. Jenda, Closure under transfinite extensions, Illinois J. Math., 51(2) (2007), 561-569.
  • E. E. Enochs and O. M. G. Jenda, Copure injective modules, Quaestiones Math., 14(4) (1991), 401-409.
  • E. E. Enochs and O. M. G. Jenda, Gorenstein injective and projective modules, Math. Z., 220(4) (1995), 611-633.
  • E. E. Enochs and O. M. G. Jenda, Relative Homological Algebra, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics, 30, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 2000.
  • E. E. Enochs, O. M. G. Jenda and B. Torrecillas, Gorenstein flat modules, Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan, 10(1) (1993), 1-9.
  • E. E. Enochs and L. Oyonarte, Covers, Envelopes and Cotorsion Theories, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2002.
  • Z. H. Gao and F. G. Wang, Weak injective and weak flat modules, Comm. Algebra, 43(9) (2015), 3857-3868.
  • J. Gillespie, On the homotopy category of AC-injective complexes, Front. Math. China, 12(1) (2017), 97-115.
  • R. Gobel and J. Trlifaj, Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of Modules, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics, 41, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, 2006.
  • H. Holm and P. J{\o}rgensen, Covers, precovers, and purity, Illinois J. Math., 52(2) (2008), 691-703.
  • H. Holm and P. J{\o}rgensen, Cotorsion pairs induced by duality pairs, J. Commut. Algebra, 1(4) (2009), 621-633.
  • M. Hrbek, One-tilting classes and modules over commutative rings, J. Algebra, 462 (2016), 1-22.
  • W. Q. Li, J. C. Guan and B. Y. Ouyang, Strongly FP-injective modules, Comm. Algebra, 45(9) (2017), 3816-3824.
  • W. Q. Li and D. Liu, A non-commutative analogue of Costa's first conjecture, J. Algebra Appl., 19(1) (2020), 2050007 (6 pp).
  • W. Q. Li and B. Y. Ouyang, (n, d)-Injective covers, n-coherent rings, and (n, d)-rings, Czechoslovak Math. J., 64 (2014), 289-304.
  • W. Q. Li, L. Yan and B. Y. Ouyang, On global C -dimensions, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 49(2) (2019), 557-577.
  • W. Q. Li, L. Yan and D. Zhang, Some results on Gorenstein (weak) global dimension of rings, Comm. Algebra, 51(1) (2023), 264-275.
  • N. Mahdou and K. Ouarghi, On G-(n, d)-rings, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 42(3) (2012), 999-1013.
  • L. X. Mao and N. Q. Ding, FP-projective dimensions, Comm. Algebra, 33(4) (2005), 1153-1170.
  • L. X. Mao and N. Q. Ding, Relative projective modules and relative injective modules, Comm. Algebra, 34(7) (2006), 2403-2418.
  • B. Y. Ouyang, L. L. Duan and W. Q. Li, Relative projective dimensions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2), 37(3) (2014), 865-879.
  • W. H. Rant, Minimally generated modules, Canad. Math. Bull., 23(1) (1980), 103-105.
  • F. Richman, Flat dimension, constructivity, and the Hilbert syzygy theorem, New Zealand J. Math., 26(2) (1997), 263-273.
  • J. Saroch and J. Stovicek, Singular compactness and definability for $\sum$-cotorsion and Gorenstein modules, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 26(2) (2020), 23 (40 pp).
  • J. Stovicek, On purity and applications to coderived and singularity categories, arXiv:1412.1615v1 [math.CT] (2014).
  • W. V. Vasconcelos, The Rings of Dimension Two, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 22, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel, 1976.
  • J. P. Wang, Z. K. Liu and X. Y. Yang, A negative answer to a question of Gillespie (in Chinese), Sci. Sin. Math., 48(9) (2018), 1121-1130.
  • F. Zareh-Khoshchehreh and K. Divaani-Aazar, The existence of relative pure injective envelopes, Colloq. Math., 130 (2013), 251-264.
  • D. D. Zhang and B. Y. Ouyang, On n-coherent rings and (n, d)-injective modules, Algebra Colloq., 22 (2015), 349-360.
  • T. Zhao, Homological properties of modules with finite weak injective and weak flat dimensions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 41(2) (2018), 779-805.
  • D. X. Zhou, On n-coherent rings and (n, d)-rings, Comm. Algebra, 32(6) (2004), 2425-2441.

On $G$-$(n,d)$-rings and $n$-coherent rings

Yıl 2024, Early Access, 1 - 32


Let $n$ and $d$ be non-negative integers. We introduce the concept of $strongly$ $(n,d)$-$injective$ modules to characterize $n$-coherent rings. For a right perfect ring $R$, it is shown that $R$ is right $n$-coherent if and only if every right $R$-module has a strongly $(n,d)$-injective (pre)cover for some non-negative integer $d \leq n$. We also provide equivalent conditions for an $(n,d)$-ring being $n$-coherent. Then we investigate the so-called $right$ $G$-$(n,d)$-$rings$, over which every $n$-presented right module has Gorenstein projective dimension at most $d$. Finally, we prove a Gorenstein analogue of Costa's first conjecture.


  • S. T. Aldrich, E. E. Enochs, O. M. G. Jenda and L. Oyonarte, Envelopes and covers by modules of finite injective and projective dimensions, J. Algebra, 242(2) (2001), 447-459.
  • F. W. Anderson and K. R. Fuller, Rings and Categories of Modules, 2nd edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 13, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992.
  • L. Angeleri Hugel and F. U. Coelho, Infinitely generated tilting modules of finite projective dimension, Forum Math., 13(2) (2001), 239-250.
  • L. Angeleri Hugel, D. Herbera and J. Trlifaj, Tilting modules and Gorenstein rings, Forum Math., 18(2) (2006), 211-229.
  • L. Angeleri Hugel and O. Mendoza Hernandez, Homological dimensions in cotorsion pairs, Illinois J. Math., 53(1) (2009), 251-263.
  • I. Assem, D. Simson and A. Skowronski, Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras, Vol. 1, Techniques of Representation Theory, London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 65, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
  • D. Bennis and N. Mahdou, Global Gorenstein dimensions of polynomial rings and of direct products of rings, Houston J. Math., 35(4) (2009), 1019-1028.
  • D. Bennis and N. Mahdou, Global Gorenstein dimensions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 138(2) (2010), 461-465.
  • I. Bican, R. El Bashir and E. E. Enochs, All modules have flat covers, Bull. London Math. Soc., 33(4) (2001), 385-390.
  • D. Bravo, J. Gillespie and M. Hovey, The stable module category of a general ring, arXiv:1405.5768v1 [math.RA] (2014).
  • D. Bravo and C. E. Parra, Torsion pairs over n-hereditary rings, Comm. Algebra, 47(5) (2019), 1892-1907.
  • D. Bravo and M. A. Perez, Finiteness conditions and cotorsion pairs, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 221(6) (2017), 1249-1267.
  • J. W. Brewer, E. A. Rutter and J. J. Watkins, Coherence and weak global dimension of $R$[[$X$]] when $R$ is von Neumann regular, J. Algebra, 46(1) (1977), 278-289.
  • J. L. Chen and N. Q. Ding, On n-coherent rings, Comm. Algebra, 24(10) (1996), 3211-3216.
  • L. W. Christensen, S. Estrada and P. Thompson, Gorenstein weak global dimension is symmetric, Math. Nachr., 294(11) (2021), 2121-2128.
  • D. L. Costa, Parameterizing families of non-Noetherian rings, Comm. Algebra, 22(10) (1994), 3997-4011.
  • G. C. Dai and N. Q. Ding, Coherent rings and absolutely pure precovers, Comm. Algebra, 47(11) (2019), 4743-4748.
  • P. C. Eklof and J. Trlifaj, How to make Ext vanish, Bull. London Math. Soc., 33(1) (2001), 41-51.
  • E. E. Enochs, Injective and flat covers, envelopes and resolvents, Israel J. Math., 39(3) (1981), 189-209.
  • E. E. Enochs, A. Iacob and O. M. G. Jenda, Closure under transfinite extensions, Illinois J. Math., 51(2) (2007), 561-569.
  • E. E. Enochs and O. M. G. Jenda, Copure injective modules, Quaestiones Math., 14(4) (1991), 401-409.
  • E. E. Enochs and O. M. G. Jenda, Gorenstein injective and projective modules, Math. Z., 220(4) (1995), 611-633.
  • E. E. Enochs and O. M. G. Jenda, Relative Homological Algebra, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics, 30, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 2000.
  • E. E. Enochs, O. M. G. Jenda and B. Torrecillas, Gorenstein flat modules, Nanjing Daxue Xuebao Shuxue Bannian Kan, 10(1) (1993), 1-9.
  • E. E. Enochs and L. Oyonarte, Covers, Envelopes and Cotorsion Theories, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2002.
  • Z. H. Gao and F. G. Wang, Weak injective and weak flat modules, Comm. Algebra, 43(9) (2015), 3857-3868.
  • J. Gillespie, On the homotopy category of AC-injective complexes, Front. Math. China, 12(1) (2017), 97-115.
  • R. Gobel and J. Trlifaj, Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of Modules, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics, 41, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, 2006.
  • H. Holm and P. J{\o}rgensen, Covers, precovers, and purity, Illinois J. Math., 52(2) (2008), 691-703.
  • H. Holm and P. J{\o}rgensen, Cotorsion pairs induced by duality pairs, J. Commut. Algebra, 1(4) (2009), 621-633.
  • M. Hrbek, One-tilting classes and modules over commutative rings, J. Algebra, 462 (2016), 1-22.
  • W. Q. Li, J. C. Guan and B. Y. Ouyang, Strongly FP-injective modules, Comm. Algebra, 45(9) (2017), 3816-3824.
  • W. Q. Li and D. Liu, A non-commutative analogue of Costa's first conjecture, J. Algebra Appl., 19(1) (2020), 2050007 (6 pp).
  • W. Q. Li and B. Y. Ouyang, (n, d)-Injective covers, n-coherent rings, and (n, d)-rings, Czechoslovak Math. J., 64 (2014), 289-304.
  • W. Q. Li, L. Yan and B. Y. Ouyang, On global C -dimensions, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 49(2) (2019), 557-577.
  • W. Q. Li, L. Yan and D. Zhang, Some results on Gorenstein (weak) global dimension of rings, Comm. Algebra, 51(1) (2023), 264-275.
  • N. Mahdou and K. Ouarghi, On G-(n, d)-rings, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 42(3) (2012), 999-1013.
  • L. X. Mao and N. Q. Ding, FP-projective dimensions, Comm. Algebra, 33(4) (2005), 1153-1170.
  • L. X. Mao and N. Q. Ding, Relative projective modules and relative injective modules, Comm. Algebra, 34(7) (2006), 2403-2418.
  • B. Y. Ouyang, L. L. Duan and W. Q. Li, Relative projective dimensions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2), 37(3) (2014), 865-879.
  • W. H. Rant, Minimally generated modules, Canad. Math. Bull., 23(1) (1980), 103-105.
  • F. Richman, Flat dimension, constructivity, and the Hilbert syzygy theorem, New Zealand J. Math., 26(2) (1997), 263-273.
  • J. Saroch and J. Stovicek, Singular compactness and definability for $\sum$-cotorsion and Gorenstein modules, Selecta Math. (N.S.), 26(2) (2020), 23 (40 pp).
  • J. Stovicek, On purity and applications to coderived and singularity categories, arXiv:1412.1615v1 [math.CT] (2014).
  • W. V. Vasconcelos, The Rings of Dimension Two, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 22, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel, 1976.
  • J. P. Wang, Z. K. Liu and X. Y. Yang, A negative answer to a question of Gillespie (in Chinese), Sci. Sin. Math., 48(9) (2018), 1121-1130.
  • F. Zareh-Khoshchehreh and K. Divaani-Aazar, The existence of relative pure injective envelopes, Colloq. Math., 130 (2013), 251-264.
  • D. D. Zhang and B. Y. Ouyang, On n-coherent rings and (n, d)-injective modules, Algebra Colloq., 22 (2015), 349-360.
  • T. Zhao, Homological properties of modules with finite weak injective and weak flat dimensions, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 41(2) (2018), 779-805.
  • D. X. Zhou, On n-coherent rings and (n, d)-rings, Comm. Algebra, 32(6) (2004), 2425-2441.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Weiqing Li Bu kişi benim

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 18 Haziran 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Early Access

Kaynak Göster

APA Li, W. (2024). On $G$-$(n,d)$-rings and $n$-coherent rings. International Electronic Journal of Algebra1-32.
AMA Li W. On $G$-$(n,d)$-rings and $n$-coherent rings. IEJA. Published online 01 Haziran 2024:1-32. doi:10.24330/ieja.1502064
Chicago Li, Weiqing. “On $G$-$(n,d)$-Rings and $n$-Coherent Rings”. International Electronic Journal of Algebra, Haziran (Haziran 2024), 1-32.
EndNote Li W (01 Haziran 2024) On $G$-$(n,d)$-rings and $n$-coherent rings. International Electronic Journal of Algebra 1–32.
IEEE W. Li, “On $G$-$(n,d)$-rings and $n$-coherent rings”, IEJA, ss. 1–32, Haziran 2024, doi: 10.24330/ieja.1502064.
ISNAD Li, Weiqing. “On $G$-$(n,d)$-Rings and $n$-Coherent Rings”. International Electronic Journal of Algebra. Haziran 2024. 1-32.
JAMA Li W. On $G$-$(n,d)$-rings and $n$-coherent rings. IEJA. 2024;:1–32.
MLA Li, Weiqing. “On $G$-$(n,d)$-Rings and $n$-Coherent Rings”. International Electronic Journal of Algebra, 2024, ss. 1-32, doi:10.24330/ieja.1502064.
Vancouver Li W. On $G$-$(n,d)$-rings and $n$-coherent rings. IEJA. 2024:1-32.