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Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler

Year 2021, , 673 - 698, 29.07.2021


19. yüzyılın getirdiği toplumsal ve ekonomik dönüşümle birlikte oy hakkının genişlemesi ve halkın yönetimde söz sahibi olma isteği neticesinde siyasi parti kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. Söz konusu kavramın günümüze dek ulaşması, temsili demokrasinin başarılarından biri olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bugünün dünyasında ise teknolojinin ve özellikle internetin ulaştığı nokta temsili demokrasinin farklı bir yöne evrilmesine neden olmakta ve dijitalleşen bir demokrasi anlayışı yaratmaktadır. Teknolojinin yarattığı bu değişim ayrıca siyasi partileri özel olarak etkilemektedir. Bir yanı ile geçmişten günümüze varlığını sürdüren geleneksel siyasi partiler iç ve dış işleyişlerinde özellikle internetin sağladığı imkanlardan faydalanmaktadır. Bir yandan da yeni bir tür olarak doğrudan internet üzerinden kurulan elektronik siyasi partiler ortaya çıkmaktadır. İşte bu çalışmanın amacı, halkın yönetime katılmasında kilit rol oynayan siyasi partilerin teknoloji ve internet sayesinde geçirdiği dönüşümü ortaya koyarak yeni bir tür olan elektronik siyasi parti kavramını ayırt edici özellikleri, tanımı ve dünyadan örneklerini mevzuatları ile birlikte ele almaktır.

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  • Aliefendioğlu, Y, ‘Siyasi Partiler ve Sivil Toplum Örgütleri’ (1999) 16 Anayasa Yargısı Dergisi 95- 115.
  • Altavilla, C, ‘New Political Parties and the Challenge of Institutionalization in Argentine Party System: An Analysis of Propuesta Republicana Party’ (44th ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Workshop on Institutionalization and De-Institutionalization of Political Organization, 24- 28 April 2016) < pdf> Date of Access: 04.01.2020.
  • Argentina’s Constitution of 1853, Reinstated in 1983, with Amendments through 1994, <https://> Date of Access: 04.01.2021.
  • Aron, R, Démocratie et totalitarisme (Gallimard 1965).
  • Baldwin-Philippi, J, Using Technology, Building Democracy (Oxford University Press 2015).
  • Berkes, N, Siyasi Partiler (Yurt ve Dünya Yayınları 7 Sosyal Problemler Serisi 3 1946).
  • Biancalana, C, ‘Internet as a Tool of Disintermediation: The Case of the Five Star Movement (Italy)’ (European Consortium for Political Research, 10- 13 July 2016) < PaperProposal/44240878-8a38-404c-99c2-cec904378ac9.pdf> Date of Access: 01.08.2020.
  • Blum, C and Zuber, CI, ‘Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems and Perspectives’ (2016) 24/2 The Journal of Political Philosophy 162- 182.
  • Cammaerts, B, ‘Pirates on the Liquid Shores of Liberal Democracy: Movement Frames of European Pirate Parties’ (2015) 22/1 Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture 19- 36.
  • Cardon, D, La démocratie Internet: Promesses et limites (Éditions de Seuil 2010).
  • Democracia En Red, <> Date of Access: 06.06.2020.
  • Deseriis, M, ‘Two Variants of The Digital Party: The Platform Party And The Networked Party’ (2020) 13/1 PACO 896-917.
  • Dommett, K, Fitzpatrick J, Mosca L and Gerbaudo P, ‘Are digital parties the future of party organization? A symposium on The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy by Paolo Gerbaudo’ (2020) Italian Political Science Review 1-14.
  • Durgun, S, ‘Siyasi Partiler ve Parti Sistemleri’ in Yüksel Taşkın (eds), Siyaset: Kavramlar Kurumlar Süreçler (İletişim Yayınları 2016).
  • Duverger, M, ‘Political Party’ (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 March 2019) < https://www.britannica. com/topic/political-party/Mass-based-parties> Date of Access: 19.06.2020.
  • Duverger, M, Siyasi Partiler (Çev Ergun Özbudun, Bilgi Yayınevi 1993). Elektronik Demokrasi Partisi Tüzüğü, <> Erişim Tarihi: 20.06.2020.25
  • Eroğul, C, Devlet Nedir? (Yordam Kitap 2014).
  • Formisano, RP, The Birth of Mass Political Parties: Michigan, 1827- 1861 (Princeton University Press 1971).
  • Gerbaudo, P, ‘Are Digital Parties More Democratic Than Traditional Parties? Evaluating Podemos and Movimento 5 Stelle’s Online Decision Making Platforms’ (2019) Party Politics <https://> Date of Access: 19.06.2020.
  • Gerbaudo, P, The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy (Pluto Press 2019).
  • Göktürk, G, ‘Siyasal Partilerin Doğuşu: Tarihsel ve Toplumsal Kökenleri’ (2016-2) 54 Sosyoloji Konferansları 245- 273.
  • Gözler, K, Anayasa Hukukunun Genel Teorisi Cilt I, (Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım 2020).
  • Graham, P, Stoll, T (eds), Managing Democracy in Digital Age: Internet Regulation, Social Media Use and Online Civic Engagement (Springer International Publishing 2018).
  • Greffet, F and Wojcik S, ‘La citoyenneté numérique, Perspectives de recherche’ (2014) 184-185/2 Réseaux 125-159.
  • Greffet, F, ‘Partis politiques et démocratie numérique: une relation sous tensions’ in Andolfatto D, Goujon A (eds), Les partis politiques, ateliers de la démocratie (Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles 2016).
  • Hall, N, ‘Reviews: Media’ (2019) 34/5 International Sociology Reviews 624- 627.
  • Işık, A, Dijital Demokrasi (Oniki Levha 2020).
  • Işık, R, ‘İngiliz İşçi Sendikalarının Siyasi Faaliyetleri’ (1966) 17 Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 105- 136.
  • İba, Ş, Siyasi Partiler ve Seçim Hukuku (Seçkin 2019).
  • Kama, S, ‘Parlamenter Hükümet Sistemi Modeli Olarak Westminster Modeli: Britanya Örneği Üzerine Bir Deneme’ (2016) 22/2 Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi 161- 201.
  • Kapani, M, Kamu Hürriyetleri (Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları 1970).
  • Kapani, M, Politika Bilimine Giriş (Bilgi Yayınevi, 2001).
  • Korsan Parti, <> Erişim Tarihi: 06.06.2020.
  • Kurtuluş, Ö ‘Demokrasi Bir Yazılım Olabilir mi? LiquidFeedback ve DemocracyOS’ in Nergiz Ercil Çağıltay (eds) Bilişim ve Demokrasi Türkiye Bilişim Derneği 33. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı (Türkiye Bilişim Derneği 2016) 1-7.
  • Lanzone, L, Woods, D, ‘Riding the Populist Web: Contextualizing the Five Star Movement (M5S) in Italy’ (2015) 3/2 Politics and Governance 54- 64.
  • Laviers, J, ‘Un Renouvellement du Système Représentatif? Les Partis Pirates’, in Ségur P and Périé-Frey S (eds) L’Internet & La Démocratie Numérique (Presses Universitaires de Perpignan 2016).
  • Lewis, E and Slitine R, Le coup d’État citoyen: Ces initiatives qui réinventent la démocratie (Éditions La Découverte 2016). Morin, C and Perron, D, À quoi servent encore les partis politiques? La perception des Français (Fondation Jean Jaurès Éditions 2020).
  • Özbudun, E, Siyasi Partiler (Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları No 409 1977).26
  • Piccio, DR, ‘Party Regulation in Europe: A Comparative Overview’ (The Legal Regulation of Political Parties- Working Paper 18, March 2012) 14, < uploads/wp1812a.pdf>, Date of Access: 04.01.2021.
  • Pirate Party Declaration of Principles, < Declaration_ of_Principles/4.0/1.0> Date of Access: 19.06.2020.
  • Rodriguez-Teruel, J and Barberà, O, ‘War machine or party disintermediation? Podemos and the Organisational Consequences of Digital Tools for New Movement Parties’ (Disintermediation: A Pattern of Party Change in New Parties? ECPR General Conference, 22-26 August 2018), <
  • PaperID=42732&EventID=115> Date of Access: 21.06.2020.
  • Roques-Bonnet, MC, Le droit peut-il ignorer la révolution numérique? (Michalon Éditions 2010).
  • Spanish Constitution, <>, Date of Access: 04.01.2021.
  • Swedish Elections Act, < 9496d3470 1aec/the-elections-act-2005837>, Date of Access: 02.01.2021.
  • Teziç, E, 100 Soruda Siyasi Partiler (Gerçek Yayınevi 1976).
  • Teziç, E, Anayasa Hukuku (Beta Yayınevi 2019).
  • Tridimas, G, ‘Democracy without Political Parties: The Case of Ancient Athens’ (2019) 15/6 Journal of Institutional Economics 983- 998.
  • Tufekci, Z, Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protests, (Yale University Press 2017).
  • Tunaya, TZ, Türkiye’de Siyasi Partiler 1859- 1952 (Doğan Kardeş Yayınları 1952).
  • Uygun, O, Demokrasi: Tarihsel, Siyasal ve Felsefi Boyutlar (On İki Levha Yayınları 2014).
  • Vedel, G, Manuel Elementaire de Droit Constitutionnel (1949).
  • Verdegem, P and D’heer E, ‘Social Media Logic and Its Impact on Political Communication During Election Times’, in Schwanholz J, Graham T, Stoll PT (eds) Managing Democracy in Digital Age: Internet Regulation, Social Media Use and Online Civic Engagement (Springer International Publishing 2018).

Digital Political Parties as a New Type of Political Party

Year 2021, , 673 - 698, 29.07.2021


With the social and economic transformation of the 19th century, the concept of the political party emerged as a result of the expansion of the right to vote and the people’s desire to government/governance. The concept of the political party can be considered as one of the achievements of representative democracy. Today, technology and especially the internet, are causing the evolution and creating a digitalized understanding of democracy.
This change created by technology not only affects the idea of democracy, but also affects political parties. On the one hand, traditional political parties use the internet in their internal and external operations. Digital political parties on the other hand, are established directly within the internet. The aim of this study is to reveal the transformation of political parties that have found their basis in the transformation from autocracy to constitutional monarchy and play a key role in public participation in administration through technology and the internet. In addition its purpose is to discuss the concept of the digital political party, which was born as a new genre, with different examples of their legislation from all over the world.


  • Aliefendioğlu, Y, ‘Siyasi Partiler ve Sivil Toplum Örgütleri’ (1999) 16 Anayasa Yargısı Dergisi 95- 115.
  • Altavilla, C, ‘New Political Parties and the Challenge of Institutionalization in Argentine Party System: An Analysis of Propuesta Republicana Party’ (44th ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Workshop on Institutionalization and De-Institutionalization of Political Organization, 24- 28 April 2016) < pdf> Date of Access: 04.01.2020.
  • Argentina’s Constitution of 1853, Reinstated in 1983, with Amendments through 1994, <https://> Date of Access: 04.01.2021.
  • Aron, R, Démocratie et totalitarisme (Gallimard 1965).
  • Baldwin-Philippi, J, Using Technology, Building Democracy (Oxford University Press 2015).
  • Berkes, N, Siyasi Partiler (Yurt ve Dünya Yayınları 7 Sosyal Problemler Serisi 3 1946).
  • Biancalana, C, ‘Internet as a Tool of Disintermediation: The Case of the Five Star Movement (Italy)’ (European Consortium for Political Research, 10- 13 July 2016) < PaperProposal/44240878-8a38-404c-99c2-cec904378ac9.pdf> Date of Access: 01.08.2020.
  • Blum, C and Zuber, CI, ‘Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems and Perspectives’ (2016) 24/2 The Journal of Political Philosophy 162- 182.
  • Cammaerts, B, ‘Pirates on the Liquid Shores of Liberal Democracy: Movement Frames of European Pirate Parties’ (2015) 22/1 Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture 19- 36.
  • Cardon, D, La démocratie Internet: Promesses et limites (Éditions de Seuil 2010).
  • Democracia En Red, <> Date of Access: 06.06.2020.
  • Deseriis, M, ‘Two Variants of The Digital Party: The Platform Party And The Networked Party’ (2020) 13/1 PACO 896-917.
  • Dommett, K, Fitzpatrick J, Mosca L and Gerbaudo P, ‘Are digital parties the future of party organization? A symposium on The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy by Paolo Gerbaudo’ (2020) Italian Political Science Review 1-14.
  • Durgun, S, ‘Siyasi Partiler ve Parti Sistemleri’ in Yüksel Taşkın (eds), Siyaset: Kavramlar Kurumlar Süreçler (İletişim Yayınları 2016).
  • Duverger, M, ‘Political Party’ (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 March 2019) < https://www.britannica. com/topic/political-party/Mass-based-parties> Date of Access: 19.06.2020.
  • Duverger, M, Siyasi Partiler (Çev Ergun Özbudun, Bilgi Yayınevi 1993). Elektronik Demokrasi Partisi Tüzüğü, <> Erişim Tarihi: 20.06.2020.25
  • Eroğul, C, Devlet Nedir? (Yordam Kitap 2014).
  • Formisano, RP, The Birth of Mass Political Parties: Michigan, 1827- 1861 (Princeton University Press 1971).
  • Gerbaudo, P, ‘Are Digital Parties More Democratic Than Traditional Parties? Evaluating Podemos and Movimento 5 Stelle’s Online Decision Making Platforms’ (2019) Party Politics <https://> Date of Access: 19.06.2020.
  • Gerbaudo, P, The Digital Party: Political Organisation and Online Democracy (Pluto Press 2019).
  • Göktürk, G, ‘Siyasal Partilerin Doğuşu: Tarihsel ve Toplumsal Kökenleri’ (2016-2) 54 Sosyoloji Konferansları 245- 273.
  • Gözler, K, Anayasa Hukukunun Genel Teorisi Cilt I, (Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım 2020).
  • Graham, P, Stoll, T (eds), Managing Democracy in Digital Age: Internet Regulation, Social Media Use and Online Civic Engagement (Springer International Publishing 2018).
  • Greffet, F and Wojcik S, ‘La citoyenneté numérique, Perspectives de recherche’ (2014) 184-185/2 Réseaux 125-159.
  • Greffet, F, ‘Partis politiques et démocratie numérique: une relation sous tensions’ in Andolfatto D, Goujon A (eds), Les partis politiques, ateliers de la démocratie (Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles 2016).
  • Hall, N, ‘Reviews: Media’ (2019) 34/5 International Sociology Reviews 624- 627.
  • Işık, A, Dijital Demokrasi (Oniki Levha 2020).
  • Işık, R, ‘İngiliz İşçi Sendikalarının Siyasi Faaliyetleri’ (1966) 17 Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 105- 136.
  • İba, Ş, Siyasi Partiler ve Seçim Hukuku (Seçkin 2019).
  • Kama, S, ‘Parlamenter Hükümet Sistemi Modeli Olarak Westminster Modeli: Britanya Örneği Üzerine Bir Deneme’ (2016) 22/2 Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi 161- 201.
  • Kapani, M, Kamu Hürriyetleri (Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları 1970).
  • Kapani, M, Politika Bilimine Giriş (Bilgi Yayınevi, 2001).
  • Korsan Parti, <> Erişim Tarihi: 06.06.2020.
  • Kurtuluş, Ö ‘Demokrasi Bir Yazılım Olabilir mi? LiquidFeedback ve DemocracyOS’ in Nergiz Ercil Çağıltay (eds) Bilişim ve Demokrasi Türkiye Bilişim Derneği 33. Ulusal Bilişim Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı (Türkiye Bilişim Derneği 2016) 1-7.
  • Lanzone, L, Woods, D, ‘Riding the Populist Web: Contextualizing the Five Star Movement (M5S) in Italy’ (2015) 3/2 Politics and Governance 54- 64.
  • Laviers, J, ‘Un Renouvellement du Système Représentatif? Les Partis Pirates’, in Ségur P and Périé-Frey S (eds) L’Internet & La Démocratie Numérique (Presses Universitaires de Perpignan 2016).
  • Lewis, E and Slitine R, Le coup d’État citoyen: Ces initiatives qui réinventent la démocratie (Éditions La Découverte 2016). Morin, C and Perron, D, À quoi servent encore les partis politiques? La perception des Français (Fondation Jean Jaurès Éditions 2020).
  • Özbudun, E, Siyasi Partiler (Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları No 409 1977).26
  • Piccio, DR, ‘Party Regulation in Europe: A Comparative Overview’ (The Legal Regulation of Political Parties- Working Paper 18, March 2012) 14, < uploads/wp1812a.pdf>, Date of Access: 04.01.2021.
  • Pirate Party Declaration of Principles, < Declaration_ of_Principles/4.0/1.0> Date of Access: 19.06.2020.
  • Rodriguez-Teruel, J and Barberà, O, ‘War machine or party disintermediation? Podemos and the Organisational Consequences of Digital Tools for New Movement Parties’ (Disintermediation: A Pattern of Party Change in New Parties? ECPR General Conference, 22-26 August 2018), <
  • PaperID=42732&EventID=115> Date of Access: 21.06.2020.
  • Roques-Bonnet, MC, Le droit peut-il ignorer la révolution numérique? (Michalon Éditions 2010).
  • Spanish Constitution, <>, Date of Access: 04.01.2021.
  • Swedish Elections Act, < 9496d3470 1aec/the-elections-act-2005837>, Date of Access: 02.01.2021.
  • Teziç, E, 100 Soruda Siyasi Partiler (Gerçek Yayınevi 1976).
  • Teziç, E, Anayasa Hukuku (Beta Yayınevi 2019).
  • Tridimas, G, ‘Democracy without Political Parties: The Case of Ancient Athens’ (2019) 15/6 Journal of Institutional Economics 983- 998.
  • Tufekci, Z, Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protests, (Yale University Press 2017).
  • Tunaya, TZ, Türkiye’de Siyasi Partiler 1859- 1952 (Doğan Kardeş Yayınları 1952).
  • Uygun, O, Demokrasi: Tarihsel, Siyasal ve Felsefi Boyutlar (On İki Levha Yayınları 2014).
  • Vedel, G, Manuel Elementaire de Droit Constitutionnel (1949).
  • Verdegem, P and D’heer E, ‘Social Media Logic and Its Impact on Political Communication During Election Times’, in Schwanholz J, Graham T, Stoll PT (eds) Managing Democracy in Digital Age: Internet Regulation, Social Media Use and Online Civic Engagement (Springer International Publishing 2018).
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Articles

Sezen Kama Işık 0000-0001-9654-9118

Alper Işık 0000-0002-3784-8297

Publication Date July 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kama Işık, S., & Işık, A. (2021). Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, 79(2), 673-698.
AMA Kama Işık S, Işık A. Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. July 2021;79(2):673-698. doi:10.26650/mecmua.2021.79.2.0008
Chicago Kama Işık, Sezen, and Alper Işık. “Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 79, no. 2 (July 2021): 673-98.
EndNote Kama Işık S, Işık A (July 1, 2021) Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 79 2 673–698.
IEEE S. Kama Işık and A. Işık, “Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler”, İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 673–698, 2021, doi: 10.26650/mecmua.2021.79.2.0008.
ISNAD Kama Işık, Sezen - Işık, Alper. “Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası 79/2 (July 2021), 673-698.
JAMA Kama Işık S, Işık A. Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. 2021;79:673–698.
MLA Kama Işık, Sezen and Alper Işık. “Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler”. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası, vol. 79, no. 2, 2021, pp. 673-98, doi:10.26650/mecmua.2021.79.2.0008.
Vancouver Kama Işık S, Işık A. Yeni Bir Siyasi Parti Türü Olarak Elektronik Siyasi Partiler. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası. 2021;79(2):673-98.