Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 5, 9/25/24

Year: 2024

Original Article

Research Article

9. Spiritual Growth and Stress Management of Physical Education Sport and Health Students

Research Article

19. Impact of Massage Gun on Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) in Soccer Players


International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is an internationally recognized multidisciplinary scientific journal. It aims to showcase a wide range of scientific publications in the field of sports sciences from all over the world and provide an open view of the results of research and an opportunity to deepen knowledge in the field of sports and health sciences for the disabled. The editor invites you to publish articles on all aspects of theory, research and practice in the fields of sports, special needs individuals and health sciences this journal.

International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is an international scientific peer-reviewed journal, published Tri-quarterly in electronic format.
• The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
• Detailed information on preparation of the manuscript is described in the Instruction for Authors
IJDSHS will be published in 3 issues (February, June and October) from 2023. IJDSHS will be published in 6 issues (January, March, May, July, September and November) from 2024
• Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the       article.
• "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
• International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences is now index in SCOPUS as of January 2022

Editor-in-Chief : Assoc Prof. Nevzat DEMİRCİ

International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is an internationally recognized multidisciplinary scientific journal. It aims to showcase a wide range of scientific publications in the field of sports sciences from all over the world and provide an open view of the results of research and an opportunity to deepen knowledge in the field of sports and health sciences for the disabled.

IJDSHS has open access and will publish research and articles in the following areas:

Public Health

Aging and Health

Disability and Health

Sports and Health

Quality in Healthcare

Sports Training in Disabilities

Physical Education and Sports in Disabilities

Individuals with Special Education Needs

Sports And Health Sciences

Physical Activity

Health And Fitness

Physical therapy and rehabilitation

Physical Therapy

Exercise Physiology

Sports for all

Education Science

Authors Guidelines

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to us. These instructions will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal’s requirements.

All research articles in this journal will be subject to a rigorous peer review based on double blind equilibrium by at least two expert referees passing through the chief editor's scrutiny. The final publication decision is the responsibility of the chief editors. Find out what happens during peer review and read our publication ethics.

All submitted manuscripts must use the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for both in-text and end-of-text references (See APA 7).

Submissions are only accepted via the Online Submission System of the journal.

Authors have to submit the "Copyright Agreement" with a signature.

Please indicate the contribution of each author to the submitted article in the table below. Authorship Form

Authors have to upload the "Ethics Committee" document to the system.

"iThenticate and Turnitin" document is mandatory for authors article submission (Maximum15%).

Preparing Your Paper

International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences Journal Writing Rules and sample article template click here to access.

The following ethical duties and responsibilities are written in the light of the guide and policies made by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Publication Ethics
Release Declaration
The journal is tightly bound to the principles of good publishing practices in the guidelines of the Editorial Committee (COPE). Authors in the article application; that their work is in compliance with ethical, legal and scientific rules and that they have not been published before and are not in the evaluation stage to be published elsewhere during the application. Previously published tables, figures and articles must be clearly stated and permission must be obtained from those holding the broadcasting rights. The journal requires that appropriate ethics committee applications are made, that informed consents are received and that they are reported to the article. In medical studies involving human subjects, the Helsinki Declaration is firmly attached to its principles. Authors are required to report that they are in compliance with institutional or national guidelines for the use and care of laboratory animals.

Scientific works are studies which are concluded as a result of scientific methods and which provide with the application of scientific methods and objectivity. In the process of production of these works, all the components of the publication process; namely, publisher, editor, author, reviewers, and readers must follow the ethical principles. In this scope, International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences must also follow the ethical principles of the all components of the publication process in the light of the guides and policies published in the open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE (e.g. COPE “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” ve “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”, ICMJE RecommendationsWAME resources, WMA policies, and WMA Helsinki Declaration).

In the articles evaluated in International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) Ethics Committee Approval is needed for the following items:
* Research conducted in qualitative or quantitative approaches which require data collection from the participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, and/or experiment techniques,
* Using humans or animals (including material/data) with experimental or other scientific aims,
* Clinical research on humans,
* Research on animals,
* Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.

Publisher's Responsibility
The International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) publishes new and up-to-date scientific information by the publisher following a rigorous peer review process as soon as possible. As a publisher, the following policies are taken into account: Supporting the fair and timely peer review process with valuable input and responsible viewers. Make constructive recommendations to improve the overall process and ensure better production support and dissemination of information published in the magazines. For magazines and articles, web development, web management, and social media management ensure the trouble-free operation of staff. The International Journal of Disabilities Sports & Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is seeking to design and initiate innovative ways with the vision of "Open Access", a scientifically valuable research information.

Responsibilities of Authors
The author is expected to be held accountable for the accuracy of the data and information about the submitted article. A proper and relevant citation should be considered by presenting the original original output of the authors' research, documenting the data and documenting the discussion. A writer should not repeat any research data from himself or herself when making an original manuscript for a primary publication in the magazine. The reported scope of work should be based on the appropriate references of other publications that affect it. Before submitting any article, the authors should check the extent of the journal and, in the case of any inquiries, contact the Editorial Office.
Authors should strictly comply with the authorship criteria. All listed authors have made important contributions to the research presented in the manuscript and must have approved all their claims. Anyone who should be considered as the author of an original research article should contribute to any of the following methods: designing the study, conducting the study or conducting the experiments, taking part in the analysis of the data. It is necessary to include everybody who makes a significant contribution to the completion of their research work. The financial and personal benefits governing the findings or research of the nature, as well as financial support details and resources, should be clearly stated.

Author Contributions

For full transparency, all submitted manuscripts must include an author contribution statement that identifies the work of each author. For research articles with multiple authors, a short paragraph should be provided indicating their individual contributions. Please indicate the contribution of each author to the submitted article in the table below. Authorship Form

The following statements should be used: Study Design, XX and XX; Data Collection, XX; Statistical Analysis, XX; Data Interpretation, XX and XX; Manuscript Preparation, XX and XX; Literature Search, XX and XX. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Please see the CRediT taxonomy for a definition of terms. Authorship should be limited to those who have contributed significantly to the reported work.

The corresponding author should act as a point of contact between the editor and other authors, keeping co-authors informed and involved in important decisions regarding publication. Co-first authors may be identified in the manuscript by including the statement "X and X contributed equally to this article." The roles of co-authors should also be adequately explained in the contribution statement.

For review articles where individual statements are less valid, a statement should be included explaining who was responsible for the idea, who performed the literature review and/or data analysis, and who drafted and reviewed the work.

For articles based primarily on a student's thesis or dissertation, IJDSHS recommends that the student be listed as the lead author.

Deceased Authors
If a manuscript is submitted with a deceased author in authorship during the process, or if an author dies during peer review, the corresponding author or co-authors should notify the IJDSHS editorial office. If the deceased author is a corresponding author, the authorship group should nominate a co-author for this role. The corresponding author should confirm the deceased author's contribution and any potential conflicts of interest. A note will be added to the author list after publication.

Changes in Authorship
Authors are expected to carefully consider authorship before submitting a manuscript. Any changes to the author list should be made during the editorial process prior to acceptance of the manuscript. Authorship changes, including adding, removing, or rearranging author names, require approval from all authors, including those to be removed. To request any change in authorship, the journal must receive a completed authorship change form that includes signatures from all authors and indicates the reason for the change. Any change in authorship requested after the manuscript has been accepted will result in a delay in publication. If the manuscript has been previously published, requests for changes in authorship will be considered and a correction will need to be published. We reserve the right to request proof of authorship, and changes in authorship after acceptance will be made at the discretion of the IJDSHS editorial board.

Author Name Change Policy
Some authors may wish to change their name after publication. In such cases, IJDSHS will update and republish the article and resubmit the updated metadata to the appropriate indexing databases (please note that all updates are subject to the policies of the databases). Our teams recognize that name changes for various reasons, such as gender identity, marriage, divorce, or religious conversion, can be sensitive and/or private. Therefore, to protect author identity, no correction will be published and co-authors will not be notified. Authors should contact the journal's "Editorial Office" with name change requests.

Responsibilities of Evaluators
Editors are obliged to comply with the policies of "Blind Review and Review Process" stated in the journal's publication policies. Therefore, the editors ensure that each manuscript is reviewed in an unbiased, fair and timely manner.
Privacy Policy: Observers should not share or disclose any information about an assigned manuscript with strangers without permission from the Editor.
Competency Principle: You must complete the assessment with a qualified person. The appointed observer with unauthorized competence must feel responsible and may refuse to review because the evaluator is assumed to be an expert on the relevant field.
Constructive Evaluation
Reviewer's comments should assess the positive aspects of the studies, constructively describe their negative aspects and indicate the necessary equipment. An evaluator (Observer) should clearly and adequately explain and support the judgment of the editors and the authors for their interpretation. The reviewer must ensure that he or she is accompanied by a relevant reference to an observation or argument previously reported, and should immediately notify the editor if he / she is aware of the repetitive publication. The interpreter should not use any kind of abusive language when commenting on a article. The evaluation of each article should be made without prejudice and personal attention by the person who has been appointed.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
The observer should minimize conflict of interest as much as possible. In such a case, the eye must inform the editor of the conflict of interest. Observers must be sufficiently active to present their review comments in a timely manner, and to respond to questions asked by the editor, if any.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
The editor and field editors of International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences should hold the following ethical responsibilities that are based on the guides "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published as open Access by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Editors are obliged to publish corrections or corrections as soon as possible, preserving the integrity of the published article, if necessary. The editor must comply with the policy guidelines provided by the publisher and fulfill its responsibilities in its entirety. Review process: Editors are responsible for monitoring and providing justice, timing, rigor and courtesy of the arbitration review process. Ensure that the content or author information contained in the article is legible. To evaluate all the manuscripts so that they are not covered by the journal. Promoting corrections, dealing with withdrawal, additional data, etc. To protect the inner integrity of the magazines with themes. Try to publish the best articles and research that attract readers.
Decision Making: It has the right to be in consultation with decision-making, eye-catching or editorial board members.
Impartiality: The editorial and editorial board should evaluate manuscripts in terms of their intellectual content, without putting any prejudice against race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophies of authors.
Confidentiality: The Editor or any Editor board staff should not pass any information about a submitted manuscript, the related author, the reviewers, other editorial advisers, or the outside of the publisher.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
The fact that all manuscripts are reviewed through "Blind Review" has a direct influence on the publication quality. This process ensures confidentiality by objective and independent review. The review process at IJDSHS is carried out on the principle of double blind review. Reviewers do not contact the authors directly, and the reviews and comments are conveyed through the journal management system. In this process, the reviewer views on the evaluation forms and full texts are assigned to the author(s) by the editor. Therefore, the reviewers doing review work for IJDSHS are supposed to bear the following ethical responsibilities:
Reviewers must
• Agree to review only in their subject of expertise.
• Review in an unbiased and confidential manner.
• Inform the editor of the journal if they think that they encounter conflict of interests and decline to review the manuscript during the review process.
• Dispose the manuscripts they have reviewed in accordance with the principle of confidentiality after the review process. Reviewers can use the final versions of the manuscripts they have reviewed only after publication.
• Review the manuscript objectively and only in terms of its content and ensure that nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, and economic apprehension do not influence the review.
• Review the manuscript in a constructive and kind tone, avoid making personal comments including hostility, slander and insult.
• Review the manuscript they have agreed to review on time and in accordance with the ethical rules stated above.

Vulnerable Population Policy
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences will not publish research that does not comply with the following policies. The purpose of these policies is to protect vulnerable groups as research participants and to ensure that research is scientifically sound, ethical, and socially beneficial.
Vulnerable groups research must be conducted in accordance with the WMA Helsinki Declaration, Articles 19 and 20, and approved by an ethics committee decision by the legal authority. The study must meet the needs and priorities of the group/individuals in which it is conducted. The case in which the study cannot be carried out outside of these groups and individuals is taken into consideration. In research involving vulnerable groups, additional measures to protect volunteers must be documented by researchers/s. The journal editor/advisory board may conduct an additional review within the framework of basic ethical principles. Additional information may be requested in addition to ethics committee permissions during the journal review process.

Scientific Quality
The scientific quality of research conducted with vulnerable groups must be in accordance with the standards of the Helsinki Declaration, ICH, and the Human Rights and Biomedicine Convention. This means that the research must be well-designed, the research protocol must be properly implemented, and the methods for compiling and analyzing the data must be valid.

Autonomy Principle
Vulnerable groups and individuals must be protected in terms of informed consent processes that are not based on coercion, pressure, or incomplete information. This includes ensuring that research participants are fully informed about the nature, risks, and benefits of the research, and that they have the right to freely decide whether or not to participate.

Privacy Principle
For the publication of research conducted with vulnerable groups, the confidentiality of participants and the anonymity of data must be ensured. This means that the identities and personal information of research participants cannot be disclosed.

Justice Principle
Research on vulnerable groups must be in accordance with the principles of equality and justice. This means that research should not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religious belief, socioeconomic status, or other demographic factors.

Social Benefit
The fundamental criterion is that the interests of the volunteers who participate in the research should take precedence over the social and scientific benefits. It is expected that research conducted with vulnerable groups will provide social benefits.

Conflict of Interest Policy, Copyright Agreement and Authorship 
All the copyright of submitted articles must be transferred to IJDSHS during the article submission process. Therefore, Copyright Agreement Form signed by all authors must be submitted with the article. For Copyright Agreement Form, please click here. For Authorship Form, please click here.
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is responsible for taking precautions in order to prevent potential conflicts of interest and for assessing the given declarations. Consequently, the journal thinks that potential conflicts of interest harms the scientific publication ethics. The journal defines all the responsibilities for all shareholders in order to determine and prevent conflicts of interest. In case of a potential conflict of interest, the Journal suspends the evaluation process of an article until the unclarity is eliminated. In this context, the Journal has the right to request Ethics Committee Approval, Interviewer Voluntary Consent Form and other documents to be submitted from the author that submits the article.  

The articles which are submitted to the International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) accepted after the evaluation process and completed the process after the acceptance are presented with preview along with their DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers on the electronic environment in order to distribute the scientific information in an up-to-date manner. The articles which are published in the preview are published in an issue and voice with a page number approved by the editor board and they are removed from the preview afterward. The articles in preview may not be the last version which will be published in the intended issue. Small changes may occur in the last version of the studies.

Reporting a Situation That Does Not Comply with Ethical Principles to the Journal Editor

In the International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, if an unethical behavior that does not comply with ethical principles is encountered regarding editors, referees, authors or an unethical situation regarding an article in the evaluation process, early view or published, it should be reported by e-mail to

Archieving Policy (LOCKSS)

The LOCKSS system has permission to collect, preserve, and serve this Archival Unit.
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is using the LOCKKS archiving system.
The LOCKSS Program, based on the program used at Stanford University Libraries, provides libraries and publishers with award-winning, low-cost, open source digital preservation tools to preserve and provide access to persistent and authoritative digital content.
The LOCKSS Program (CLICK Here) is an open-source, library-led digital preservation system built on the principle that “lots of copies keep stuff safe.” The LOCKSS Program develops and supports libraries using an open source peer-to-peer digital preservation software.
The LOCKSS system allows librarians to access to the e-content to which they subscribe, restoring the print purchase model with which librarians are familiar.
The Global LOCKSS Network preserves today's e-journals and e-books for tomorrow's readers. The Global LOCKSS Network is a proven preservation approach that uniquely empowers both libraries and publishers. It enhances a library's value by restoring library collections via a locally installed "LOCKSS box", which is essentially a digital bookshelf. The Global LOCKSS Network enhances a publisher's value by preserving the original published artifact, including branding, historical context, and underlying files. It protects the publisher's interest by driving all reader traffic to their web site. The Global LOCKSS Network is administered and managed by the Stanford University Libraries LOCKSS Program. See the LOCKSS Program website for additional information, (CLICK Here).

Plagiarism Policy
All manuscripts sent to our magazines are now scanned by  iThenticate ® (Professional Plagiarism Prevention) programa plagiarism detection software.If an article contains plagiarism or self-plagiarism in more than 15% of the manuscript, it will be returned to the author for appropriate citation and correction.
To avoid plagiarism, the authors confirm that:
1. We understand that it is against the ethics of plagiarism;
2. No material with unauthorized copyright is used in writing;
3. The article is exempt from plagiarism and has not been published before;
4. We will be responsible for the opinions expressed in the I / O and we will be responsible for all disputes arising from our use of any copyrighted material without proper permission.
If the author suspects plagiarism at any stage even after publications, within a week the author will need to get clear about the manuscript. The article will be automatically rejected and removed from the system without a reasonable and timely explanation. Manuscripts sent by the same author will not be accepted.

Guidelines for Retracting Article

The International Journal of Disabilities Sports & Health Sciences (IJDSHS) is rigorous in providing the integrity of the scientific record of the content of all users. The editor is irrespective of whether a article is to be published within a certain period of time. In making this decision, the Editor is guided by the policies of the editorial board and is limited to the legal requirements in force for copyright infringement and plagiarism. Published articles will remain as current, accurate and unaltered as possible. However, there may be occasional unavoidable circumstances that require article withdrawal or publication from a particular journal after publication.
Retrieval of the Makalen
This is only used for "Article in Publication" which represents the first versions of the accepted articles. The article may be withdrawn at the discretion of the editor, if it constitutes a violation of professional ethics codes, such as any article, multiple declarations, counterfeit documents, plagiarism or falsified use of data or similar events during the printing phase. Authors who wish to withdraw their article in the review phase are obliged to fill out the Withdrawal Form and send the signed and scanned copy of the form with the wet signature of each author to the editorial board via e-mail. The Editorial Board will review the withdrawal notification and provide a response within 10 days at the latest.
Retraction of the Makalel
Violation of professional codes of ethics, such as multiple submissions, false authoring claims, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data and similar claims, will result in a retraction of the article. Sometimes, a withdrawal may be considered to correct the mistakes in sending or broadcasting.

Reporting a Situation That Does Not Comply with Ethical Principles to the Journal Editor

In the International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, if an unethical behavior that does not comply with ethical principles is encountered regarding editors, referees, authors or an unethical situation regarding an article in the evaluation process, early view or published, it should be reported by e-mail to

Policy on Use of AI or AI-Enabled Technologies in Authorship

IJDSHS follows the position statement of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) when it comes to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-enabled technology in manuscript preparation. Tools such as ChatGPT and other large language models  do not meet the authorship criteria and therefore cannot be listed as authors on manuscripts.
In cases where AI or AI-enabled tools are used in the preparation of a manuscript, authors are required to be transparent about the use of these tools and disclose details of how the AI ​​tool was used in the “Materials and Methods” section.
Authors are fully responsible for the originality, validity, and integrity of the content of their manuscript, including any material contributed by AI or AI-enabled tools, and must ensure that this content complies with all IJDSHS publication ethics policies through careful review. IJDSHS reserves the right to request further information, and editorial decisions will be made in accordance with IJDSHS’ Editorial Process and our terms and conditions.

IJDSHS Complaints and Appeals Review Policy

Readers with concerns or complaints about published articles should contact the relevant author directly to seek a resolution and, if not resolved, the Editorial Office should be notified. The Editorial Office will coordinate with the complainant, author(s), and the Editors-in-Chief or members of the Editorial Board to investigate, correct, or resolve any concerns or complaints.
Any complaints, comments, or requests for updates will be investigated appropriately regarding the academic validity, ethical, or legal aspects of the article or the review process. All complaints, comments, or requests for updates regarding published articles will be investigated with the support of the Editorial Board and with the final approval of the Editor-in-Chief.
Final decisions regarding ethical concerns are made by the Editor-in-Chief or members of the Editorial Board, supported by the Editorial Office, to promote compliance with the basic principles of publication ethics outlined by COPE. Decisions regarding corrections, comments, and responses, expressions of concern, or retractions resulting from an investigation are made by the Editors-in-Chief, Section Editors-in-Chief, or members of the Editorial Board and communicated to the authors. A complaint will only be considered if additional information is provided that substantiates the concerns.

We do not partner with third-party advertising companies to serve ads and/or collect certain information when you visit IJDSHS's Web site. IJDSHS will not permit any therapy-specific or drug-specific advertising policies directed to a specific article or any page where the content is related to the advertised product (Advertisers may not link to articles using keywords; may not target an advertisement to a specific product provided that it appears in the same location and at the same time as a specific article mentioning that product; and may not reference an article published at the same time as the advertisement).

Direct marketing
There is no direct marketing activity carried out on behalf of the journal.

Repository policy
Our journal allows its Published version (Version of Record) to be stored in an institutional or other repository preferred by the author without embargo.
Journal of Producitivity uses the LOCKSS system offered by DergiPark. For more information about the archiving system the LOCKSS website can be visited. The publisher archive policy of the Journal of Producitivity is as follows:

The Publisher allows authors the use of the final published version of an article (publisher pdf) for self-archiving (author's personal website) and/or archiving in an institutional repository after publication.
Authors may self-archive their articles in public and/or commercial subject-based repositories. There is no embargo period but the published source must be acknowledged and a link to the journal home page or articles' DOI must be set.
Authors may download print of the article as a PDF document. Authors may send copies of the article to colleagues without embargo.
The publisher allow all versions of papers (Submitted version, Accepted version, Published version) to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.

Policy Grounds

Journal Price Policy
International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (IJDSHS) charges the article submission fee of 250 Euro from the authors at the time of article submission, regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition.
The corresponding author must confirm at the time of submission that he will organize the payment. Payment of the fee does not mean that the article will be accepted. Articles with positive referee evaluation results will be accepted in accordance with ethical rules. In other words, the acceptance decision is based on the decision of the referees evaluating the article.

Article processing fee is 250 Euro for all articles uploaded as of 01.01.2024.

NDP-Academic Publishing

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