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Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 182 - 199, 28.06.2014



  • Africa-Review. spotlights-Tanzania-on-corruption/- /979180/1075764/-/iyjkcfz/-/index.html website on
  • “WikiLeaks spotlights Tanzania on corruption” , Latest Access Time for the website is 05 March Africa Review: M. Awais, T.Samin, and M.Bilal. "Effective Business Value of Bal Information System”. IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science, Vol.8, pp.366-370, 2011.
  • J. K. Bakari . A Holistic Approach for Managing ICT Security in Non-Commercial organisations A Case Study in a Developing Country. PhD Thesis. Stockholm, Sweeden: Stockholm University/ Royal Institute of Technology Department of Computer and Systems Science, 2007.
  • C. M. Blanc. “The evolving challenge of identity- related crime:addressing fraud and the criminal misuse and falsification of identity”, ISPAC 2007,
  • Itally, pp.284-290, 30 November − 2 December G. Bougaardt and M. Kyobe. “Investigating the Factors Inhibiting SMEs From Recognizing and Measuring Losses From Cyber Crime in South Africa”. Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, Vol.14.No.2, pp.167-178, 2011.
  • G. A. Bowen. “Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method”. Qualitative Research Journal, Vol.9.No.2, pp.27 – 40, 2009. CDC.GOV.
  • Evaluation: Document Review. Technical Report. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for ef18.pdf, 2009. Methods for Disease Control and Prevention
  • M.S. I. Center. “Monthly Security Tips NEWSLETTER: Cyber Security Emerging Trends and Threats”, Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center, Vol.7.No.1, pp.1-2, January 2012.
  • C. Cilli. “Global Perspectives”. ISACA Journal, Vo.1.No.1, pp.1-2, 2006. D.Clemente.
  • Interdependence: What Is Critical?. Technical Report. lic/Research/International%20Security/0213pr_cybe r.pdf, 2013. Security and Global The Royal Institute
  • Daily News. “Tanzania: 500 Held Over Cyber Crimes”. News Paper. AllAfrica, 26 June, 2012.
  • Daily News. “Tanzania: Law on Cyber Crime in Offing”., 14 July, 2012. Paper. AllAfrica:
  • Daily News. “Tanzania Government finalizing Cyber crime act”. News Paper. PcTech Magazine government-finalizing-cyber-crime-act/, 10 May,
  • Daily News. “Tanzania: Cybercrime Law in the Pipeline”., 11 September, 2013. Paper. AllAfrica
  • E.H. Dalla, and M. Geeta. “Cyber Crime A Threat to Persons, Property,Government and Societies”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol.3. No.5, pp.997-1002, 2013. Encyclopadia. Encyclopadia Britannica
  • /information-system website on “Information Systems” Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January 2014. Encyclopedia. yber-espionage website on “cyber espionage “,
  • Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January ENISA. European Union Agency for Network and Information items/german-cyber-security-strategy-2011-1 website on “Cyber Security Strategy for Germany” ,
  • Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January Security FBI. FBI-IC3 2012 Internet Crime Report Released.
  • Technical report. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) port.pdf , 2012. F. S. Gady fricas_cyber_wmd?page=0 website on "Think that
  • Russia and China pose the biggest hacking threats of our time? The virus-plagued computers in Africa could take the entire world economy offline", Latest Access Time for the website is 24 March 2014.
  • P. D. Gallagher. Managing Information Security Risk. Technical report. National Institute of Standards (NIST) and Technology. U.S. Department /SP800-39-final.pdf, March 2011. Cormmerce.
  • M.Gercke. Understanding cybercrime: a guide for developing countries. Technical report. ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division (CYB) Policies and Strategies Department Bureau for Telecommunication Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011. International
  • S.Ghosh, and E. Turrini. A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
  • S.Ghosh, and E.Turrini. CyberCrimes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. GO-GULF.COM. crime website on “Cyber Crime Statistics and Trends [Infographic]”, Latest Access Time for the website is 24 March 2014. D.Goodin. attacks-us-banks-originated-in-iran/ website on
  • “Web attacks on big US banks originated in Iran”, Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January IBT. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES verdict-edward-snowden-manning-charged-under- espionage-act-1363799 website on “Manning
  • WikiLeaks Verdict: Like Edward Snowden, Manning Charged Under The Espionage Act", Latest Access Time for the website is 31 January INTERNETWORLDSTATS.COM. Internet Users, Population and Facebook Statistics for Africa. Startics a, 2012. World Stats
  • ITU. TRENDS IN TELECOMMUNICATION REFORM. Technical report. International Telecommunication Union place des Nations (ITU), CH-1211, Geneva, Switzerland TTR.14-2013-SUM-PDF-E.pdf, 2013.
  • T. D. Jick. “Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Triangulation in Action”. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.24. No.4, pp.602-611, 1979.
  • Y. Joshi, and A. Singh. “A Study on Cyber Crime and Security Scenario in India”. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol.3. No.3, pp.13-18, June 2013.
  • S. M. Kalunde. The status of Cybercrime in Tanzania :Strasbourg, France. Technical report. Council me/cybercrime/Documents/Reports- Presentations/Octopus2011/Update_session_Tanzan ia.pdf, 2011. of Europe
  • E. Kamanda. “Spetrum Times: Cyber Crime at Spectrum Network”. Quarterly Journal on risk Management, Vol.1. No.1, pp.1-8, November 2013. A.T. Kingsmith. “Virtual
  • Securitisation of the Information Superhighway”. Bridges: Conversations in Global Politics and Public Policy. Vol.2. No.1, pp.1-14, October 2013.
  • C. Kothari. Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques .2nd ed. New Delhi, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004.
  • N. Kshetri. Cybercrime and cybersecurity in the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
  • M.Levi, and M.Williams. eCrime Reduction Partnership Mapping Study. Technical report.Cardiff for crime, Law and Justice Card School of Social Science, Cardiff University Williams%20eCrime%20Reduction%20Partnership %20Mapping%20Study.pdf, 2012.
  • O.Longe, O.Ngwa, F.Wada, V.Mbarika, and L.Kvasny. “Criminal Uses of Information & Communication Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends, Concerns and Perspectives”. Journal Vol.9.No.3, pp.155-172, 2009. Technology Impact.
  • B.Magalla. The New Era of Cyberspace: Their Protection, Prevention and Detection. Tumaini University
  • P.Mali. Cyber Crimes and Penalties. Cy b e r L aw Co ns u l t i n g, 2008.
  • A. J. Mambi. ICT Law Book: A Source Book For Information & Communication Technologies and Cyber Law. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd, 2010.
  • M.M.Behitsa, and B.D. Diyamett. Tanzania ICT Sector Performance Review:Towards Evidence- based ICT Policy and Regulation Volume Two , Policy Paper II. Policy review report. Tanzania Government /Vol_2_Paper_11_- _Tanzania_ICT_Sector_Performance_Review_2010 _sw.pdf, 2010. Portal
  • MoEVT. Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT): website on “Institutions and Agencies”, Latest Access Time for the website is 26 April 2014.
  • MST.GO.TZ. Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology: website on “Programmes/Projects:National Infrastructure Backbone Network”, Latest Access Time for the website is March 06, 2014.
  • NICTBB.CO.TZ. website on “Status of the National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) and Prospects for Local Contents Development in Tanzania”, Latest Access Time for the website is March 06, 2014.
  • R. E. Okonigene, and B. Adekanle. “Cybercrime in Nigeria”. Business Intelligence Journal. Vol.3.No.1, pp.93-98, 2010.
  • V.Olena. “Problem of Cybercrime in Ukraine: Spread of, Specific Nature, and Methods of Fighting”. Internal Security. Vol.4.No.1, pp.153- , 2012.
  • J.Paul, V.Belle, M.Eccles, and J.Nash. Discovering Information Ssytems. Berne Conversion, 2003.
  • S. J. Ross, and R.Masters. “Creating a Culture of Security”. ISACA journal, Vo.1.No.1, pp.1-140, K.Rowley. “Cyber Security Emerging Trends and Threats”. Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center, Vo.7.No.1, pp.1-3, 2012.
  • A.Sabelfeld, and C.Myers. “Language-Based Information-Flow Security”. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.21.No.1, pp.1-15, January 2003.
  • C.Sanga. “Digital age dillemma: (DAD) are we secure?”. A Newsletter of Sokoine University of Agriculture, SUACONE, ISBN 9987 640 02 8, pp.12-14, 2009.
  • M. N. Saunders, P.Lewis, A.Thornbill, and M.Jenkins. Students. England: Pearson Education Limited, Methods for Business SEACOM. content/uploads/SEACOM-IP-MPLS_12- November-2013.pdf website on “SEACOM IP and MPLS Services”, Latest Access Time for the website is 19 March, 2014.
  • H. Çil, C. Z. Şentürk, and Ş.Sağıroğlu. “Cyber Security Analysis of Turkey”, International Journal of Information Security Science, Vol.1.No.4, pp.112-125, 2012.
  • D. L. Shinder. Scene of the Cybercrime: Computer Forensics Handbook. Syngress Publishing, Inc, T.Singleton. “Understanding the Cybercrime Wave”. ISACA JOURNAL, Vol.1.No.1, pp.1-5, H. W. Smith. Strategies of Social Research:The Methodological Imaglnation. Prentice-Hall, 1975.
  • Latest Access Time for the website is 27 October, THE website on “Lack of laws hinder cyber crime probes”, Latest Access Time for the website is 20 February, 2014. IPPMEDIA:
  • F.Tushabe. Computer Forensics for Cyberspace Crimes. Master Dissertation. Master of Science in Computer Science of Makerere University, 2004.
  • F.Tushabe, and V.Baryamureeba. “Cyber Crime in Uganda: Myth or Reality?”. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, pp.66-70. October 2005. UNCTAD. Mobile Maney for Business
  • Development in the East African Community: A Comperative Study of Existing Pltaforms & Regulations. Technical report.United Nations, USAID. Emerging Technology & Practice for Conservation Communication in Africa: A Report on the State of the Art and Trends with Recommendation For USAID. Technical Report. International Resources Group (IRG), 2012.
  • M.Watkins, and K. Wallace. CCNA Security Official Exam Certification Guide. (G. Johnson, Ed.) New Delhi, India: Pearson Education, Inc. and Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc., 2009.
  • J. J..Yonazi. “Cyber Security in Tanzania”. The Cyber-Security Mini-Conference. Dar ES Salaam,


Year 2014, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 182 - 199, 28.06.2014


Abstract-.The main objective of this study was to determine whether the rapid growth of cybercrimes affecting information systems in the global: is a myth or reality in Tanzania. The study was undertaken using a mixed research (quantitative and qualitative) methods. The research findings reveals that 12.8 % of users are victims of cybercrimes due to visiting unhealthy websites  in cyberspace, more than 90.89% of users have been denied access to torrents/p2p applications (with malicious codes); more than 63.29% of e-mails received by users are spam. It has been noted  that Internet users has risen to 5.63 million users in 2012 out of 46.9 million of population in Tanzania; and is increasing at the rate of 416.98% per year; with this increase rate, there will be 7.34 million users of internet by December 2015 in Tanzania. The increase in the number of Internet users has direct implication to the increase in cybercrimes affecting information systems. The Government of Tanzania has declared that “about 320 people were apprehended between July and December 2011; there are over 1bn/- , Euro 8,897 and USD 551,777 reported to have been stolen through cyber. The study concluded that there is a need for holistic approach in addressing cybercrimes in developing world countries.


  • Africa-Review. spotlights-Tanzania-on-corruption/- /979180/1075764/-/iyjkcfz/-/index.html website on
  • “WikiLeaks spotlights Tanzania on corruption” , Latest Access Time for the website is 05 March Africa Review: M. Awais, T.Samin, and M.Bilal. "Effective Business Value of Bal Information System”. IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science, Vol.8, pp.366-370, 2011.
  • J. K. Bakari . A Holistic Approach for Managing ICT Security in Non-Commercial organisations A Case Study in a Developing Country. PhD Thesis. Stockholm, Sweeden: Stockholm University/ Royal Institute of Technology Department of Computer and Systems Science, 2007.
  • C. M. Blanc. “The evolving challenge of identity- related crime:addressing fraud and the criminal misuse and falsification of identity”, ISPAC 2007,
  • Itally, pp.284-290, 30 November − 2 December G. Bougaardt and M. Kyobe. “Investigating the Factors Inhibiting SMEs From Recognizing and Measuring Losses From Cyber Crime in South Africa”. Electronic Journal Information Systems Evaluation, Vol.14.No.2, pp.167-178, 2011.
  • G. A. Bowen. “Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method”. Qualitative Research Journal, Vol.9.No.2, pp.27 – 40, 2009. CDC.GOV.
  • Evaluation: Document Review. Technical Report. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for ef18.pdf, 2009. Methods for Disease Control and Prevention
  • M.S. I. Center. “Monthly Security Tips NEWSLETTER: Cyber Security Emerging Trends and Threats”, Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center, Vol.7.No.1, pp.1-2, January 2012.
  • C. Cilli. “Global Perspectives”. ISACA Journal, Vo.1.No.1, pp.1-2, 2006. D.Clemente.
  • Interdependence: What Is Critical?. Technical Report. lic/Research/International%20Security/0213pr_cybe r.pdf, 2013. Security and Global The Royal Institute
  • Daily News. “Tanzania: 500 Held Over Cyber Crimes”. News Paper. AllAfrica, 26 June, 2012.
  • Daily News. “Tanzania: Law on Cyber Crime in Offing”., 14 July, 2012. Paper. AllAfrica:
  • Daily News. “Tanzania Government finalizing Cyber crime act”. News Paper. PcTech Magazine government-finalizing-cyber-crime-act/, 10 May,
  • Daily News. “Tanzania: Cybercrime Law in the Pipeline”., 11 September, 2013. Paper. AllAfrica
  • E.H. Dalla, and M. Geeta. “Cyber Crime A Threat to Persons, Property,Government and Societies”. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol.3. No.5, pp.997-1002, 2013. Encyclopadia. Encyclopadia Britannica
  • /information-system website on “Information Systems” Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January 2014. Encyclopedia. yber-espionage website on “cyber espionage “,
  • Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January ENISA. European Union Agency for Network and Information items/german-cyber-security-strategy-2011-1 website on “Cyber Security Strategy for Germany” ,
  • Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January Security FBI. FBI-IC3 2012 Internet Crime Report Released.
  • Technical report. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) port.pdf , 2012. F. S. Gady fricas_cyber_wmd?page=0 website on "Think that
  • Russia and China pose the biggest hacking threats of our time? The virus-plagued computers in Africa could take the entire world economy offline", Latest Access Time for the website is 24 March 2014.
  • P. D. Gallagher. Managing Information Security Risk. Technical report. National Institute of Standards (NIST) and Technology. U.S. Department /SP800-39-final.pdf, March 2011. Cormmerce.
  • M.Gercke. Understanding cybercrime: a guide for developing countries. Technical report. ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division (CYB) Policies and Strategies Department Bureau for Telecommunication Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2011. International
  • S.Ghosh, and E. Turrini. A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
  • S.Ghosh, and E.Turrini. CyberCrimes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. GO-GULF.COM. crime website on “Cyber Crime Statistics and Trends [Infographic]”, Latest Access Time for the website is 24 March 2014. D.Goodin. attacks-us-banks-originated-in-iran/ website on
  • “Web attacks on big US banks originated in Iran”, Latest Access Time for the website is 05 January IBT. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES verdict-edward-snowden-manning-charged-under- espionage-act-1363799 website on “Manning
  • WikiLeaks Verdict: Like Edward Snowden, Manning Charged Under The Espionage Act", Latest Access Time for the website is 31 January INTERNETWORLDSTATS.COM. Internet Users, Population and Facebook Statistics for Africa. Startics a, 2012. World Stats
  • ITU. TRENDS IN TELECOMMUNICATION REFORM. Technical report. International Telecommunication Union place des Nations (ITU), CH-1211, Geneva, Switzerland TTR.14-2013-SUM-PDF-E.pdf, 2013.
  • T. D. Jick. “Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Triangulation in Action”. Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.24. No.4, pp.602-611, 1979.
  • Y. Joshi, and A. Singh. “A Study on Cyber Crime and Security Scenario in India”. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol.3. No.3, pp.13-18, June 2013.
  • S. M. Kalunde. The status of Cybercrime in Tanzania :Strasbourg, France. Technical report. Council me/cybercrime/Documents/Reports- Presentations/Octopus2011/Update_session_Tanzan ia.pdf, 2011. of Europe
  • E. Kamanda. “Spetrum Times: Cyber Crime at Spectrum Network”. Quarterly Journal on risk Management, Vol.1. No.1, pp.1-8, November 2013. A.T. Kingsmith. “Virtual
  • Securitisation of the Information Superhighway”. Bridges: Conversations in Global Politics and Public Policy. Vol.2. No.1, pp.1-14, October 2013.
  • C. Kothari. Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques .2nd ed. New Delhi, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, 2004.
  • N. Kshetri. Cybercrime and cybersecurity in the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
  • M.Levi, and M.Williams. eCrime Reduction Partnership Mapping Study. Technical report.Cardiff for crime, Law and Justice Card School of Social Science, Cardiff University Williams%20eCrime%20Reduction%20Partnership %20Mapping%20Study.pdf, 2012.
  • O.Longe, O.Ngwa, F.Wada, V.Mbarika, and L.Kvasny. “Criminal Uses of Information & Communication Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends, Concerns and Perspectives”. Journal Vol.9.No.3, pp.155-172, 2009. Technology Impact.
  • B.Magalla. The New Era of Cyberspace: Their Protection, Prevention and Detection. Tumaini University
  • P.Mali. Cyber Crimes and Penalties. Cy b e r L aw Co ns u l t i n g, 2008.
  • A. J. Mambi. ICT Law Book: A Source Book For Information & Communication Technologies and Cyber Law. Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers Ltd, 2010.
  • M.M.Behitsa, and B.D. Diyamett. Tanzania ICT Sector Performance Review:Towards Evidence- based ICT Policy and Regulation Volume Two , Policy Paper II. Policy review report. Tanzania Government /Vol_2_Paper_11_- _Tanzania_ICT_Sector_Performance_Review_2010 _sw.pdf, 2010. Portal
  • MoEVT. Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT): website on “Institutions and Agencies”, Latest Access Time for the website is 26 April 2014.
  • MST.GO.TZ. Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology: website on “Programmes/Projects:National Infrastructure Backbone Network”, Latest Access Time for the website is March 06, 2014.
  • NICTBB.CO.TZ. website on “Status of the National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) and Prospects for Local Contents Development in Tanzania”, Latest Access Time for the website is March 06, 2014.
  • R. E. Okonigene, and B. Adekanle. “Cybercrime in Nigeria”. Business Intelligence Journal. Vol.3.No.1, pp.93-98, 2010.
  • V.Olena. “Problem of Cybercrime in Ukraine: Spread of, Specific Nature, and Methods of Fighting”. Internal Security. Vol.4.No.1, pp.153- , 2012.
  • J.Paul, V.Belle, M.Eccles, and J.Nash. Discovering Information Ssytems. Berne Conversion, 2003.
  • S. J. Ross, and R.Masters. “Creating a Culture of Security”. ISACA journal, Vo.1.No.1, pp.1-140, K.Rowley. “Cyber Security Emerging Trends and Threats”. Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center, Vo.7.No.1, pp.1-3, 2012.
  • A.Sabelfeld, and C.Myers. “Language-Based Information-Flow Security”. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.21.No.1, pp.1-15, January 2003.
  • C.Sanga. “Digital age dillemma: (DAD) are we secure?”. A Newsletter of Sokoine University of Agriculture, SUACONE, ISBN 9987 640 02 8, pp.12-14, 2009.
  • M. N. Saunders, P.Lewis, A.Thornbill, and M.Jenkins. Students. England: Pearson Education Limited, Methods for Business SEACOM. content/uploads/SEACOM-IP-MPLS_12- November-2013.pdf website on “SEACOM IP and MPLS Services”, Latest Access Time for the website is 19 March, 2014.
  • H. Çil, C. Z. Şentürk, and Ş.Sağıroğlu. “Cyber Security Analysis of Turkey”, International Journal of Information Security Science, Vol.1.No.4, pp.112-125, 2012.
  • D. L. Shinder. Scene of the Cybercrime: Computer Forensics Handbook. Syngress Publishing, Inc, T.Singleton. “Understanding the Cybercrime Wave”. ISACA JOURNAL, Vol.1.No.1, pp.1-5, H. W. Smith. Strategies of Social Research:The Methodological Imaglnation. Prentice-Hall, 1975.
  • Latest Access Time for the website is 27 October, THE website on “Lack of laws hinder cyber crime probes”, Latest Access Time for the website is 20 February, 2014. IPPMEDIA:
  • F.Tushabe. Computer Forensics for Cyberspace Crimes. Master Dissertation. Master of Science in Computer Science of Makerere University, 2004.
  • F.Tushabe, and V.Baryamureeba. “Cyber Crime in Uganda: Myth or Reality?”. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, pp.66-70. October 2005. UNCTAD. Mobile Maney for Business
  • Development in the East African Community: A Comperative Study of Existing Pltaforms & Regulations. Technical report.United Nations, USAID. Emerging Technology & Practice for Conservation Communication in Africa: A Report on the State of the Art and Trends with Recommendation For USAID. Technical Report. International Resources Group (IRG), 2012.
  • M.Watkins, and K. Wallace. CCNA Security Official Exam Certification Guide. (G. Johnson, Ed.) New Delhi, India: Pearson Education, Inc. and Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc., 2009.
  • J. J..Yonazi. “Cyber Security in Tanzania”. The Cyber-Security Mini-Conference. Dar ES Salaam,
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Dr.Edephonce Nfuka This is me

Dr.Camilius Sanga This is me

Maduhu Mshangi This is me

Publication Date June 28, 2014
Submission Date January 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 3 Issue: 2
