Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 244 - 261



  • Ohba, T., Tanigawa, K., Liutsko, L. (2021). Evacuation after a nuclear accident: Critical reviews of past nuclear accidents and proposal for future planning. Environment international, (148), 106379.
  • Batur, M., Alkan, R. M. (2023). What can we learn from past nuclear accidents? A comparative assessment of emergency response to accidents at the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants. Advanced Land Management, 3(2), 76-89.
  • Hasegawa, A., Ohira, T., Maeda, M., Yasumura, S., Tanigawa, K. (2016). Emergency responses and health consequences after the Fukushima accident; evacuation and relocation. Clinical Oncology, 28(4), 237-244.
  • Oka, Y. (2022). Risks and benefits of evacuation in TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 148, 104222.
  • Sarı, S. & Türk, T. (2021). An investigation of urban development with geographical information systems: 100-year change of Sivas City, Turkey. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 6(1), 51-63.
  • Sohrabi, M., Ghasemi, M., Amrollahi, R., Khamooshi, C., Parsouzi, Z. (2013). Assessment of environmental public exposure from a hypothetical nuclear accident for Unit-1 Bushehr nuclear power plant. Radiation and environmental biophysics, 52, 235-244.
  • Zhu, Y., Guo, J., Nie, C., Zhou, Y. (2014). Simulation and dose analysis of a hypothetical accident in Sanmen nuclear power plant. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 65, 207-213.
  • Ramana, M. V., Nayyar, A. H., Schoeppner, M. (2016). Nuclear High-level Waste Tank Explosions: Potential Causes and Impacts of a Hypothetical Accident at India's Kalpakkam Reprocessing Plant. Science & Global Security, 24(3), 174-203.
  • Batur, M., Alkan, R. M., Karaman, H., Ozener, H. (2024). Recommendations for Protective Actions Based on Projected Public Health Risks Following a Postulated Nuclear Power Plant Accident. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 20(4), 923-938.
  • Mohammed Saeed, I. M., Saleh, M. A. M., Hashim, S., Hama, Y. M. S., Hamza, K., Al-Shatri, S. H. (2020). The radiological assessment, hazard evaluation, and spatial distribution for a hypothetical nuclear power plant accident at Baiji potential site. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32, 1-12.
  • Murray-Tuite, P., Wolshon, B. (2013). Evacuation transportation modeling: An overview of research, development, and practice. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 27, 25-45.
  • Park, S., Sohn, S., Jae, M. (2021). Cohort-based evacuation time estimation using TSIS-CORSIM. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53(6), 1979-1990.
  • Herrera, N., Smith, T., Parr, S. A., Wolshon, B. (2019). Effect of trip generation time on evacuation time estimates. Transportation research record, 2673(11), 101-113.
  • Hsu, Y. T., Peeta, S. (2015). Clearance time estimation for incorporating evacuation risk in routing strategies for evacuation operations. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15, 743-764.
  • Parr, S. A., Herrera, N., Wolshon, B., Smith, T. (2020). Effect of manual traffic control on evacuation time estimates. Transportation research record, 2674(9), 809-819.
  • Howard, E. E., Pasquini, L., Arbib, C., Di Marco, A., Clementini, E. (2021). Definition of an Enriched GIS Network for Evacuation Planning. In GISTAM, 241-252.
  • Manfré, L. A., Cruz, B. B., Quintanilha, J. A. (2020). Urban settlements and road network analysis on the surrounding area of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Complex, Angra dos Reis, Brazil. Applied spatial analysis and policy, 13, 209-221.
  • Hasnat, M. M., Islam, M. R., Hadiuzzaman, M. (2018). Emergency response during disastrous situation in densely populated urban areas: a gis based approach. Geographia Technica, 13(2),
  • Maqbool, A., Usmani, Z., Afzal, F., Razia, A. (2020). Disaster mitigation in Urban Pakistan using agent based modeling with GIS. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(4), 203.
  • Hwang, Y., Heo, G. (2021). Development of a radiological emergency evacuation model using agent-based modeling. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53(7), 2195-2206.
  • Zhang, H., Zhao, Q., Cheng, Z., Liu, L., Su, Y. (2021). Dynamic path optimization with real‐time information for emergency evacuation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021(1), 3017607.
  • Zeng, M. H., Wang, M., Chen, Y., Yang, Z. (2021). Dynamic evacuation optimization model based on conflict-eliminating cell transmission and split delivery vehicle routing. Safety science, 137, 105166.
  • Turcanu, C., Sala, R., Perko, T., Abelshausen, B., Oltra, C., Tomkiv, Y., Zeleznik, N. (2021). How would citizens react to official advice in a nuclear emergency? Insights from research in three European countries. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 29(2), 143-169.
  • Fei, L., Chunhua, C., Fang, R., Yuan, C., Jingxian, Z., Jianye, W. (2023). Influence of human factors on emergency evacuation efficiency of nuclear power plant accident. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, 41(4), 40602. 10.11889/j.1000-3436.2022-0128
  • Ma, Y., Xu, W., Qin, L., Zhao, X. (2019). Site selection models in natural disaster shelters: A review. Sustainability, 11(2), 399.
  • Şentürk, E. & Erener, A. (2017). Determination of temporary shelter areas in natural disasters by gis: A case study, Gölcük/Turkey. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 2(3), 84-90.
  • Wigati, S. S., Sopha, B. M., Asih, A. M. S., Sutanta, H. (2023). Geographic information system based suitable temporary shelter location for Mount Merapi eruption. Sustainability, 15(3), 2073.
  • Bera, S., Gnyawali, K., Dahal, K., Melo, R., Li-Juan, M., Guru, B., Ramana, G. V. (2023). Assessment of shelter location-allocation for multi-hazard emergency evacuation. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 84, 103435.
  • Ozkan, B., Mete, S., Çelik, E., Özceylan, E. (2019). GIS-based maximum covering location model in times of disasters: the case of tunceli. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 100-111.
  • Sotelo-Salas, C., Monardes-Concha, C. A., Perez-Galarce, F., Santa Gonzales, R. (2024). A multi-objective optimization model for planning emergency shelters after a tsunami. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 93, 101909.
  • Zhang, P., Zhang, H., Guo, D. (2015, November). Evacuation shelter and route selection based on multi-objective optimization approach. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Emergency Management, 1-5.
  • Hallak, J., Koyuncu, M., Miç, P. (2019). Determining shelter locations in conflict areas by multiobjective modeling: A case study in northern Syria. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 38, 101202.
  • Perez-Galarce, F., Canales, L. J., Vergara, C., Candia-Vejar, A. (2017). An optimization model for the location of disaster refuges. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 59, 56-66.
  • Kınay, O. B., Kara, B. Y., Saldanha-da-Gama, F., Correia, I. (2018). Modeling the shelter site location problem using chance constraints: A case study for Istanbul. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(1), 132-145.
  • Eriskin, L., Karatas, M. (2022). Applying robust optimization to the shelter location–allocation problem: a case study for Istanbul. Annals of Operations Research, 339, 1589-1635.
  • Gu, J., Zhou, Y., Das, A., Moon, I., Lee, G. M. (2018). Medical relief shelter location problem with patient severity under a limited relief budget. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 720-728.
  • Zhu, J., Li, W., Li, H., Wu, Q., Zhang, L. (2017). A novel swarm intelligence algorithm for the evacuation routing optimization problem. Computational complexity, 1(1), 2.
  • Salam, M. A., Khan, S. A. (2020). Lessons from the humanitarian disaster logistics management: A case study of the earthquake in Haiti. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27(4), 1455-1473.
  • Caunhye, A. M., Nie, X., Pokharel, S. (2012). Optimization models in emergency logistics: a literature review. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46(1), 4-13.
  • Boonmee, C., Arimura, M., Asada, T. (2017). Facility location optimization model for emergency humanitarian logistics. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 24, 485-498.
  • Yang, W., Caunhye, A. M., Zhuo, M., Wang, Q. (2024). Integrated planning of emergency supply pre-positioning and victim evacuation. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 95, 101965.
  • Ozbay, E., Çavuş, Ö., Kara, B. Y. (2019). Shelter site location under multi-hazard scenarios. Computers & operations research, 106, 102-118.
  • Praneetpholkrang, P., Huynh, V. N. (2020). Shelter site selection and allocation model for efficient response to humanitarian relief logistics. In Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany, 309-318. Springer International Publishing.
  • Kanoun, I., Chabchoub, H., Aouni, B. (2010). Goal programming model for fire and emergency service facilities site selection. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 48(3), 143-153.
  • Gormez, N., Koksalan, M., Salman, F. S. (2011). Locating disaster response facilities in Istanbul. Journal of the operational research society, 62(7), 1239-1252.
  • Xu, W., Zhao, X., Ma, Y., Li, Y., Qin, L., Wang, Y., Du, J. (2018). A multi-objective optimization based method for evaluating earthquake shelter location–allocation. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), 662-677.
  • Barzinpour, F., Esmaeili, V. (2014). A multi-objective relief chain location distribution model for urban disaster management. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70, 1291-1302.
  • Burkart, C., Nolz, P. C., Gutjahr, W. J. (2017). Modelling beneficiaries’ choice in disaster relief logistics. Annals of Operations Research, 256, 41-61.
  • Marler, R. T., Arora, J. S. (2010). The weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization: new insights. Structural and multidisciplinary optimization, 41, 853-862.
  • Mamei, M., Bicocchi, N., Lippi, M., Mariani, S., Zambonelli, F. (2019). Evaluating origin–destination matrices obtained from CDR data. Sensors, 19(20), 4470.
  • Urbanik, II. T. (2000). Evacuation time estimates for nuclear power plants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 75(2-3), 165-180.
  • Zhang, X., Liu, C. A. (2023). Model averaging prediction by K-fold cross-validation. Journal of Econometrics, 235(1), 280-301.
  • Kyriakides, K. A. (2023). The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey: Some Causes for Concern. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25(3), 340-377.
  • Unel, F. B., Kusak, L., & Yakar, M. (2023). GeoValueIndex map of public property assets generating via Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System for Mass Appraisal: GeoValueIndex. Aestimum, 82, 51-69
  • Güven, O., Yıldırım, Ümit ., Güler, C., & Kurt, M. A. (2024). Land use and land cover classes affected by the possible sea level rise in Mersin city center (Türkiye). Advanced GIS, 4(1), 15–23. Retrieved from
  • Topaloglu, R. H. (2022). Investigation of Land Use/Land Cover change in Mersin using geographical object-based image analysis (GEOBIA). Advanced Remote Sensing, 2(2), 40–46. Retrieved from Yilmaz, C. B., Sevimli, M. F., Demir, F., Yakar, M. (2021). Trend analysis of temperature and precipitation in Mediterranean region. Advanced GIS, 1(1), 15-21. Retrieved from
  • Balcı, D. (2022). Researching the use of infrastructure in land management. Advanced GIS, 2(1), 18–23. Retrieved from
  • General Directorate of Highways. The Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Highways. Republic of Turkey, Accessed on September 2024.
  • Bijaber, N., Rochdi, A., Yessef, M., El Yacoubi, H. (2024). Mapping the structural vulnerability to drought in Morocco. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 9(2), 264-280.

Multi-dimensional optimization of nuclear emergency shelters: balancing capacity, evacuation efficiency, and supply accessibility

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 244 - 261


Effective shelter location-allocation is critical in nuclear emergencies to ensure rapid, safe evacuation and resource access for affected populations. This study presents a multi-dimensional optimization model for shelter allocation within humanitarian logistics, balancing evacuation time, supply accessibility, and shelter capacity. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), the model optimizes trade-offs among competing objectives. The first objective minimizes evacuation time, the second ensures adequate supply access, and the third prevents shelter overcrowding. Validated through k-fold cross-validation, the model reveals spatial biases: evacuees often cluster in nearby shelters, leading to overcrowding in dense areas and underuse in others. This analysis suggests adding flexible shelters in high-density zones to enhance response efficiency. Overall, the research supports more balanced shelter allocations in nuclear emergencies, improving both immediate and long-term disaster response strategies for affected populations


  • Ohba, T., Tanigawa, K., Liutsko, L. (2021). Evacuation after a nuclear accident: Critical reviews of past nuclear accidents and proposal for future planning. Environment international, (148), 106379.
  • Batur, M., Alkan, R. M. (2023). What can we learn from past nuclear accidents? A comparative assessment of emergency response to accidents at the Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants. Advanced Land Management, 3(2), 76-89.
  • Hasegawa, A., Ohira, T., Maeda, M., Yasumura, S., Tanigawa, K. (2016). Emergency responses and health consequences after the Fukushima accident; evacuation and relocation. Clinical Oncology, 28(4), 237-244.
  • Oka, Y. (2022). Risks and benefits of evacuation in TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station accident. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 148, 104222.
  • Sarı, S. & Türk, T. (2021). An investigation of urban development with geographical information systems: 100-year change of Sivas City, Turkey. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 6(1), 51-63.
  • Sohrabi, M., Ghasemi, M., Amrollahi, R., Khamooshi, C., Parsouzi, Z. (2013). Assessment of environmental public exposure from a hypothetical nuclear accident for Unit-1 Bushehr nuclear power plant. Radiation and environmental biophysics, 52, 235-244.
  • Zhu, Y., Guo, J., Nie, C., Zhou, Y. (2014). Simulation and dose analysis of a hypothetical accident in Sanmen nuclear power plant. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 65, 207-213.
  • Ramana, M. V., Nayyar, A. H., Schoeppner, M. (2016). Nuclear High-level Waste Tank Explosions: Potential Causes and Impacts of a Hypothetical Accident at India's Kalpakkam Reprocessing Plant. Science & Global Security, 24(3), 174-203.
  • Batur, M., Alkan, R. M., Karaman, H., Ozener, H. (2024). Recommendations for Protective Actions Based on Projected Public Health Risks Following a Postulated Nuclear Power Plant Accident. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 20(4), 923-938.
  • Mohammed Saeed, I. M., Saleh, M. A. M., Hashim, S., Hama, Y. M. S., Hamza, K., Al-Shatri, S. H. (2020). The radiological assessment, hazard evaluation, and spatial distribution for a hypothetical nuclear power plant accident at Baiji potential site. Environmental Sciences Europe, 32, 1-12.
  • Murray-Tuite, P., Wolshon, B. (2013). Evacuation transportation modeling: An overview of research, development, and practice. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 27, 25-45.
  • Park, S., Sohn, S., Jae, M. (2021). Cohort-based evacuation time estimation using TSIS-CORSIM. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53(6), 1979-1990.
  • Herrera, N., Smith, T., Parr, S. A., Wolshon, B. (2019). Effect of trip generation time on evacuation time estimates. Transportation research record, 2673(11), 101-113.
  • Hsu, Y. T., Peeta, S. (2015). Clearance time estimation for incorporating evacuation risk in routing strategies for evacuation operations. Networks and Spatial Economics, 15, 743-764.
  • Parr, S. A., Herrera, N., Wolshon, B., Smith, T. (2020). Effect of manual traffic control on evacuation time estimates. Transportation research record, 2674(9), 809-819.
  • Howard, E. E., Pasquini, L., Arbib, C., Di Marco, A., Clementini, E. (2021). Definition of an Enriched GIS Network for Evacuation Planning. In GISTAM, 241-252.
  • Manfré, L. A., Cruz, B. B., Quintanilha, J. A. (2020). Urban settlements and road network analysis on the surrounding area of the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Complex, Angra dos Reis, Brazil. Applied spatial analysis and policy, 13, 209-221.
  • Hasnat, M. M., Islam, M. R., Hadiuzzaman, M. (2018). Emergency response during disastrous situation in densely populated urban areas: a gis based approach. Geographia Technica, 13(2),
  • Maqbool, A., Usmani, Z., Afzal, F., Razia, A. (2020). Disaster mitigation in Urban Pakistan using agent based modeling with GIS. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(4), 203.
  • Hwang, Y., Heo, G. (2021). Development of a radiological emergency evacuation model using agent-based modeling. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 53(7), 2195-2206.
  • Zhang, H., Zhao, Q., Cheng, Z., Liu, L., Su, Y. (2021). Dynamic path optimization with real‐time information for emergency evacuation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021(1), 3017607.
  • Zeng, M. H., Wang, M., Chen, Y., Yang, Z. (2021). Dynamic evacuation optimization model based on conflict-eliminating cell transmission and split delivery vehicle routing. Safety science, 137, 105166.
  • Turcanu, C., Sala, R., Perko, T., Abelshausen, B., Oltra, C., Tomkiv, Y., Zeleznik, N. (2021). How would citizens react to official advice in a nuclear emergency? Insights from research in three European countries. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 29(2), 143-169.
  • Fei, L., Chunhua, C., Fang, R., Yuan, C., Jingxian, Z., Jianye, W. (2023). Influence of human factors on emergency evacuation efficiency of nuclear power plant accident. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, 41(4), 40602. 10.11889/j.1000-3436.2022-0128
  • Ma, Y., Xu, W., Qin, L., Zhao, X. (2019). Site selection models in natural disaster shelters: A review. Sustainability, 11(2), 399.
  • Şentürk, E. & Erener, A. (2017). Determination of temporary shelter areas in natural disasters by gis: A case study, Gölcük/Turkey. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 2(3), 84-90.
  • Wigati, S. S., Sopha, B. M., Asih, A. M. S., Sutanta, H. (2023). Geographic information system based suitable temporary shelter location for Mount Merapi eruption. Sustainability, 15(3), 2073.
  • Bera, S., Gnyawali, K., Dahal, K., Melo, R., Li-Juan, M., Guru, B., Ramana, G. V. (2023). Assessment of shelter location-allocation for multi-hazard emergency evacuation. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 84, 103435.
  • Ozkan, B., Mete, S., Çelik, E., Özceylan, E. (2019). GIS-based maximum covering location model in times of disasters: the case of tunceli. Beykoz Akademi Dergisi, 100-111.
  • Sotelo-Salas, C., Monardes-Concha, C. A., Perez-Galarce, F., Santa Gonzales, R. (2024). A multi-objective optimization model for planning emergency shelters after a tsunami. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 93, 101909.
  • Zhang, P., Zhang, H., Guo, D. (2015, November). Evacuation shelter and route selection based on multi-objective optimization approach. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Emergency Management, 1-5.
  • Hallak, J., Koyuncu, M., Miç, P. (2019). Determining shelter locations in conflict areas by multiobjective modeling: A case study in northern Syria. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 38, 101202.
  • Perez-Galarce, F., Canales, L. J., Vergara, C., Candia-Vejar, A. (2017). An optimization model for the location of disaster refuges. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 59, 56-66.
  • Kınay, O. B., Kara, B. Y., Saldanha-da-Gama, F., Correia, I. (2018). Modeling the shelter site location problem using chance constraints: A case study for Istanbul. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(1), 132-145.
  • Eriskin, L., Karatas, M. (2022). Applying robust optimization to the shelter location–allocation problem: a case study for Istanbul. Annals of Operations Research, 339, 1589-1635.
  • Gu, J., Zhou, Y., Das, A., Moon, I., Lee, G. M. (2018). Medical relief shelter location problem with patient severity under a limited relief budget. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 125, 720-728.
  • Zhu, J., Li, W., Li, H., Wu, Q., Zhang, L. (2017). A novel swarm intelligence algorithm for the evacuation routing optimization problem. Computational complexity, 1(1), 2.
  • Salam, M. A., Khan, S. A. (2020). Lessons from the humanitarian disaster logistics management: A case study of the earthquake in Haiti. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27(4), 1455-1473.
  • Caunhye, A. M., Nie, X., Pokharel, S. (2012). Optimization models in emergency logistics: a literature review. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46(1), 4-13.
  • Boonmee, C., Arimura, M., Asada, T. (2017). Facility location optimization model for emergency humanitarian logistics. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 24, 485-498.
  • Yang, W., Caunhye, A. M., Zhuo, M., Wang, Q. (2024). Integrated planning of emergency supply pre-positioning and victim evacuation. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 95, 101965.
  • Ozbay, E., Çavuş, Ö., Kara, B. Y. (2019). Shelter site location under multi-hazard scenarios. Computers & operations research, 106, 102-118.
  • Praneetpholkrang, P., Huynh, V. N. (2020). Shelter site selection and allocation model for efficient response to humanitarian relief logistics. In Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference LDIC 2020, Bremen, Germany, 309-318. Springer International Publishing.
  • Kanoun, I., Chabchoub, H., Aouni, B. (2010). Goal programming model for fire and emergency service facilities site selection. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 48(3), 143-153.
  • Gormez, N., Koksalan, M., Salman, F. S. (2011). Locating disaster response facilities in Istanbul. Journal of the operational research society, 62(7), 1239-1252.
  • Xu, W., Zhao, X., Ma, Y., Li, Y., Qin, L., Wang, Y., Du, J. (2018). A multi-objective optimization based method for evaluating earthquake shelter location–allocation. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), 662-677.
  • Barzinpour, F., Esmaeili, V. (2014). A multi-objective relief chain location distribution model for urban disaster management. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70, 1291-1302.
  • Burkart, C., Nolz, P. C., Gutjahr, W. J. (2017). Modelling beneficiaries’ choice in disaster relief logistics. Annals of Operations Research, 256, 41-61.
  • Marler, R. T., Arora, J. S. (2010). The weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization: new insights. Structural and multidisciplinary optimization, 41, 853-862.
  • Mamei, M., Bicocchi, N., Lippi, M., Mariani, S., Zambonelli, F. (2019). Evaluating origin–destination matrices obtained from CDR data. Sensors, 19(20), 4470.
  • Urbanik, II. T. (2000). Evacuation time estimates for nuclear power plants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 75(2-3), 165-180.
  • Zhang, X., Liu, C. A. (2023). Model averaging prediction by K-fold cross-validation. Journal of Econometrics, 235(1), 280-301.
  • Kyriakides, K. A. (2023). The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant in Turkey: Some Causes for Concern. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25(3), 340-377.
  • Unel, F. B., Kusak, L., & Yakar, M. (2023). GeoValueIndex map of public property assets generating via Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System for Mass Appraisal: GeoValueIndex. Aestimum, 82, 51-69
  • Güven, O., Yıldırım, Ümit ., Güler, C., & Kurt, M. A. (2024). Land use and land cover classes affected by the possible sea level rise in Mersin city center (Türkiye). Advanced GIS, 4(1), 15–23. Retrieved from
  • Topaloglu, R. H. (2022). Investigation of Land Use/Land Cover change in Mersin using geographical object-based image analysis (GEOBIA). Advanced Remote Sensing, 2(2), 40–46. Retrieved from Yilmaz, C. B., Sevimli, M. F., Demir, F., Yakar, M. (2021). Trend analysis of temperature and precipitation in Mediterranean region. Advanced GIS, 1(1), 15-21. Retrieved from
  • Balcı, D. (2022). Researching the use of infrastructure in land management. Advanced GIS, 2(1), 18–23. Retrieved from
  • General Directorate of Highways. The Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Highways. Republic of Turkey, Accessed on September 2024.
  • Bijaber, N., Rochdi, A., Yessef, M., El Yacoubi, H. (2024). Mapping the structural vulnerability to drought in Morocco. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 9(2), 264-280.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Land Management, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning
Journal Section Research Article

Maryna Batur 0000-0001-9284-8858

Reha Metin Alkan 0000-0002-1981-9783

Himmet Karaman 0000-0003-4923-3561

Haluk Özener 0000-0003-2531-3030

Early Pub Date January 25, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date December 4, 2024
Acceptance Date January 17, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Batur, M., Alkan, R. M., Karaman, H., Özener, H. (2025). Multi-dimensional optimization of nuclear emergency shelters: balancing capacity, evacuation efficiency, and supply accessibility. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 10(2), 244-261.
AMA Batur M, Alkan RM, Karaman H, Özener H. Multi-dimensional optimization of nuclear emergency shelters: balancing capacity, evacuation efficiency, and supply accessibility. IJEG. January 2025;10(2):244-261. doi:10.26833/ijeg.1596244
Chicago Batur, Maryna, Reha Metin Alkan, Himmet Karaman, and Haluk Özener. “Multi-Dimensional Optimization of Nuclear Emergency Shelters: Balancing Capacity, Evacuation Efficiency, and Supply Accessibility”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 10, no. 2 (January 2025): 244-61.
EndNote Batur M, Alkan RM, Karaman H, Özener H (January 1, 2025) Multi-dimensional optimization of nuclear emergency shelters: balancing capacity, evacuation efficiency, and supply accessibility. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 10 2 244–261.
IEEE M. Batur, R. M. Alkan, H. Karaman, and H. Özener, “Multi-dimensional optimization of nuclear emergency shelters: balancing capacity, evacuation efficiency, and supply accessibility”, IJEG, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 244–261, 2025, doi: 10.26833/ijeg.1596244.
ISNAD Batur, Maryna et al. “Multi-Dimensional Optimization of Nuclear Emergency Shelters: Balancing Capacity, Evacuation Efficiency, and Supply Accessibility”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 10/2 (January 2025), 244-261.
JAMA Batur M, Alkan RM, Karaman H, Özener H. Multi-dimensional optimization of nuclear emergency shelters: balancing capacity, evacuation efficiency, and supply accessibility. IJEG. 2025;10:244–261.
MLA Batur, Maryna et al. “Multi-Dimensional Optimization of Nuclear Emergency Shelters: Balancing Capacity, Evacuation Efficiency, and Supply Accessibility”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, vol. 10, no. 2, 2025, pp. 244-61, doi:10.26833/ijeg.1596244.
Vancouver Batur M, Alkan RM, Karaman H, Özener H. Multi-dimensional optimization of nuclear emergency shelters: balancing capacity, evacuation efficiency, and supply accessibility. IJEG. 2025;10(2):244-61.