Deficiencies and Needs for the Application of Inquiry-Based Learning in Physics Classes
Year 2023,
Volume: 7 Issue: 13, 31 - 45, 21.03.2023
Fatma Nur Büyükbayraktar
This study is a qualitative case study conducted to examine the deficiencies and needs for the implementation of the investigative inquiry program in physics classes. The study was carried out at Science High School (SHS), Anatolian High School (AHS), and Technical Vocational High School within the scope of purposeful sampling determined according to school type. In the study, observations were made in physics classes. Interviews were conducted with the teachers of the observed classes. The obtained data were subjected to descriptive analysis. Observation and interview data were interpreted together. It was observed that the teachers had classroom discussions over the daily life examples and models in the lesson. It can be said that teachers try to create an inquiry-based teaching environment in this way. It can be said that teachers are willing to teach based on inquiry, but they see some situations as obstacles in practice. Some suggestions are presented in the context of the research results. It is thought that the results of this study and the suggestions made will help teachers and administrators plan and set up activities for in-service training.
Supporting Institution
This study was conducted as part of the TUBITAK 2218 Domestic Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Program and was based on some of the project's completed data. We would like to express our gratitude to TUBITAK and and project consultants Prof. Dr. Orhan KARAMUSTAFAOĞLU and Prof. Dr. Telhat ÖZDOĞAN for their support of this research.
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