Research Article
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Activated Flux TIG Welding Of Non-Ferrous Metals

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 38 - 44, 29.03.2019


TIG welding process has high levels of stability
and permits more refined control than the majority of other arc welding
processes. The principal disadvantages of 
TIG lie in the limited thickness of material which can be welded in a single
pass. Activated  Flux Tungsten Inert Gas
(A-TIG) welding can increase the joint penetration and weld depth/width ratio,
thereby reducing angular distortion of the weldment. In this review paper,
A-TIG welding properties of nonferrous metals are examined. How the flux
increases the penetration depth is explained and then the effects of the  chemical composition and thickness of the
flux are described in detail.


  • Ahmed N., New developments in advanced welding, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington, 2005
  • Lucas W., Howse D., Activating flux – increasing the performance and productivity of the TIG and plasma process, Welding and Metal Fabrication, 64, 1996, 11-17
  • Lucas W., Howse D., Savitsky M.M., Kovalenko I.V., A-TIG flux for increasing the performance and productivity of welding processes, International Institute of Welding Document No. XII-1448-1996, 1996
  • Lucas W., Activating flux improving the performance of the TIG process, Welding and Metal Fabrication, (2/12), 2000, 7-10
  • Gurevich S.M., Zamkov V.N., Kushnirenko N.A., Improving the penetration of titanium alloys when they are welded by argon tungsten arc process, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, 9, 1965, 1-4
  • Gurevich S.M., Zamkov V.N., Welding titanium with a non-consumable electrode using fluxes, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka,, 12, 1966, 13-16
  • Z. Zhang, L. Liu, H. Sun, L. Wang, AC TIG welding with single-component oxide activating flux for AZ31B magnesium alloys, Journal of Material Science, 43, 2008, 1382-1388
  • H.C. Dey, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri, U.K. Mudali, Activated flux TIG welding of titanium, Welding in the world, 57, 2013, 903-912
  • Howse D., Improved Productivity in Fusion Welding, PhD. Thesis, University of Warwick, 2002
  • Kumar R., Bharathi S., A Review Study on A-TIG Welding of 316(L) Austenitic Stainless Steel, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2, 2015, 2066-2072
  • Sandor T., Comparison of penetration profiles of different TIG process variations
  • Vikesh R., Jagjit R., Surin M., Effect of A-TIG Welding Process Parameters on Penetration in Mild Steel Plates, International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 3, 2013, 34-37
  • Azevedoa A.G.L., Ferraresia V.A.J., Farias J.P., Ferritic stainless steel welding with the A-TIG process, Welding International, 24, 2010, 571-578
  • Ahmadi E., A. R. Ebrahimi A.R., Khosroshahi A., Welding of 304L Stainless Steel with Activated Tungsten Inert Gas Process (A-TIG), International Journal of Iron and Steel Society of Iran, 10, 2013, 27-33
  • S. Sire and S. Marya, On the development of a new flux bounded TIG process (FBTIG) to enhance weld penetrations in aluminum 5086, International Journal of Forming Processes, 5, 2002, 39-51
  • Lin H.L., Wu T.M., Cheng C.M., Effects of Flux Precoating and Process Parameter on Welding Performance of Inconel 718 Alloy TIG Welds, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23, 2014, 125-132
  • B.Shah, B. Shah, A-TIG Welding Process- A Review Paper, International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering 1-2 June 2017 Pune, India
  • R A. Singh, V. Dey, R. Rai, Techniques to improveweld penetration in TIG welding (A review), Materials Today: Proceedings 4, 1252–1259, 2017
  • Surendhiran.S, Kumar.K, Jayendran.M, REVIEW ON TIG WELDING ANG AND A-TIG WELDING ON ALUMINUM ALLOYS, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4, 913-916, 2017
  • Tanaka M., Effects of surface active elements on weld pool formation using TIG arcs, Welding International, 19, 2005, 870-876
  • Howse D.S., Lucas W., Investigation into arc constriction by active fluxes for tungsten inert gas welding, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 5, 2000, 189-193
  • Tseng K.H., Development and application of oxide-based flux powder for tungsten inert gas welding of austenitic stainless steels, Powder Technology, 233, 2013, 72-79
  • Simonik A G., The effect of contraction of the arc discharge upon the introduction of electro-negative elements, Welding Production, 3, 1976, 49-51
  • Tsai M.C., Kou S., Marangoni convection in weld pools with a free surface, International Journal of Numerical Methods of Fluids, 9, 1989, 1503 -1516
  • Limmaneevichitr C., Kou S., Visualization of marangoni convection in simulated weld pools, Welding Journal, 79, 2000, 126s–135s.
  • Lowke J.J., Tanaka M., Ushio M., Mechanisms giving increased weld depth due to a flux, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, 2005, 3438-3445
  • R.H. Zhang ,J.I. Pan, S. Katayama, The mechanism of penetration increase in A-TIG welding, Frontiers of Materials Science, 5, 2011,109-118
  • Berthier A., Paillard P., Carin M., Valensi F., Pellerin S., TIG and A-TIG welding experimental investigations and comparison to simulation Part 1: Identification of Marangoni effect , Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 17, 2012, 609-615
  • G. Ruckert, Etude de la contribution des flux activants en soudage A-TIG, These de Doctorat, Ecole Centrale de Nantes et l'Universite de Nantes, 2005
  • G. Ruckert, N. Perry, S. Sire, S. Marya, Enhanced Weld Penetrations In GTA Welding with Activating Fluxes Case studies: Plain Carbon and Stainless Steels, Titanium and Aluminum, HAL Archives, 2014
  • Y. Ruan , X.M. Qiu, W.B. Gong, D.Q. Sun, Y.P. Li, Mechanical properties and microstructures of 6082-T6 joint welded by twin wire metal inert gas arc welding with the SiO2 flux, Materials and Design, 35, 2012, 20-24
  • Sire S., Ruckert G., Marya S., Contribution to A-TIG and FB-TIG welding processes. Flux optimization for enhanced weld penetrations in aluminum 5086. International Institute of Welding Document No. XII-1715-02, 2002
  • Y. Huang, D. Fan, Q. Fan, Study of mechanism of activating flux increasing weld penetration of AC A-TIG welding for aluminum alloy, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, 2, 2007, 442-447
  • C.M. Lin, J.J. Liu, H.L. Tsai, C.M. Cheng, Evolution of microstructures and mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium alloy weldment with active oxide fluxes and GTAW process, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 34, 2011, 1013-1023
  • L.M. Liu, Z.D. Zhang, G. Song, and L. Wang, Mechanism and Microstructure of Oxide Fluxes for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Magnesium Alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 38A, 2007, 649-658
  • L.M. Liu, Y. Shen, Z.D. Zhang, Effect of cadmium chloride flux in GTA welding of magnesium alloys, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 11, 2006, 398-402
  • L. Liu, Z. Zhang, G. Song, Y. Shen, Effect of Cadmium Chloride Flux in Active Flux TIG Welding of Magnesium Alloys, Materials Transactions, 47, 2006, 446-449
  • L.M. Liu, D.H. Cai, Z.D. Zhang, Gas tungsten arc welding of magnesium alloy using activated flux-coated wire, Scripta Materialia, 57, 2007, 695-698
  • J. Shen, D. Zhai, Kai Liu, Z,M. Cao, Effects of welding current on properties of A-TIG welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints with TiO2 coating, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society China, 24, 2014, 2507-2515
  • L. Wang, J. Shen., N. Xu, Effects of TiO2 coating on the microstructures and mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, 2011, 7276-7284
  • Marya M., Edwards G.R., Chloride Contributions in Flux-Assisted GTA Welding of Magnesium Alloys, Welding Journal, 81, 2002, 291s-298s
  • X. Xie, J. Shen, L. Cheng, Y. Li, Y. Pu, Effects of nano-particles strengthening activating flux on the microstructures and mechanical properties of TIG welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints, Materials and Design, 81, 2015, 31-38
  • Z.D. Zhang, L.M. Liu, Y. Shen, L. Wang, Welding of magnesium alloys with activating flux, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 10, 2005, 737-743
  • Z.D. Zhang, L.M. Liu, Y. Shen, L. Wang, Mechanical properties and microstructures of a magnesium alloy gas tungsten arc welded with a cadmium chloride flux, Materials Characterization, 59, 2008, 40-46
  • H.L. Lin, Optimization of Inconel 718 alloy welds in an activated GTA welding via Taguchi method, gray relational analysis, and a neural network, International Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology, 67, 2013, 939-950
  • H.L. Lin, T.M. Wu, Effects of Activating Flux on Weld Bead Geometry of Inconel 718 Alloy TIG Welds, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27, 2012, 1457-1461
  • K.D. Ramkumar, B.M. Kumar, M.G. Krishnan, S. Dev, A.J. Bhalodi, N. Arivazhagan, S. Narayanan, Studies on the weldability, microstructure and mechanical properties of activated flux TIG weldments of Inconel 718, Materials Science and Engineering A, 639, 2015, 234-244
  • J. Niagaj, Peculiarities of A-TIG welding of titanium and its alloys, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 57, 2012, 39-44
  • M. Liu, C. Hillier, C. Roepke, S. Liu, A-TIG Welding of CP Titanium Plates Using Cryolite-Containing Flux Pastes and Flux-Cored Wires, Paper 4A2
  • F. Liu, C. Yang, S. Lin, L. Wu, S. Su, Effect of weld microstructure on weld properties in A-TIG welding of titanium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society China, 13, 2003, 876-880
  • Y. Huang, D. Fan, F. Shao. Alternative current flux zoned tungsten inert gas welding process for aluminium alloys, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 17, 2012, 122-127
  • H.C. Dey, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri, U.K. Mudali, Activated flux TIG welding of titanium, Welding in the world, 57, 2013, 903-912
  • D.V. Kovalenko, D.A. Pavlyak , V.A. Sudnik, I.V. Kovalenko, Adequacy of thermo hydrodynamic model of through penetration in TIG and A-TIG welding of Nimonic-75 nickel alloy, The Paton Welding Journal, 10, 2010, 2-6
  • A.B. Short, Gas tungsten arc welding of titanium alloys: a review, Materials Science and Technology,25, 2009, 309-324
  • Z. Zhang, F. Zhang, Spectral Analysis of Welding Plasma of Magnesium Alloy Using Flux Coated Wire, Materials Transactions, 50, 2009, 1909-1914
  • L.M. Liu, D.H. Cai, Z.D. Zhang, Magnesium alloy weld using manganese chloride coated wire, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 13, 2008, 44-48
  • www//http N. Perry, S. Marya, New perspectives of flux assisted GTA welding in titanium structures
  • www//http Z. Sun, D. Pan, TIG Welding of Ti Alloys with In-Process Monitoring
  • Yukler A.I., Weld Metal, MUTEF Publications, Istanbul, 1992
  • Hiraoka H., Sakuma N., Zijp J., Energy balance in argon-helium mixed gas tungsten(TIG) arcs, Welding International, 12, 1998, 372-379
Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 38 - 44, 29.03.2019



  • Ahmed N., New developments in advanced welding, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington, 2005
  • Lucas W., Howse D., Activating flux – increasing the performance and productivity of the TIG and plasma process, Welding and Metal Fabrication, 64, 1996, 11-17
  • Lucas W., Howse D., Savitsky M.M., Kovalenko I.V., A-TIG flux for increasing the performance and productivity of welding processes, International Institute of Welding Document No. XII-1448-1996, 1996
  • Lucas W., Activating flux improving the performance of the TIG process, Welding and Metal Fabrication, (2/12), 2000, 7-10
  • Gurevich S.M., Zamkov V.N., Kushnirenko N.A., Improving the penetration of titanium alloys when they are welded by argon tungsten arc process, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, 9, 1965, 1-4
  • Gurevich S.M., Zamkov V.N., Welding titanium with a non-consumable electrode using fluxes, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka,, 12, 1966, 13-16
  • Z. Zhang, L. Liu, H. Sun, L. Wang, AC TIG welding with single-component oxide activating flux for AZ31B magnesium alloys, Journal of Material Science, 43, 2008, 1382-1388
  • H.C. Dey, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri, U.K. Mudali, Activated flux TIG welding of titanium, Welding in the world, 57, 2013, 903-912
  • Howse D., Improved Productivity in Fusion Welding, PhD. Thesis, University of Warwick, 2002
  • Kumar R., Bharathi S., A Review Study on A-TIG Welding of 316(L) Austenitic Stainless Steel, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2, 2015, 2066-2072
  • Sandor T., Comparison of penetration profiles of different TIG process variations
  • Vikesh R., Jagjit R., Surin M., Effect of A-TIG Welding Process Parameters on Penetration in Mild Steel Plates, International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 3, 2013, 34-37
  • Azevedoa A.G.L., Ferraresia V.A.J., Farias J.P., Ferritic stainless steel welding with the A-TIG process, Welding International, 24, 2010, 571-578
  • Ahmadi E., A. R. Ebrahimi A.R., Khosroshahi A., Welding of 304L Stainless Steel with Activated Tungsten Inert Gas Process (A-TIG), International Journal of Iron and Steel Society of Iran, 10, 2013, 27-33
  • S. Sire and S. Marya, On the development of a new flux bounded TIG process (FBTIG) to enhance weld penetrations in aluminum 5086, International Journal of Forming Processes, 5, 2002, 39-51
  • Lin H.L., Wu T.M., Cheng C.M., Effects of Flux Precoating and Process Parameter on Welding Performance of Inconel 718 Alloy TIG Welds, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23, 2014, 125-132
  • B.Shah, B. Shah, A-TIG Welding Process- A Review Paper, International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering 1-2 June 2017 Pune, India
  • R A. Singh, V. Dey, R. Rai, Techniques to improveweld penetration in TIG welding (A review), Materials Today: Proceedings 4, 1252–1259, 2017
  • Surendhiran.S, Kumar.K, Jayendran.M, REVIEW ON TIG WELDING ANG AND A-TIG WELDING ON ALUMINUM ALLOYS, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4, 913-916, 2017
  • Tanaka M., Effects of surface active elements on weld pool formation using TIG arcs, Welding International, 19, 2005, 870-876
  • Howse D.S., Lucas W., Investigation into arc constriction by active fluxes for tungsten inert gas welding, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 5, 2000, 189-193
  • Tseng K.H., Development and application of oxide-based flux powder for tungsten inert gas welding of austenitic stainless steels, Powder Technology, 233, 2013, 72-79
  • Simonik A G., The effect of contraction of the arc discharge upon the introduction of electro-negative elements, Welding Production, 3, 1976, 49-51
  • Tsai M.C., Kou S., Marangoni convection in weld pools with a free surface, International Journal of Numerical Methods of Fluids, 9, 1989, 1503 -1516
  • Limmaneevichitr C., Kou S., Visualization of marangoni convection in simulated weld pools, Welding Journal, 79, 2000, 126s–135s.
  • Lowke J.J., Tanaka M., Ushio M., Mechanisms giving increased weld depth due to a flux, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, 2005, 3438-3445
  • R.H. Zhang ,J.I. Pan, S. Katayama, The mechanism of penetration increase in A-TIG welding, Frontiers of Materials Science, 5, 2011,109-118
  • Berthier A., Paillard P., Carin M., Valensi F., Pellerin S., TIG and A-TIG welding experimental investigations and comparison to simulation Part 1: Identification of Marangoni effect , Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 17, 2012, 609-615
  • G. Ruckert, Etude de la contribution des flux activants en soudage A-TIG, These de Doctorat, Ecole Centrale de Nantes et l'Universite de Nantes, 2005
  • G. Ruckert, N. Perry, S. Sire, S. Marya, Enhanced Weld Penetrations In GTA Welding with Activating Fluxes Case studies: Plain Carbon and Stainless Steels, Titanium and Aluminum, HAL Archives, 2014
  • Y. Ruan , X.M. Qiu, W.B. Gong, D.Q. Sun, Y.P. Li, Mechanical properties and microstructures of 6082-T6 joint welded by twin wire metal inert gas arc welding with the SiO2 flux, Materials and Design, 35, 2012, 20-24
  • Sire S., Ruckert G., Marya S., Contribution to A-TIG and FB-TIG welding processes. Flux optimization for enhanced weld penetrations in aluminum 5086. International Institute of Welding Document No. XII-1715-02, 2002
  • Y. Huang, D. Fan, Q. Fan, Study of mechanism of activating flux increasing weld penetration of AC A-TIG welding for aluminum alloy, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China, 2, 2007, 442-447
  • C.M. Lin, J.J. Liu, H.L. Tsai, C.M. Cheng, Evolution of microstructures and mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium alloy weldment with active oxide fluxes and GTAW process, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 34, 2011, 1013-1023
  • L.M. Liu, Z.D. Zhang, G. Song, and L. Wang, Mechanism and Microstructure of Oxide Fluxes for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Magnesium Alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 38A, 2007, 649-658
  • L.M. Liu, Y. Shen, Z.D. Zhang, Effect of cadmium chloride flux in GTA welding of magnesium alloys, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 11, 2006, 398-402
  • L. Liu, Z. Zhang, G. Song, Y. Shen, Effect of Cadmium Chloride Flux in Active Flux TIG Welding of Magnesium Alloys, Materials Transactions, 47, 2006, 446-449
  • L.M. Liu, D.H. Cai, Z.D. Zhang, Gas tungsten arc welding of magnesium alloy using activated flux-coated wire, Scripta Materialia, 57, 2007, 695-698
  • J. Shen, D. Zhai, Kai Liu, Z,M. Cao, Effects of welding current on properties of A-TIG welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints with TiO2 coating, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society China, 24, 2014, 2507-2515
  • L. Wang, J. Shen., N. Xu, Effects of TiO2 coating on the microstructures and mechanical properties of tungsten inert gas welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, 2011, 7276-7284
  • Marya M., Edwards G.R., Chloride Contributions in Flux-Assisted GTA Welding of Magnesium Alloys, Welding Journal, 81, 2002, 291s-298s
  • X. Xie, J. Shen, L. Cheng, Y. Li, Y. Pu, Effects of nano-particles strengthening activating flux on the microstructures and mechanical properties of TIG welded AZ31 magnesium alloy joints, Materials and Design, 81, 2015, 31-38
  • Z.D. Zhang, L.M. Liu, Y. Shen, L. Wang, Welding of magnesium alloys with activating flux, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 10, 2005, 737-743
  • Z.D. Zhang, L.M. Liu, Y. Shen, L. Wang, Mechanical properties and microstructures of a magnesium alloy gas tungsten arc welded with a cadmium chloride flux, Materials Characterization, 59, 2008, 40-46
  • H.L. Lin, Optimization of Inconel 718 alloy welds in an activated GTA welding via Taguchi method, gray relational analysis, and a neural network, International Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology, 67, 2013, 939-950
  • H.L. Lin, T.M. Wu, Effects of Activating Flux on Weld Bead Geometry of Inconel 718 Alloy TIG Welds, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27, 2012, 1457-1461
  • K.D. Ramkumar, B.M. Kumar, M.G. Krishnan, S. Dev, A.J. Bhalodi, N. Arivazhagan, S. Narayanan, Studies on the weldability, microstructure and mechanical properties of activated flux TIG weldments of Inconel 718, Materials Science and Engineering A, 639, 2015, 234-244
  • J. Niagaj, Peculiarities of A-TIG welding of titanium and its alloys, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 57, 2012, 39-44
  • M. Liu, C. Hillier, C. Roepke, S. Liu, A-TIG Welding of CP Titanium Plates Using Cryolite-Containing Flux Pastes and Flux-Cored Wires, Paper 4A2
  • F. Liu, C. Yang, S. Lin, L. Wu, S. Su, Effect of weld microstructure on weld properties in A-TIG welding of titanium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society China, 13, 2003, 876-880
  • Y. Huang, D. Fan, F. Shao. Alternative current flux zoned tungsten inert gas welding process for aluminium alloys, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 17, 2012, 122-127
  • H.C. Dey, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri, U.K. Mudali, Activated flux TIG welding of titanium, Welding in the world, 57, 2013, 903-912
  • D.V. Kovalenko, D.A. Pavlyak , V.A. Sudnik, I.V. Kovalenko, Adequacy of thermo hydrodynamic model of through penetration in TIG and A-TIG welding of Nimonic-75 nickel alloy, The Paton Welding Journal, 10, 2010, 2-6
  • A.B. Short, Gas tungsten arc welding of titanium alloys: a review, Materials Science and Technology,25, 2009, 309-324
  • Z. Zhang, F. Zhang, Spectral Analysis of Welding Plasma of Magnesium Alloy Using Flux Coated Wire, Materials Transactions, 50, 2009, 1909-1914
  • L.M. Liu, D.H. Cai, Z.D. Zhang, Magnesium alloy weld using manganese chloride coated wire, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 13, 2008, 44-48
  • www//http N. Perry, S. Marya, New perspectives of flux assisted GTA welding in titanium structures
  • www//http Z. Sun, D. Pan, TIG Welding of Ti Alloys with In-Process Monitoring
  • Yukler A.I., Weld Metal, MUTEF Publications, Istanbul, 1992
  • Hiraoka H., Sakuma N., Zijp J., Energy balance in argon-helium mixed gas tungsten(TIG) arcs, Welding International, 12, 1998, 372-379
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet İrfan Yükler

Memduh Kurtulmus

Publication Date March 29, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


IEEE A. İ. Yükler and M. Kurtulmus, “Activated Flux TIG Welding Of Non-Ferrous Metals”, IJESA, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 38–44, 2019.

ISSN 2548-1185
e-ISSN 2587-2176
Period: Quarterly
Founded: 2016