Aircraft Noise Compatibility of the Airports with Progress of Noise Reduction at Source
Year 2022,
Volume: 03 Issue: 02, 96 - 111, 29.12.2022
Oleksandr Zaporozhets
Kateryna Kazhan
Kateryna Synylo
Sergii Karpenko
Сreation of noise exposure maps and airport noise compatibility programs are the basic steps in aircraft noise exposure and impact management in/around the airports, both of them are fundamental for aircraft noise zoning procedures. Noise reduction at source is also a strategic element of this management, and efficient implementation of quieter aircraft designs in operation provides closer distances of the boundaries of noise zones prohibited for residences to runway axis. These new conditions oblige the decision-makers, responsible for noise management, to be stricter with procedures for noise zones definition and to include in consideration a number of new acoustic sources inside the aerodrome besides the aircraft in flight operation, which may influence the overall exposure and impact of noise on population living or/and acting around the airport. In other words, current noise exposure maps and airport noise compatibility programs must include these dominant noise sources at specific locations of the airport also, not only the flight noise sources, as it was enough before. Today such essential noise sources for consideration in airport noise management are the aircraft in maintenance and overhaul and the aircraft during the taxing between the runway and stands on apron first of all, especially if their locations are quite far from aircraft flight operation routes and close to the residential areas around the aerodrome. The noise maps are required to be calculated currently, as for aircraft operation, so as for their maintenance and overhaul, but the measurements are evident also for their confidence and accuracy purposes.
Supporting Institution
National Aviation University
- Akdeniz H., Sogut Z., Turan O., 2021. Assessment of Aircraft Noise Emissions at International Eskisehir Hasan Polatkan Airport with Multiple Approach Model. Jour. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, v13, e2621, 2021 Vol. 13 (2021)
- Alonso G. , Benito A. , Boto L. 2017. The efficiency of noise mitigation measures at European airports. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 25, 2017, Pages 103-135
- Buetikofer, R.; Thomann, G. Validation of FLULA, a time-step model for aircraft noise calculations. In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings; Institute of Noise Control Engineering: West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2001.
- DSTU-N B V.1.1-31, 2013. Protection of territories, buildings and structures from noise. (National Standard of Ukraine ДСТУ-Н Б В.1.1-31:2013, in Ukrainian), 2014.
- ECAC Doc 29, 2016. Report on Standard Method of Computing Noise Contours around Civil Airports. ECAC.CEAC Doc 29. Volumes 1, 2, 3. 4th Edition (2016).
European Aviation Environmental Report (2019) European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), European Environment Agency (EEA), EUROCONTROL. https://doi: 10.2822/309946
- Flightpath 2050 (2011) Europe’s Vision for Aviation Report of the High Level Group. EU Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport on Aviation Research:32.
- H.R.3547c, 1979. Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979
- Jäger D., Zellmann C., Schlatter F., Wunderli J.M., 2020. Validation of the sonAIR aircraft noise simulation model. Noise Mapp., vol. 8, 2020, p. 95–107.
- ICAO Annex 16, 2019. ICAO Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation — Environmental Protection: Volume I — Aircraft Noise, ICAO, Montreal, 2019.
- ICAO Doc 9829, 2004. Guidance on the Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management. ICAO Doc 9829, 1st Edition, ICAO (2004).
- ICAO Doc 9911, 2018. Recommended Method for Computing Noise Contours Around Airports. ICAO Doc 9911, 2nd Edi-tion, ICAO (2018).
- ICAO Document 10127 (2019) Final Report of the Independent Expert Integrated Technology Goals Assessment and Review for Engines and Aircraft:225.
- Konovalova O., Zaporozhets O., 2021. Noise protection zones around Ukrainian airports as an element of balanced approach to noise control. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 7(3), pp 187–202 (
- Meister J., Schalcher S., Wunderli J.-M., Jäger D., Zellmann C., Schäffer B., 2021. Comparison of the Aircraft Noise Calculation Programs sonAIR, FLULA2 and AEDT with Noise Measurements of Single Flights. Aerospace 2021, 8, 388.
- Page, J., Bassarab, K., Hobbs, C., Robinson, D., Schultz, T., Sharp, B., Usdrowski, S., & Lucic, P., 2009. Enhanced Modeling of Aircraft Taxiway Noise, Volume 1: Scoping (No. ACRP Project 02-27).
- Page, J., Hobbs, C. and Gliebe, P., 2013. Enhanced Modeling of Aircraft Taxiway Noise, Volume 2: Aircraft Taxi Noise Database and Development Process (No. ACRP Project 02-27).
- Powell C.A. (2003) Noise Levels at Certification Points, NASA/TM-2003-212649:38.
- Rhodes D., Ollerhead J., 2011. Aircraft noise model validation. In Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, The Hague, The Netherlands, 27–30 August 2001.
- SAE AIR1845A, 2012. Procedure for the Calculation of Airplane Noise in the Vicinity of Airports, Aug 2012.
- SAAU AR-381, 2019. Requirements for operators related to noise zoning of the airport vicinity. Ukrainian Aviation Rules, State Aviation Service of Ukraine (SAAU), dated 26.03.2019.
- SAAU Order 585, 2020. Methodical instructions on airport vicinity zoning according to noise conditions. State Aviation Service of Ukraine, dated 23.04.2020.
- SSR-173, 1996. State Sanitary Rules for planning of inhabited localities. Order of Ministry of Health No 173, dated 19.06.1996.
- Synylo K., Ulianova K., Zaporozhets O., 2021. Air Quality Studies at Ukrainian Airports. International Journal of Aviation Science and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 1, (2021), 4-14
- Tokarev V., Kazhan K., 2014. Entropy approach for mitigation of environmental aviation impact and airport capacity increase. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 1(2), 2014. – Pp. 119-138.
- US FAA Part 150, 1984. Airport Noise Compatibility Planning, Docket No. 18691, 49 FR 49269, Dec. 18, 1984.
- Zaporozhets O., Karpenko S., Levchenko L., 2021. Calculation tool NoBel for sound propagation assessment of noise from gas turbines on the ground. Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2021, Washington, USA, (2021).
- Zaporozhets O., Levchenko L., 2021. Detailed flight operation data for accurate aircraft noise assessment. Proceedings of World Aviation Congress 2018, NAU, Kyiv, Ukraine, (2018).
- Zaporozhets, O. and Levchenko, L., 2021. Accuracy of Noise-Power-Distance Definition on Results of Single Aircraft Noise Event Calculation. Aerospace. 2021, 8(5), p 121.
- Zaporozhets O., Tokarev V., 1998. Aircraft noise modelling for environmental assessment around air-ports. Applied Acoustics, 55(2) 99-127 (1998).
- Zaporozhets O, Tokarev V, Attenborough K, 2011. Aircraft noise: assessment, prediction and control. Glyph International, Taylor & Francis
Year 2022,
Volume: 03 Issue: 02, 96 - 111, 29.12.2022
Oleksandr Zaporozhets
Kateryna Kazhan
Kateryna Synylo
Sergii Karpenko
- Akdeniz H., Sogut Z., Turan O., 2021. Assessment of Aircraft Noise Emissions at International Eskisehir Hasan Polatkan Airport with Multiple Approach Model. Jour. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, v13, e2621, 2021 Vol. 13 (2021)
- Alonso G. , Benito A. , Boto L. 2017. The efficiency of noise mitigation measures at European airports. Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 25, 2017, Pages 103-135
- Buetikofer, R.; Thomann, G. Validation of FLULA, a time-step model for aircraft noise calculations. In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings; Institute of Noise Control Engineering: West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2001.
- DSTU-N B V.1.1-31, 2013. Protection of territories, buildings and structures from noise. (National Standard of Ukraine ДСТУ-Н Б В.1.1-31:2013, in Ukrainian), 2014.
- ECAC Doc 29, 2016. Report on Standard Method of Computing Noise Contours around Civil Airports. ECAC.CEAC Doc 29. Volumes 1, 2, 3. 4th Edition (2016).
European Aviation Environmental Report (2019) European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), European Environment Agency (EEA), EUROCONTROL. https://doi: 10.2822/309946
- Flightpath 2050 (2011) Europe’s Vision for Aviation Report of the High Level Group. EU Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Directorate General for Mobility and Transport on Aviation Research:32.
- H.R.3547c, 1979. Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979
- Jäger D., Zellmann C., Schlatter F., Wunderli J.M., 2020. Validation of the sonAIR aircraft noise simulation model. Noise Mapp., vol. 8, 2020, p. 95–107.
- ICAO Annex 16, 2019. ICAO Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation — Environmental Protection: Volume I — Aircraft Noise, ICAO, Montreal, 2019.
- ICAO Doc 9829, 2004. Guidance on the Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management. ICAO Doc 9829, 1st Edition, ICAO (2004).
- ICAO Doc 9911, 2018. Recommended Method for Computing Noise Contours Around Airports. ICAO Doc 9911, 2nd Edi-tion, ICAO (2018).
- ICAO Document 10127 (2019) Final Report of the Independent Expert Integrated Technology Goals Assessment and Review for Engines and Aircraft:225.
- Konovalova O., Zaporozhets O., 2021. Noise protection zones around Ukrainian airports as an element of balanced approach to noise control. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 7(3), pp 187–202 (
- Meister J., Schalcher S., Wunderli J.-M., Jäger D., Zellmann C., Schäffer B., 2021. Comparison of the Aircraft Noise Calculation Programs sonAIR, FLULA2 and AEDT with Noise Measurements of Single Flights. Aerospace 2021, 8, 388.
- Page, J., Bassarab, K., Hobbs, C., Robinson, D., Schultz, T., Sharp, B., Usdrowski, S., & Lucic, P., 2009. Enhanced Modeling of Aircraft Taxiway Noise, Volume 1: Scoping (No. ACRP Project 02-27).
- Page, J., Hobbs, C. and Gliebe, P., 2013. Enhanced Modeling of Aircraft Taxiway Noise, Volume 2: Aircraft Taxi Noise Database and Development Process (No. ACRP Project 02-27).
- Powell C.A. (2003) Noise Levels at Certification Points, NASA/TM-2003-212649:38.
- Rhodes D., Ollerhead J., 2011. Aircraft noise model validation. In Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, The Hague, The Netherlands, 27–30 August 2001.
- SAE AIR1845A, 2012. Procedure for the Calculation of Airplane Noise in the Vicinity of Airports, Aug 2012.
- SAAU AR-381, 2019. Requirements for operators related to noise zoning of the airport vicinity. Ukrainian Aviation Rules, State Aviation Service of Ukraine (SAAU), dated 26.03.2019.
- SAAU Order 585, 2020. Methodical instructions on airport vicinity zoning according to noise conditions. State Aviation Service of Ukraine, dated 23.04.2020.
- SSR-173, 1996. State Sanitary Rules for planning of inhabited localities. Order of Ministry of Health No 173, dated 19.06.1996.
- Synylo K., Ulianova K., Zaporozhets O., 2021. Air Quality Studies at Ukrainian Airports. International Journal of Aviation Science and Technology, Volume 2, Issue 1, (2021), 4-14
- Tokarev V., Kazhan K., 2014. Entropy approach for mitigation of environmental aviation impact and airport capacity increase. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 1(2), 2014. – Pp. 119-138.
- US FAA Part 150, 1984. Airport Noise Compatibility Planning, Docket No. 18691, 49 FR 49269, Dec. 18, 1984.
- Zaporozhets O., Karpenko S., Levchenko L., 2021. Calculation tool NoBel for sound propagation assessment of noise from gas turbines on the ground. Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2021, Washington, USA, (2021).
- Zaporozhets O., Levchenko L., 2021. Detailed flight operation data for accurate aircraft noise assessment. Proceedings of World Aviation Congress 2018, NAU, Kyiv, Ukraine, (2018).
- Zaporozhets, O. and Levchenko, L., 2021. Accuracy of Noise-Power-Distance Definition on Results of Single Aircraft Noise Event Calculation. Aerospace. 2021, 8(5), p 121.
- Zaporozhets O., Tokarev V., 1998. Aircraft noise modelling for environmental assessment around air-ports. Applied Acoustics, 55(2) 99-127 (1998).
- Zaporozhets O, Tokarev V, Attenborough K, 2011. Aircraft noise: assessment, prediction and control. Glyph International, Taylor & Francis