e-ISSN: 2667-629X
Founded: 1955
Publisher: Istanbul University
Cover Image

Anatolian Research – Anadolu Araştırmaları is the publication of Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters. The journal was founded in 1955. It is an open access, peer-reviewed and regional journal that targets audiences in Anatolia and its historically related regions in the neighborhood, such as the Balkans, East Mediterranean and Middle East.

Starting from 2021 the frequency of the journal has been changed from annual to semi-annual. Since 2021, the journal has been published in June and December. Manuscripts submitted for publication should be in English, German or French.

Anatolian Research – Anadolu Araştırmaları aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge through publication of high quality articles in accordance with the international publishing standards.

The journal publishes studies which examine Anatolia and its related regions from prehistoric times to late antiquity. The areas of study covered in the scope of the journal are Ancient History, Archeology, Art History, History of Architecture, Anthropology, Epigraphy, Numismatic, Historical Geography and Archeometry.

2024 - Issue: 30

Since 1955

Anadolu Araştırmaları – Anatolian Research  https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/iuanadoluhttps://iupress.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/journal/anar/home