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Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2020, , 2049 - 2078, 13.02.2021


Bu makalede devletlerin aralarında çıkan belli uyuşmazlık alanlarında birbirlerini belli şekilde davranmaya zorlamak üzere uygulamaya koydukları ekonomik yaptırım politikalarının uluslararası hukuka uygunluğu ve etkinliği meselesi ele alınmaktadır. Bu amaçla öncelikle söz konusu yaptırım politikalarının uygulanmasını yasaklayan bir uluslararası hukuk kuralının mevcut olup olmadığına yönelik bir araştırma yapılmakta ve ardından bu tür yaptırım politikalarının uygulanması sırasında uyulması gereken ilgili uluslararası kurallar incelenmektedir. Makalede ele alınan diğer bir mesele devletlerin birbirlerine baskı kurmak üzere başvurdukları söz konusu politikaların istenen sonucu sağlayıp sağlamadığı, başka bir ifade ile etkinliği konusudur. Bu çerçevede bu tür politikaların etkinliğini arttıran veya azaltan devlet içi ve devletlerarası ekonomik ve sosyal dinamikler analiz edilmektedir. Makalede son olarak ekonomik yaptırım politikalarının özel bir türü olan ve genellikle ABD tarafından sıklıkla kullanılan belli devletlere, örgütlere ve kişilere yönelik yaptırımlar öngören ülke aşıcı etkili kanuni düzenlemelerin uluslararası hukuka uygunluğu sorunu ele alınmaktadır.

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Yazar bu çalışma için finansal destek almadığını beyan etmiştir.


  • Acar, S, Ekonomik Yaptırımlar, (Vedat Kitabevi 2015)
  • Akkutay, B L, “Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması Çerçevesinde Ekonomik Yaptırımların Hukuki Niteliği ve Yargısal Denetimi”, (2014) No 111, TBB Dergisi, 411-46
  • Alexander, K, Economic Sanctions- Law and Public Policy, (Palgrave Macmillan 2009)
  • Aslan, M, “ABD’nin Yaptırım Politikaları Kapsamında CAATSA: Türkiye’nin Durumu”, (2019) İRAM, 1-26
  • Buys, C G, “United States Economic Sanctions: The Fairness of Targeting Persons from Third Countries”, (1999) Vol 17 No 2, Boston University International Law Journal, 241-43
  • Chul, C Y, “Political Economy of the US Economic Sanctions against North Korea: Past, Present and
  • Future”, (2005) Vol 34 No 2, Development and Society, 217-38
  • Cortright, D, “Success Through Sanctions”, (2015) Peace Policy, 1-18
  • Cortright, D ve Lopez, G A, The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the 1990s, (Lynne Rienner Publishers 2000)
  • Cortright, D ve Lopez, G A , “Containing Iraq: Sanctions worked”, (2004) 83 Foreign Affairs, 90-103
  • Dal, U, “Avrupa Birliği Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü’nün Ülke Dışı Uygulama Yetkisi ve Bu Yetkinin Uluslararası Hukukta Meşruiyeti”, (2019) Cilt 1 Sayı 1, Kişisel Verileri Koruma Dergisi, 21-33
  • Damrosch, L F, “The civilian impact of economic sanctions”, in Damrosch (ed), Enforcing Restraint: Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts, (Council on Foreign Relations Press 1993)
  • Dodge, W S, “Reasonableness in the Restatement (Fourth) of Foreign Relations Law”, (2019) 55 Williamette L Rev, 521-37.
  • Dost, S ve Korkmaz, Z, “Savaşa Varmayan Zorlama Yolu Olarak Zararla Karşılık ve Bazı Uygulamalar”, (2015) Cilt 5 Sayı 2, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 111-58
  • Drezner, D W, “Conflict Expectations and the Paradox of Economic Coercion”, (1998) 42 International Studies Quarterly, 709-31
  • Drezner, D W, The Sanctions Paradox, (Cambridge University Press 1999)
  • Drury, C C, “Revisiting Economic Sanctions Reconsidered”, (1998) Vol 35 No 4, Journal of Peace Research, 497-509
  • Dupont, P E, “Iran’s Non-Compliance with Its Non-Proliferation Obligations Revisited”, EJIL: Talk!, (22 June 2013)
  • Faeron, J D, “Domestic political audiences and the escalation of international disputes”, (1994) Vol 88 No 3, American Political Science Review, 577-92
  • Gestri, M, “Sanctions Imposed by the European Union: Legal and Institutional Aspects”, in Ronzitti (ed), Coercive Diplomacy, Sanctions and International Law, (Brill 2016)
  • Gevurtz, F A, “Extraterritoriality and the Fourth Restatement of Foreign Relations Law: Opportunities Lost” (2019) 55 Williamette L Rev 449-73
  • Gowland-Debbas, V, “UN Sanctions and International Law: An Overview”, in Vera Gowland- Debbas (ed), United Nations Sanctions and International Law, (Kluwer Law International 2001)
  • Guzman, A T, How International Works, (Oxford University Press 2008)
  • Henderson, A, “Neoidealism and the Democratic Peace”, (1999) 36(2) Journal of Peace Research, 203-31
  • Hess G D ve Orphanides, A, “War and democracy”, (2001) 109 Journal of Political Economy, 776-810
  • Hofer, A, “The Developed/Developing Divide on Unilateral Coercive Measures: Legitimate Enforcement or Illegitimate Intervention?”, (2017) Vol 16 Issue 2, Chinese Journal of International Law, 175-214
  • Hufbauer et al, Economic Sanctions Reconsidered, Peterson Institute for International Economics, (3rd ed Columbia University Press 2009)
  • Ilieva, J et al, “Economic Sanctions in International Law”, (2018) Vol 9 Issue 2, UTMS Journal of Economics, 201-11
  • İnat, K ve Duran, B, “İran Yaptırımları Hukuksal Boyut Bölgesel ve Küresel Yansımalar, Türkiye’ye Etkileri”, (2019 SETA)
  • International Bar Association, Report of the Task Force on Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, (6 February 2009)
  • International Law Association, Final Report of Committee on Accountability of International Organizations, (2004)
  • Joyner, D H, “International Legal Limits on the Ability of States to Lawfully Impose International Economic/Financial Sanctions”, in Marossi and Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, The (Asser Press 2015)
  • Kaempfer, W H ve Lowenberg, A D, “The theory of international economic sanctions: A public choice approach”, (1988) 78 American Economic Review, 786-93
  • Kaempfer, W H ve Lowenberg, A D, “The Political Economy of Economic Sanctions”, (2007) Vol 2, in Sandler ve Hartley (eds), Handbook of Defense Economics, 867-911
  • Karagözoğlu, C, “Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi Bireye Yönelik Ekonomik Yaptırım Kararları ve İnsan Hakları İlişkisi”, (2019) Vol 39 Issue 1, Public and Private International Law Bulletin, 217-74
  • Kaya, İ ve Acer Y, Uluslararası Hukuk, (5. bs Seçkin 2014)
  • Kirshner, J, “The Microfoundations of Economic Sanctions”, (1997) 6 Security Studies, 32-64
  • Kuran, T, “Sparks and prairie fires: A theory of unanticipated political revolution”, (1989) 61 Public Choice, 41-74
  • Küpeli, Mustafa Ş, Dış Politika Aracı Olarak Yaptırımlar: İran’a Uygulanan Yaptırımların Etkileri, (2016) Cilt 3 Sayı 1, Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi , 97-135
  • Lektzian D ve Souva, M, “The economic peace between democracies: Economic sanctions and domestic institutions”, (2003) Vol 40 No 6, Journal of Peace Research, 641-60
  • Lohmann, S, “Extraterritorial US Sanctions”, (2019) German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP Comment No. 5, 1-8
  • Lowe, V and Tzanakopoulos, A, “Economic Warfare”, in Wolfrum (ed), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Mack, A ve Khan, A, “The efficacy of UN sanctions”, (2000) 31(3) Security Dialogue, 279-92
  • Marinov, N, “Do Economic Sanctions Destabilize Country Leaders?”, (2005) Vol 49 No 3, American Journal of Political Science, 451-688
  • Mohamad, R, “Unilateral Sanctions in International Law: A Quest for Legality”, in Marossi ve Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, (Asser Press 2015)
  • Mousseau, M, “The nexus of market society, liberal preferences, and democratic peace: Interdisciplinary theory and evidence”, (2003) 47 International Studies Quarterly, 483-510
  • Myo Nyun, T, “Feeling Good or Doing Good: Inefficacy of the US Unilateral Sanctions against the Military Government of Burma/Myanmar”, (2008) Vol 7 Issue 3, Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 455-518
  • Nooruddin, I, “Modeling selection bias in studies of sanctions efficacy”, (2002) Vol 28 No 1, International Interactions, 57-74
  • Nossal, K R, “Liberal democratic regimes, international sanctions, and global governance”, in Väyrynen (ed), Globalization and Global Governance, (Rowman and Littlefield 1999)
  • Orakhelashvili, A, “The Impact of Unilateral EU Economic Sanctions on the UN Collective Security Framework: The Cases of Iran and Syria”, in Marossi and Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, (Asser Press 2015)
  • Pape, R A, “Why economic sanctions do not work”, (1997) 22 International Security, 90-136
  • Pellet A ve Miron, A, “Sanctions”, in Wolfrum (ed), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Reisman, M V ve Stevick, D L, “The Applicability of International Law Standards to United Nations Economic Sanctions Programs”, (1998) Vol 9 Issue 1, European Journal of International Law, 86-141
  • Repa, M, Extraterritorial Measures of the United States of America and The Impact on Foreign Banks: The Example of Financial Sanctions, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (The Graduate Institute of Geneva 2015)
  • Rennack D E ve Shuey, R D, “Economic Sanctions to Achieve US Foreign Policy Goals: Discussion and Guide to Current Law”, (1998) CRS Report for Congress, 1-31
  • Ruys, T, “The Meaning of ‘Force’ and the Boundaries of the Jus Ad Bellum- Are ‘Minimal’ Uses of Force Excluded from UN Charter Article 2(4)?”, (2014) April, The American Journal of International Law, 159-210
  • Ryngaert, C, Jurisdiction in international law: United States and European Perspectives, Yayınlanmamış Doktora tezi, (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2007)
  • Schrijver, N, “The Use of Economic Sanctions by the UN Security Council: An International Law Perspective”, in Post (ed), International Economic Law and Armed Conflict, (Martinus Nijhoff 1994)
  • Sobır, O, “ABD’nin Türkiye’ye Yönelik Yaptırımlarının Uluslararası Hukuk Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi”, (2018) ANKASAM, Rapor, No. 04, 1
  • Stephan, P B, “The Political Economy of Extraterritoriality”, (2013) Vol I Issue 1, Politics and Governance, 92-101
  • Szasz, P “The Law of Economic Sanctions”, in Schmitt ve Green (eds), Vol 71 Issue 1, International Law Studies, The Law of Armed Conflict: Into the Next Millenium, 455-81
  • Tütüncü, A N, “Güvenlik Konseyi Kararlarının İç Hukukta İcrası”, (2013) 13 AÜSBD, 17-26
  • Tzanakopoulos, A, “The Right to Be Free from Economic Coercion”, Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper, No. 41/2015
  • Tzanakopoulos, A, “Sanctions Imposed Unilaterally by the European Union: Implications for the European Union’s International Responsibility”, in Marossi ve Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, (Asser Press 2015)
  • Villiger, M E, Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, (Martinus Nijhoff 2009)
  • White, N D, “Autonomous and Collective Sanctions in the International Legal Order”, (2018) Vol 27 Issue 1, The Italian Yearbook of International Law, 1-32
  • Yücel, H, “ABD, Mehmet Hakan Atilla’ya Karşı Davasının Hukuki Meşruluğu”, (2017) No 184, Seta Perspektif, 1-6
  • Zerk, J A, “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Lessons for the Business and Human Rights Sphere from Six Regulatory Areas”, (2010) Harvard Corporate Responsibility Initiative Working Paper, No 59, 1-222

Economic Sanctions in International Law and A Short Evaluation of the Us’ Unilateral Sanctions

Year 2020, , 2049 - 2078, 13.02.2021


The purpose of this article is to analyse the international legality and the effectiveness of economic sanctioning policies, adopted by states to force each other to behave in a certain way in areas of conflict. In this regard, first of all, research directed towards discovering if a rule exists prohibiting economic sanction is undertaken, and then relevant international rules that need to be conformed in applying these policies are elaborated. Another issue addressed in this article is the probability of success, namely, effectiveness, of these sanctioning policies. In this context, economic and social inter and intra state dynamics, which either strengthen or weaken the effectiveness of these policies, are closely examined. Finally, the article scrutinises, from the perspective of international law, the problems arising from the US' laws having extraterritorial effects and prescribing sanctions for foreign entities.


  • Acar, S, Ekonomik Yaptırımlar, (Vedat Kitabevi 2015)
  • Akkutay, B L, “Birleşmiş Milletler Andlaşması Çerçevesinde Ekonomik Yaptırımların Hukuki Niteliği ve Yargısal Denetimi”, (2014) No 111, TBB Dergisi, 411-46
  • Alexander, K, Economic Sanctions- Law and Public Policy, (Palgrave Macmillan 2009)
  • Aslan, M, “ABD’nin Yaptırım Politikaları Kapsamında CAATSA: Türkiye’nin Durumu”, (2019) İRAM, 1-26
  • Buys, C G, “United States Economic Sanctions: The Fairness of Targeting Persons from Third Countries”, (1999) Vol 17 No 2, Boston University International Law Journal, 241-43
  • Chul, C Y, “Political Economy of the US Economic Sanctions against North Korea: Past, Present and
  • Future”, (2005) Vol 34 No 2, Development and Society, 217-38
  • Cortright, D, “Success Through Sanctions”, (2015) Peace Policy, 1-18
  • Cortright, D ve Lopez, G A, The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the 1990s, (Lynne Rienner Publishers 2000)
  • Cortright, D ve Lopez, G A , “Containing Iraq: Sanctions worked”, (2004) 83 Foreign Affairs, 90-103
  • Dal, U, “Avrupa Birliği Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü’nün Ülke Dışı Uygulama Yetkisi ve Bu Yetkinin Uluslararası Hukukta Meşruiyeti”, (2019) Cilt 1 Sayı 1, Kişisel Verileri Koruma Dergisi, 21-33
  • Damrosch, L F, “The civilian impact of economic sanctions”, in Damrosch (ed), Enforcing Restraint: Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts, (Council on Foreign Relations Press 1993)
  • Dodge, W S, “Reasonableness in the Restatement (Fourth) of Foreign Relations Law”, (2019) 55 Williamette L Rev, 521-37.
  • Dost, S ve Korkmaz, Z, “Savaşa Varmayan Zorlama Yolu Olarak Zararla Karşılık ve Bazı Uygulamalar”, (2015) Cilt 5 Sayı 2, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 111-58
  • Drezner, D W, “Conflict Expectations and the Paradox of Economic Coercion”, (1998) 42 International Studies Quarterly, 709-31
  • Drezner, D W, The Sanctions Paradox, (Cambridge University Press 1999)
  • Drury, C C, “Revisiting Economic Sanctions Reconsidered”, (1998) Vol 35 No 4, Journal of Peace Research, 497-509
  • Dupont, P E, “Iran’s Non-Compliance with Its Non-Proliferation Obligations Revisited”, EJIL: Talk!, (22 June 2013)
  • Faeron, J D, “Domestic political audiences and the escalation of international disputes”, (1994) Vol 88 No 3, American Political Science Review, 577-92
  • Gestri, M, “Sanctions Imposed by the European Union: Legal and Institutional Aspects”, in Ronzitti (ed), Coercive Diplomacy, Sanctions and International Law, (Brill 2016)
  • Gevurtz, F A, “Extraterritoriality and the Fourth Restatement of Foreign Relations Law: Opportunities Lost” (2019) 55 Williamette L Rev 449-73
  • Gowland-Debbas, V, “UN Sanctions and International Law: An Overview”, in Vera Gowland- Debbas (ed), United Nations Sanctions and International Law, (Kluwer Law International 2001)
  • Guzman, A T, How International Works, (Oxford University Press 2008)
  • Henderson, A, “Neoidealism and the Democratic Peace”, (1999) 36(2) Journal of Peace Research, 203-31
  • Hess G D ve Orphanides, A, “War and democracy”, (2001) 109 Journal of Political Economy, 776-810
  • Hofer, A, “The Developed/Developing Divide on Unilateral Coercive Measures: Legitimate Enforcement or Illegitimate Intervention?”, (2017) Vol 16 Issue 2, Chinese Journal of International Law, 175-214
  • Hufbauer et al, Economic Sanctions Reconsidered, Peterson Institute for International Economics, (3rd ed Columbia University Press 2009)
  • Ilieva, J et al, “Economic Sanctions in International Law”, (2018) Vol 9 Issue 2, UTMS Journal of Economics, 201-11
  • İnat, K ve Duran, B, “İran Yaptırımları Hukuksal Boyut Bölgesel ve Küresel Yansımalar, Türkiye’ye Etkileri”, (2019 SETA)
  • International Bar Association, Report of the Task Force on Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, (6 February 2009)
  • International Law Association, Final Report of Committee on Accountability of International Organizations, (2004)
  • Joyner, D H, “International Legal Limits on the Ability of States to Lawfully Impose International Economic/Financial Sanctions”, in Marossi and Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, The (Asser Press 2015)
  • Kaempfer, W H ve Lowenberg, A D, “The theory of international economic sanctions: A public choice approach”, (1988) 78 American Economic Review, 786-93
  • Kaempfer, W H ve Lowenberg, A D, “The Political Economy of Economic Sanctions”, (2007) Vol 2, in Sandler ve Hartley (eds), Handbook of Defense Economics, 867-911
  • Karagözoğlu, C, “Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi Bireye Yönelik Ekonomik Yaptırım Kararları ve İnsan Hakları İlişkisi”, (2019) Vol 39 Issue 1, Public and Private International Law Bulletin, 217-74
  • Kaya, İ ve Acer Y, Uluslararası Hukuk, (5. bs Seçkin 2014)
  • Kirshner, J, “The Microfoundations of Economic Sanctions”, (1997) 6 Security Studies, 32-64
  • Kuran, T, “Sparks and prairie fires: A theory of unanticipated political revolution”, (1989) 61 Public Choice, 41-74
  • Küpeli, Mustafa Ş, Dış Politika Aracı Olarak Yaptırımlar: İran’a Uygulanan Yaptırımların Etkileri, (2016) Cilt 3 Sayı 1, Türkiye Ortadoğu Çalışmaları Dergisi , 97-135
  • Lektzian D ve Souva, M, “The economic peace between democracies: Economic sanctions and domestic institutions”, (2003) Vol 40 No 6, Journal of Peace Research, 641-60
  • Lohmann, S, “Extraterritorial US Sanctions”, (2019) German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP Comment No. 5, 1-8
  • Lowe, V and Tzanakopoulos, A, “Economic Warfare”, in Wolfrum (ed), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Mack, A ve Khan, A, “The efficacy of UN sanctions”, (2000) 31(3) Security Dialogue, 279-92
  • Marinov, N, “Do Economic Sanctions Destabilize Country Leaders?”, (2005) Vol 49 No 3, American Journal of Political Science, 451-688
  • Mohamad, R, “Unilateral Sanctions in International Law: A Quest for Legality”, in Marossi ve Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, (Asser Press 2015)
  • Mousseau, M, “The nexus of market society, liberal preferences, and democratic peace: Interdisciplinary theory and evidence”, (2003) 47 International Studies Quarterly, 483-510
  • Myo Nyun, T, “Feeling Good or Doing Good: Inefficacy of the US Unilateral Sanctions against the Military Government of Burma/Myanmar”, (2008) Vol 7 Issue 3, Washington University Global Studies Law Review, 455-518
  • Nooruddin, I, “Modeling selection bias in studies of sanctions efficacy”, (2002) Vol 28 No 1, International Interactions, 57-74
  • Nossal, K R, “Liberal democratic regimes, international sanctions, and global governance”, in Väyrynen (ed), Globalization and Global Governance, (Rowman and Littlefield 1999)
  • Orakhelashvili, A, “The Impact of Unilateral EU Economic Sanctions on the UN Collective Security Framework: The Cases of Iran and Syria”, in Marossi and Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, (Asser Press 2015)
  • Pape, R A, “Why economic sanctions do not work”, (1997) 22 International Security, 90-136
  • Pellet A ve Miron, A, “Sanctions”, in Wolfrum (ed), The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Reisman, M V ve Stevick, D L, “The Applicability of International Law Standards to United Nations Economic Sanctions Programs”, (1998) Vol 9 Issue 1, European Journal of International Law, 86-141
  • Repa, M, Extraterritorial Measures of the United States of America and The Impact on Foreign Banks: The Example of Financial Sanctions, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, (The Graduate Institute of Geneva 2015)
  • Rennack D E ve Shuey, R D, “Economic Sanctions to Achieve US Foreign Policy Goals: Discussion and Guide to Current Law”, (1998) CRS Report for Congress, 1-31
  • Ruys, T, “The Meaning of ‘Force’ and the Boundaries of the Jus Ad Bellum- Are ‘Minimal’ Uses of Force Excluded from UN Charter Article 2(4)?”, (2014) April, The American Journal of International Law, 159-210
  • Ryngaert, C, Jurisdiction in international law: United States and European Perspectives, Yayınlanmamış Doktora tezi, (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2007)
  • Schrijver, N, “The Use of Economic Sanctions by the UN Security Council: An International Law Perspective”, in Post (ed), International Economic Law and Armed Conflict, (Martinus Nijhoff 1994)
  • Sobır, O, “ABD’nin Türkiye’ye Yönelik Yaptırımlarının Uluslararası Hukuk Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi”, (2018) ANKASAM, Rapor, No. 04, 1
  • Stephan, P B, “The Political Economy of Extraterritoriality”, (2013) Vol I Issue 1, Politics and Governance, 92-101
  • Szasz, P “The Law of Economic Sanctions”, in Schmitt ve Green (eds), Vol 71 Issue 1, International Law Studies, The Law of Armed Conflict: Into the Next Millenium, 455-81
  • Tütüncü, A N, “Güvenlik Konseyi Kararlarının İç Hukukta İcrası”, (2013) 13 AÜSBD, 17-26
  • Tzanakopoulos, A, “The Right to Be Free from Economic Coercion”, Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper, No. 41/2015
  • Tzanakopoulos, A, “Sanctions Imposed Unilaterally by the European Union: Implications for the European Union’s International Responsibility”, in Marossi ve Basset (eds), Economic Sanctions under International Law, (Asser Press 2015)
  • Villiger, M E, Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, (Martinus Nijhoff 2009)
  • White, N D, “Autonomous and Collective Sanctions in the International Legal Order”, (2018) Vol 27 Issue 1, The Italian Yearbook of International Law, 1-32
  • Yücel, H, “ABD, Mehmet Hakan Atilla’ya Karşı Davasının Hukuki Meşruluğu”, (2017) No 184, Seta Perspektif, 1-6
  • Zerk, J A, “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: Lessons for the Business and Human Rights Sphere from Six Regulatory Areas”, (2010) Harvard Corporate Responsibility Initiative Working Paper, No 59, 1-222
There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Articles

Galip Engin Şimşek This is me 0000-0001-7480-7075

Publication Date February 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Şimşek, G. E. (2021). Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, 78(4), 2049-2078.
AMA Şimşek GE. Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. February 2021;78(4):2049-2078. doi:10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0011
Chicago Şimşek, Galip Engin. “Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar Ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 78, no. 4 (February 2021): 2049-78.
EndNote Şimşek GE (February 1, 2021) Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 78 4 2049–2078.
IEEE G. E. Şimşek, “Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi”, İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 2049–2078, 2021, doi: 10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0011.
ISNAD Şimşek, Galip Engin. “Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar Ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 78/4 (February 2021), 2049-2078.
JAMA Şimşek GE. Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. 2021;78:2049–2078.
MLA Şimşek, Galip Engin. “Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar Ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 78, no. 4, 2021, pp. 2049-78, doi:10.26650/mecmua.2020.78.4.0011.
Vancouver Şimşek GE. Uluslararası Hukuk Açısından Ekonomik Yaptırımlar ve ABD’nin Tek Taraflı Yaptırımlarının Kısa Bir Değerlendirilmesi. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. 2021;78(4):2049-78.