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Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 22, 92 - 101, 04.05.2022


The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of teaching Biology at primary school by playing and using a laboratory approach, in a limited-resources learning environment with additional restrictive rules due to the current pandemic emergency. It also investigated the possibility of dealing with Microbiology topics, such as microorganisms and their role in human life. These topics are traditionally not taught at primary school, particularly at third grade.
The research process was based on the hypothesis that the adopted methodology may be useful to foster the active co-construction of knowledge and to increase the pleasure in learning. It makes pupils the main subjects of their learning process, with positive impacts on interest towards Science and on building an active citizenship.
First of all, an online survey about Science, Microbiology and Health Education teaching was supplied. The sample consisted of teachers and parents of the school in which the research was carried out and of the Venice province. Then, a test about foreknowledge and interest towards Science and microorganisms was submitted to students. Outcomes were analysed in order to identify the experimental and the control group among two primary school third grade classes in a town of the Venice province.
The experimental group was tested with activities characterized by the application of the scientific method and the learner-centred approach, engaging from an emotional, sensory and playful point of view. The control group was, instead, tested with a traditional and teacher-centred approach.
Tests and ongoing observation data supported the possibility of teaching Microbiology topics using both the approaches. The laboratory approach was more successful than the traditional one in knowledge acquisition but that is a subtle difference. The effectiveness was more significant in: developing interest towards Science and microorganisms, implementing inclusion and enhancing participation, promoting pleasure in learning and limiting negative feelings linked to the topics.


  • Barana, C., Dall’Acqua d’Industria, L., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2021) "Teacher, may we touch it?" An innovative laboratory approach to address macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the digestive system of human and mammals in primary school. In: INTED2021 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.0210
  • Barbacovi, V., Santovito, G. & Irato, P. (2018) Little scientists for large discoveries: an experimental approach to survey the world with classes ii of the primary school - The observation and study of plant life. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.1579
  • Bassi, C., Fattori, G., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2021) Feel with the skin. A didactic research to introduce the integumentary system and sensory perception in primary school. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.1352
  • Bertoncello, O., De Rosso, A. & Santovito, G. (2021) My classroom as big as the world of CAITPR. An innovative educational-didactic approach for the training of eco-sensitive citizens. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.0372
  • Bortolami, I., Bisaccia, P., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2020) The blue gold: an empirical research to introduce the discussion of water issue in relation to plants, animals and human in primary school. In: EDULEARN20 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2020.0496.
  • Capparotto, A., Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Poloni, E., Corrà, F. & Santovito G. (2017) The didactics of biology in primary school: an innovative approach to skeletal system teaching in fifth class based on comparative vertebrate anatomy. In: INTED2017 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2017.0935
  • CAST (2011) Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.0. Wakefield.
  • Castoldi, M. (2016) Valutare e certificare le competenze. Carocci editore, Roma.
  • Chiesa, E., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) The circulatory system of vertebrates and invertebrates: an empirical research to introduce in the fourth class the treatment of animal morphology in a comparative key. In: INTED2019 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.0391
  • Corbolino, N., Bisaccia, P., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2020) The vegetable garden. an instrument for sustainable development education and care pedagogy. In: INTED2020 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.1282.
  • Curtis, H. & Barnes, N. S. (2009) Invito alla biologia. Zanichelli, Bologna.
  • Danesi, B. (2006) L'insegnamento della Biologia..In: Pianeta Galileo. Firenze.
  • Davies, N. & Sutton, E. (2015) Tiny. The Invisible World of Microbes. Walker Books, London.
  • Fabris, G., Bisaccia, P., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2020) Discovering the nervous system. An innovative teaching approach for primary school. In: EDULEARN20 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2020.0889.
  • Fassinato, C., Nicorelli, E., Corrà, F., Irato, P., Guidolin, L. & Santovito G. (2018) An innovative approach to deal with biodiversity at school with its investigation in different environments. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.0717
  • Favaron, A., Ancona, E., Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Guidolin, L., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2017) An innovative teaching approach to circulatory and skeletal systems based on comparative vertebrate anatomy and physiology. In: EDULEARN17 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2017.1015
  • Forlin, E., Santovito, G., Guidolin, L. & Irato, P. (2018) Citrus fruits. Course to educate to scientific curiosity. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.1573
  • Frigerio, R., Bellio, M., Bonato, M., Santovito, G. & Irato, P. (2021) Fruit and vegetables: discovering conscious food choices. Creation of an educational project to stimulate the study of science in a class ii of a lower secondary school. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.1329
  • Furlan S., Bellio M., Corrà F., Bonato M., Schumann S., Irato P., Tamino G., Santovito G. (2021) A, B, C, D… NA: Genetics explained to children. an innovative didactic and laboratory proposal in primary school. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.1216
  • Furlanetto, L., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito G. (2021) The circle of life. Human reproduction and embryonic development in primary school. In: INTED2021 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.0209
  • Gainotti, A. & Modelli, A. (2008) Scienze della natura. Zanichelli, Bologna.
  • Gaiotto, A., Tonon, S. & Santovito, G. (2013) The scientific method in the teaching of life sciences in primary school, The plants and their seasonal changes”. In EDULEARN13 Proceedings, pp. 4226-4235.
  • Gaiotto, A. & Santovito G. (2016) An innovative didactic approach to the study of invertebrate animals in primary school. In: EDULEARN16 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2016.1284
  • Gaiotto, A., Bisaccia, P., Bonato, M., Irato, P., Corrà, F. & Santovito, G. (2020) The plants and their seasonal changes: teaching biology in primary school using the scientific method. In: INTCESS2020 Proceedings, OCERINT, Istanbul, pp 261-270.
  • Galliani, L. (2015) L'agire valutativo. La Scuola, Brescia.
  • Gallina, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) Inquiry into animal tracks: an experimental application of IBSE -inquiry based science education- approach in the ecological field in primary school. In: INTED2019 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.0089
  • Grando, G., Bramuzzo, S., Irato, P., Guidolin, L., Ferrari, L. & Santovito, G. (2018) Introduction to the world of insects: a didactic research in kindergarten. In: INTED2018 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2018.1066
  • Grando, G, Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Guidolin, L., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2018) Who is afraid of insects? A didactic research in the biological field in kindergarten. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.0724
  • Kaminske, A. N., Kuepper-Tetzel, C. E., Nebel, C. L., Sumeracki, M. A. & Ryan, S. P. (2020) Transfer: A Review for Biology and the Life Science. CBE Life Sciences Education, 19 (3).
  • Lago, A., Masiero, S., Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Poloni, E., Corrà, F. & Santovito G. (2017) Exploring microbiology and biotechnologies: a laboratory approach to the study of yeasts and bacteria in primary school. In: INTED2017 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2017.0992
  • Longo, C. (1998). Didattica della biologia. La Nuova Italia Editrice, Firenze.
  • Lui, F., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) Discovering living organisms: a didactic research to introduce biology in kindergarten. In: EDULEARN19 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2019.1040
  • Mayr, E. (1982) The growth of biological thought. Diversity, evolution and inheritance. Belknap Press, Cambridge.
  • Meneghetti, G, Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Guidolin, L., Irato, P. & Santovito G. (2017) The kingdom of fungi in primary school: an educational research in biology field. In: EDULEARN17 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2017.1023
  • Merkel, S. M. (2016) American Society for Microbiology resources in support of an evidence-based approach to teaching microbiology. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 363.
  • Messina, L. & De Rossi, M. (2015) Tecnologie, formazione e didattica. Carocci, Roma.
  • Minelle, C., Rocca, L. & Bussi, F. (2016) Storia e geografia. Idee per una didattica congiunta. Carocci, Roma.
  • MIUR (2012) Indicazioni Nazionali per l'infanzia e il primo ciclo di istruzione. Roma.
  • MIUR (2018) Indicazioni Nazionali e Nuovi Scenari. Roma.
  • Nigris, E. (2005) Didattica generale, Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati SpA, Milano.
  • Nistor, A., Gras-Velazquez, A., Billon, N. & Mihai, G. (2018) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Practices in Europe. Scientix Observatory report. European Schoolnet, Brussels.
  • ONU (2015) Trasformare il nostro mondo: l’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo. New York.
  • Padoa Schioppa, E. (2014) Metodi e strumenti per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento della biologia. Edises, Napoli.
  • Palmieri, G., Irato, P., Nicolosi, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) A day at the museum. Laboratory teaching in the Museum of Zoology at the University of Padua for primary school. In: EDULEARN19 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2019.1037
  • Pavan, C. & Santovito, G. (2014) The laboratory didactics in the teaching -learning processes of life sciences. an educational project on microorganisms in the alimentation in primary school. In: EDULEARN14 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, pp 7546-7555.
  • Pavan, C., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2021) Microorganisms in the alimentation in primary school: the laboratory didactics in the teaching - learning processes of life sciences. In: INTCESS2021 Proceedings, OCERINT, Istanbul. https://doi.org/10.51508/intcess.202176
  • Pluviano, S. & Della Sala, S. (2020) Il Pregiudizio di Conferma. Available: https://www.cicap.org/n/articolo.php?id=279298.
  • Pontecorvo, C., Ajello, A. M. & Zucchermaglio, C. (2004) Discutendo si impara. Interazione e conoscenza a scuola. Carocci, Roma.
  • Public Health England (2020) e-Bug. Available: https://www.e-bug.eu/ .
  • Rossi, E. & Santovito, G. (2016) Introduction to Mendelian genetics in primary school. In EDULEARN16 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2016.1274
  • Santovito, G. (2015) Insegnare la biologia ai bambini. Dalla scuola dell’infanzia al primo ciclo d’istruzione. Carocci, Roma.
  • Semeraro, R. (2009) La progettazione didattica. Upsel Domeneghini Editore, Padova.
  • Sheldrake, M. (2020) L'ordine nascosto: la vita segreta dei funghi. Marsilio Editori, Venezia.
  • Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (2014) Report of the sage working group on vaccine hesitancy.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (2006) Adempiere la promessa di una classe differenziata, LAS, Roma.
  • Toninato, V. & Santovito, G. (2015) The laboratory didactics in the teaching-learning processes of life sciences. an educational project on the structure of the flower and the inflorescences phenomenon in primary school. In: EDULEARN15 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, pp 2245-2254.
  • Tonon, S., Gaiotto, A. & Santovito, G. (2013) The active teaching of life sciences in primary school: a comparative approach to the musculoskeletal system. In: EDULEARN13 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, pp. 4289-4298.
  • Tonon, S., Bisaccia, P., Bonato, M., Irato, P., Corrà, F. & Santovito, G. (2020) A comparative approach to the musculoskeletal system in primary school. In: INTCESS2020 Proceedings, OCERINT, Istanbul, pp 251-260.
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  • Tura, N., Guidolin, L., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2018) From cell to inheritance of characters: an introduction to classical genetics in primary school. In: INTED2018 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2018.1076
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  • Zandonella Necca, I., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P., Tamino, G. & Santovito, G. (2021) Sustainable food: an innovative approach based on the assessment for learning method in secondary schools. In: INTCESS2021 Proceedings, OCERINT, Istanbul, https://doi.org/10.51508/intcess.202177
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Year 2022, Volume: 8 Issue: 22, 92 - 101, 04.05.2022



  • Barana, C., Dall’Acqua d’Industria, L., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2021) "Teacher, may we touch it?" An innovative laboratory approach to address macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the digestive system of human and mammals in primary school. In: INTED2021 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.0210
  • Barbacovi, V., Santovito, G. & Irato, P. (2018) Little scientists for large discoveries: an experimental approach to survey the world with classes ii of the primary school - The observation and study of plant life. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.1579
  • Bassi, C., Fattori, G., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2021) Feel with the skin. A didactic research to introduce the integumentary system and sensory perception in primary school. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.1352
  • Bertoncello, O., De Rosso, A. & Santovito, G. (2021) My classroom as big as the world of CAITPR. An innovative educational-didactic approach for the training of eco-sensitive citizens. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.0372
  • Bortolami, I., Bisaccia, P., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2020) The blue gold: an empirical research to introduce the discussion of water issue in relation to plants, animals and human in primary school. In: EDULEARN20 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2020.0496.
  • Capparotto, A., Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Poloni, E., Corrà, F. & Santovito G. (2017) The didactics of biology in primary school: an innovative approach to skeletal system teaching in fifth class based on comparative vertebrate anatomy. In: INTED2017 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2017.0935
  • CAST (2011) Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.0. Wakefield.
  • Castoldi, M. (2016) Valutare e certificare le competenze. Carocci editore, Roma.
  • Chiesa, E., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) The circulatory system of vertebrates and invertebrates: an empirical research to introduce in the fourth class the treatment of animal morphology in a comparative key. In: INTED2019 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.0391
  • Corbolino, N., Bisaccia, P., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2020) The vegetable garden. an instrument for sustainable development education and care pedagogy. In: INTED2020 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.1282.
  • Curtis, H. & Barnes, N. S. (2009) Invito alla biologia. Zanichelli, Bologna.
  • Danesi, B. (2006) L'insegnamento della Biologia..In: Pianeta Galileo. Firenze.
  • Davies, N. & Sutton, E. (2015) Tiny. The Invisible World of Microbes. Walker Books, London.
  • Fabris, G., Bisaccia, P., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2020) Discovering the nervous system. An innovative teaching approach for primary school. In: EDULEARN20 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2020.0889.
  • Fassinato, C., Nicorelli, E., Corrà, F., Irato, P., Guidolin, L. & Santovito G. (2018) An innovative approach to deal with biodiversity at school with its investigation in different environments. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.0717
  • Favaron, A., Ancona, E., Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Guidolin, L., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2017) An innovative teaching approach to circulatory and skeletal systems based on comparative vertebrate anatomy and physiology. In: EDULEARN17 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2017.1015
  • Forlin, E., Santovito, G., Guidolin, L. & Irato, P. (2018) Citrus fruits. Course to educate to scientific curiosity. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.1573
  • Frigerio, R., Bellio, M., Bonato, M., Santovito, G. & Irato, P. (2021) Fruit and vegetables: discovering conscious food choices. Creation of an educational project to stimulate the study of science in a class ii of a lower secondary school. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.1329
  • Furlan S., Bellio M., Corrà F., Bonato M., Schumann S., Irato P., Tamino G., Santovito G. (2021) A, B, C, D… NA: Genetics explained to children. an innovative didactic and laboratory proposal in primary school. In: EDULEARN21 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.1216
  • Furlanetto, L., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito G. (2021) The circle of life. Human reproduction and embryonic development in primary school. In: INTED2021 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.0209
  • Gainotti, A. & Modelli, A. (2008) Scienze della natura. Zanichelli, Bologna.
  • Gaiotto, A., Tonon, S. & Santovito, G. (2013) The scientific method in the teaching of life sciences in primary school, The plants and their seasonal changes”. In EDULEARN13 Proceedings, pp. 4226-4235.
  • Gaiotto, A. & Santovito G. (2016) An innovative didactic approach to the study of invertebrate animals in primary school. In: EDULEARN16 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2016.1284
  • Gaiotto, A., Bisaccia, P., Bonato, M., Irato, P., Corrà, F. & Santovito, G. (2020) The plants and their seasonal changes: teaching biology in primary school using the scientific method. In: INTCESS2020 Proceedings, OCERINT, Istanbul, pp 261-270.
  • Galliani, L. (2015) L'agire valutativo. La Scuola, Brescia.
  • Gallina, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) Inquiry into animal tracks: an experimental application of IBSE -inquiry based science education- approach in the ecological field in primary school. In: INTED2019 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2019.0089
  • Grando, G., Bramuzzo, S., Irato, P., Guidolin, L., Ferrari, L. & Santovito, G. (2018) Introduction to the world of insects: a didactic research in kindergarten. In: INTED2018 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2018.1066
  • Grando, G, Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Guidolin, L., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2018) Who is afraid of insects? A didactic research in the biological field in kindergarten. In: EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2018.0724
  • Kaminske, A. N., Kuepper-Tetzel, C. E., Nebel, C. L., Sumeracki, M. A. & Ryan, S. P. (2020) Transfer: A Review for Biology and the Life Science. CBE Life Sciences Education, 19 (3).
  • Lago, A., Masiero, S., Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Poloni, E., Corrà, F. & Santovito G. (2017) Exploring microbiology and biotechnologies: a laboratory approach to the study of yeasts and bacteria in primary school. In: INTED2017 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2017.0992
  • Longo, C. (1998). Didattica della biologia. La Nuova Italia Editrice, Firenze.
  • Lui, F., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) Discovering living organisms: a didactic research to introduce biology in kindergarten. In: EDULEARN19 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2019.1040
  • Mayr, E. (1982) The growth of biological thought. Diversity, evolution and inheritance. Belknap Press, Cambridge.
  • Meneghetti, G, Bramuzzo, S., Callegaro, E., Guidolin, L., Irato, P. & Santovito G. (2017) The kingdom of fungi in primary school: an educational research in biology field. In: EDULEARN17 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2017.1023
  • Merkel, S. M. (2016) American Society for Microbiology resources in support of an evidence-based approach to teaching microbiology. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 363.
  • Messina, L. & De Rossi, M. (2015) Tecnologie, formazione e didattica. Carocci, Roma.
  • Minelle, C., Rocca, L. & Bussi, F. (2016) Storia e geografia. Idee per una didattica congiunta. Carocci, Roma.
  • MIUR (2012) Indicazioni Nazionali per l'infanzia e il primo ciclo di istruzione. Roma.
  • MIUR (2018) Indicazioni Nazionali e Nuovi Scenari. Roma.
  • Nigris, E. (2005) Didattica generale, Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati SpA, Milano.
  • Nistor, A., Gras-Velazquez, A., Billon, N. & Mihai, G. (2018) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Practices in Europe. Scientix Observatory report. European Schoolnet, Brussels.
  • ONU (2015) Trasformare il nostro mondo: l’Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo. New York.
  • Padoa Schioppa, E. (2014) Metodi e strumenti per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento della biologia. Edises, Napoli.
  • Palmieri, G., Irato, P., Nicolosi, P. & Santovito, G. (2019) A day at the museum. Laboratory teaching in the Museum of Zoology at the University of Padua for primary school. In: EDULEARN19 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2019.1037
  • Pavan, C. & Santovito, G. (2014) The laboratory didactics in the teaching -learning processes of life sciences. an educational project on microorganisms in the alimentation in primary school. In: EDULEARN14 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia, pp 7546-7555.
  • Pavan, C., Bellio, M., Corrà, F., Bonato, M., Schumann, S., Irato, P. & Santovito, G. (2021) Microorganisms in the alimentation in primary school: the laboratory didactics in the teaching - learning processes of life sciences. In: INTCESS2021 Proceedings, OCERINT, Istanbul. https://doi.org/10.51508/intcess.202176
  • Pluviano, S. & Della Sala, S. (2020) Il Pregiudizio di Conferma. Available: https://www.cicap.org/n/articolo.php?id=279298.
  • Pontecorvo, C., Ajello, A. M. & Zucchermaglio, C. (2004) Discutendo si impara. Interazione e conoscenza a scuola. Carocci, Roma.
  • Public Health England (2020) e-Bug. Available: https://www.e-bug.eu/ .
  • Rossi, E. & Santovito, G. (2016) Introduction to Mendelian genetics in primary school. In EDULEARN16 Proceedings, IATED, Valencia. http://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2016.1274
  • Santovito, G. (2015) Insegnare la biologia ai bambini. Dalla scuola dell’infanzia al primo ciclo d’istruzione. Carocci, Roma.
  • Semeraro, R. (2009) La progettazione didattica. Upsel Domeneghini Editore, Padova.
  • Sheldrake, M. (2020) L'ordine nascosto: la vita segreta dei funghi. Marsilio Editori, Venezia.
  • Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (2014) Report of the sage working group on vaccine hesitancy.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (2006) Adempiere la promessa di una classe differenziata, LAS, Roma.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Beatrice Massaro

Marta Bellio

Elisabetta Piva

Sophia Schumann

Paola Irato

Gianfranco Santovito

Early Pub Date May 4, 2022
Publication Date May 4, 2022
Submission Date February 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022Volume: 8 Issue: 22



 Published and Sponsored by OCERINT International © 2015 - 2023

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