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Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Esenli (Giresun) Forest Planning Unit

Yıl 2017, , 285 - 305, 25.11.2017


Turkey is an extraordinary country in terms of plant species diversity. Besides this diversity, Anatolian lands were hosted by many civilizations. The combination of these two factors has also contributed to a wealth of human-plant use. The plants have been used for different purposes in different civilizations such as food, medical, instrument construction, fuel, paint, feed, incense. The use of plants today, especially medical and aromatic plants, continues to increase. According to the Flora of Turkey, which plant is known to grow in which region. However, there is insufficient information on the status of plant populations. Plant sociology studies can give us satisfactory information about plant populations. In this study, Medicinal and aromatic plants of Esenli (Giresun) Forest Planning Unit, located between Alucra and Yağlıdere districts, were investigated based on plant sociology. During this study; 20 sample plots were taken. The vegetation study was carried out according to Braun-Blanquet's method. Totally, 226 naturally growing plant taxa were identified. Of these plants, 10 taxa (%4,4) belong to Pteridophyta division and 216 taxa belong to Spermatophyta division. 3 taxa (%1,3) belong to Gymnospermae subdivision, while the others 213 (%94,3) are Angiospermae subdivision. As a result of this study, 110 plant taxa which have medicinal and aromatic traits were determined in the area. These plants are 3 taxa Pteridophyta, 3 taxa from Gymnospermae and the rest from Angiospermae (104 taxa). Families, scientific names, Turkish names, usable parts and traditional uses were given in the presentation.


  • Avcı, M. (2005). Çeşitlilik ve endemizm açısından Türkiye’nin bitki örtüsü, İstanbul Üniversitesi Coğrafya Dergisi, 13: 27-55.
  • Anonim (2007). Ulusal Biyolojik Çeşitlilik Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı Taslağı. Ankara: Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Yayın Dairesi.
  • Ekim, T. (2014). Damarlı Bitkiler. In: Güner, A., (ed.). Resimli Türkiye Florası Cilt 1. İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, pp. 159-162.
  • Yesilada, E., 2002. Biodiversity in Turkish folk medicine. In: Bilge Sener (Ed.). Biodiversity: Biomolecular aspects of biodiversity and innovative utilization. London: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 119-135.
  • Kan, Y. (2008). Ülkemizde kültürü yapılan antiaging etkili tıbbi bitkiler. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 28: 170-174.
  • Doğanoğlu, Ö., Gezer, A., & Yücedağ, C. (2006). Göller Bölgesi-Yenişarbademli Yöresi’nin Önemli bazı tıbbi ve aromatik bitki taksonları üzerine araştırmalar. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10 (1), 66-73.
  • Christenhusz, M.J., & Byng, J.W. (2016). The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. Phytotaxa, 261 (3), 201-217.
  • Schippmann, U., Leaman, D., & Cunningham, A.B. (2006). A comparison of cultivation and wild collection of medicinal and aromatic plants under sustainability aspects. In: R.J. Bogers, (Ed.). Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.75-95.
  • Barata, A.M., Rocha, F., Lopes, V., & Carvalho, A.M. (2016). Conservation and sustainable uses of medicinal and aromatic plants genetic resources on the worldwide for human welfare. Industrial Crops and Products, 88, 8-11.
  • Chen, S.L., Yu, H., Luo, H.M., Wu, Q., Li, C.F., & Steinmetz, A. (2016). Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants: problems, progress, and prospects. Chinese Medicine, 11(1), 37.
  • Başer, K.H.C. (2000). Sustainable wild harvesting of medicinal and aromatic plants: an educational approach. Seminar Proceedings Harvesting on Non-Wood Forest Products, 2-8 Oct, p. 349, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Özhatay, N., Koyuncu, M., Atay, S., & Byfield, A. (1997). Türkiye'nin doğal tıbbi bitkilerinin ticareti hakkında bir çalışma. Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği, İstanbul, WWFUK/Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.
  • Lange, D., (2006). International Trade in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 155-170.
  • Kuzgun, M., & Tuğrul A.S. (2014). Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler. tarımsal araştırmalardan bakış, Ankara: Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Wong, J.L.G., Thornber, K., & Baker, N. (2001). Resource assessment of non-wood forest products, experience and biometric principles. non-wood forest products 13. Rome: FAO.
  • Anonim, (2012). Amenajman Planı. Giresun Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Espiye Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü, Esenli İşletme Şefliği 2012-2031.
  • Davis, P., H., Harper, P., C., & Hedge, I., C. (1971). Plant Life of South-West Asia. Edinburgh: The Botanical Society of Edinburgh.
  • Davis, P.H. (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. I-IX, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Braun-Blanquet, J. (1932). Plant Sociology (Translated by Fuller and Conard). Newyork: McGraw-Hill book company.
  • Davis, P.H. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. X, Supplement, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T., & Başer, K.H.C. (2000). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands and Suppl. Vol. XI, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. ve Babaç, M.T. (eds.). 2012. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler), NGBB ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul.
  • van der Maarel, E. (2007). Transformation of cover-abundance values for appropriate numerical treatment–Alternatives to the proposals by Podani. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18(5), 767-770.
  • Baytop, T. 1999. Türkiye’de bitkiler ile tedavi, geçmişte ve bugün. II. Baskı. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Saraç, D.U., Özkan, Z.C., & Akbulut, S. (2013). Ethnobotanic features of Rize/Turkey province. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 6(3), 57-66.
  • Sağiroğlu, M., Arslantürk, A., Akdemir, Z.K., & Turna, M. (2012). An ethnobotanical survey from Hayrat (Trabzon) and Kalkandere (Rize/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(1), 31-43.
  • Sargın, S.A., Selvi, S., & Akçiçek, E. (2016). Investigations of ethnobotanical aspect of some geophytes growing in Alaşehir (Manisa) and surrounding area. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 29(2), 170-177.
  • Bulut, G., & Tuzlacı, E. (2015). An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in bayramiç (Çanakkale/Turkey), Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 19, 268-282.
  • Polat, R., Cakilcioglu, U., Kaltalioğlu, K., Ulusan, M.D., & Türkmen, Z. (2015). An ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants in Espiye and its surrounding (Giresun-Turkey). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 163, 1-11.
  • Polat, R., & Satıl, F. (2012). An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Edremit Gulf (Balıkesir–Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 139(2), 626-641.
  • Bulut, G., Tuzlacı, E., Doğan, A., & Şenkardeş, İ. (2014). An ethnopharmacological review on the Turkish Apiaceae species. Journal of Faculty Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 44(2), 163-179.
  • Sezik, E., Yeşilada, E., Tabata, M., Honda, G., Takaishi, Y., Fujita, T., Tanaka, T., & Takeda, Y. (1997). Traditional medicine in Turkey viii. folk medicine in east Anatolia; Erzurum, Erzíncan, Ağri, Kars, Iğdir provinces. Economic Botany, 51(3), 195-211.
  • Fujita, T., Sezik, E., Tabata, M., Yesilada, E., Honda, G., Takeda, Y., Tanaka, T., & Takaishi, Y. (1995). Traditional medicine in Turkey VII. folk medicine in middle and west Black Sea regions. Economic Botany, 49(4), 406-422.
  • Cansaran, A., Kaya, Ö.F., & Yıldırım, C. (2007). Ovabaşı, Akpınar, Güllüce ve Köseler köyleri (Gümüşhacıköy/Amasya) arasında kalan bölgede etnobotanik bir araştırma. Fırat Üniversitesi. Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimler Dergisi, 19(3), 243-257.
  • Korkmaz, M., & Alparslan, Z. (2015). Ergan Dağı (Erzincan-Türkiye)’nın etnobotanik özellikleri. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 1 (3), 1-31.
  • Yazıgıoğlu, A., & Tuzlacı, E. (1996). Folk medicinal plants of Trabzon (Turkey). Fitoterapia, 67(4), 307-318.
  • Altundağ, E., & Öztürk, M. (2011). Ethnomedicinal studies on the plant resources of east Anatolia, Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 756-777.
  • Korkmaz, M. (2014). Kelkit (Gümüşhane) aktarlarında satılan tıbbi bitkilerin etnobotanik özellikleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18(3), 60-80.
  • Kalankan, G., Özkan, Z.C., & Akbulut, S. (2015). Medicinal and aromatic wild plants and traditional usage of them in Mount Ida (Balıkesir/Turkey). Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 9(3), 25-33.
  • Türkan, Ş., Malyer, H., Özaydın, S., & Tümen, G. (2006). Ordu ili ve çevresinde yetişen bazı bitkilerin etnobotanik özellikleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2), 162-166.
  • Koyuncu, O., Yaylaci, O., Öztürk, D., Potoğlu E.I., Savaroglu, F., Akcoskun, O., & Ardıc, M. (2010). Risk categories and ethnobotanical features of the Lamiaceae taxa growing naturally in Osmaneli (Bilecik/Turkey) and environs. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 3(3), 31-45.
  • Akbulut, S., & Özkan, Z.C. (2014). Traditional usage of some wild plants in Trabzon Region (Turkey). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 4(1), 135-145.
  • Altundağ, E. (2009). Iğdır ilinin (Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi) doğal bitkilerinin halk tarafından kullanımı. Doktora Tezi, İ. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Kızılarslan, Ç. (2008). İzmit Körfezi’nin güney kesiminde etnobotanik bir araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İ. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Esenli (Giresun) Forest Planning Unit

Yıl 2017, , 285 - 305, 25.11.2017


is an extraordinary country in terms of plant species diversity. Besides this
diversity, Anatolian lands were hosted by many civilizations. The combination
of these two factors has also contributed to a wealth of human-plant use. The
plants have been used for different purposes in different civilizations such as
food, medical, instrument construction, fuel, paint, feed, incense. The use of
plants today, especially medical and aromatic plants, continues to increase.
According to the Flora of Turkey, which plant is known to grow in which region.
However, there is insufficient information on the status of plant populations.
Plant sociology studies can give us satisfactory information about plant
populations. In this study, Medicinal and aromatic plants of Esenli (Giresun)
Forest Planning Unit, located between Alucra and Yağlıdere districts, were
investigated based on plant sociology. During this study; 20 sample plots were
The vegetation study was carried out according to Braun-Blanquet's
method. Totally, 226 naturally growing plant taxa were identified. Of these
plants, 10 taxa (%4,4) belong to Pteridophyta division and 216 taxa belong to
Spermatophyta division. 3 taxa (%1,3) belong to Gymnospermae subdivision, while
the others 213 (%94,3) are Angiospermae subdivision. As a result of this study,
110 plant taxa which have medicinal and aromatic traits were determined in the
area. These plants are 3 taxa Pteridophyta, 3 taxa from Gymnospermae and the
rest from Angiospermae (104 taxa). Families, scientific names, Turkish names, usable
parts and traditional uses were given in the presentation.


  • Avcı, M. (2005). Çeşitlilik ve endemizm açısından Türkiye’nin bitki örtüsü, İstanbul Üniversitesi Coğrafya Dergisi, 13: 27-55.
  • Anonim (2007). Ulusal Biyolojik Çeşitlilik Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı Taslağı. Ankara: Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Yayın Dairesi.
  • Ekim, T. (2014). Damarlı Bitkiler. In: Güner, A., (ed.). Resimli Türkiye Florası Cilt 1. İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, pp. 159-162.
  • Yesilada, E., 2002. Biodiversity in Turkish folk medicine. In: Bilge Sener (Ed.). Biodiversity: Biomolecular aspects of biodiversity and innovative utilization. London: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 119-135.
  • Kan, Y. (2008). Ülkemizde kültürü yapılan antiaging etkili tıbbi bitkiler. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 28: 170-174.
  • Doğanoğlu, Ö., Gezer, A., & Yücedağ, C. (2006). Göller Bölgesi-Yenişarbademli Yöresi’nin Önemli bazı tıbbi ve aromatik bitki taksonları üzerine araştırmalar. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10 (1), 66-73.
  • Christenhusz, M.J., & Byng, J.W. (2016). The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. Phytotaxa, 261 (3), 201-217.
  • Schippmann, U., Leaman, D., & Cunningham, A.B. (2006). A comparison of cultivation and wild collection of medicinal and aromatic plants under sustainability aspects. In: R.J. Bogers, (Ed.). Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.75-95.
  • Barata, A.M., Rocha, F., Lopes, V., & Carvalho, A.M. (2016). Conservation and sustainable uses of medicinal and aromatic plants genetic resources on the worldwide for human welfare. Industrial Crops and Products, 88, 8-11.
  • Chen, S.L., Yu, H., Luo, H.M., Wu, Q., Li, C.F., & Steinmetz, A. (2016). Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants: problems, progress, and prospects. Chinese Medicine, 11(1), 37.
  • Başer, K.H.C. (2000). Sustainable wild harvesting of medicinal and aromatic plants: an educational approach. Seminar Proceedings Harvesting on Non-Wood Forest Products, 2-8 Oct, p. 349, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Özhatay, N., Koyuncu, M., Atay, S., & Byfield, A. (1997). Türkiye'nin doğal tıbbi bitkilerinin ticareti hakkında bir çalışma. Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği, İstanbul, WWFUK/Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.
  • Lange, D., (2006). International Trade in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 155-170.
  • Kuzgun, M., & Tuğrul A.S. (2014). Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler. tarımsal araştırmalardan bakış, Ankara: Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Wong, J.L.G., Thornber, K., & Baker, N. (2001). Resource assessment of non-wood forest products, experience and biometric principles. non-wood forest products 13. Rome: FAO.
  • Anonim, (2012). Amenajman Planı. Giresun Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Espiye Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü, Esenli İşletme Şefliği 2012-2031.
  • Davis, P., H., Harper, P., C., & Hedge, I., C. (1971). Plant Life of South-West Asia. Edinburgh: The Botanical Society of Edinburgh.
  • Davis, P.H. (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. I-IX, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Braun-Blanquet, J. (1932). Plant Sociology (Translated by Fuller and Conard). Newyork: McGraw-Hill book company.
  • Davis, P.H. (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. X, Supplement, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T., & Başer, K.H.C. (2000). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands and Suppl. Vol. XI, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Güner, A., Aslan, S., Ekim, T., Vural, M. ve Babaç, M.T. (eds.). 2012. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler), NGBB ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını, İstanbul.
  • van der Maarel, E. (2007). Transformation of cover-abundance values for appropriate numerical treatment–Alternatives to the proposals by Podani. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18(5), 767-770.
  • Baytop, T. 1999. Türkiye’de bitkiler ile tedavi, geçmişte ve bugün. II. Baskı. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri.
  • Saraç, D.U., Özkan, Z.C., & Akbulut, S. (2013). Ethnobotanic features of Rize/Turkey province. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 6(3), 57-66.
  • Sağiroğlu, M., Arslantürk, A., Akdemir, Z.K., & Turna, M. (2012). An ethnobotanical survey from Hayrat (Trabzon) and Kalkandere (Rize/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(1), 31-43.
  • Sargın, S.A., Selvi, S., & Akçiçek, E. (2016). Investigations of ethnobotanical aspect of some geophytes growing in Alaşehir (Manisa) and surrounding area. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 29(2), 170-177.
  • Bulut, G., & Tuzlacı, E. (2015). An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in bayramiç (Çanakkale/Turkey), Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 19, 268-282.
  • Polat, R., Cakilcioglu, U., Kaltalioğlu, K., Ulusan, M.D., & Türkmen, Z. (2015). An ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants in Espiye and its surrounding (Giresun-Turkey). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 163, 1-11.
  • Polat, R., & Satıl, F. (2012). An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Edremit Gulf (Balıkesir–Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 139(2), 626-641.
  • Bulut, G., Tuzlacı, E., Doğan, A., & Şenkardeş, İ. (2014). An ethnopharmacological review on the Turkish Apiaceae species. Journal of Faculty Pharmacy of Istanbul University, 44(2), 163-179.
  • Sezik, E., Yeşilada, E., Tabata, M., Honda, G., Takaishi, Y., Fujita, T., Tanaka, T., & Takeda, Y. (1997). Traditional medicine in Turkey viii. folk medicine in east Anatolia; Erzurum, Erzíncan, Ağri, Kars, Iğdir provinces. Economic Botany, 51(3), 195-211.
  • Fujita, T., Sezik, E., Tabata, M., Yesilada, E., Honda, G., Takeda, Y., Tanaka, T., & Takaishi, Y. (1995). Traditional medicine in Turkey VII. folk medicine in middle and west Black Sea regions. Economic Botany, 49(4), 406-422.
  • Cansaran, A., Kaya, Ö.F., & Yıldırım, C. (2007). Ovabaşı, Akpınar, Güllüce ve Köseler köyleri (Gümüşhacıköy/Amasya) arasında kalan bölgede etnobotanik bir araştırma. Fırat Üniversitesi. Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimler Dergisi, 19(3), 243-257.
  • Korkmaz, M., & Alparslan, Z. (2015). Ergan Dağı (Erzincan-Türkiye)’nın etnobotanik özellikleri. Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi, 1 (3), 1-31.
  • Yazıgıoğlu, A., & Tuzlacı, E. (1996). Folk medicinal plants of Trabzon (Turkey). Fitoterapia, 67(4), 307-318.
  • Altundağ, E., & Öztürk, M. (2011). Ethnomedicinal studies on the plant resources of east Anatolia, Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 756-777.
  • Korkmaz, M. (2014). Kelkit (Gümüşhane) aktarlarında satılan tıbbi bitkilerin etnobotanik özellikleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18(3), 60-80.
  • Kalankan, G., Özkan, Z.C., & Akbulut, S. (2015). Medicinal and aromatic wild plants and traditional usage of them in Mount Ida (Balıkesir/Turkey). Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 9(3), 25-33.
  • Türkan, Ş., Malyer, H., Özaydın, S., & Tümen, G. (2006). Ordu ili ve çevresinde yetişen bazı bitkilerin etnobotanik özellikleri. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2), 162-166.
  • Koyuncu, O., Yaylaci, O., Öztürk, D., Potoğlu E.I., Savaroglu, F., Akcoskun, O., & Ardıc, M. (2010). Risk categories and ethnobotanical features of the Lamiaceae taxa growing naturally in Osmaneli (Bilecik/Turkey) and environs. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 3(3), 31-45.
  • Akbulut, S., & Özkan, Z.C. (2014). Traditional usage of some wild plants in Trabzon Region (Turkey). Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 4(1), 135-145.
  • Altundağ, E. (2009). Iğdır ilinin (Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi) doğal bitkilerinin halk tarafından kullanımı. Doktora Tezi, İ. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Kızılarslan, Ç. (2008). İzmit Körfezi’nin güney kesiminde etnobotanik bir araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İ. Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yapısal Biyoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Mustafa Karaköse

Gözde Çolak Karaköse Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Kasım 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaköse, M., & Karaköse, G. Ç. (2017). Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Esenli (Giresun) Forest Planning Unit. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 4(3, Special Issue 1), 285-305.

Cited By

International Journal of Secondary Metabolite
e-ISSN: 2148-6905