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The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas)

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 5, 1163 - 1171, 25.09.2024


This study examines the differences in locomotor abilities of children aged 5-6 years in two locations, namely coastal and mountainous areas in Kebumen City, Indonesia. This is important because children's locomotor outcomes are still poor and there has been no identification of locomotor abilities judging from previous studies that only examined manipulative movement abilities. Overall, this study contributes greatly to future research by providing important insights into how environmental and geographical factors interact with children's physical development, which in turn can aid in the creation of more effective policies and interventions to support holistic child development. Using descriptive research methods, the population was 40 schools specifically for coastal and mountainous areas, then sampling was carried out in 2 stages, namely using cluster random sampling techniques and then purposive sampling. The sample size was 130 with details of 65 children in coastal areas and 65 in mountainous regions. This instrument has been validated and reliable on 135 children in Indonesia with a validity result of 2.27 > t table 1.65 and reliability of 0.765. The statistical test results showed a p value = 0.013 which means that there is a relationship between children's locomotor abilities with geography in the two different locations, namely mountains and coasts. The average child's locomotor ability in coastal areas was found to be superior compared to mountainous areas.

Etik Beyan

This research has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of State Yogyakarta.

Destekleyen Kurum

The author would like to express his deepest gratitude to Yogyakarta State University as the place where the author studied.


Deep gratitude is also expressed to all parties involved in this research.


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  • Fitri, A. W., & Ummah, L. (2022). Pengaruh Pendekatan Whole Language Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun. Aulad: Journal on Early Childhood, 5(1), 111–116. [CrossRef]
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  • McGann, J., Issartel, J., Hederman, L., & Conlan, O. (2020). Hop. Skip. Jump. Games: The effect of “principled” exergameplay on children’s locomotor skill acquisition. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 798–816. [CrossRef]
  • Morrison, K. M., Cairney, J., Eisenmann, J., Pfeiffer, K., & Gould, D. (2018). Associations of body mass index, motor performance, and perceived athletic competence with physical activity in normal weight and overweight children. Journal of obesity, 2018. [PubMed]
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  • Nobre, F. S. S., Valentini, N. C., & Rusidill, M. E. (2020). Applying the bioecological theory to the study of fundamental motor skills. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 25(1), 29–48. [CrossRef]
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  • Phytanza, D. T. P., Burhaeın, E., Lourenço, C. C. V., & Pavlovıc, R. (2023). Physical activity based on manipulative exercise: How it affects the gross motor of children with autism for 12 years old? International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 6(2), 171–180. [CrossRef]
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  • Saparia, A., Abduh, I., Wulur, D. C., Murtono, T., Nirmala, B., Zainuddin, M., Jasmani, P., & Tadulako, U. (2023). Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Dini Ditinjau dari Aspek Geografis (Studi pada Anak Usia Dini Daerah Pesisir dan Pegunungan). Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 7(3), 2811–2819. [CrossRef]
  • Sepriadi, S. (2017). Kontribusi status gizi dan kemampuan motorik terhadap kesegaran jasmani siswa sekolah dasar. Jurnal Keolahragaan, 5(2), 194–206. [CrossRef]
  • Ulrich, D. A., & Sanford, C. B. (2000). TGMD-2: Test of gross motor development. Pro-ed.
  • Ügüten, H. & Ersöz, Y. (2024). The Effect of Game-Based Volleyball Exercise on Physical Fitness Parameters in Children Aged 10-13. Int. J. Sports Eng. Biotech, 2(1),35-43. [CrossRef]
  • Wang, B., Luo, X., Yue, A., Tang, L., & Shi, Y. (2022). Family environment in rural China and the link with early childhood development. Early child development and care, 192(4), 617–630. [CrossRef]
  • Webster, E. K., Martin, C. K., & Staiano, A. E. (2019). Fundamental motor skills, screen-time, and physical activity in preschoolers. Journal of sport and health science, 8(2), 114–121. [PubMed]
  • WHO. (2022). Global status report on physical activity. physical-activity
  • Yunita, L. (2021). Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Perkembangan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Prasekolah di Wilayah Kerja Posyandu Bunga Maja Kecamatan Gunung Sari. Nutriology: Jurnal Pangan, Gizi, Kesehatan, 2(2), 9–14. [CrossRef]
Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 5, 1163 - 1171, 25.09.2024



  • Apriyani, I., Suntoda, A., & Budiman, D. (2018). Uji Validitas Dan Reliabilitas Test Of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) Dale A. Ulrich Pada Anak 9 Tahun. TEGAR: Journal of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary School, 2(1), 40–45. [CrossRef]
  • Arifiyanti, N. (2020). The Gross Motor Skill Differences Between Preschool Boys and Girl. Aulad: Journal on Early Childhood, 3(3), 115–120. [CrossRef]
  • Asnaldi, A., Yelis, R., Putri, L. P., & Bakhtiar, S. (2020). The Differences of Ability in the Level of Development on Control Objects of Early Childhood Education Students in Pariaman City and Padang Panjang City. 97–100. [PubMed]
  • Aye, T., Oo, K. S., Khin, M. T., Kuramoto-Ahuja, T., & Maruyama, H. (2017). Gross motor skill development of 5-year-old Kindergarten children in Myanmar. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 29(10), 1772–1778. [PubMed]
  • Babbie, E. (2010). The Practice of Social Research. Cengange Learning.
  • Colombo-Dougovito, A. M. (2017). Exploring the effect of gender and disability on gross motor performance in kindergarten children. Physical Educator, 74(2), 183. [PubMed]
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications.
  • Djuanda, I., & Suryani, R. L. (2021). Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Gerak Lokomotor Anak Usia Dini Melalui Permainan Tradisional Engklek. el-Moona: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 3(1), 1–14. [CrossRef]
  • Fitri, A. W., & Ummah, L. (2022). Pengaruh Pendekatan Whole Language Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun. Aulad: Journal on Early Childhood, 5(1), 111–116. [CrossRef]
  • González, K., Fuentes, J., & Márquez, J. L. (2017). Physical inactivity, sedentary behavior and chronic diseases. Korean journal of family medicine, 38(3), 111. [PubMed]
  • Goodway, J. D., Robinson, L. E., & Crowe, H. (2010). Gender differences in fundamental motor skill development in disadvantaged preschoolers from two geographical regions. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 81(1), 17–24. [PubMed]
  • Gravetter, F. J. (2013). Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Cengage Learning.
  • Hafidah, R., & Nurjanah, N. E. (2022). Kemampuan Fisik Motorik Anak Usia Dini dengan Masalah Obesitas. Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 6(4), 2844–2851. [CrossRef]
  • McGann, J., Issartel, J., Hederman, L., & Conlan, O. (2020). Hop. Skip. Jump. Games: The effect of “principled” exergameplay on children’s locomotor skill acquisition. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 798–816. [CrossRef]
  • Morrison, K. M., Cairney, J., Eisenmann, J., Pfeiffer, K., & Gould, D. (2018). Associations of body mass index, motor performance, and perceived athletic competence with physical activity in normal weight and overweight children. Journal of obesity, 2018. [PubMed]
  • Muslihin, H. Y. (2020). Bagaimana mengajarkan gerak lokomotor pada anak usia dini. Jurnal Paud Agapedia, 2(1), 76–88. [CrossRef]
  • Mustafa, P. S., & Sugiharto, S. (2020). Keterampilan motorik pada pendidikan jasmani meningkatkan pembelajaran gerak seumur hidup. Jurnal Sporta Saintika, 5(2), 199–218. [CrossRef]
  • Nobre, F. S. S., Valentini, N. C., & Rusidill, M. E. (2020). Applying the bioecological theory to the study of fundamental motor skills. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 25(1), 29–48. [CrossRef]
  • O’Brien, W., Belton, S., & Issartel, J. (2016a). Fundamental movement skill proficiency amongst adolescent youth. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 21(6), 557–571. [CrossRef]
  • O’Brien, W., Belton, S., & Issartel, J. (2016b). Fundamental movement skill proficiency amongst adolescent youth. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 21(6), 557–571. [CrossRef]
  • Pelemiš, V. (2018). Differences In Motor Skils Between Preschool Boys And Girls. Educația Plus, 19(1), 176–184.
  • Phytanza, D. T. P., Burhaeın, E., Lourenço, C. C. V., & Pavlovıc, R. (2023). Physical activity based on manipulative exercise: How it affects the gross motor of children with autism for 12 years old? International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 6(2), 171–180. [CrossRef]
  • Rohyana, F., & Adawiyah, R. (2018). Perkembangan Fisik Motorik Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Golden Age Hamzanwadi University, 3(1), 25–34. [CrossRef]
  • Safaringga, E., & Herpandika, R. (2018). The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Sleep Quality. SPORTIF Journal: Journal of Learning Research, 4(2), 235. [CrossRef]
  • Saparia, A., Abduh, I., Wulur, D. C., Murtono, T., Nirmala, B., Zainuddin, M., Jasmani, P., & Tadulako, U. (2023). Kemampuan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Dini Ditinjau dari Aspek Geografis (Studi pada Anak Usia Dini Daerah Pesisir dan Pegunungan). Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 7(3), 2811–2819. [CrossRef]
  • Sepriadi, S. (2017). Kontribusi status gizi dan kemampuan motorik terhadap kesegaran jasmani siswa sekolah dasar. Jurnal Keolahragaan, 5(2), 194–206. [CrossRef]
  • Ulrich, D. A., & Sanford, C. B. (2000). TGMD-2: Test of gross motor development. Pro-ed.
  • Ügüten, H. & Ersöz, Y. (2024). The Effect of Game-Based Volleyball Exercise on Physical Fitness Parameters in Children Aged 10-13. Int. J. Sports Eng. Biotech, 2(1),35-43. [CrossRef]
  • Wang, B., Luo, X., Yue, A., Tang, L., & Shi, Y. (2022). Family environment in rural China and the link with early childhood development. Early child development and care, 192(4), 617–630. [CrossRef]
  • Webster, E. K., Martin, C. K., & Staiano, A. E. (2019). Fundamental motor skills, screen-time, and physical activity in preschoolers. Journal of sport and health science, 8(2), 114–121. [PubMed]
  • WHO. (2022). Global status report on physical activity. physical-activity
  • Yunita, L. (2021). Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Perkembangan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Prasekolah di Wilayah Kerja Posyandu Bunga Maja Kecamatan Gunung Sari. Nutriology: Jurnal Pangan, Gizi, Kesehatan, 2(2), 9–14. [CrossRef]
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fiziksel Aktivite ve Sağlık, Spor Biliminde Hareket Eğitimi
Bölüm Original Article

Aprilia Wahyuning Fitri 0000-0002-5424-0507

Dimyati Dimyati 0000-0002-9002-5513

Yulia Ayriza 0000-0002-3623-7742

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 6 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 6 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Fitri, A. W., Dimyati, D., & Ayriza, Y. (2024). The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas). International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 7(5), 1163-1171.
AMA Fitri AW, Dimyati D, Ayriza Y. The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas). International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences. Eylül 2024;7(5):1163-1171. doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1507608
Chicago Fitri, Aprilia Wahyuning, Dimyati Dimyati, ve Yulia Ayriza. “The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas)”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7, sy. 5 (Eylül 2024): 1163-71.
EndNote Fitri AW, Dimyati D, Ayriza Y (01 Eylül 2024) The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas). International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7 5 1163–1171.
IEEE A. W. Fitri, D. Dimyati, ve Y. Ayriza, “The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas)”, International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, c. 7, sy. 5, ss. 1163–1171, 2024, doi: 10.33438/ijdshs.1507608.
ISNAD Fitri, Aprilia Wahyuning vd. “The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas)”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 7/5 (Eylül 2024), 1163-1171.
JAMA Fitri AW, Dimyati D, Ayriza Y. The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas). International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences. 2024;7:1163–1171.
MLA Fitri, Aprilia Wahyuning vd. “The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas)”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, c. 7, sy. 5, 2024, ss. 1163-71, doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1507608.
Vancouver Fitri AW, Dimyati D, Ayriza Y. The Locomotor Movement Abilities of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Terms of Geographical Aspects (Coastal and Mountain Areas). International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences. 2024;7(5):1163-71.

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