Yield and physicochemical properties of
lowland rice are affected by several growth factors. This study was conducted to evaluate the yield
performance and physicochemical properties of lowland rice NSIC Rc218 variety
as influenced by water and fertilizer applications. The experiment was laid out
in Split Plot arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three
replications. Water application (WM1- Flooded and WM2-
AWD) was designated as the main plot, and fertilizer application (T1-
No fertilizer as control, T2 - recommended rate of inorganic
fertilizer (RRIF) at 100-60-60 kg ha-1 N, P205 and K20,
T3-reccommended rate of vermicast at 10 t ha-1 (RRVC), T4-
75% RRIF + 25% RRVC, T5 – 50% RRIF + 50% RRVCand T6
– 25% RRIF + 75% RRVC) was designated as the subplot. Results showed that grain yield of NSIC Rc218 variety
was significantly higher by 28% in treatments applied with 100% RRIF (T1),
75% RRIF + 25% RRVC (T4), and 50% RRIF + 50% RRVC (T5),
compared to unfertilized plants (T1), and those applied with RRVC
(T3) and 25% RRIF + 75% RRVC (T6)
regardless of water application. On the other hand, physicochemical properties
of NSIC Rc218, particularly grain length (cm) and % crude Pprotein Content
were markedly enhanced under AWD conditions.
Percent,Percent total milled rice and
brown rice recoveryCProtein
were significantly higher in treatments applied with RRIF at a
rate of 100-60-60 kg ha-1 N, P205, K20. Likewise, percent head, volume expansion ratio (VER) and water uptake (WU)
rice recovery
of cooked rice were significantly enhanced with the application of pure
vermicast at 10 t ha-1 or in combination with little amount of inorganic
fertilizer (25% RRIF + 75% RRVC). 50 to 75% inorganic fertilizer.
AWD flooded condition growth factors grain yield physicochemical properties
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Konular | Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri |
Bölüm | Original Papers |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 23 Aralık 2019 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 30 Temmuz 2019 |
Kabul Tarihi | 28 Ekim 2019 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2 |
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