Solar or solar assisted heating and cooling systems are becoming widespread to reduce CO2 emissions. Efficient radiant space heating and cooling systems can be used to decrease the energy bills and improve occupant thermal comfort in buildings. This study uses the TRNSYS program, for the modeling and simulation of solar assisted radiant heating and cooling of a building with the domestic hot water supply, to examine the effects of various parameters on energy consumption. Calculations are performed for a typical meteorological year (TMY) and ten attached houses in Istanbul, Turkey with hot water and chilled water storages on a six minute time step basis. Graphs showing variations of the room temperature and room relative humidity indicate satisfactory thermal comfort. Daily average COP of the absorption cooling system is improved by suitable choice of the type and size of the collectors. Sizes of the hot water and chilled water tanks are also important parameters; their roles are shown by their effect on the discarded portion of the heat from the collectors and the energy amount supplied by the auxiliary heater. It is concluded that the presented model for a solar assisted radiant heating and cooling of ten attached houses, with the domestic hot water supply, natural gas fueled auxiliary heater, hot water and chilled water storage tanks have considerable advantages; these should be maximized by optimizing the sizes of the solar collectors and storage tanks using a simulation program.
C. Inard, A. Meslem, P. Depecker, ‘‘Energy consumption and thermal comfort in dwelling-cells: a zonal-model approach,’’ Build. Environ., 33, 279-291, 1998.
A.K. Athienitis, Y. Chen, ‘‘The effect of solar radiation on dynamic thermal performance of floor heating systems,’’ Solar Energy, 69, 229-237, 2000.
J. Golebiowski, S. Kwieckowski, ‘‘Dynamics of three- dimensional temperature field in electrical system of floor heating,’’ Int J Heat Mass Tran, 45, 2611-2622, 2002.
D. Song, T. Kim, S. Song, S. Hwang, S. B. Leigh, ‘‘Performance evaluation of a radiant floor cooling system integrated with dehumidified ventilation,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 28, 1299-1311, 2008.
S. Corina, ‘‘Energy and peak power saving potential of radiant cooling systems in US commercial buildings,’’ Energy Buildings, 30, 127-138, 1999.
K. Kitagawa, N. Komoda, H. Hayano, S. I. Tanabe, ‘‘Effect of humidity and small air movement on thermal comfort under a radiant cooling ceiling by subjective experiments,’’ Energy Buildings, 30, 185-193, 1999.
S. A. Mumma, C. L. Conroy, ‘‘Ceiling radiant cooling panels as a viable distributed parallel sensible cooling technology integrated with dedicated outdoor air systems,’’ ASHRAE Transactions, 107, 578-585, 2001.
S. A. Mumma, ‘‘Chilled ceiling in parallel with dedicated outdoor air systems: addressing the concerns of condensation, Transactions, 108, 220-231, 2002. and cost,’’ ASHRAE
H. Vidal, R. Escobar, S. Colle, ‘‘Simulation and optimization of a solar driven air conditioning system for a house in Chile,’’ Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress, pp. 844-853, 2009.
N. Lior, ‘‘The ECOS 2009 World Energy Panel: An introduction to the panel and to the present (2009) situation in sustainable energy development,’’ Energy, 36, 3620-3628, 2011.
G. A. Florides, S. A. Kalogirou, S. A. Tassou, L. C. Wrobel, ‘‘Modelling, simulation and warming impact assessment of a domestic-size absorption solar cooling system,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 22, 1313-1325, 2002.
F. Assilzadeh, S. A. Kalogirou, Y. Ali, K. Sopian, ‘‘Simulation and optimization of a LiBr solar absorption cooling system with evacuated tube collectors,’’ Renewable Energy, 30, 1143-1159, 2005.
U. Eicker, D. Pietruschka, ‘‘Design and performance of solar powered absorption cooling systems in office buildings,’’ Energy Buildings, 41, 81-91, 2009.
X. Q. Zhai, J. R. Yang, R. Z. Wang, ‘‘Design and performance of the solar-powered floor heating system in a green building,’’ Renewable Energy, 34, 1700- 1708, 2009.
S. Rosiek, F. J. Batlles, ‘‘Integration of the solar thermal energy in the construction: Analysis of the solar- assisted air-conditioning system installed in CIESOL building,’’ Renewable Energy, 34, 1423-1431, 2009.
A. Syed, M. Izquierdo, P. Rodrίguez, G. Maidment, J. Missenden, A. Lecuona, R. Tozer, ‘‘A novel experimental investigation of a solar cooling system in Madrid,’’ Int. J. Refrigeration, 28, 859-871, 2005.
G. Ge, F. Xiao, X. Xu, ‘‘Model-based optimal control of a dedicated outdoor air-chilled ceiling system using liquid desiccant and membrane-based total heat recovery,’’ Applied Energy, 88, 4180-4190, 2011.
N. Zhu, Z. Ma, S. Wang, ‘‘Dynamic characteristics and energy performance of buildings using phase change materials: A review,’’ Energy Convers. Management, 50, 3169-3181, 2009.
F. Kuznik, J. Virgone, K. Johannes, ‘‘Development and validation of a new TRNSYS type for the simulation of external building walls containing PCM,’’ Energy Buildings, 42, 1004-1009, 2010.
A. Pasupathy, L. Athanasius, R. Velraj, R. V. Seeniraj, ‘‘Experimental investigation and numerical simulation analysis on the thermal performance of a building roof incorporating phase change material (PCM) for thermal management,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 28, 556-565, 2008.
M. Ibáñez, A. Lázaro, B. Zalba, L. F. Cabeza, ‘‘An approach to the simulation of PCMs in building applications using TRNSYS,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 25, 1796-1807, 2005.
M. Koschenz, B. Lehmann, ‘‘Development of a thermally activated ceiling panel with PCM for application in lightweight and retrofitted buildings,’’ Energy Buildings, 36, 567-578, 2004.
M. Ahmad, A. Bontemps, H. Sallée, D. Quenard, ‘‘Thermal testing and numerical simulation of a prototype cell using light wallboards coupling vacuum isolation panels and phase change material,’’ Energy Buildings, 38, 673-681, 2006.
J. Miriel, L. Serres, A. Trombe, ‘‘Radiant ceiling panel heating-cooling systems: experimental and simulated study of the performances, thermal comfort and energy consumptions,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 22, 1861-1873, 2002.
H. Alireza, and K. Siddiqui. "Optimal design of a forced circulation solar water heating system for a residential unit in cold climate using TRNSYS." Solar Energy, 83, 700-714, 2009.
University of Wisconsin--Madison. Solar Energy Laboratory, and Sanford A. Klein. TRNSYS, a transient system simulation program. Solar Energy Laborataory, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1979.
Year 2015,
Volume: 18 Issue: 4, 235 - 244, 28.03.2015
C. Inard, A. Meslem, P. Depecker, ‘‘Energy consumption and thermal comfort in dwelling-cells: a zonal-model approach,’’ Build. Environ., 33, 279-291, 1998.
A.K. Athienitis, Y. Chen, ‘‘The effect of solar radiation on dynamic thermal performance of floor heating systems,’’ Solar Energy, 69, 229-237, 2000.
J. Golebiowski, S. Kwieckowski, ‘‘Dynamics of three- dimensional temperature field in electrical system of floor heating,’’ Int J Heat Mass Tran, 45, 2611-2622, 2002.
D. Song, T. Kim, S. Song, S. Hwang, S. B. Leigh, ‘‘Performance evaluation of a radiant floor cooling system integrated with dehumidified ventilation,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 28, 1299-1311, 2008.
S. Corina, ‘‘Energy and peak power saving potential of radiant cooling systems in US commercial buildings,’’ Energy Buildings, 30, 127-138, 1999.
K. Kitagawa, N. Komoda, H. Hayano, S. I. Tanabe, ‘‘Effect of humidity and small air movement on thermal comfort under a radiant cooling ceiling by subjective experiments,’’ Energy Buildings, 30, 185-193, 1999.
S. A. Mumma, C. L. Conroy, ‘‘Ceiling radiant cooling panels as a viable distributed parallel sensible cooling technology integrated with dedicated outdoor air systems,’’ ASHRAE Transactions, 107, 578-585, 2001.
S. A. Mumma, ‘‘Chilled ceiling in parallel with dedicated outdoor air systems: addressing the concerns of condensation, Transactions, 108, 220-231, 2002. and cost,’’ ASHRAE
H. Vidal, R. Escobar, S. Colle, ‘‘Simulation and optimization of a solar driven air conditioning system for a house in Chile,’’ Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress, pp. 844-853, 2009.
N. Lior, ‘‘The ECOS 2009 World Energy Panel: An introduction to the panel and to the present (2009) situation in sustainable energy development,’’ Energy, 36, 3620-3628, 2011.
G. A. Florides, S. A. Kalogirou, S. A. Tassou, L. C. Wrobel, ‘‘Modelling, simulation and warming impact assessment of a domestic-size absorption solar cooling system,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 22, 1313-1325, 2002.
F. Assilzadeh, S. A. Kalogirou, Y. Ali, K. Sopian, ‘‘Simulation and optimization of a LiBr solar absorption cooling system with evacuated tube collectors,’’ Renewable Energy, 30, 1143-1159, 2005.
U. Eicker, D. Pietruschka, ‘‘Design and performance of solar powered absorption cooling systems in office buildings,’’ Energy Buildings, 41, 81-91, 2009.
X. Q. Zhai, J. R. Yang, R. Z. Wang, ‘‘Design and performance of the solar-powered floor heating system in a green building,’’ Renewable Energy, 34, 1700- 1708, 2009.
S. Rosiek, F. J. Batlles, ‘‘Integration of the solar thermal energy in the construction: Analysis of the solar- assisted air-conditioning system installed in CIESOL building,’’ Renewable Energy, 34, 1423-1431, 2009.
A. Syed, M. Izquierdo, P. Rodrίguez, G. Maidment, J. Missenden, A. Lecuona, R. Tozer, ‘‘A novel experimental investigation of a solar cooling system in Madrid,’’ Int. J. Refrigeration, 28, 859-871, 2005.
G. Ge, F. Xiao, X. Xu, ‘‘Model-based optimal control of a dedicated outdoor air-chilled ceiling system using liquid desiccant and membrane-based total heat recovery,’’ Applied Energy, 88, 4180-4190, 2011.
N. Zhu, Z. Ma, S. Wang, ‘‘Dynamic characteristics and energy performance of buildings using phase change materials: A review,’’ Energy Convers. Management, 50, 3169-3181, 2009.
F. Kuznik, J. Virgone, K. Johannes, ‘‘Development and validation of a new TRNSYS type for the simulation of external building walls containing PCM,’’ Energy Buildings, 42, 1004-1009, 2010.
A. Pasupathy, L. Athanasius, R. Velraj, R. V. Seeniraj, ‘‘Experimental investigation and numerical simulation analysis on the thermal performance of a building roof incorporating phase change material (PCM) for thermal management,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 28, 556-565, 2008.
M. Ibáñez, A. Lázaro, B. Zalba, L. F. Cabeza, ‘‘An approach to the simulation of PCMs in building applications using TRNSYS,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 25, 1796-1807, 2005.
M. Koschenz, B. Lehmann, ‘‘Development of a thermally activated ceiling panel with PCM for application in lightweight and retrofitted buildings,’’ Energy Buildings, 36, 567-578, 2004.
M. Ahmad, A. Bontemps, H. Sallée, D. Quenard, ‘‘Thermal testing and numerical simulation of a prototype cell using light wallboards coupling vacuum isolation panels and phase change material,’’ Energy Buildings, 38, 673-681, 2006.
J. Miriel, L. Serres, A. Trombe, ‘‘Radiant ceiling panel heating-cooling systems: experimental and simulated study of the performances, thermal comfort and energy consumptions,’’ Applied Thermal Eng., 22, 1861-1873, 2002.
H. Alireza, and K. Siddiqui. "Optimal design of a forced circulation solar water heating system for a residential unit in cold climate using TRNSYS." Solar Energy, 83, 700-714, 2009.
University of Wisconsin--Madison. Solar Energy Laboratory, and Sanford A. Klein. TRNSYS, a transient system simulation program. Solar Energy Laborataory, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1979.
Egrican, N., & Korkmaz, A. (2015). Solar assisted conditioning of residences with floor heating and ceiling cooling: review and simulation results. International Journal of Thermodynamics, 18(4), 235-244.
Egrican N, Korkmaz A. Solar assisted conditioning of residences with floor heating and ceiling cooling: review and simulation results. International Journal of Thermodynamics. December 2015;18(4):235-244. doi:10.5541/ijot.5000109267
Egrican, Nilufer, and Adnan Korkmaz. “Solar Assisted Conditioning of Residences With Floor Heating and Ceiling Cooling: Review and Simulation Results”. International Journal of Thermodynamics 18, no. 4 (December 2015): 235-44.
Egrican N, Korkmaz A (December 1, 2015) Solar assisted conditioning of residences with floor heating and ceiling cooling: review and simulation results. International Journal of Thermodynamics 18 4 235–244.
N. Egrican and A. Korkmaz, “Solar assisted conditioning of residences with floor heating and ceiling cooling: review and simulation results”, International Journal of Thermodynamics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 235–244, 2015, doi: 10.5541/ijot.5000109267.
Egrican, Nilufer - Korkmaz, Adnan. “Solar Assisted Conditioning of Residences With Floor Heating and Ceiling Cooling: Review and Simulation Results”. International Journal of Thermodynamics 18/4 (December 2015), 235-244.
Egrican N, Korkmaz A. Solar assisted conditioning of residences with floor heating and ceiling cooling: review and simulation results. International Journal of Thermodynamics. 2015;18:235–244.
Egrican, Nilufer and Adnan Korkmaz. “Solar Assisted Conditioning of Residences With Floor Heating and Ceiling Cooling: Review and Simulation Results”. International Journal of Thermodynamics, vol. 18, no. 4, 2015, pp. 235-44, doi:10.5541/ijot.5000109267.
Egrican N, Korkmaz A. Solar assisted conditioning of residences with floor heating and ceiling cooling: review and simulation results. International Journal of Thermodynamics. 2015;18(4):235-44.