Araştırma Makalesi

The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study

27 - 52, 22.03.2019


The aim of the current study is to develop Maternal Employment Guilt Scale (MEGS)
and to test its psychometric properties. For this aim, scale items were developed through
a rigorous process of extensive literature search and in-depth interviews, and the scale
was applied to 605 working mothers living in Turkey. Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the
MEGS had one-factor structure with 15 items, and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed this structure.
MEGS has good psychometric characteristics with convergent and discriminant validity, regarding
its correlations with other relevant scales used in this study.


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Birincil Dil İngilizce

Ümran Yüce Selvi Bu kişi benim

Özge Kantaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Mart 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Yüce Selvi, Ü., & Kantaş, Ö. (t.y.). The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources27-52.
AMA Yüce Selvi Ü, Kantaş Ö. The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study. isguc.:27-52. doi:10.4026/isguc.543449
Chicago Yüce Selvi, Ümran, ve Özge Kantaş. “The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resourcest.y., 27-52.
EndNote Yüce Selvi Ü, Kantaş Ö The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources 27–52.
IEEE Ü. Yüce Selvi ve Ö. Kantaş, “The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study”, isguc, ss. 27–52, doi: 10.4026/isguc.543449.
ISNAD Yüce Selvi, Ümran - Kantaş, Özge. “The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources. t.y. 27-52.
JAMA Yüce Selvi Ü, Kantaş Ö. The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study. isguc.;:27–52.
MLA Yüce Selvi, Ümran ve Özge Kantaş. “The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, ss. 27-52, doi:10.4026/isguc.543449.
Vancouver Yüce Selvi Ü, Kantaş Ö. The Psychometric Evaluation of the Maternal Employment Guilt Scale: A Development and Validation Study. isguc. :27-52.