Research Article
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Observations on “inan-” in Hittite Cuneiform Texts

Year 2024, Issue: 31, 117 - 129, 14.01.2025


In Hittite cuneiform texts, the word inan- has meanings encompassing a certain disease, mental illness, discomfort, malaise, trouble. Unfortunately, there is no specific definition of the word inan-, which appears in various sources including prayers, rituals, and medical texts. The exact symptoms of this disease are not given in any of these sources. However, the clues given by the usages of the word inan- in a medical text and a Zuwi ritual suggest that it may have been related to a skin disease, though this is not conclusive, and more evidence is necessary to confirm this. This article also examines other texts in which the word inan- occurs and the effects and treatments of inan- disease that are discussed in these sources. In addition, evidence from magic rituals demonstrates that various adjectives were used for the Sun God, and according to the Ayartaša rituals that are discussed in this study, it is apparent that one of the epithets of the Sun God may have been the word inan-.


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  • Böck, B. (2004). The healing goddess Gula: towards an understanding of ancient Babylonian medicine, Leiden: Brill. google scholar
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  • Cavigneaux, A. (2009). Deux hymnes sumeriens a Utu, Et ily eut un esprit dans l’Homme: Jean Bottero et la Mesopotamie, Paris, pp.3-18. google scholar
  • Christiansen, B. (2006). Die Ritualtradition der Ambazzi. Eine philologische Bearbeitung und entstehungsgeschichtliche Analyse der Ritualtexte CTH 391, CTH 429 und CTH 463, (StBoT 48), Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Christiansen, B. (2012). Schicksalbestimmende Kommunikation. Sprachliche, gesellschaftliche und religiöse Aspekte hethitischer Fluch-, Segens- und Eidesformeln, (StBoT 53), Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Collins, B. J. (1990). The Puppy in Hittite Ritual, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 42, pp.211-226. google scholar
  • Cotticelli-Kurras, P. (1995). Hethitische Konstruktionen mit verba dicendi und sentiendi, 2HitCongr. (Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia. Pavia 28 giugno - 2 Luglio 1993, (StudMed 9), Pavia), pp.87-100. google scholar
  • Feder, Y. (2010). The mechanics of retribution in Hittite, Mesopotamian and Ancient Israelite sources, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp.119-157. google scholar
  • Friedrich, J. (1952-1954). Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Kurzgefasste kritische Sammlung der Deutungen hethitischer Wörter. 1.-4. Lieferung, Heidelberg. google scholar
  • Friedrich, J. - Kammenhuber, A. - Giusfredi, F. (ed.) (2014). Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Zweite, völlig neubearbeitete Auflage auf der Grundlage der edierten hethitischen Texte. Band IV/I, Lieferung 23, (HW<sup>2</sup> IV/23), Heidelberg. google scholar
  • Fuhr, I. (1977). Der Hund als Begleittier der Göttin Gula und anderer Heilgottheiten. Isin-Isan BarıyatI: Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1973-1974, ed. B. Hrouda. München: Verlag der Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp.135-145. google scholar
  • Garda Trabazo, J. V. (2002). Textos religiosos hititas. Mitos, plegarias y rituales, Madrid. google scholar
  • George, A. - Black, J. - Postgate, N. (2000). A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. google scholar
  • Goetze, A. (1928). Madduwattas, (MVAeG 32), Leipzig. google scholar
  • Gökçe, A. N. (1989). Pergamon Asklepieion’u ve Tıp Tarihi Açısından Önemi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. google scholar
  • Groddek, D. (1999). “CTH 331: Mythos vom verschwundenen Wettergott oder Aitiologie der Zerstörung Lihzinas?”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie, vol. 89, no. 1, pp.36-49. google scholar
  • Güterbock, H. G. - Hoffner, H. A. - van den Hout, Th. P. J. (2005). The Hittite dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Vol. S, fasc. 2: -si-, (CHD S/2) Chicago. google scholar
  • Haas, V. (2003). Materia Magica et Medica Hethitica. Ein Beitrag zur Heilkunde im Alten Orient, Berlin -New York. google scholar
  • Heimpel, W. (1972-1975). “Hund,” D.O. Edzard (ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaologie 4, Berlin - New York. google scholar
  • Hırçın, S. (1989). Zuwi Ritüeli (:CTH 412), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi. google scholar
  • Hoffner, H. A. (2010). The Political Antithesis and Foil of the Labarna in an Old Hittite Text, Fs Hawkins (Singer I. (ed.), ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis - Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Tel Aviv), pp.131-139. google scholar
  • Izre’el, S. (2001). Adapa and the South Wind Language Has the Power of Life and Death. google scholar
  • Jakob-Rost, L. (1972). Das Ritual der Malli aus Arzawa gegen Behexung (KUB XXIV 9+), (TH 2), Heidelberg. google scholar
  • Kağnıcı, G. (2018). Eski Mezopotamya Çivi Yazılı Metinlerde Kuduz, Tarihsel Süreçte Anadolu’da Kuduz (Editörler Çağrı Büke, Şükran Köse, Fevzi Çakmak, Eren Akçiçek), Gece Akademi, Ankara. google scholar
  • Karauğuz, G. (2001). Hitit Mitolojisi, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya. google scholar
  • Kloekhorst, A. (2008). Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon, Leiden. google scholar
  • Lestera, L. U. - Rapinib, R. P. (2009). Kalın bağırsak bozukluklarının cilt bulguları, Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, Cilt 2, s.66-99. google scholar
  • Mazoyer, M. (2003). Le GI$ eya dans la religion hittite, LArbre, pp.73-80. google scholar
  • McGrath, W. (2016). The Diagnostic Series SA.GIG: Ancient Innovations and Adaptations, Master of Arts, University of Toronto. google scholar
  • Metcalf, C. (2011). New parallels in Hittite and Sumerian praise of the Sun, Die Welt des Orients. Wissenschaftliche Beitrage zurKunde des Morgenlandes 41, pp.168-176. google scholar
  • Murat, L. (2003). Ammihatna Rituelinde Hastalıklar ve Tedavi Yöntemleri, Archivum Anatolicum 6/2, s.89-109. google scholar
  • Oettinger, N. (1976). Die Militarischen Eide der Hethiter, StBoT 22, Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Ornan, T. (2004). The Goddess Gula and Her Dog, Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology 3, pp. 13-30. google scholar
  • Puhvel, J. (1980). Rev. of: Tischler J. 1977-1983a (Tischler J., Hethitisches Etymologisches Glossar Teil 1, A-K, (IBS 20) Innsbruck), Bibliotheca Orientalis 37, pp.202-205. google scholar
  • Puhvel, J. (1984). Hittite Etymological Dictionary Vol. 1: Words beginning with A; Vol 2: Words beginning with E and I, Berlin - New York - Amsterdam. google scholar
  • Reiner, E. - Biggs, R. D. (1984). The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Volume 15 - S, (CAD 15), Chicago. google scholar
  • Roth, M. (1995). Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, Atlanta. google scholar
  • Sevinç, F. (2008). Hititlerde Yeraltı Dünyası, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 9, Sayı 1, s.231-247. google scholar
  • Steinert, U. (2020). Disease concepts and classifications in ancient Mesopotamian medicine, Medicine and the Body in Antiquity, University of Kent, UK, pp.140-194. google scholar
  • Stol, M. (1993). Epilepsy in Babylonia. Cuneiform Monographs 2, Groningen. google scholar
  • Tischler, J. (1977-1983). Hethitisches Etymologisches Glossar Teil 1, A-K, (IBS 20), Innsbruck. google scholar
  • Ünal, A. (1980). Hitit Tıbbının Ana Hatları [Les traits essentiels de la medicine hittite], Belleten 44(175), s.475-495. google scholar
  • Ünal, A. (2016). Hititçe Türkçe, Türkçe Hititçe Büyük Sözlük. Hattice, Hurrice, Hiyeroglif Luvicesi, Çivi Yazısı Luvicesi ve Palaca Sözlük Listeleriyle Birlikte/Grand Dictionary of Hittite-Turkish, Turkish-Hittite alongside with Word Lists of Hattian, Hurrian, Hieroglyphic and Cuneiform Luwian and Palaic, Ankara. google scholar
  • Wolfram, von Soden (1965-1981). Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. Unter Benutzung des lexikalischen Nachlasses von Bruno Meissner (1868-1947), Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Vanseveren, S. (2020). The vocabulary of the body parts in Hittite in the perspective of Indo-European comparison, Mouton A. 2020a (Mouton A. (ed.), Flesh and Bones. The individual and his body in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin, (Semitica & Classica Supplementa 2), Turnhout), pp.151-169. google scholar
  • Zinko, M. (2004). Bedeutungswandel im Hethitischen: Zum semantischen Feld KRANKHEIT im Hethitischen, Gs Forrer (Groddek D. - Röfile S. (ed.), Sarnikzel. Hethitologische Studien zum Gedenken an Emil Orgetorix Forrer, (DBH 10) Dresden), pp.667-690. google scholar
Year 2024, Issue: 31, 117 - 129, 14.01.2025



  • Akdoğan, R. (2007). “inan” ile ilgili yeni bir hititçe tablet parçası, Fs Kosak (Groddek D. - Zorman M. (ed.), Tabularia Hethaeorum Hethitologische Beitrage Silvin Kosak zum 65. Geburtstag, (DBH 25),Wiesbaden), s.1-12. google scholar
  • Alp, S. (1957). Zu den Körperteilnamen im Hethitischen, Anatolia 2, s.1-47. google scholar
  • Beckman, G. M. (1990). The Hittite “Ritual of the Ox (CTH 760.I.2-3)”, Orientalia. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici, Nova Series 59, pp.34-55. google scholar
  • Böck, B. (2004). The healing goddess Gula: towards an understanding of ancient Babylonian medicine, Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Burde, C. (1974). Hethitische medizinische Texte, (StBoT 19), Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Cavigneaux, A. (2009). Deux hymnes sumeriens a Utu, Et ily eut un esprit dans l’Homme: Jean Bottero et la Mesopotamie, Paris, pp.3-18. google scholar
  • Christiansen, B. (2006). Die Ritualtradition der Ambazzi. Eine philologische Bearbeitung und entstehungsgeschichtliche Analyse der Ritualtexte CTH 391, CTH 429 und CTH 463, (StBoT 48), Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Christiansen, B. (2012). Schicksalbestimmende Kommunikation. Sprachliche, gesellschaftliche und religiöse Aspekte hethitischer Fluch-, Segens- und Eidesformeln, (StBoT 53), Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Collins, B. J. (1990). The Puppy in Hittite Ritual, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 42, pp.211-226. google scholar
  • Cotticelli-Kurras, P. (1995). Hethitische Konstruktionen mit verba dicendi und sentiendi, 2HitCongr. (Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Hittitologia. Pavia 28 giugno - 2 Luglio 1993, (StudMed 9), Pavia), pp.87-100. google scholar
  • Feder, Y. (2010). The mechanics of retribution in Hittite, Mesopotamian and Ancient Israelite sources, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Volume 10, Issue 2, pp.119-157. google scholar
  • Friedrich, J. (1952-1954). Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Kurzgefasste kritische Sammlung der Deutungen hethitischer Wörter. 1.-4. Lieferung, Heidelberg. google scholar
  • Friedrich, J. - Kammenhuber, A. - Giusfredi, F. (ed.) (2014). Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Zweite, völlig neubearbeitete Auflage auf der Grundlage der edierten hethitischen Texte. Band IV/I, Lieferung 23, (HW<sup>2</sup> IV/23), Heidelberg. google scholar
  • Fuhr, I. (1977). Der Hund als Begleittier der Göttin Gula und anderer Heilgottheiten. Isin-Isan BarıyatI: Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1973-1974, ed. B. Hrouda. München: Verlag der Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp.135-145. google scholar
  • Garda Trabazo, J. V. (2002). Textos religiosos hititas. Mitos, plegarias y rituales, Madrid. google scholar
  • George, A. - Black, J. - Postgate, N. (2000). A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. google scholar
  • Goetze, A. (1928). Madduwattas, (MVAeG 32), Leipzig. google scholar
  • Gökçe, A. N. (1989). Pergamon Asklepieion’u ve Tıp Tarihi Açısından Önemi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. google scholar
  • Groddek, D. (1999). “CTH 331: Mythos vom verschwundenen Wettergott oder Aitiologie der Zerstörung Lihzinas?”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie, vol. 89, no. 1, pp.36-49. google scholar
  • Güterbock, H. G. - Hoffner, H. A. - van den Hout, Th. P. J. (2005). The Hittite dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Vol. S, fasc. 2: -si-, (CHD S/2) Chicago. google scholar
  • Haas, V. (2003). Materia Magica et Medica Hethitica. Ein Beitrag zur Heilkunde im Alten Orient, Berlin -New York. google scholar
  • Heimpel, W. (1972-1975). “Hund,” D.O. Edzard (ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaologie 4, Berlin - New York. google scholar
  • Hırçın, S. (1989). Zuwi Ritüeli (:CTH 412), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi. google scholar
  • Hoffner, H. A. (2010). The Political Antithesis and Foil of the Labarna in an Old Hittite Text, Fs Hawkins (Singer I. (ed.), ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis - Luwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, Tel Aviv), pp.131-139. google scholar
  • Izre’el, S. (2001). Adapa and the South Wind Language Has the Power of Life and Death. google scholar
  • Jakob-Rost, L. (1972). Das Ritual der Malli aus Arzawa gegen Behexung (KUB XXIV 9+), (TH 2), Heidelberg. google scholar
  • Kağnıcı, G. (2018). Eski Mezopotamya Çivi Yazılı Metinlerde Kuduz, Tarihsel Süreçte Anadolu’da Kuduz (Editörler Çağrı Büke, Şükran Köse, Fevzi Çakmak, Eren Akçiçek), Gece Akademi, Ankara. google scholar
  • Karauğuz, G. (2001). Hitit Mitolojisi, Çizgi Kitabevi, Konya. google scholar
  • Kloekhorst, A. (2008). Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon, Leiden. google scholar
  • Lestera, L. U. - Rapinib, R. P. (2009). Kalın bağırsak bozukluklarının cilt bulguları, Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, Cilt 2, s.66-99. google scholar
  • Mazoyer, M. (2003). Le GI$ eya dans la religion hittite, LArbre, pp.73-80. google scholar
  • McGrath, W. (2016). The Diagnostic Series SA.GIG: Ancient Innovations and Adaptations, Master of Arts, University of Toronto. google scholar
  • Metcalf, C. (2011). New parallels in Hittite and Sumerian praise of the Sun, Die Welt des Orients. Wissenschaftliche Beitrage zurKunde des Morgenlandes 41, pp.168-176. google scholar
  • Murat, L. (2003). Ammihatna Rituelinde Hastalıklar ve Tedavi Yöntemleri, Archivum Anatolicum 6/2, s.89-109. google scholar
  • Oettinger, N. (1976). Die Militarischen Eide der Hethiter, StBoT 22, Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Ornan, T. (2004). The Goddess Gula and Her Dog, Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology 3, pp. 13-30. google scholar
  • Puhvel, J. (1980). Rev. of: Tischler J. 1977-1983a (Tischler J., Hethitisches Etymologisches Glossar Teil 1, A-K, (IBS 20) Innsbruck), Bibliotheca Orientalis 37, pp.202-205. google scholar
  • Puhvel, J. (1984). Hittite Etymological Dictionary Vol. 1: Words beginning with A; Vol 2: Words beginning with E and I, Berlin - New York - Amsterdam. google scholar
  • Reiner, E. - Biggs, R. D. (1984). The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Volume 15 - S, (CAD 15), Chicago. google scholar
  • Roth, M. (1995). Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, Atlanta. google scholar
  • Sevinç, F. (2008). Hititlerde Yeraltı Dünyası, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 9, Sayı 1, s.231-247. google scholar
  • Steinert, U. (2020). Disease concepts and classifications in ancient Mesopotamian medicine, Medicine and the Body in Antiquity, University of Kent, UK, pp.140-194. google scholar
  • Stol, M. (1993). Epilepsy in Babylonia. Cuneiform Monographs 2, Groningen. google scholar
  • Tischler, J. (1977-1983). Hethitisches Etymologisches Glossar Teil 1, A-K, (IBS 20), Innsbruck. google scholar
  • Ünal, A. (1980). Hitit Tıbbının Ana Hatları [Les traits essentiels de la medicine hittite], Belleten 44(175), s.475-495. google scholar
  • Ünal, A. (2016). Hititçe Türkçe, Türkçe Hititçe Büyük Sözlük. Hattice, Hurrice, Hiyeroglif Luvicesi, Çivi Yazısı Luvicesi ve Palaca Sözlük Listeleriyle Birlikte/Grand Dictionary of Hittite-Turkish, Turkish-Hittite alongside with Word Lists of Hattian, Hurrian, Hieroglyphic and Cuneiform Luwian and Palaic, Ankara. google scholar
  • Wolfram, von Soden (1965-1981). Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. Unter Benutzung des lexikalischen Nachlasses von Bruno Meissner (1868-1947), Wiesbaden. google scholar
  • Vanseveren, S. (2020). The vocabulary of the body parts in Hittite in the perspective of Indo-European comparison, Mouton A. 2020a (Mouton A. (ed.), Flesh and Bones. The individual and his body in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin, (Semitica & Classica Supplementa 2), Turnhout), pp.151-169. google scholar
  • Zinko, M. (2004). Bedeutungswandel im Hethitischen: Zum semantischen Feld KRANKHEIT im Hethitischen, Gs Forrer (Groddek D. - Röfile S. (ed.), Sarnikzel. Hethitologische Studien zum Gedenken an Emil Orgetorix Forrer, (DBH 10) Dresden), pp.667-690. google scholar
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Zekiye Nihan Kırçıl 0000-0002-7214-9571

Publication Date January 14, 2025
Submission Date March 7, 2024
Acceptance Date November 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 31


APA Kırçıl, Z. N. (2025). Observations on “inan-” in Hittite Cuneiform Texts. Anatolian Research(31), 117-129.

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