Research Article
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The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens

Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 28.02.2025


This study was carried out to determine the effects of natural and activated bentonite addition to aflatoxin contaminated feed on meat quality of broiler chickens. In the study, 216 one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross-308) used in this study. Bentonite provided from special mine in Eskişehir-Seyitgazi in Turkiye. The experimental groups consisted of 6 treatment groups with 6 replicates with 6 animals in each group [no AFB1+bentonite, no AFB1+0.4% natural bentonite, no AFB1+0.4% active bentonite, 0.05 ppm AFB1+bentonite, 0.05 ppm AFB1+0.4% natural bentonite, 0.05 ppm AFB1+0.4% active bentonite]. Feed and water were given ad-libitum and the study was continued for 42 days. At the end of the study, meat quality characteristics (breast, thigh and liver pH, L*, a*, b*) of a total of 60 animals (10 animals from each treatment group) were determined. As a result, it was determined that AFB1 decreased the thigh and liver pH levels of broiler chickens (P<0.001), but did not affect the breast pH level (P>0.05); the addition of active and natural bentonite did not affect the breast and thigh pH levels (P>0.05). AFB1 decreased breast a* level (P<0.05), increased liver L* and b* levels (P<0.05); active and natural bentonite supplementation did not affect breast meat, thigh meat and liver colour values (P>0.05). In this study, the effects of bentonite at 0.4% levels were evaluated and it is thought that a comprehensive study at different value levels in the future will give more useful results to the scientific community in this field.

Project Number



  • Allen, C. D., Russell, S. M., Fletcher, D. L. 1997. The relationship of broiler breast meat color and pH to shelf-life and odor development. Poultry Science, 76(7): 1042-1046.
  • Armanini, E. H., Boiago, M. M., de Oliveira, P. V., Roscamp, E., Strapazzon, J. V., de Lima, A. G., Da Silva, A. S. 2021. Inclusion of a phytogenic bend in broiler diet as a performance enhancer and anti-aflatoxin agent: Impacts on health, performance, and meat quality. Research in Veterinary Science, 137, 186-193.
  • Attar, A., Kermanshahi, H., Golian, A., Abbasi Pour, A., Daneshmand, A. 2019. Conditioning time and sodium bentonite affect pellet quality, growth performance, nutrient retention and intestinal morphology of growing broiler chickens. British poultry science, 60(6), 777-783.
  • Azeem, N., Nawaz, M., Anjum, A. A., Saeed, S., Sana, S., Mustafa, A., Yousuf, M. R. 2019. Activity and anti-aflatoxigenic effect of indigenously characterized probiotic lactobacilli against Aspergillus flavus, A common poultry feed contaminant. Animals, 9(4): 166.
  • Banaszak, M., Biesek, J. and Adamski, M. 2021. Wheat litter and feed with aluminosilicates for improved growth and meat quality in broiler chickens. PeerJ, 9,e11918,
  • Banaszak, M., Biesek, J., Bogucka, J., Dankowiakowska, A., Olszewski, D., Bigorowski, B., Adamski, M. 2020. Impact of aluminosilicates on productivity, carcass traits, meat quality, and jejunum morphology of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 99(12), 7169-7177.
  • Bianchi, M., Petracci, M., Cavani, C. 2006. The influence of genotype, market live weight, transportation, and holding conditions prior to slaughter on broiler breast meat color. Poultry Science, 85(1): 123-128.
  • Bouderoua, Y., Ait-Saada, D., Selselet-Attou, G., Mourot, J., Perier, C., Robin, G. 2016. Effects of dietary addition of raw and treated calcium bentonite on growth, digesta characteristics, blood profiles and meat fatty acids composition of broilers chicks. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv, 11(12), 805-814.
  • Cao, F., Zhang, X., Yu, W., Zhao, L., Wang, T. 2012. Effect of feeding fermented Ginkgo biloba leaves on growth performance, meat quality, and lipid metabolism in broilers. Poultry Science. 91 (5): 1210-1221.
  • Cao, Q. Q., Lin, L. X., Xu, T. T., Lu, Y., Zhang, C. D., Yue, K., Jian, F. C. 2021. Aflatoxin B1 alters meat quality associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, and gut-microbiota in sheep. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 225, 112754.
  • Chang, Y., Zhang, J., Jin, Y., Deng, J., Shi, M., Miao, Z. 2023. Effects of dietary supplementation of chinese yam polysaccharide on carcass composition, meat quality, and antioxidant capacity in broilers. Animals, 13(3): 503.
  • CIE. Publication No. 15.2. 1986. Colorimetry, Vienna: Central Bureau of the CIE, p. 74. Çimen, Ö., Dereli, B. 2014. Bentonitin Mühendislik Özelliklerine Mikronize Kolemanitin Etkisi. SDÜ Teknik Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2): 12-17.
  • Denli, M., Okan, F., Doran, F., Inal, T. C. 2005. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on carcass quality, serum lipid variables and histopathological changes of broiler chickens infected with aflatoxin B1. South African Journal of Animal Science, 35(2): 109-116. El-Nagar, D. A., Sary, D. H. 2021. Synthesis and characterization of nano bentonite and its effect on some properties of sandy soils. Soil and Tillage Research, 208, 104872.
  • Fletcher, D. L. 1999. Broiler breast meat color variation, pH, and texture. Poultry Science, 78(9), 1323-1327.
  • Fletcher, D. L. 2002. Poultry meat quality. World's Poultry Science Journal, 58(2): 131-145.
  • Gilani, A., Kermanshahi, H., Golian, A., Seifi, S. 2016. Appraisal of the impact of aluminosilicate use on the health and performance of poultry. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 40(3): 255-262.
  • Gruber-Dorninger, C., Jenkins, T., Schatzmayr, G. 2019. Global mycotoxin occurrence in feed: A ten-year survey. Toxins, 11(7): 375.
  • Gümüş, E. 2023. The effects of increasing levels of dietary sodium bentonite on performance, carcass indices, blood chemistry and meat quality in Japanese quails. Journal of Acta Veterinaria Brno, 92: 197–204.
  • Hashemi, S. R., Davoodi, D., Dastar, B., Bolandi, N., Smaili, M., Mastani, R. 2014. Meat quality attributes of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with silver nanoparticles coated on zeolite. Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 183-193.
  • Hashemipour, H., Kermanshahi, H., Pilevar, M. 2010. Interactive effect of sodium bentonite with pigments on performance and egg quality of laying hens. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9(16); 2179-2184.
  • Hernandez-Ramirez, J. O., Nava-Ramírez, M. J., Merino-Guzmán, R., Téllez-Isaías, G., Vázquez-Durán, A., Méndez-Albores, A. 2020. The effect of moderate-dose aflatoxin B1 and Salmonella Enteritidis infection on intestinal permeability in broiler chickens. Mycotoxin Research, 36, 31-39.
  • Kılınç, T., Cebeci, Y., Çelik, M. S. 2022. Soda ve MgO ile aktive edilmiş Kalecik bentonit örneğinin bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4): 1115-1120.
  • Korkmaz, A., Gündüz, G. T. 2018. Meyve ve Sebzelerde UV-C Işık Uygulamaları ile Küf İnhibisyonu. Akademik Gıda, 16(4): 458-469.
  • Li, Z., Long, L., Jin, X., Li, Y., Wu, Q., Chen, X., Zhang, C. 2023. Effects of Clostridium butyricum on growth performance, meat quality, and intestinal health of broilers. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10, 1107798.
  • Lyon, C. J., Sarsani, V. R., Subramaniam, B. 2004. 1-Butene+ isobutane reactions on solid acid catalysts in dense CO2-based reaction media: experiments and modeling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(16): 4809-4814.
  • Ma, H., Chen, Q., Yang, H. Wan, X. 2024. Effects of lycopene on the growth performance, meat quality, and antioxidant capacity of broiler chickens challenged with aflatoxin B1. Journal of Food Science, 89(1): 96-103. Mancini, R. 2013. Meat color. The Science Of Meat Quality, 177-198.
  • Mgbeahuruike, A. C., Ejioffor, T. E., Christian, O. C., Shoyinka, V. C., Karlsson, M., Nordkvist, E. 2018. Detoxification of aflatoxin-contaminated poultry feeds by 3 adsorbents, bentonite, activated charcoal, and fuller’s earth. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 27(4): 461-471.
  • Mishra, B. B., Roy, R., Singh, S. K., Sharma, S. K., Prasad, B. D., Choudhary, S. K., Sahni, S. 2020. Preventive measures against transmission and multiplication of COVID-19 following the simple natural laws with soil clay, and biodiversity. Communities, 5(2): 622-632.
  • Önal, M., Özgüven, F. 2011. Bir bentonitik kil içindeki simektit mineralinin nicel olarak belirlenmesi (Doctoral dissertation, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Kimya Anabilim Dalı).
  • Önal, M., Sarıkaya, Y., Alemdaroğlu,T., Bozdoğan, İ. 2003. Isolation and characterization of a smectite as a micro-mesoporous material from a bentonite. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 27, 683-693.
  • Pasha, T. N., Mahmood, A., Khattak, F., Jabbar, M. A., Khan, A. D. 2008. The effect of feed supplemented with different sodium bentonite treatments on broiler performance. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 32(4): 245-248.
  • Petracci, M., Betti, M., Bianchi, M., Cavani, C. 2004. Color variation and characterization of broiler breast meat during processing in Italy. Poultry Science, 83(12): 2086-2092.
  • Rafiu, T. A., Babatunde, G. M., Ibrahim, O. O. K., Akanbi, A. O., Ojelade, R. A. 2019. Toxin and toxin-binders affecting the performance, organs, haematology andhistological characteristics of broilers fed with infected diets. International Journal of Livestock Production, 10(2): 33-42.
  • Safaei, M., Rezaei, R., Boldaji, F., Dastar, B., Taran, M., Hassani, S. 2016. The effects of kaolin, bentonite and zeolite dietary supplementation on broiler chickens meat quality during storage. Veterinary Science Development, 6(1).
  • Safaeikatouli, M., Boldaji, F., Dastar, B., Hassani, S. 2012. Growth response and tibia bone characteristics in broilers fed diets containing kaolin, bentonite and zeolite. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 334-344. Saleemi, M. K., Ashraf, K., Gul, S. T., Naseem, M. N., Sajid, M. S., Mohsin, M., He, C., Zubair, M., Khan, A. 2020.
  • Toxicopathological effects of feeding aflatoxins B1 in broilers and its amelioration with indigenous mycotoxin binder. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 187:109712. doi. org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109712.
  • Saxena, V. K., Sachdev, A. K., Gopal, R., Pramod, A. B. 2009. Roles of Important Candidate Genes On Broiler Meat Quality. World's Poultry Science Journal, 65(1), 37-50.
  • Shabani, A., Dastar, B., Hassani, S., Khomeiri, M., Shabanpour, B. 2016. Decreasing the effects of aflatoxins on color and oxidative stability of broiler meats using nanozeolite. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 18(1): 109-121.
  • Solis-Cruz, B., Hernandez-Patlan, D., Petrone, V. M., Pontin, K. P., Latorre, J. D., Beyssac, E., Tellez-Isaias, G. 2019. Evaluation of cellulosic polymers and curcumin to reduce aflatoxin B1 toxic effects on performance, biochemical, and immunological parameters of broiler chickens. Toxins, 11(2): 121.
  • Şireli, H. D. 2018. Karkaslarda et kalitesinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan geleneksel yöntemler ve yeni teknikler. Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(3): 126-132.
  • Van Laack, R. L. J. M., Liu, C. H., Smith, M. O., Loveday, H. D. 2000. Characteristics of pale, soft, exudative broiler breast meat. Poultry Science, 79(7): 1057-1061.
  • Yang, E.J., Seo, Y.S., Dilawar, M.A., Mun, H.S., Park, H.S., Yang C.H., 2020. Physico-chemical attributes, sensory evaluation and oxidative stability of leg meat from broilers supplemented with plant extracts, Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 62(5): 730-740.
  • Zhuang, H., Savage, E. M. 2009. Variation and Pearson correlation coefficients of Warner-Bratzler shear force measurements within broiler breast fillets. Poultry Science, 88(1): 214-220.
Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 28.02.2025


Project Number



  • Allen, C. D., Russell, S. M., Fletcher, D. L. 1997. The relationship of broiler breast meat color and pH to shelf-life and odor development. Poultry Science, 76(7): 1042-1046.
  • Armanini, E. H., Boiago, M. M., de Oliveira, P. V., Roscamp, E., Strapazzon, J. V., de Lima, A. G., Da Silva, A. S. 2021. Inclusion of a phytogenic bend in broiler diet as a performance enhancer and anti-aflatoxin agent: Impacts on health, performance, and meat quality. Research in Veterinary Science, 137, 186-193.
  • Attar, A., Kermanshahi, H., Golian, A., Abbasi Pour, A., Daneshmand, A. 2019. Conditioning time and sodium bentonite affect pellet quality, growth performance, nutrient retention and intestinal morphology of growing broiler chickens. British poultry science, 60(6), 777-783.
  • Azeem, N., Nawaz, M., Anjum, A. A., Saeed, S., Sana, S., Mustafa, A., Yousuf, M. R. 2019. Activity and anti-aflatoxigenic effect of indigenously characterized probiotic lactobacilli against Aspergillus flavus, A common poultry feed contaminant. Animals, 9(4): 166.
  • Banaszak, M., Biesek, J. and Adamski, M. 2021. Wheat litter and feed with aluminosilicates for improved growth and meat quality in broiler chickens. PeerJ, 9,e11918,
  • Banaszak, M., Biesek, J., Bogucka, J., Dankowiakowska, A., Olszewski, D., Bigorowski, B., Adamski, M. 2020. Impact of aluminosilicates on productivity, carcass traits, meat quality, and jejunum morphology of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 99(12), 7169-7177.
  • Bianchi, M., Petracci, M., Cavani, C. 2006. The influence of genotype, market live weight, transportation, and holding conditions prior to slaughter on broiler breast meat color. Poultry Science, 85(1): 123-128.
  • Bouderoua, Y., Ait-Saada, D., Selselet-Attou, G., Mourot, J., Perier, C., Robin, G. 2016. Effects of dietary addition of raw and treated calcium bentonite on growth, digesta characteristics, blood profiles and meat fatty acids composition of broilers chicks. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv, 11(12), 805-814.
  • Cao, F., Zhang, X., Yu, W., Zhao, L., Wang, T. 2012. Effect of feeding fermented Ginkgo biloba leaves on growth performance, meat quality, and lipid metabolism in broilers. Poultry Science. 91 (5): 1210-1221.
  • Cao, Q. Q., Lin, L. X., Xu, T. T., Lu, Y., Zhang, C. D., Yue, K., Jian, F. C. 2021. Aflatoxin B1 alters meat quality associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, and gut-microbiota in sheep. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 225, 112754.
  • Chang, Y., Zhang, J., Jin, Y., Deng, J., Shi, M., Miao, Z. 2023. Effects of dietary supplementation of chinese yam polysaccharide on carcass composition, meat quality, and antioxidant capacity in broilers. Animals, 13(3): 503.
  • CIE. Publication No. 15.2. 1986. Colorimetry, Vienna: Central Bureau of the CIE, p. 74. Çimen, Ö., Dereli, B. 2014. Bentonitin Mühendislik Özelliklerine Mikronize Kolemanitin Etkisi. SDÜ Teknik Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2): 12-17.
  • Denli, M., Okan, F., Doran, F., Inal, T. C. 2005. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on carcass quality, serum lipid variables and histopathological changes of broiler chickens infected with aflatoxin B1. South African Journal of Animal Science, 35(2): 109-116. El-Nagar, D. A., Sary, D. H. 2021. Synthesis and characterization of nano bentonite and its effect on some properties of sandy soils. Soil and Tillage Research, 208, 104872.
  • Fletcher, D. L. 1999. Broiler breast meat color variation, pH, and texture. Poultry Science, 78(9), 1323-1327.
  • Fletcher, D. L. 2002. Poultry meat quality. World's Poultry Science Journal, 58(2): 131-145.
  • Gilani, A., Kermanshahi, H., Golian, A., Seifi, S. 2016. Appraisal of the impact of aluminosilicate use on the health and performance of poultry. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 40(3): 255-262.
  • Gruber-Dorninger, C., Jenkins, T., Schatzmayr, G. 2019. Global mycotoxin occurrence in feed: A ten-year survey. Toxins, 11(7): 375.
  • Gümüş, E. 2023. The effects of increasing levels of dietary sodium bentonite on performance, carcass indices, blood chemistry and meat quality in Japanese quails. Journal of Acta Veterinaria Brno, 92: 197–204.
  • Hashemi, S. R., Davoodi, D., Dastar, B., Bolandi, N., Smaili, M., Mastani, R. 2014. Meat quality attributes of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with silver nanoparticles coated on zeolite. Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 183-193.
  • Hashemipour, H., Kermanshahi, H., Pilevar, M. 2010. Interactive effect of sodium bentonite with pigments on performance and egg quality of laying hens. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9(16); 2179-2184.
  • Hernandez-Ramirez, J. O., Nava-Ramírez, M. J., Merino-Guzmán, R., Téllez-Isaías, G., Vázquez-Durán, A., Méndez-Albores, A. 2020. The effect of moderate-dose aflatoxin B1 and Salmonella Enteritidis infection on intestinal permeability in broiler chickens. Mycotoxin Research, 36, 31-39.
  • Kılınç, T., Cebeci, Y., Çelik, M. S. 2022. Soda ve MgO ile aktive edilmiş Kalecik bentonit örneğinin bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4): 1115-1120.
  • Korkmaz, A., Gündüz, G. T. 2018. Meyve ve Sebzelerde UV-C Işık Uygulamaları ile Küf İnhibisyonu. Akademik Gıda, 16(4): 458-469.
  • Li, Z., Long, L., Jin, X., Li, Y., Wu, Q., Chen, X., Zhang, C. 2023. Effects of Clostridium butyricum on growth performance, meat quality, and intestinal health of broilers. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10, 1107798.
  • Lyon, C. J., Sarsani, V. R., Subramaniam, B. 2004. 1-Butene+ isobutane reactions on solid acid catalysts in dense CO2-based reaction media: experiments and modeling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 43(16): 4809-4814.
  • Ma, H., Chen, Q., Yang, H. Wan, X. 2024. Effects of lycopene on the growth performance, meat quality, and antioxidant capacity of broiler chickens challenged with aflatoxin B1. Journal of Food Science, 89(1): 96-103. Mancini, R. 2013. Meat color. The Science Of Meat Quality, 177-198.
  • Mgbeahuruike, A. C., Ejioffor, T. E., Christian, O. C., Shoyinka, V. C., Karlsson, M., Nordkvist, E. 2018. Detoxification of aflatoxin-contaminated poultry feeds by 3 adsorbents, bentonite, activated charcoal, and fuller’s earth. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 27(4): 461-471.
  • Mishra, B. B., Roy, R., Singh, S. K., Sharma, S. K., Prasad, B. D., Choudhary, S. K., Sahni, S. 2020. Preventive measures against transmission and multiplication of COVID-19 following the simple natural laws with soil clay, and biodiversity. Communities, 5(2): 622-632.
  • Önal, M., Özgüven, F. 2011. Bir bentonitik kil içindeki simektit mineralinin nicel olarak belirlenmesi (Doctoral dissertation, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Kimya Anabilim Dalı).
  • Önal, M., Sarıkaya, Y., Alemdaroğlu,T., Bozdoğan, İ. 2003. Isolation and characterization of a smectite as a micro-mesoporous material from a bentonite. Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 27, 683-693.
  • Pasha, T. N., Mahmood, A., Khattak, F., Jabbar, M. A., Khan, A. D. 2008. The effect of feed supplemented with different sodium bentonite treatments on broiler performance. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 32(4): 245-248.
  • Petracci, M., Betti, M., Bianchi, M., Cavani, C. 2004. Color variation and characterization of broiler breast meat during processing in Italy. Poultry Science, 83(12): 2086-2092.
  • Rafiu, T. A., Babatunde, G. M., Ibrahim, O. O. K., Akanbi, A. O., Ojelade, R. A. 2019. Toxin and toxin-binders affecting the performance, organs, haematology andhistological characteristics of broilers fed with infected diets. International Journal of Livestock Production, 10(2): 33-42.
  • Safaei, M., Rezaei, R., Boldaji, F., Dastar, B., Taran, M., Hassani, S. 2016. The effects of kaolin, bentonite and zeolite dietary supplementation on broiler chickens meat quality during storage. Veterinary Science Development, 6(1).
  • Safaeikatouli, M., Boldaji, F., Dastar, B., Hassani, S. 2012. Growth response and tibia bone characteristics in broilers fed diets containing kaolin, bentonite and zeolite. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 334-344. Saleemi, M. K., Ashraf, K., Gul, S. T., Naseem, M. N., Sajid, M. S., Mohsin, M., He, C., Zubair, M., Khan, A. 2020.
  • Toxicopathological effects of feeding aflatoxins B1 in broilers and its amelioration with indigenous mycotoxin binder. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 187:109712. doi. org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109712.
  • Saxena, V. K., Sachdev, A. K., Gopal, R., Pramod, A. B. 2009. Roles of Important Candidate Genes On Broiler Meat Quality. World's Poultry Science Journal, 65(1), 37-50.
  • Shabani, A., Dastar, B., Hassani, S., Khomeiri, M., Shabanpour, B. 2016. Decreasing the effects of aflatoxins on color and oxidative stability of broiler meats using nanozeolite. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 18(1): 109-121.
  • Solis-Cruz, B., Hernandez-Patlan, D., Petrone, V. M., Pontin, K. P., Latorre, J. D., Beyssac, E., Tellez-Isaias, G. 2019. Evaluation of cellulosic polymers and curcumin to reduce aflatoxin B1 toxic effects on performance, biochemical, and immunological parameters of broiler chickens. Toxins, 11(2): 121.
  • Şireli, H. D. 2018. Karkaslarda et kalitesinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan geleneksel yöntemler ve yeni teknikler. Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(3): 126-132.
  • Van Laack, R. L. J. M., Liu, C. H., Smith, M. O., Loveday, H. D. 2000. Characteristics of pale, soft, exudative broiler breast meat. Poultry Science, 79(7): 1057-1061.
  • Yang, E.J., Seo, Y.S., Dilawar, M.A., Mun, H.S., Park, H.S., Yang C.H., 2020. Physico-chemical attributes, sensory evaluation and oxidative stability of leg meat from broilers supplemented with plant extracts, Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 62(5): 730-740.
  • Zhuang, H., Savage, E. M. 2009. Variation and Pearson correlation coefficients of Warner-Bratzler shear force measurements within broiler breast fillets. Poultry Science, 88(1): 214-220.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Animal Diet and Nutrition
Journal Section Research Articles

Uğur Temiz 0000-0002-7258-2850

Ergin Öztürk 0000-0002-6266-1117

Project Number PYO.ZRT.1908.22.002
Publication Date February 28, 2025
Submission Date December 4, 2024
Acceptance Date December 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Temiz, U., & Öztürk, E. (2025). The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens. International Journal of Science Letters, 7(1), 1-12.
AMA Temiz U, Öztürk E. The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens. IJSL. February 2025;7(1):1-12. doi:10.38058/ijsl.1596375
Chicago Temiz, Uğur, and Ergin Öztürk. “The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens”. International Journal of Science Letters 7, no. 1 (February 2025): 1-12.
EndNote Temiz U, Öztürk E (February 1, 2025) The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens. International Journal of Science Letters 7 1 1–12.
IEEE U. Temiz and E. Öztürk, “The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens”, IJSL, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1–12, 2025, doi: 10.38058/ijsl.1596375.
ISNAD Temiz, Uğur - Öztürk, Ergin. “The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens”. International Journal of Science Letters 7/1 (February 2025), 1-12.
JAMA Temiz U, Öztürk E. The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens. IJSL. 2025;7:1–12.
MLA Temiz, Uğur and Ergin Öztürk. “The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens”. International Journal of Science Letters, vol. 7, no. 1, 2025, pp. 1-12, doi:10.38058/ijsl.1596375.
Vancouver Temiz U, Öztürk E. The Effect of Addition of Activated Bentonite to Aflatoxin Contaminated Feed on Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens. IJSL. 2025;7(1):1-12.