Recently Discovered Urartian Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Temple of the Körzüt Fortress
Year 2024,
Issue: 31, 145 - 169, 14.01.2025
Sabahattin Erdoğan
Anastasiia Siuglium
This study examines the findings from the 2023 rescue excavations at the Körzüt Fortress in the Lake Van Basin. Three newly discovered cuneiform inscriptions offer significant evidence linking the fortress’s construction to the reign of the Urartian King Minua (810 - 786 BCE). The inscriptions recount the king’s victory over the Erkua tribe and the capture of the city of Luḫiuni. They detail the spoils brought to the Urartian capital, including men, women, horses, and livestock from the city and surrounding areas. This narrative underscores Körzüt’s strategic significance during Minua’s northern campaigns. Moreover, analysis indicates that inscriptions previously found nearby villages likely originated from this fortress. The excavation of the Susi Temple reveals a square-plan design characteristic of Urartian temple architecture, enhancing our understanding of the period’s religious and administrative structures. Collectively, these discoveries provide fresh insights into Urartu’s political and cultural organization and its broader regional influence. Körzüt Fortress has thus emerged as a critical center for the study of Urartian history and archaeology in the region.
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Year 2024,
Issue: 31, 145 - 169, 14.01.2025
Sabahattin Erdoğan
Anastasiia Siuglium
- CTU - Salvini M. (2008). CorpusDei Testi Uratei, Vol. I-II, (CTU I-II) Istituto dı Studi Civilta Dell’e Egeoe Del Vicino Oriente, Documenta Asiana, Roma. google scholar
- KUKN - Arutyunyan N.V. (2001). Corpus of Urartian Cuneiform Inscriptions. Yerevan. google scholar
- RIMA 3 - Grayson A.K. (1996). Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC II (858 745 BC). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. google scholar
- UKN - Melikishvili G.A. (1960). Urartian Cuneiform Inscriptions. Moscow. google scholar
- Arutyunyan N.V. (1985). Toponymy of Urartu. Yerevan. google scholar
- Ayvazyan S. (2011). Urartian-Armenian lexicon and comparative-historical grammar. Yerevan. google scholar
- Başgelen, N., & Payne, M. R. (2009). Körzüt’ten Urartu Dönemine Ait Bir Kale Yazıtı. In H. Sağlamtimur, E. Abay, Z. Derin, A. Ü. Erdem, A. Batmaz, F. Dedeoğlu, M. Erdalkıran, M. B. Baştürk, & E. Konakçı (Eds.), Altan Çilingiroğlu’na Armağan. Yukarı Denizin Kıyısında Urartu Krallığı’na Adanmış Bir Hayat/ Studies in Honour of Altan Çilingiroğlu. A Life Dedicated to Urartu on the Shores of the Upper Sea (pp. 125 - 132). İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları google scholar
- Belck, W., & Lehmann, C. F. (1892). Ueber neuerlich aufgefundene Keilinschriften in russisch und türkisch Armenien. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 24, ss.122-152. google scholar
- Belck, W. (1901). Mitteilungen über armenische Streitfragen, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie, und Urgeschichte), 33, ss.284-329. google scholar
- Burney, C. A. (1957). Urartian Fortresses and Towns in the Van Region. Anatolian Studies, 7, pp.37-53. google scholar
- Çavuşoğlu R., Gökce B. Işık K. (2010). Urartu Krallığı’nda Harem // Colloquium Anatolicum, sa.9, ss.153-168. google scholar
- Çilingiroğlu A., & Salvini M. (2001). Ayanis I. Ten year’s Excavations in Rusahinili Eiduru-kai (“Documenta Asiana” 6), Roma. google scholar
- Danışmaz, H. (2020). Urartu krallığı: yönetim ve organizasyon. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu. google scholar
- Diakonoff I.M. - Kashkai M.S. (1981). Geographical Names according to Urartian Texts, Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes. Band 9, Wiesbaden. google scholar
- Dinçol A.M. (1976). “Die neuen Urartaischen Inschriften aus Körzüt”, Istanbul Mittelungen 26, ss.19-30. google scholar
- Gökçe, B., Kuvanç, R., & Genç, B. J. T. İ. D. (2021). Lake Van Basin Urartian Period Road Routes Survey: First Preliminary Report (2017-2018): Muradiye and Tuşba Districts. 36(1), ss.137-162. google scholar
- Gordeziani L. (2010-2011).To the Interpretatıon of CTU A 3-4 //PASIS. Tbilisi. google scholar
- Hewsen R.H. (1992). The Geography of Ananias ofŞırak (Asxarhac’oycf The long and the short recensions, TAVO B 77, Wiesbaden. google scholar
- Işık, K. (2015). Urartu Yazılı Kaynaklarında GeçenYer Adları ve Lokalizasyonları. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Van. google scholar
- Khachikyan M.L. (2010). “Urartian language” // Languages of the world: Ancient relic languages of Near Asia / RAS. Institute of Linguistics. Edited by N. N. Kazansky, A. A. Kibrik, Yu. B. Koryakova.— M.: Academia. google scholar
- Kuvanç R., Işık, K., & Genç, B. (2020). A new Urartian temple in Körzüt fortress, Turkey: a report on the rescue excavation of 2016 and new approaches on the origin of Urartian square temple architecture. ARAMAZD: Armenian Journal ofNear Eastern Studies, 14(1-2), ss.112-139. google scholar
- Lehmann-Haupt, C.F., “Bericht über die Ergebnisse der von Dr. W. Belck und Dr. C. F. Lehmann 1898/99 ausgeführten Forschungsreise in Armenien”, Der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Erster Halbrand-Berlin, 1900, ss.619-631. google scholar
- Melikishvili G.A. (1964). Urartian language. Moscow. google scholar
- Salvini M., Wegner (2014). I. Einfuhrung in dieurartaische Sprache. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, S 124. google scholar
- Salvini M. (2014). “Tuspa”. RlA 14, 3./4. S. 218-22. // EbelingE., MeissnerB., EdzardD.O., StreckM. (eds.) Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaologie. Berlin - New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1922(1976) - . google scholar
- Tarhan, M. T., & Sevin, V. (1976-77). Van Bölgesinde Urartu Araştırmalan (I): Askerî ve Sivil Mimariye Ait Yeni Gözlemler. Anadolu Araştırmaları, 4-5, ss.273-345. google scholar
- Uslu, E. (2021). Körzüt Kalesi Tapınak Alanı 2016 Yılı Kurtarma Kazısı. (82), ss.125-135. google scholar
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