Research Article
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Seasonal morphological changes and grain size distribution mapping on the Massa beaches using a tachometer and GIS

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 272 - 289


Sandy beaches are complex, highly dynamic, fragile environments that are constantly evolving. Understanding the dynamics of these areas is crucial, both for fundamental science and for coastal zone management. This study presents the results of a seasonal morphological and sedimentological monitoring of the sandy beaches of Massa, located in the central-western region of Morocco. This monitoring was conducted using both an electronic total station and the spatialization of grain size indices (median, sorting index So, and skewness) through interpolation within a Geographic Information System (GIS). A total of 15 topographic profiles were surveyed perpendicular to the coastline during three field campaigns conducted between September 2019 and July 2020. The results indicate a morphodynamic equilibrium of the beaches, characterized by a normal morphological cycle with erosion during winter and accretion during summer. This balance is primarily attributed to the physical behavior of the beaches in response to wave energy, as well as the presence of a highly developed coastal dune capable of supplying sediment to the beaches during periods of shortage. Additionally, the spatialization of grain size indices from 90 samples clearly highlights the significance of hydrodynamic factors, such as waves, tides, currents, littoral drift, and winds, in the distribution of sandy sediments on the Massa beaches. Atlantic waves from the NNW sector, accompanied by a North-South littoral drift, govern the transport and deposition of sediments along beaches, while tides, currents, and local winds contribute to their redistribution across the different beach zones (foreshore, backshore, and coastal dune). Indeed, seasonal hydrodynamic conditions, as well as the proximity or distance of sediment source zones, play a critical role in sediment distribution along these beaches, providing valuable insights for coastal management strategies aimed at mitigating erosion, preserving beach morphology, and ensuring sustainable development in coastal zones.


  • Luijendijk, A., Hagenaars, G., Ranasinghe, R., Baart, F., Donchyts, G., & Aarninkhof, S. (2018). The state of the World’s beaches. Scientific Report 8, 1-11
  • Aouiche, I., Daoudi, L., El mimouni, A, Ihbach, f., Sedrati,M., & Ouahmane, B. (2016). Dynamique morpho-sédimentaire de la baie d'Agadir: Caractérisation sédimentologique et évolution des petits fonds. Revue Marocaine de Géomorphologie,1, 31- 46.
  • Coco, G., Senechal, N., Rejas, A., Bryan, K.R., Capo, S., Parisot, J.P., Brown, J.A., & MacMahan, J.H.M. (2014). Beach response to a sequence of extreme storms. Geomorphology, 204, 493-501.
  • Scott, T., Masselink, G., O’Hare, T., Saulter, A., Poate, T., Russell, P., Davidson, M., & Conley, D. (2016). The extreme 2013/2014 winter storms: Beach recovery along the southwest coast of England. Marine Geology, 382, 224-241.
  • 5. Holman, R. A., & Stanley, J. (2007). The history and technical capabilities of Argus. Coastal engineering, 54, 477-491.
  • Pianca, C., Holman, R., & Siegle, E. (2015). Shoreline variability from days to decades: Results of longterm video imaging. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 2159-2178. Hagenaars, G., de Vries, S., Luijendijk, A.P., de Boer, W.P., & Reniers, A.J.H.M. (2018). On the accuracy of automated shoreline detection derived from satellite imagery: A case study of the sand motor mega-scale nourishment. Coastal Engineering, 133, 113–125.
  • Elsner, P., Dornbusch, U., Thomas, I., Amos, D., Bovington, J., & Horn, D. (2018). Coincident beach surveys using UAS, vehicle mounted and airborne laser scanner: Point cloud intercomparison and effects of surface type heterogeneity on elevation accuracies. Remote Sensing of Environment, 208, 15-
  • Maras, E.M., & Karafazli, K.N. (2024). Monitoring coastal erosion and sediment accumulation in the Kızılırmak Delta using UAVs and photogrammetry. Advanced UAV,4 (1), 42-52. DOI:10.53093/mephoj.1176847
  • Pathak, S., Acharya, S., Bk, S., Karn, G., & Thapa, U. (2024). UAV-based topographical mapping and accuracy assessment of orthophoto using GCP. Mersin Photogrammetry Journal, 6 (1), 01-08. DOI:10.53093/mephoj.1350426
  • Yakar, M.; Yılmaz, H.M.; Mutluoǧlu, Ö. Comparative evaluation of excavation volume by TLS and total topographic station based methods. Lasers Eng. 2010, 19, 331–345
  • Smithers, S. G., & Hoeke, R. K. (2014). Geomorphological impacts of high-latitude storm waves on low-latitude reef islands observations of the December 2008 event on Nukutoa, Takuu, Papua New Guinea. Geomorphology, 222,106-121.
  • Sahu, B.K. (1964). Depositional mechanisms from the size analysis of clastic sediments. Journal of sedimentary petrology, 34,1,73-83.
  • Pinot, M., & Jaramillo, E. (1992). Morphology, Texture and Mineralogical Composition of Sandy Beaches in the South of Chile. Journal of Coastal Research, 8 (3), 593-602. DOI: 10.2112/1551-5036-8.3.593
  • Abuodha, J.O.Z. (2003). Grain size distribution and composition of modern dune and beach sediments, Malindi Bay coast, Kenya. Journal of African Earth Sciences 36, 41–54. DOI: 10.1016/S1464-343X(03)00007-0.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., Atiki, N., Benbih, M., & Nait-Si, H. (2024). Quantifying sediment flux under moderate wave energy on beaches south of Agadir, Morocco. Ecological Engineering and Environmental Technology, 26 (1), 78-91. DOI: 78-91. 10.12912/27197050/157497.
  • Matin, N., & Jahid, H. (2021). A quantitative analysis of shoreline changes along the coast of Bangladesh using remote sensing and GIS techniques. CATENA, 201,1-17. DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2021.105185.
  • Mbezi, J., Mango, J., Lubida, A., Valerian, R., & Kato, L. (2024).Exploring shoreline changes and their implications in coastal communities using GIS and remote sensing techniques: The case of eastern beaches of Unguja island, Tanzania. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 75, 1-15.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., & Ouammou, A. (2020). Apport des SIG et de la télédétection dans la détermination et le suivi de la dynamique de ligne de rivage: application sur le littoral de la baie d’agadir et des Chtouka ouest (Maroc). Revue Géomagherb. 16, 34-43.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., Atiki, N., & Irifi H. (2019).Apport du SIG et de la télédétection au suivi de la dynamique des espaces côtiers: Application sur le littoral de la baie d’Agadir (Maroc). Publications de la faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines,Oujda, 51-62
  • Clarke, K.C. (1986). Advances in geographic information systems. Computers, environment and urban systems, 10 (3),175-18.
  • Jonuzi, E., Alkan,T., Durduran,S.S., & Selvi, H.Z. (2024). Using GIS-supported MCDA method for appropriate site selection of parking lots: the case study of the city of tetovo, North Macedonia. International journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 9 (1),86-98.
  • Paul, S. (2022). Change detection and future change prediction in habra I and II block using remote sensing and GIS- A case study. International journal of Engineering and Geosciences,2022, 7(2),191-207.
  • Rahman, S.A., Islam,Md.M., Salman,Md.A., & Rafiq, M,R. (2022). Evaluating bank erosion and identifying possible anthropogenic causative factors of Kirtankhola River in Barishal, Bangladesh: an integrated GIS and Remote Sensing approaches. International journal of Engineering and Geosciences,7(2),179-190. DOI: 10.26833/ijeg.947493
  • Eminoğlu, Y., & Tarhan, Ç. (2024). Decadal evolution of GIS in disaster management and risk assessment. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 10 (2), 173-196.
  • Khasanov, k., & Bakiev, M. (2025). GIS-Based Geostatistical Techniques for Sedimentation Assessment Using USV Data: Case study Tuplang Reservoir, Uzbekistan. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 10 (2), 231-234.
  • Yakar, M., Yilmaz, H. M., & Mutluoglu, O. (2014). Performance of photogrammetric and terrestrial laser scanning methods in volume computing of excavtion and filling areas. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39, 387-394
  • Nait-Si, H., Ouammou, A., & Nmiss, M. (2022). Apport du SIG dans l’analyse physique et hydrographique dans un bassin versant anti-atlasique. Cas du bassin versant de l’oued Adoudou. Publication de la faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines-Oujda,53-58.
  • Tifratine, S., Taj-Eddine, K., Algouti, A., & Cunha, P.P. (2020). Sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of Essaouira’s coastal dune system: potential origin and provenance. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 13, 1-16.
  • Nmiss M, Anthony, E, Amyay, M, & Ouammou, A. (2022). Multi-decadal shoreline change, inherited coastal morphology and sediment supply in the Souss-Massa littoral cell (Morocco), and a prognosis with sea-level rise. Journal of African Earth science,196, 1-12.
  • Naji, E., Aberkan, M., Saadane, A., & Nmiss, M. (2025). Erosion and shoreline retreat indicators in the Rabat-Salé littoral and their impact on coastal planning. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 223, 1-
  • Unel, F. B., Kusak, L., & Yakar, M. (2023). GeoValueIndex map of public property assets generating via Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System for Mass Appraisal: GeoValueIndex. Aestimum, 82, 51-69
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., Atiki, N., & Tnourji, H. (2021). The morphological consequences of the storm of 1 March 2018 on a highly anthropized beach: the case of Agadir bay. Publication de la faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines-Oujda, 27-33.
  • Mhammdi, N., Medina, F., Belkhayat, Z., El Aoula, R., Geawahri, M.A., Chiguer, A. (2020). Marine storms along the Moroccan Atlantic coast: an underrated natural hazard? Journal of African Earth Science. 163, 1-15.
  • Aouiche, I., Daoudi, L., Anthony, E. J., Sedrati, M., Ziane, E., Harti, A., & Dussouillez, P. (2016). Anthropogenic effects on shoreface and shoreline changes. Input from a multi-method analysis, Agadir Bay, Morocco. Geomorphology, 254,16-31.
  • Bourhili, A., El Khalidi, K., Minoubi, A., Maanan, M., & Zourarah, B. (2023). Periodical Morphodynamic Changes of Sand Movements at El Jadida Beach. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 24 (4),15–26, DOI: 10.12912/27197050/162253.
  • Aangri, A., Hakkou, M., Krien, Y., Chtioui, T., & Benmohammadi, A. (2024). Risk Assessment of Marine Flooding along the Agadir and Taghazout Coasts (Moroccan Atlantic). Journal of coastal Research,40,179-192. DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-23-00033.1
  • Lharti, S., Florb, G., El kasmi, S., Flor-Blanco, G., El Janati, M., Marcelli, M., Piazzolla, D., Scanu, S., Della Venturae, G., Boukili, B., & El Moutaoukkil, N. (2024). Multi-decadal evolution of the Moroccan Atlantic shoreline: A case study from the Essaouira coastal sector. Journal of African Earth Science,212,1-24.
  • Nmiss, M. (2023). Morphologie et dynamique actuelle du littoral atlantique marocain entre oued Massa et oued Souss. [Thèse de doctorat, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah-Fès ].
  • Atiki, N., Tnourji, H., Nmiss, M., & Ouammou, A. (2021). Dynamique des vents et leurs implication dans la répartition des dunes dans la plaine de Souss Massa (centre ouest du Maroc). Publication de la faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines-Oujda,103-109.
  • Yakar, M., Yilmaz, H. M. & Mutluoglu, O. (2010). Close range photogrammetry and robotic total station in volume calculation. International Journal of the Physical Sciences. 5(2), 086-096.
  • Cohen, O. (2014).Profiler 3.1 XL, un logiciel gratuit pour la construction et l’analyse de profils topographiques dans Microsoft Excel©. XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, 557-564. DOI : 10.5150/jngcgc.2014.061
  • Battjes, J. (1974). Surf similarity. Proceedings of 14th Coastal Engineering Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 466-480.
  • Folk R, L., Ward W, C. (1957). Brazos River bar: a study in the significance of grain size parameters. Journal of sedimentary petrology, 27 (1) 3-26.
  • Blott, S,J ., Pye, K. (2001). GRADISTAT: a grain size distribution and statistics package for the analysis of unconsolidated sediments. Earth Surface. Process and Landforms, 26, 1237-1248.
  • Masselink, G., Short, A.D. (1993). The effect of tide range on beach morphodynamics and morphology: a conceptual beach model. Journal of Coastal Research. 9 (3), 785-800.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., & Ouammou, A. (2021). Dynamique du trait de côte d’une plage peu anthropisée cas de la plage Sidi Ouassai, Massa (Maroc Atlantique). Publication de la faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines-Oujda, 249-256
Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 272 - 289



  • Luijendijk, A., Hagenaars, G., Ranasinghe, R., Baart, F., Donchyts, G., & Aarninkhof, S. (2018). The state of the World’s beaches. Scientific Report 8, 1-11
  • Aouiche, I., Daoudi, L., El mimouni, A, Ihbach, f., Sedrati,M., & Ouahmane, B. (2016). Dynamique morpho-sédimentaire de la baie d'Agadir: Caractérisation sédimentologique et évolution des petits fonds. Revue Marocaine de Géomorphologie,1, 31- 46.
  • Coco, G., Senechal, N., Rejas, A., Bryan, K.R., Capo, S., Parisot, J.P., Brown, J.A., & MacMahan, J.H.M. (2014). Beach response to a sequence of extreme storms. Geomorphology, 204, 493-501.
  • Scott, T., Masselink, G., O’Hare, T., Saulter, A., Poate, T., Russell, P., Davidson, M., & Conley, D. (2016). The extreme 2013/2014 winter storms: Beach recovery along the southwest coast of England. Marine Geology, 382, 224-241.
  • 5. Holman, R. A., & Stanley, J. (2007). The history and technical capabilities of Argus. Coastal engineering, 54, 477-491.
  • Pianca, C., Holman, R., & Siegle, E. (2015). Shoreline variability from days to decades: Results of longterm video imaging. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 2159-2178. Hagenaars, G., de Vries, S., Luijendijk, A.P., de Boer, W.P., & Reniers, A.J.H.M. (2018). On the accuracy of automated shoreline detection derived from satellite imagery: A case study of the sand motor mega-scale nourishment. Coastal Engineering, 133, 113–125.
  • Elsner, P., Dornbusch, U., Thomas, I., Amos, D., Bovington, J., & Horn, D. (2018). Coincident beach surveys using UAS, vehicle mounted and airborne laser scanner: Point cloud intercomparison and effects of surface type heterogeneity on elevation accuracies. Remote Sensing of Environment, 208, 15-
  • Maras, E.M., & Karafazli, K.N. (2024). Monitoring coastal erosion and sediment accumulation in the Kızılırmak Delta using UAVs and photogrammetry. Advanced UAV,4 (1), 42-52. DOI:10.53093/mephoj.1176847
  • Pathak, S., Acharya, S., Bk, S., Karn, G., & Thapa, U. (2024). UAV-based topographical mapping and accuracy assessment of orthophoto using GCP. Mersin Photogrammetry Journal, 6 (1), 01-08. DOI:10.53093/mephoj.1350426
  • Yakar, M.; Yılmaz, H.M.; Mutluoǧlu, Ö. Comparative evaluation of excavation volume by TLS and total topographic station based methods. Lasers Eng. 2010, 19, 331–345
  • Smithers, S. G., & Hoeke, R. K. (2014). Geomorphological impacts of high-latitude storm waves on low-latitude reef islands observations of the December 2008 event on Nukutoa, Takuu, Papua New Guinea. Geomorphology, 222,106-121.
  • Sahu, B.K. (1964). Depositional mechanisms from the size analysis of clastic sediments. Journal of sedimentary petrology, 34,1,73-83.
  • Pinot, M., & Jaramillo, E. (1992). Morphology, Texture and Mineralogical Composition of Sandy Beaches in the South of Chile. Journal of Coastal Research, 8 (3), 593-602. DOI: 10.2112/1551-5036-8.3.593
  • Abuodha, J.O.Z. (2003). Grain size distribution and composition of modern dune and beach sediments, Malindi Bay coast, Kenya. Journal of African Earth Sciences 36, 41–54. DOI: 10.1016/S1464-343X(03)00007-0.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., Atiki, N., Benbih, M., & Nait-Si, H. (2024). Quantifying sediment flux under moderate wave energy on beaches south of Agadir, Morocco. Ecological Engineering and Environmental Technology, 26 (1), 78-91. DOI: 78-91. 10.12912/27197050/157497.
  • Matin, N., & Jahid, H. (2021). A quantitative analysis of shoreline changes along the coast of Bangladesh using remote sensing and GIS techniques. CATENA, 201,1-17. DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2021.105185.
  • Mbezi, J., Mango, J., Lubida, A., Valerian, R., & Kato, L. (2024).Exploring shoreline changes and their implications in coastal communities using GIS and remote sensing techniques: The case of eastern beaches of Unguja island, Tanzania. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 75, 1-15.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., & Ouammou, A. (2020). Apport des SIG et de la télédétection dans la détermination et le suivi de la dynamique de ligne de rivage: application sur le littoral de la baie d’agadir et des Chtouka ouest (Maroc). Revue Géomagherb. 16, 34-43.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., Atiki, N., & Irifi H. (2019).Apport du SIG et de la télédétection au suivi de la dynamique des espaces côtiers: Application sur le littoral de la baie d’Agadir (Maroc). Publications de la faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines,Oujda, 51-62
  • Clarke, K.C. (1986). Advances in geographic information systems. Computers, environment and urban systems, 10 (3),175-18.
  • Jonuzi, E., Alkan,T., Durduran,S.S., & Selvi, H.Z. (2024). Using GIS-supported MCDA method for appropriate site selection of parking lots: the case study of the city of tetovo, North Macedonia. International journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 9 (1),86-98.
  • Paul, S. (2022). Change detection and future change prediction in habra I and II block using remote sensing and GIS- A case study. International journal of Engineering and Geosciences,2022, 7(2),191-207.
  • Rahman, S.A., Islam,Md.M., Salman,Md.A., & Rafiq, M,R. (2022). Evaluating bank erosion and identifying possible anthropogenic causative factors of Kirtankhola River in Barishal, Bangladesh: an integrated GIS and Remote Sensing approaches. International journal of Engineering and Geosciences,7(2),179-190. DOI: 10.26833/ijeg.947493
  • Eminoğlu, Y., & Tarhan, Ç. (2024). Decadal evolution of GIS in disaster management and risk assessment. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 10 (2), 173-196.
  • Khasanov, k., & Bakiev, M. (2025). GIS-Based Geostatistical Techniques for Sedimentation Assessment Using USV Data: Case study Tuplang Reservoir, Uzbekistan. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 10 (2), 231-234.
  • Yakar, M., Yilmaz, H. M., & Mutluoglu, O. (2014). Performance of photogrammetric and terrestrial laser scanning methods in volume computing of excavtion and filling areas. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39, 387-394
  • Nait-Si, H., Ouammou, A., & Nmiss, M. (2022). Apport du SIG dans l’analyse physique et hydrographique dans un bassin versant anti-atlasique. Cas du bassin versant de l’oued Adoudou. Publication de la faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines-Oujda,53-58.
  • Tifratine, S., Taj-Eddine, K., Algouti, A., & Cunha, P.P. (2020). Sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of Essaouira’s coastal dune system: potential origin and provenance. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 13, 1-16.
  • Nmiss M, Anthony, E, Amyay, M, & Ouammou, A. (2022). Multi-decadal shoreline change, inherited coastal morphology and sediment supply in the Souss-Massa littoral cell (Morocco), and a prognosis with sea-level rise. Journal of African Earth science,196, 1-12.
  • Naji, E., Aberkan, M., Saadane, A., & Nmiss, M. (2025). Erosion and shoreline retreat indicators in the Rabat-Salé littoral and their impact on coastal planning. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 223, 1-
  • Unel, F. B., Kusak, L., & Yakar, M. (2023). GeoValueIndex map of public property assets generating via Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System for Mass Appraisal: GeoValueIndex. Aestimum, 82, 51-69
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., Atiki, N., & Tnourji, H. (2021). The morphological consequences of the storm of 1 March 2018 on a highly anthropized beach: the case of Agadir bay. Publication de la faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines-Oujda, 27-33.
  • Mhammdi, N., Medina, F., Belkhayat, Z., El Aoula, R., Geawahri, M.A., Chiguer, A. (2020). Marine storms along the Moroccan Atlantic coast: an underrated natural hazard? Journal of African Earth Science. 163, 1-15.
  • Aouiche, I., Daoudi, L., Anthony, E. J., Sedrati, M., Ziane, E., Harti, A., & Dussouillez, P. (2016). Anthropogenic effects on shoreface and shoreline changes. Input from a multi-method analysis, Agadir Bay, Morocco. Geomorphology, 254,16-31.
  • Bourhili, A., El Khalidi, K., Minoubi, A., Maanan, M., & Zourarah, B. (2023). Periodical Morphodynamic Changes of Sand Movements at El Jadida Beach. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 24 (4),15–26, DOI: 10.12912/27197050/162253.
  • Aangri, A., Hakkou, M., Krien, Y., Chtioui, T., & Benmohammadi, A. (2024). Risk Assessment of Marine Flooding along the Agadir and Taghazout Coasts (Moroccan Atlantic). Journal of coastal Research,40,179-192. DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-23-00033.1
  • Lharti, S., Florb, G., El kasmi, S., Flor-Blanco, G., El Janati, M., Marcelli, M., Piazzolla, D., Scanu, S., Della Venturae, G., Boukili, B., & El Moutaoukkil, N. (2024). Multi-decadal evolution of the Moroccan Atlantic shoreline: A case study from the Essaouira coastal sector. Journal of African Earth Science,212,1-24.
  • Nmiss, M. (2023). Morphologie et dynamique actuelle du littoral atlantique marocain entre oued Massa et oued Souss. [Thèse de doctorat, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah-Fès ].
  • Atiki, N., Tnourji, H., Nmiss, M., & Ouammou, A. (2021). Dynamique des vents et leurs implication dans la répartition des dunes dans la plaine de Souss Massa (centre ouest du Maroc). Publication de la faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines-Oujda,103-109.
  • Yakar, M., Yilmaz, H. M. & Mutluoglu, O. (2010). Close range photogrammetry and robotic total station in volume calculation. International Journal of the Physical Sciences. 5(2), 086-096.
  • Cohen, O. (2014).Profiler 3.1 XL, un logiciel gratuit pour la construction et l’analyse de profils topographiques dans Microsoft Excel©. XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, 557-564. DOI : 10.5150/jngcgc.2014.061
  • Battjes, J. (1974). Surf similarity. Proceedings of 14th Coastal Engineering Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 466-480.
  • Folk R, L., Ward W, C. (1957). Brazos River bar: a study in the significance of grain size parameters. Journal of sedimentary petrology, 27 (1) 3-26.
  • Blott, S,J ., Pye, K. (2001). GRADISTAT: a grain size distribution and statistics package for the analysis of unconsolidated sediments. Earth Surface. Process and Landforms, 26, 1237-1248.
  • Masselink, G., Short, A.D. (1993). The effect of tide range on beach morphodynamics and morphology: a conceptual beach model. Journal of Coastal Research. 9 (3), 785-800.
  • Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., & Ouammou, A. (2021). Dynamique du trait de côte d’une plage peu anthropisée cas de la plage Sidi Ouassai, Massa (Maroc Atlantique). Publication de la faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines-Oujda, 249-256
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cartography and Digital Mapping, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in Planning
Journal Section Research Article

M'hamed Nmiss 0009-0001-4107-3690

Mhamed Amyay 0009-0004-4207-3539

Nadia Atiki 0009-0007-5558-6941

Abderrahmane Ouammou 0009-0000-3579-1947

Mahjoub Benbih 0009-0008-5759-8097

Hassan Nait-si 0000-0003-3299-5447

Early Pub Date January 26, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date December 9, 2024
Acceptance Date January 21, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Nmiss, M., Amyay, M., Atiki, N., Ouammou, A., et al. (2025). Seasonal morphological changes and grain size distribution mapping on the Massa beaches using a tachometer and GIS. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 10(2), 272-289.
AMA Nmiss M, Amyay M, Atiki N, Ouammou A, Benbih M, Nait-si H. Seasonal morphological changes and grain size distribution mapping on the Massa beaches using a tachometer and GIS. IJEG. January 2025;10(2):272-289. doi:10.26833/ijeg.1598677
Chicago Nmiss, M’hamed, Mhamed Amyay, Nadia Atiki, Abderrahmane Ouammou, Mahjoub Benbih, and Hassan Nait-si. “Seasonal Morphological Changes and Grain Size Distribution Mapping on the Massa Beaches Using a Tachometer and GIS”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 10, no. 2 (January 2025): 272-89.
EndNote Nmiss M, Amyay M, Atiki N, Ouammou A, Benbih M, Nait-si H (January 1, 2025) Seasonal morphological changes and grain size distribution mapping on the Massa beaches using a tachometer and GIS. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 10 2 272–289.
IEEE M. Nmiss, M. Amyay, N. Atiki, A. Ouammou, M. Benbih, and H. Nait-si, “Seasonal morphological changes and grain size distribution mapping on the Massa beaches using a tachometer and GIS”, IJEG, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 272–289, 2025, doi: 10.26833/ijeg.1598677.
ISNAD Nmiss, M’hamed et al. “Seasonal Morphological Changes and Grain Size Distribution Mapping on the Massa Beaches Using a Tachometer and GIS”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 10/2 (January 2025), 272-289.
JAMA Nmiss M, Amyay M, Atiki N, Ouammou A, Benbih M, Nait-si H. Seasonal morphological changes and grain size distribution mapping on the Massa beaches using a tachometer and GIS. IJEG. 2025;10:272–289.
MLA Nmiss, M’hamed et al. “Seasonal Morphological Changes and Grain Size Distribution Mapping on the Massa Beaches Using a Tachometer and GIS”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, vol. 10, no. 2, 2025, pp. 272-89, doi:10.26833/ijeg.1598677.
Vancouver Nmiss M, Amyay M, Atiki N, Ouammou A, Benbih M, Nait-si H. Seasonal morphological changes and grain size distribution mapping on the Massa beaches using a tachometer and GIS. IJEG. 2025;10(2):272-89.