Research Article
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Stables and Pens in the Citadels and Residential Areas of the Urartian Kingdom: A Textual, Archaeological and Ethnographic Evaluation

Year 2023, , 51 - 66, 31.12.2023


This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of stables and pens in settlements of the Urartian Kingdom period. Urartian royal inscriptions contain references to such structures; however, the interpretation of their functions, the translation, and the meaning of these words remain ambiguous. Considering that the subsistence economy in the landscape ruled over by this kingdom was mainly based on animal husbandry, evidence for stables/corrals and sheepfolds/pens in the archaeological record appears elusive. For this reason, this study first evaluates textual evidence and then moves on to reanalyze archaeological remains obtained from Urartian royal settlements and lower towns together with the results of ethnographic research conducted in the region, and it suggests new interpretations for the functions of relevant architectural remains at Urartian settlements to identify the structures that may have served as pens and stables.


  • Badaljan, R.S., C. Edens, R. Gorny, P.L. Kohl, D. Stronach, A.V. Tonikjan, S. Hamayakjan, S. Mandrikjan, M. Zardarjan (1993). Preliminary Report on the 1992 Excavations at Horom, Armenia, Iran 31: 1-24. google scholar
  • Balkan, K. (1960). Patnos Yakınında Anzavurtepe’de Bulunan Urartu Tapınağı ve Kitabeleri, Anatolia V: 133-158. google scholar
  • Balkan, K. (1964). Patnos’ta Keşfedilen Urartu Tapınağı ve Urartu Sarayı, Atatürk Konferansları. Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu I: 235-43. google scholar
  • Belli, O. (1998). 1997, Yılı Aşağı ve Yukarı Anzaf Urartu Kaleleri Kazısı, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 20/1: 507-526. google scholar
  • Belli, O. (1999). The Anzaf Fortresses and the Gods of Urartu. (Trans. by G. Summers and A. Üzel) İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat. google scholar
  • Belli, O. (2006). Yoncatepe Sarayı ve Nekropolü, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 2005 Yıllığı. Ankara: 381431. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. (2015). Animal Husbandry in Urartian Kingdom, In M. Işıklı, B. Can (Ed.), International Symposium on East Anatolia— South Caucasus Cultures Proceedings I, Volume II, Atatürk Universitesi & ESRUC Konsorsiyumu, Erzurum 10-13 Ekim 2012, (214-228). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. (2017). The Socio-Economic Organisation of the Urartian Kingdom, (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 89). Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. (2020). Urartian Studies During the Foundation of Modern Nation States: Archaeological Traditions, Ideologies and Perceptions, Ancient West and East 19: 1-42. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. & Gökce, B. (2021). ‘I Have Made A Highway of Biainili’: Transportation and Road Networks in the Territories of the Urartian Kingdom, Altorientalischen Forschungen 48/2: 221-232. google scholar
  • Çilingiroğlu, A., Ö. Çevik, A.Ü. Erdem, E. Stone, Ö. Harmanşah, N.E. Işık, P. Zimansky & A. Batmaz (2009). Van Ayanis (Ağartı) Köyü’nde Etnoarkeolojik Araştırma. (TÜBİTAK Proje No: 106K224) İzmir. google scholar
  • Diakonoff, I.M. (1991). Sacrifices in the City of Teisebâ (UKN 448) -Lights on the Social History of Urartu, Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 24: 13-21. google scholar
  • Dinçol, A.M. & Kavaklı, E. (1978). Van Bölgesinde Bulunmuş Yeni Urartu Yazıtları. Anadolu Araştırmaları Ek Yayın 1, Istanbul. google scholar
  • Dyson, R.H. (1989). Iron Age Architecture at Hasanlu: An Essay, Expedition 31: 107-127. google scholar
  • Erzen, A. (1966). Van Bölgesi Çavuştepe Kazısı, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 15/1: 55-57. google scholar
  • Erzen, A. (1978). Çavuştepe I. M.Ö. 7.-6. yüzyıl Urartu Mimarlık Anıtları ve Ortaçağ Nekropolü, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu. google scholar
  • Harouthiounyan, N. (2001). Korpus urartskich klinoobraznych nadpisej, Izdatel’stvo ‘Gitutjun’ Erevan: Nacional’noj Akademija Nauk Respubliki Armenija. google scholar
  • Hopkins, L. 2003. Archaeology at the North-East Anatolian Frontier, VI. An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Sos Höyük and Yiğittaşı Village, Louvain: Peeters. google scholar
  • Kleiss, W. (1979). Bastam I: Ausgrabungen in den Urartaischen Anlagen 1972-1975, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag. google scholar
  • Kleiss, W. (1980). Bastam, an Urartian Citadel Complex of the Seventh Century, BC, American Journal of Archaeology 84: 299-304. google scholar
  • Kleiss, W. (1988). Bastam II: Ausgrabungen in den Urartaischen Anlagen 1977-78, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag. google scholar
  • Konyar, E. (2018). Yüksek Yaylanın Başkenti Tuşpa Arkeoloji Rehberi, İstanbul: Homer. google scholar
  • Konyar, E. (2022). Urartu: Aşiretten Devlete, İstanbul: Homer. google scholar
  • König, F. W. (1955-57). Handbuch der Chaldischen Inscriften I-II, Graz: Selbstverlage des Herausgebers. google scholar
  • Köroğlu, K. (2009). Urartu Dönemi Bey Konakları, In H. Sağlamtimur, E. Abay, Z. Derin, A. Ü. Erdem, A. Batmaz, F. Dedeoğlu, M. Erdalkıran, M. B. Baştürk, & E. Konakçı (Ed.), Studies in Honour of Altan Çilingiroğlu. A Life Dedicated to Urartu on the Shores of the Upper Sea (383-394). İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (1989). Chemische Analysen - Neue Evidenz für Pferdestalle in Urartu und Palastina, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 39: 329-333. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (1992). Ein Triple Road System‘ oder Stallbauten in Hasanlu IVB?, Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 25: 65-72. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (2012). On the Road(s) to Nowhere: A Re-Analysis of the Hasanlu “Tripartite Road System” in Light of the Excavated Evidence, In H.D. Baker, K. Kaniuth & A. Otto (Ed.), Stories of Long Ago. Festschrift für Michael D. Roaf (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 397), (277-284). Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (2018). Horse Stables in Urartu, In B. Gökce, P. Pınarcık (Ed.), Eski Yakındoğu’da Ulaşım Üzerine Yazılar (133-146). Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi. google scholar
  • Luckenbill, D.D. (1989). Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia II, London: Histories & Mysteries of Man. google scholar
  • Melikishvili, G.A. (1960). Urartskie Klinoobraznye Nadpisi, Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. google scholar
  • Martirosjan, A.A. (1974). Argistichinili, Archeologiceskie Pamjatniki Armenii 8, Erevan: Akademija Nauk Armjanskoj SSR google scholar
  • Ogenasian, K.L. (1955). Karmir-Blur IV. Arkhitektura Teishebaini. Erevan: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Armjanskoj SSR. google scholar
  • Peters, E. (1972). Altınova’daki Kerpiç Evler, Keban Projesi 1070 Çalışmaları, Ankara: 163-172. google scholar
  • Piotrovsky, B.B. (1952). Karmir-Blur II. Archeologiceskie Raskopki v Armenii 2, Erevan: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Armjanskoj SSR. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2001). The Inscriptions of Ayanıs (Rusahinili Eiduru-Kai) Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic, In A. Çilingiroğlu & M. Salvini (Ed.), Ayanis I: Ten Years’Excavations at Rusahinili Eiduru-kai 1989-1998 (Documenta Asiana 6), (251-270). Rome: Istituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2006). Urartu Tarihi ve Kültürü, (Çev. B. Aksoy), İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2008). Corpus dei testi Urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia Vol. 1-3, Roma: CNR. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2012). Corpus Dei Testi Urartei. Iscrizioni su Bronzi, Argilla e ltri supporti. Nuove iscrizioni su Pietra, Paleografia generale Vol. 4. Rome: CNR. google scholar
  • Schachner, A. (2021). Giriktepe: az bilinen bir Urartu sarayı, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 100 Yaşında, Ankara: 309-314. google scholar
  • Sezer, V. & Işıklı, M. (2021). Urartu Hayvancılığına Etnoarkeolojik ve Zooarkeolojik Bir Bakış: Ayanis Örneği, Colloquium Anatolicum 20: 199-220. google scholar
  • Stone, E.C. (2005). The Outer Town at Ayanis, 1997-2001, In A. Çilingiroğlu & G. Darbyshire (Ed.), Anatolian Iron Ages 5. Proceedings of the Fifth Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Van, 6-10 August 2001, (187-193). London: British Institute at Ankara. google scholar
  • Stone, E. (2012). Social differentiation within Urartian settlements, In S. Kroll, C. Gruber, U. Hellwag, M. Roaf & P. Zimansky (Ed.), Biainili-Urartu: The Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Munich 12-14 October 2007, (Acta Iranica 51) (101-113). Leuven: Peeters. google scholar
  • Stone, E.C. & Zimansky, P.E. (2003). The Urartian Transformation in the Outer Town of Ayanis, In A.T. Smith & K. S. Rubinson (Ed.), Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasus and Beyond, (213-228). Los Angeles: Costen Inst Archaeology Press. google scholar
  • Stone, E.C. & Zimansky, P.E. (2004). Urartian City Planning at Ayanis, In A. Sagona (Ed.), A View from the Highlands: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney, (233-243). Leuven: Peeters. google scholar
  • Tarhan, M.T. (2011). Başkent Tuşpa/The Capital City Tushpa, In K. Köroğlu & E. Konyar (Ed.), Urartu: Doğu’da Değişim/Transformation in the East, (286-333). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Tarhan, M.T. (2021). Sardurihinili-Çavuştepe, In Gocha R. Tsetskhlade (Ed.), Archaeology and History of Urartu (Biainili), Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Altan Çilingiroğlu (497-592), (Colloquia Antiqua 28). Leuven: Peeters. google scholar
  • Yakar, J. (2000). Ethnoarchaeology of Anatolia: Rural Socio-Economy in the Bronze and Iron Ages, Tel Aviv. google scholar
Year 2023, , 51 - 66, 31.12.2023



  • Badaljan, R.S., C. Edens, R. Gorny, P.L. Kohl, D. Stronach, A.V. Tonikjan, S. Hamayakjan, S. Mandrikjan, M. Zardarjan (1993). Preliminary Report on the 1992 Excavations at Horom, Armenia, Iran 31: 1-24. google scholar
  • Balkan, K. (1960). Patnos Yakınında Anzavurtepe’de Bulunan Urartu Tapınağı ve Kitabeleri, Anatolia V: 133-158. google scholar
  • Balkan, K. (1964). Patnos’ta Keşfedilen Urartu Tapınağı ve Urartu Sarayı, Atatürk Konferansları. Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu I: 235-43. google scholar
  • Belli, O. (1998). 1997, Yılı Aşağı ve Yukarı Anzaf Urartu Kaleleri Kazısı, Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 20/1: 507-526. google scholar
  • Belli, O. (1999). The Anzaf Fortresses and the Gods of Urartu. (Trans. by G. Summers and A. Üzel) İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat. google scholar
  • Belli, O. (2006). Yoncatepe Sarayı ve Nekropolü, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 2005 Yıllığı. Ankara: 381431. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. (2015). Animal Husbandry in Urartian Kingdom, In M. Işıklı, B. Can (Ed.), International Symposium on East Anatolia— South Caucasus Cultures Proceedings I, Volume II, Atatürk Universitesi & ESRUC Konsorsiyumu, Erzurum 10-13 Ekim 2012, (214-228). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. (2017). The Socio-Economic Organisation of the Urartian Kingdom, (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 89). Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. (2020). Urartian Studies During the Foundation of Modern Nation States: Archaeological Traditions, Ideologies and Perceptions, Ancient West and East 19: 1-42. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. & Gökce, B. (2021). ‘I Have Made A Highway of Biainili’: Transportation and Road Networks in the Territories of the Urartian Kingdom, Altorientalischen Forschungen 48/2: 221-232. google scholar
  • Çilingiroğlu, A., Ö. Çevik, A.Ü. Erdem, E. Stone, Ö. Harmanşah, N.E. Işık, P. Zimansky & A. Batmaz (2009). Van Ayanis (Ağartı) Köyü’nde Etnoarkeolojik Araştırma. (TÜBİTAK Proje No: 106K224) İzmir. google scholar
  • Diakonoff, I.M. (1991). Sacrifices in the City of Teisebâ (UKN 448) -Lights on the Social History of Urartu, Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 24: 13-21. google scholar
  • Dinçol, A.M. & Kavaklı, E. (1978). Van Bölgesinde Bulunmuş Yeni Urartu Yazıtları. Anadolu Araştırmaları Ek Yayın 1, Istanbul. google scholar
  • Dyson, R.H. (1989). Iron Age Architecture at Hasanlu: An Essay, Expedition 31: 107-127. google scholar
  • Erzen, A. (1966). Van Bölgesi Çavuştepe Kazısı, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 15/1: 55-57. google scholar
  • Erzen, A. (1978). Çavuştepe I. M.Ö. 7.-6. yüzyıl Urartu Mimarlık Anıtları ve Ortaçağ Nekropolü, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu. google scholar
  • Harouthiounyan, N. (2001). Korpus urartskich klinoobraznych nadpisej, Izdatel’stvo ‘Gitutjun’ Erevan: Nacional’noj Akademija Nauk Respubliki Armenija. google scholar
  • Hopkins, L. 2003. Archaeology at the North-East Anatolian Frontier, VI. An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Sos Höyük and Yiğittaşı Village, Louvain: Peeters. google scholar
  • Kleiss, W. (1979). Bastam I: Ausgrabungen in den Urartaischen Anlagen 1972-1975, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag. google scholar
  • Kleiss, W. (1980). Bastam, an Urartian Citadel Complex of the Seventh Century, BC, American Journal of Archaeology 84: 299-304. google scholar
  • Kleiss, W. (1988). Bastam II: Ausgrabungen in den Urartaischen Anlagen 1977-78, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag. google scholar
  • Konyar, E. (2018). Yüksek Yaylanın Başkenti Tuşpa Arkeoloji Rehberi, İstanbul: Homer. google scholar
  • Konyar, E. (2022). Urartu: Aşiretten Devlete, İstanbul: Homer. google scholar
  • König, F. W. (1955-57). Handbuch der Chaldischen Inscriften I-II, Graz: Selbstverlage des Herausgebers. google scholar
  • Köroğlu, K. (2009). Urartu Dönemi Bey Konakları, In H. Sağlamtimur, E. Abay, Z. Derin, A. Ü. Erdem, A. Batmaz, F. Dedeoğlu, M. Erdalkıran, M. B. Baştürk, & E. Konakçı (Ed.), Studies in Honour of Altan Çilingiroğlu. A Life Dedicated to Urartu on the Shores of the Upper Sea (383-394). İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (1989). Chemische Analysen - Neue Evidenz für Pferdestalle in Urartu und Palastina, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 39: 329-333. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (1992). Ein Triple Road System‘ oder Stallbauten in Hasanlu IVB?, Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran 25: 65-72. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (2012). On the Road(s) to Nowhere: A Re-Analysis of the Hasanlu “Tripartite Road System” in Light of the Excavated Evidence, In H.D. Baker, K. Kaniuth & A. Otto (Ed.), Stories of Long Ago. Festschrift für Michael D. Roaf (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 397), (277-284). Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. google scholar
  • Kroll, S. (2018). Horse Stables in Urartu, In B. Gökce, P. Pınarcık (Ed.), Eski Yakındoğu’da Ulaşım Üzerine Yazılar (133-146). Ankara: Akademisyen Kitabevi. google scholar
  • Luckenbill, D.D. (1989). Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia II, London: Histories & Mysteries of Man. google scholar
  • Melikishvili, G.A. (1960). Urartskie Klinoobraznye Nadpisi, Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. google scholar
  • Martirosjan, A.A. (1974). Argistichinili, Archeologiceskie Pamjatniki Armenii 8, Erevan: Akademija Nauk Armjanskoj SSR google scholar
  • Ogenasian, K.L. (1955). Karmir-Blur IV. Arkhitektura Teishebaini. Erevan: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Armjanskoj SSR. google scholar
  • Peters, E. (1972). Altınova’daki Kerpiç Evler, Keban Projesi 1070 Çalışmaları, Ankara: 163-172. google scholar
  • Piotrovsky, B.B. (1952). Karmir-Blur II. Archeologiceskie Raskopki v Armenii 2, Erevan: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Armjanskoj SSR. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2001). The Inscriptions of Ayanıs (Rusahinili Eiduru-Kai) Cuneiform and Hieroglyphic, In A. Çilingiroğlu & M. Salvini (Ed.), Ayanis I: Ten Years’Excavations at Rusahinili Eiduru-kai 1989-1998 (Documenta Asiana 6), (251-270). Rome: Istituto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2006). Urartu Tarihi ve Kültürü, (Çev. B. Aksoy), İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2008). Corpus dei testi Urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia Vol. 1-3, Roma: CNR. google scholar
  • Salvini, M. (2012). Corpus Dei Testi Urartei. Iscrizioni su Bronzi, Argilla e ltri supporti. Nuove iscrizioni su Pietra, Paleografia generale Vol. 4. Rome: CNR. google scholar
  • Schachner, A. (2021). Giriktepe: az bilinen bir Urartu sarayı, Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 100 Yaşında, Ankara: 309-314. google scholar
  • Sezer, V. & Işıklı, M. (2021). Urartu Hayvancılığına Etnoarkeolojik ve Zooarkeolojik Bir Bakış: Ayanis Örneği, Colloquium Anatolicum 20: 199-220. google scholar
  • Stone, E.C. (2005). The Outer Town at Ayanis, 1997-2001, In A. Çilingiroğlu & G. Darbyshire (Ed.), Anatolian Iron Ages 5. Proceedings of the Fifth Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Van, 6-10 August 2001, (187-193). London: British Institute at Ankara. google scholar
  • Stone, E. (2012). Social differentiation within Urartian settlements, In S. Kroll, C. Gruber, U. Hellwag, M. Roaf & P. Zimansky (Ed.), Biainili-Urartu: The Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Munich 12-14 October 2007, (Acta Iranica 51) (101-113). Leuven: Peeters. google scholar
  • Stone, E.C. & Zimansky, P.E. (2003). The Urartian Transformation in the Outer Town of Ayanis, In A.T. Smith & K. S. Rubinson (Ed.), Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasus and Beyond, (213-228). Los Angeles: Costen Inst Archaeology Press. google scholar
  • Stone, E.C. & Zimansky, P.E. (2004). Urartian City Planning at Ayanis, In A. Sagona (Ed.), A View from the Highlands: Archaeological Studies in Honour of Charles Burney, (233-243). Leuven: Peeters. google scholar
  • Tarhan, M.T. (2011). Başkent Tuşpa/The Capital City Tushpa, In K. Köroğlu & E. Konyar (Ed.), Urartu: Doğu’da Değişim/Transformation in the East, (286-333). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Tarhan, M.T. (2021). Sardurihinili-Çavuştepe, In Gocha R. Tsetskhlade (Ed.), Archaeology and History of Urartu (Biainili), Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Altan Çilingiroğlu (497-592), (Colloquia Antiqua 28). Leuven: Peeters. google scholar
  • Yakar, J. (2000). Ethnoarchaeology of Anatolia: Rural Socio-Economy in the Bronze and Iron Ages, Tel Aviv. google scholar
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Çifçi 0000-0002-1404-9820

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date October 18, 2023
Acceptance Date November 12, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çifçi, A. (2023). Stables and Pens in the Citadels and Residential Areas of the Urartian Kingdom: A Textual, Archaeological and Ethnographic Evaluation. Anatolian Research(29), 51-66.