[1]. Kelly, F.J. and J.C. Fussell. Air pollution and public health: emerging hazards and improved understanding of risk. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2015, 37, 631-649
[2]. Snyder, E.G.;T.H. Watkins;P.A. Solomon;E.D. Thoma;R.W. Williams;G.S.W. Hagler;D. Shelow;D.A. Hindin;V.J. Kilaru, and P.W. Preuss. The changing paradigm of air pollution monitoring. Environmental Science and Technology. 2013, 47, 11369-11377
[3]. Miroslav, R. and N.B. Vladimir. Practical Environmental Analysis. The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, 2007;
[4]. Aliyu, Y.A. and J.O. Botai. Reviewing the local and global implications of air pollution trends in Zaria, northern Nigeria. Urban climate. 2018, 26, 51-59
[5]. Edet, E.A. Acute respiratory illness in under-fives and domestic fuel smoke: a survey of a rural community and an urban community in Edo State Faculty of Public Health, ,National Post graduate Medical College of Nigeria, 2003,
[6]. Etchie, T.O.;A.T. Etchie;G.O. Adewuyi;A. Pillarisetti;S. Sivanesan;K. Krishnamurthi, and N.K. Arora. The gains in life expectancy by ambient PM2.5 pollution reductions in localities in Nigeria. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 236, 146-157
[7]. Adeniran, J.A.;R.O. Yusuf, and A.A. Olajire. Exposure to coarse and fine particulate matter at and around major intra-urban traffic intersections of Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. Atmospheric Environment. 2017, 166, 383-392
[8]. Obioh, I.B.;G.C. Ezeh;O.E. Abiye;A. Alpha;E.O. Ojo, and A.K. Ganiyu. Atmospheric particulate matter in Nigerian megacities. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry. 2013, 95, 379-385
[9]. Ezeh, G.C.;I.B. Obioh;O.I. Asubiojo;C.A. Onwudiegwu;C.K. Nuviadenu, and S.B. Ayinla. Airborne fine particulate matter (PM2.5) at industrial, high-and low-density residential sites in a Nigerian megacity. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry. 2018, 100, 326-333
[10]. Ngele, S.O. and F.K. Onwu. Ambient air particulate matter levels in selected urban centres of Niger Delta region, Nigeria. International Research Journal of Environmental Science. 2015, 4, 54-63
[11]. Cohen, A.J.;H. Ross Anderson;B. Ostro;K.D. Pandey;M. Krzyzanowski;N. Künzli;K. Gutschmidt;A. Pope;I. Romieu, and J.M. Samet. The global burden of disease due to outdoor air pollution. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 2005, 68, 1301-1307
[12]. Brauer, M.;M. Amann;R.T. Burnett;A. Cohen;F. Dentener;M. Ezzati;S.B. Henderson;M. Krzyzanowski;R.V. Martin, and R. Van Dingenen. Exposure assessment for estimation of the global burden of disease attributable to outdoor air pollution. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012, 46, 652-660
[13]. Ebelt, S.T.;W.E. Wilson, and M. Brauer. Exposure to ambient and non-ambient components of particulate matter: a comparison of health effects. Epidemiology. 2005, 396-405
[14]. USEPA Integrated science assessment for particulate matter US Environmental Protection Agency Washington DC 2009
[15]. IPCC Climate change 2013: The physical science basis Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge, United Kingdom I.F. Stocker, et al. U. Press, 2013
[16]. Pakbin, P.;N. Hudda;K.L. Cheung;K.F. Moore, and C. Sioutas. Spatial and temporal variability of coarse (PM10 and PM2.5) particulate matter concentrations in the Los Angeles area. Aerosol Science and Technology. 2010, 44, 514-525
[17]. Sundvor, I.;N.C. Balaguer;M. Viana;X. Querol;C. Reche;F. Amato;G. Mellios, and C. Guerreiro Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities 2012
[18]. Erah, P.O. and C.N. Akujieze. The Quality of Groundwater in Benin City: A baseline study on inorganic chemicals and microbial contaminants of health importance in boreholes and open wells. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2002, 1, 75-82
[19]. NPC Population census of the Federal Republic of Nigeria National Population Commission Abuja Nigeria 2006
[20]. Conner, T.;A. Clements;R. Wiiliams, and A. Kaufman How to evaluate low-cost sensors by collocation with federal reference method monitors United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory NC, USA 2018
[21]. Ukpebor, E.E.;J.E. Ukpebor;P.O. Oviasogie;J.I. Odiase, and M.A. Egbeme. Field comparison of two total suspended particulates (TSP) samplers to assess spatial variation. International Journal of Environmental Studies. 2006, 63, 567-577
[22]. Hernandez, W.;A. Mendez;A.M. Diaz-Marquez, and R. Zalakevic. Robust analysis of PM2.5 concentration measurements in the Ecuadorian park La Carolina. Sensors. 2019, 19, 4648
[23]. Mirmohammadi, S.;J. Yazdani;S.E. Nejad, and R. Yousefinejad. Long term Indoor air monitoring for students with emphasis on Particulate matter (PM^ sub 2.5^). International Journal of Health and Economic Development. 2016, 2, 40
[24]. Kumar, P. and A. Goel. Concentration dynamics of coarse and fine particulate matter at and around signalised traffic intersections. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2016, 18, 1220-1235
[25]. Hinds, W.C. Aerosol technology: properties, behavior, and measurement of airborne particles. John Wiley & Sons, 1999;
[27]. Andreae, M.O. Climatic effects of changing atmospheric aerosol levels. World Survey of Climatology. 1995, 16, 347-398
[28]. Dovile, L. Nitrogen dioxide and their relation with meteorological conditions and some environmental factors in Kaunas. Environmental Research Engineering and Management. 2008, 1, 21-27
[29]. Al-Azmi, B.N.;V. Nassehi, and A.R. Khan. SO2 and NOx emissions from Kuwait power stations in years 2001 and 2004 and evaluation of the impact of these emissions on air quality using Industrial Sources Complex Short-Term (ISCST) model. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2009, 203, 169-178
[31]. Han, I.;E. Symanski, and T.H. Stock. Feasibility of using low-cost portable particle monitors for measurement of fine and coarse particulate matter in urban ambient air. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association. 2017, 67, 330-340
[32]. Tang, I.N. Chemical and size effects of hygroscopic aerosols on light scattering coefficients. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere. 1996, 101, 19245-19250
[33]. Cropper, P.M.;J.C. Hansen, and D.J. Eatough. Measurement of light scattering in an urban area with a nephelometer and PM2.5 FDMS TEOM monitor: Accounting for the effect of water. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2013, 63, 1004-1011
[34]. Day, D.E.;W.C. Malm, and S.M. Kreidenweis. Aerosol light scattering measurements as a function of relative humidity. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2000, 50, 710-716
[35]. McInnes, L.;M. Bergin;J. Ogren, and S. Schwartz. Apportionment of light scattering and hygroscopic growth to aerosol composition. Geophysical Research Letters. 1998, 25, 513-516
[36]. Baumbach, G. Air pollution caused by vehicular emissions in urban areas and near highways. Staub Reinhaltung der Luft. 1993, 53, 267-274
[37]. Sheppard, L.;D. Levy, and H. Checkoway. Correcting for the effects of location and atmospheric conditions on air pollution exposures in a case crossover study. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 2001, 11, 86-96
[38]. Efe, S.I. and A.T. Efe. Spatial distribution of particulate matter (PM10) in Warri metropolis, Nigeria. The Environmentalist. 2008, 28, 385-394
[39]. Abiye, O.E.;I.B. Obioh, and G.C. Ezeh. Elemental characterization of urban particulates at receptor locations in Abuja, north-central Nigeria. Atmospheric Environment. 2013, 81, 695-701
[40]. Taiwo, A.M.;T.A. Arowolo;K.L. Abdullahi, and O.T. Taiwo Particulate matter pollution in Nigeria: A review 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology , 2015, 3-5
[41]. Kinney, P.L.;M.G. Gichuru;N. Volavka-Close;N. Ngo;P.K. Ndiba;A. Law;A. Gachanja;S.M. Gaita;S.N. Chillrud, and E. Sclar. Traffic impacts on PM2.5 air quality in Nairobi, Kenya. Environmental Science & Policy. 2011, 14, 369-378
[42]. Abu-Allaban, M.;D.H. Lowenthal;A.W. Gertler, and M. Labib. Sources of PM10 and PM2.5 in Cairo's ambient air. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2007, 133, 417-425
[43]. Apah, B. Carbon monoxide, ammonia and noise levels analysis in selected locations in Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria Chemistry Department,University of Benin, 2018, B.Sc.
[44]. Medon, R.T. A survey on the impact of traffic control measures on airborne particulate matter in Benin City, Southern Nigeria Chemistry Department,Benin City, 2019, M.Sc.
[45]. Zalakeviciute, R.;Y. Rybarczyk;J.s. López-Villada, and M.V.D. Suarez. Quantifying decade-long effects of fuel and traffic regulations on urban ambient PM2.5 pollution in a mid-size South American city. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2018, 9, 66-75
[46]. Lana, I.;J. Del Ser;A. Padro;M. Valez, and C. Casanova-Mateo. The role of local urban traffic and meteorological conditions in air pollution: A data-based case study in Madrid, Spain. Atmospheric Environment. 2016, 145, 424-438
[47]. Ngo, N.S.;S.V.J. Asseko;M.O. Ebanega;S.M.A.o. Allo'o, and P. Hystad. The relationship among PM2.5, traffic emissions, and socioeconomic status: evidence from Gabon using low-cost, portable air quality monitors. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2019, 68, 2-9
[48]. EEA Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities European Environmental Agency 2012
[49]. Timmermans, R.;R. Kranenburg;A. Manders;C. Hendriks;A. Segers;E. Dammers;Q. Zhang;L. Wang;Z. Liu, and L. Zeng. Source apportionment of PM2.5 across China using LOTOS-EUROS. Atmospheric Environment. 2017, 164, 370-386
[50]. WHO Ambient air pollution: A global assessment of exposure and burden of disease World Health Organization 2016
[51]. Bailey, M.R. The new ICRP model for the respiratory tract. Radiation protection dosimetry. 1994, 53, 107-114
[52]. Manigrasso, M. and P. Avino. Fast evolution of urban ultrafine particles: implications for deposition doses in the human respiratory system. Atmospheric environment. 2012, 51, 116-123
[53]. Zuurbier, M.;G. Hoek;M. Oldenwening;V. Lenters;K. Meliefste;P. Van Den Hazel, and B. Brunekreef. Commuters exposure to particulate matter air pollution is affected by mode of transport, fuel type, and route. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2010, 118, 783-789
[54]. Zwozdziak, A.;M.I. Gini;L. Samek;W. Rogula-Kozlowska;I. Sowka, and K. Eleftheriadis. Implications of the aerosol size distribution modal structure of trace and major elements on humaexposure, inhaled dose and relevance to the PM2.5 and PM10 metrics in a European pollution hotspot urban area. Journal of Aerosol Science. 2017, 103, 38-52
[55]. Olajire, A.A.;L. Azeez, and E.A. Oluyemi. Exposure to hazardous air pollutants along Oba Akran road, Lagos, Nigeria. Chemosphere. 2011, 84, 1044-1051
[56]. Roscoe, B.A.;P.K. Hopke;S.L. Dattner, and J.M. Jenks. The use of principal component factor analysis to interpret particulate compositional data sets. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 1982, 32, 637-642
[57]. DOT Sources of Particulate Matter in Urban Areas: TRAMAQ Project UG 250 Department of Transport UK 2002
[58]. Economopoulou, A.A. and A.P. Economopoulos. Air pollution in Athens basin and health risk assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2002, 80, 277-299
Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City with Introduced Traffic Control Measures
Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 17 - 27, 30.06.2021
Fine atmospheric particles (PM2.5) and coarse particles (PM10), have been reported as major contributors to the low life expectancy of 54 years in Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa. This study was designed to provide baseline data on PM2.5 and PM10 levels in Benin City, wherein traffic control measures have recently been introduced. A light scattering approach (Cel – 712 Microdust Pro Real – time Dust Monitor) was employed for the PM quantification. The average PM2.5 concentration obtained (31.48µgm-3) was found to be higher than the WHO threshold limit (25 µgm-3) by a factor of 1.25. At 60% of the sampling sites, the WHO 50 µgm-3regulatory limit for PM10 was also violated, with a city range of 21.4 – 57.8 µgm-3. Spatial variations in the PM fractions were statistically significant (p<0.05). The source identification and apportionment studies by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) suggested that motor vehicles were the major source of PM2.5 (77.3%) and PM10 (70%) in the city with the remainder coming from refuse combustion. The average on–road respiratory deposition dose (RDD) rates analysis estimated that 6.96% of the measured PM were deposited in the tracheobronchial region, 12.36% in the alveolar and 78.86% in the head airway of the commuters and pedestrians in the city.
[1]. Kelly, F.J. and J.C. Fussell. Air pollution and public health: emerging hazards and improved understanding of risk. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2015, 37, 631-649
[2]. Snyder, E.G.;T.H. Watkins;P.A. Solomon;E.D. Thoma;R.W. Williams;G.S.W. Hagler;D. Shelow;D.A. Hindin;V.J. Kilaru, and P.W. Preuss. The changing paradigm of air pollution monitoring. Environmental Science and Technology. 2013, 47, 11369-11377
[3]. Miroslav, R. and N.B. Vladimir. Practical Environmental Analysis. The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, 2007;
[4]. Aliyu, Y.A. and J.O. Botai. Reviewing the local and global implications of air pollution trends in Zaria, northern Nigeria. Urban climate. 2018, 26, 51-59
[5]. Edet, E.A. Acute respiratory illness in under-fives and domestic fuel smoke: a survey of a rural community and an urban community in Edo State Faculty of Public Health, ,National Post graduate Medical College of Nigeria, 2003,
[6]. Etchie, T.O.;A.T. Etchie;G.O. Adewuyi;A. Pillarisetti;S. Sivanesan;K. Krishnamurthi, and N.K. Arora. The gains in life expectancy by ambient PM2.5 pollution reductions in localities in Nigeria. Environmental Pollution. 2018, 236, 146-157
[7]. Adeniran, J.A.;R.O. Yusuf, and A.A. Olajire. Exposure to coarse and fine particulate matter at and around major intra-urban traffic intersections of Ilorin metropolis, Nigeria. Atmospheric Environment. 2017, 166, 383-392
[8]. Obioh, I.B.;G.C. Ezeh;O.E. Abiye;A. Alpha;E.O. Ojo, and A.K. Ganiyu. Atmospheric particulate matter in Nigerian megacities. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry. 2013, 95, 379-385
[9]. Ezeh, G.C.;I.B. Obioh;O.I. Asubiojo;C.A. Onwudiegwu;C.K. Nuviadenu, and S.B. Ayinla. Airborne fine particulate matter (PM2.5) at industrial, high-and low-density residential sites in a Nigerian megacity. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry. 2018, 100, 326-333
[10]. Ngele, S.O. and F.K. Onwu. Ambient air particulate matter levels in selected urban centres of Niger Delta region, Nigeria. International Research Journal of Environmental Science. 2015, 4, 54-63
[11]. Cohen, A.J.;H. Ross Anderson;B. Ostro;K.D. Pandey;M. Krzyzanowski;N. Künzli;K. Gutschmidt;A. Pope;I. Romieu, and J.M. Samet. The global burden of disease due to outdoor air pollution. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 2005, 68, 1301-1307
[12]. Brauer, M.;M. Amann;R.T. Burnett;A. Cohen;F. Dentener;M. Ezzati;S.B. Henderson;M. Krzyzanowski;R.V. Martin, and R. Van Dingenen. Exposure assessment for estimation of the global burden of disease attributable to outdoor air pollution. Environmental Science & Technology. 2012, 46, 652-660
[13]. Ebelt, S.T.;W.E. Wilson, and M. Brauer. Exposure to ambient and non-ambient components of particulate matter: a comparison of health effects. Epidemiology. 2005, 396-405
[14]. USEPA Integrated science assessment for particulate matter US Environmental Protection Agency Washington DC 2009
[15]. IPCC Climate change 2013: The physical science basis Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Cambridge, United Kingdom I.F. Stocker, et al. U. Press, 2013
[16]. Pakbin, P.;N. Hudda;K.L. Cheung;K.F. Moore, and C. Sioutas. Spatial and temporal variability of coarse (PM10 and PM2.5) particulate matter concentrations in the Los Angeles area. Aerosol Science and Technology. 2010, 44, 514-525
[17]. Sundvor, I.;N.C. Balaguer;M. Viana;X. Querol;C. Reche;F. Amato;G. Mellios, and C. Guerreiro Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities 2012
[18]. Erah, P.O. and C.N. Akujieze. The Quality of Groundwater in Benin City: A baseline study on inorganic chemicals and microbial contaminants of health importance in boreholes and open wells. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2002, 1, 75-82
[19]. NPC Population census of the Federal Republic of Nigeria National Population Commission Abuja Nigeria 2006
[20]. Conner, T.;A. Clements;R. Wiiliams, and A. Kaufman How to evaluate low-cost sensors by collocation with federal reference method monitors United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory NC, USA 2018
[21]. Ukpebor, E.E.;J.E. Ukpebor;P.O. Oviasogie;J.I. Odiase, and M.A. Egbeme. Field comparison of two total suspended particulates (TSP) samplers to assess spatial variation. International Journal of Environmental Studies. 2006, 63, 567-577
[22]. Hernandez, W.;A. Mendez;A.M. Diaz-Marquez, and R. Zalakevic. Robust analysis of PM2.5 concentration measurements in the Ecuadorian park La Carolina. Sensors. 2019, 19, 4648
[23]. Mirmohammadi, S.;J. Yazdani;S.E. Nejad, and R. Yousefinejad. Long term Indoor air monitoring for students with emphasis on Particulate matter (PM^ sub 2.5^). International Journal of Health and Economic Development. 2016, 2, 40
[24]. Kumar, P. and A. Goel. Concentration dynamics of coarse and fine particulate matter at and around signalised traffic intersections. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 2016, 18, 1220-1235
[25]. Hinds, W.C. Aerosol technology: properties, behavior, and measurement of airborne particles. John Wiley & Sons, 1999;
[27]. Andreae, M.O. Climatic effects of changing atmospheric aerosol levels. World Survey of Climatology. 1995, 16, 347-398
[28]. Dovile, L. Nitrogen dioxide and their relation with meteorological conditions and some environmental factors in Kaunas. Environmental Research Engineering and Management. 2008, 1, 21-27
[29]. Al-Azmi, B.N.;V. Nassehi, and A.R. Khan. SO2 and NOx emissions from Kuwait power stations in years 2001 and 2004 and evaluation of the impact of these emissions on air quality using Industrial Sources Complex Short-Term (ISCST) model. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2009, 203, 169-178
[31]. Han, I.;E. Symanski, and T.H. Stock. Feasibility of using low-cost portable particle monitors for measurement of fine and coarse particulate matter in urban ambient air. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association. 2017, 67, 330-340
[32]. Tang, I.N. Chemical and size effects of hygroscopic aerosols on light scattering coefficients. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere. 1996, 101, 19245-19250
[33]. Cropper, P.M.;J.C. Hansen, and D.J. Eatough. Measurement of light scattering in an urban area with a nephelometer and PM2.5 FDMS TEOM monitor: Accounting for the effect of water. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2013, 63, 1004-1011
[34]. Day, D.E.;W.C. Malm, and S.M. Kreidenweis. Aerosol light scattering measurements as a function of relative humidity. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2000, 50, 710-716
[35]. McInnes, L.;M. Bergin;J. Ogren, and S. Schwartz. Apportionment of light scattering and hygroscopic growth to aerosol composition. Geophysical Research Letters. 1998, 25, 513-516
[36]. Baumbach, G. Air pollution caused by vehicular emissions in urban areas and near highways. Staub Reinhaltung der Luft. 1993, 53, 267-274
[37]. Sheppard, L.;D. Levy, and H. Checkoway. Correcting for the effects of location and atmospheric conditions on air pollution exposures in a case crossover study. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 2001, 11, 86-96
[38]. Efe, S.I. and A.T. Efe. Spatial distribution of particulate matter (PM10) in Warri metropolis, Nigeria. The Environmentalist. 2008, 28, 385-394
[39]. Abiye, O.E.;I.B. Obioh, and G.C. Ezeh. Elemental characterization of urban particulates at receptor locations in Abuja, north-central Nigeria. Atmospheric Environment. 2013, 81, 695-701
[40]. Taiwo, A.M.;T.A. Arowolo;K.L. Abdullahi, and O.T. Taiwo Particulate matter pollution in Nigeria: A review 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology , 2015, 3-5
[41]. Kinney, P.L.;M.G. Gichuru;N. Volavka-Close;N. Ngo;P.K. Ndiba;A. Law;A. Gachanja;S.M. Gaita;S.N. Chillrud, and E. Sclar. Traffic impacts on PM2.5 air quality in Nairobi, Kenya. Environmental Science & Policy. 2011, 14, 369-378
[42]. Abu-Allaban, M.;D.H. Lowenthal;A.W. Gertler, and M. Labib. Sources of PM10 and PM2.5 in Cairo's ambient air. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2007, 133, 417-425
[43]. Apah, B. Carbon monoxide, ammonia and noise levels analysis in selected locations in Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria Chemistry Department,University of Benin, 2018, B.Sc.
[44]. Medon, R.T. A survey on the impact of traffic control measures on airborne particulate matter in Benin City, Southern Nigeria Chemistry Department,Benin City, 2019, M.Sc.
[45]. Zalakeviciute, R.;Y. Rybarczyk;J.s. López-Villada, and M.V.D. Suarez. Quantifying decade-long effects of fuel and traffic regulations on urban ambient PM2.5 pollution in a mid-size South American city. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 2018, 9, 66-75
[46]. Lana, I.;J. Del Ser;A. Padro;M. Valez, and C. Casanova-Mateo. The role of local urban traffic and meteorological conditions in air pollution: A data-based case study in Madrid, Spain. Atmospheric Environment. 2016, 145, 424-438
[47]. Ngo, N.S.;S.V.J. Asseko;M.O. Ebanega;S.M.A.o. Allo'o, and P. Hystad. The relationship among PM2.5, traffic emissions, and socioeconomic status: evidence from Gabon using low-cost, portable air quality monitors. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2019, 68, 2-9
[48]. EEA Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities European Environmental Agency 2012
[49]. Timmermans, R.;R. Kranenburg;A. Manders;C. Hendriks;A. Segers;E. Dammers;Q. Zhang;L. Wang;Z. Liu, and L. Zeng. Source apportionment of PM2.5 across China using LOTOS-EUROS. Atmospheric Environment. 2017, 164, 370-386
[50]. WHO Ambient air pollution: A global assessment of exposure and burden of disease World Health Organization 2016
[51]. Bailey, M.R. The new ICRP model for the respiratory tract. Radiation protection dosimetry. 1994, 53, 107-114
[52]. Manigrasso, M. and P. Avino. Fast evolution of urban ultrafine particles: implications for deposition doses in the human respiratory system. Atmospheric environment. 2012, 51, 116-123
[53]. Zuurbier, M.;G. Hoek;M. Oldenwening;V. Lenters;K. Meliefste;P. Van Den Hazel, and B. Brunekreef. Commuters exposure to particulate matter air pollution is affected by mode of transport, fuel type, and route. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2010, 118, 783-789
[54]. Zwozdziak, A.;M.I. Gini;L. Samek;W. Rogula-Kozlowska;I. Sowka, and K. Eleftheriadis. Implications of the aerosol size distribution modal structure of trace and major elements on humaexposure, inhaled dose and relevance to the PM2.5 and PM10 metrics in a European pollution hotspot urban area. Journal of Aerosol Science. 2017, 103, 38-52
[55]. Olajire, A.A.;L. Azeez, and E.A. Oluyemi. Exposure to hazardous air pollutants along Oba Akran road, Lagos, Nigeria. Chemosphere. 2011, 84, 1044-1051
[56]. Roscoe, B.A.;P.K. Hopke;S.L. Dattner, and J.M. Jenks. The use of principal component factor analysis to interpret particulate compositional data sets. Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 1982, 32, 637-642
[57]. DOT Sources of Particulate Matter in Urban Areas: TRAMAQ Project UG 250 Department of Transport UK 2002
[58]. Economopoulou, A.A. and A.P. Economopoulos. Air pollution in Athens basin and health risk assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2002, 80, 277-299
Ukpebor, J., Omagamre, W., Abayode, B., Unuigbe, C., et al. (2021). Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City with Introduced Traffic Control Measures. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, 4(1), 17-27.
Ukpebor J, Omagamre W, Abayode B, Unuigbe C, Dibie E, Ukpebor E. Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City with Introduced Traffic Control Measures. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. June 2021;4(1):17-27.
Ukpebor, Justina, Wayne Omagamre, Bamidele Abayode, Charles Unuigbe, Edward Dibie, and Emmanuel Ukpebor. “Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City With Introduced Traffic Control Measures”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 4, no. 1 (June 2021): 17-27.
Ukpebor J, Omagamre W, Abayode B, Unuigbe C, Dibie E, Ukpebor E (June 1, 2021) Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City with Introduced Traffic Control Measures. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 4 1 17–27.
J. Ukpebor, W. Omagamre, B. Abayode, C. Unuigbe, E. Dibie, and E. Ukpebor, “Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City with Introduced Traffic Control Measures”, Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 17–27, 2021.
Ukpebor, Justina et al. “Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City With Introduced Traffic Control Measures”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 4/1 (June 2021), 17-27.
Ukpebor J, Omagamre W, Abayode B, Unuigbe C, Dibie E, Ukpebor E. Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City with Introduced Traffic Control Measures. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2021;4:17–27.
Ukpebor, Justina et al. “Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City With Introduced Traffic Control Measures”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 17-27.
Ukpebor J, Omagamre W, Abayode B, Unuigbe C, Dibie E, Ukpebor E. Baseline Concentrations of Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter in A Tropical City with Introduced Traffic Control Measures. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2021;4(1):17-2.