Research Article
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Year 2024, Issue: 31, 213 - 244, 14.01.2025



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  • Pucci, M. (2020). “Excavating Zincirli’s Archives: The Discovery of the Southern City Gate” In S. Alaura (ed.) Digging in the Archives: From the History of Oriental Studies to the History of Ideas (33-49). Roma: Edizioni Quasar. google scholar
  • Rutland, F.P. (2014). The Lost Gallery: John Garstang and Turkey - A Postcolonial Reading University of Liverpool, School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology. Unpublished PhD. google scholar
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  • Schloen, J.D., Fink, A.S. (2009). “New Excavations at Zincirli Höyük in Turkey (Ancient Sam’al) and the Discovery of an İnscribed Mortuary Stele” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 356: 1-13. google scholar
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  • Wartke, R.B. (2009). “Felix von Luschan und die Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli” P. Ruggendorfer, H.D. Szemethy (eds.) Felix von Luschan (1854-1924). Leben und Wirken eines Universalgelehrten, (307320). Wien: Böhlau Verlag. google scholar

The “Worthless Stones” of Zincirli: Osman Hamdi Bey and the German Excavations of 1888–1902

Year 2024, Issue: 31, 213 - 244, 14.01.2025


This study investigates the archaeological excavations carried out by the German Orient-Comité at Zincirli Höyük between 1888 and 1902, using the Ottoman archives of the period and the documents in the Ottoman Imperial Museum. In addition to these archival documents, the wider work of the German archaeologists will be analyzed within this context. This study will focus on the relationships between Osman Hamdi Bey, the director of the Ottoman Imperial Museum at the time, Carl Humann, and Felix von Luschan. It will also reconstruct their excavation processes in Zincirli in the context of Ottoman bureaucracy. Most importantly, it will analyze how Hamdi Bey’s influence on that bureaucracy allowed the artifacts unearthed during the excavations to be taken to Germany despite the 1884 Asar-ı Atika (Antiquities) Regulation.


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  • Akın, N. (1993). “Osman Hamdi Bey, Asar-ı Atika Nizamnamesi ve Dönemin Koruma Anlayışı Üzerine” In Z. Rona (ed.) Osman Hamdi Bey ve Dönemi (233-239). İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları. google scholar
  • Alaura, S. (2017). “Little by little the obscurity is being cleared away from the earlier history of Asia Minor. Searching for the Hittites, from Sayce to Winkler” In M. Doğan-Alparslan, M. Alparslan and A. Schachner (eds.) The Discovery of an Anatolian Empire / Bir Anadolu İmparatorluğunun Keşfi (13-27). İstanbul: Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayınları. google scholar
  • Çal, H. (1997). “Osmanlı Devleti’nde Asar-ı Atika Nizamnameleri” Vakıflar Dergisi 26: 391- 400. google scholar
  • Çal, H. (2005). “Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyete Eski Eserler Kanunları” In E. Semih Yalçın (Ed.) 60. Yılında İlim ve Fikir Adamı Prof. Dr. Kazım Yasar Kopraman’a Armağan (234-270) Ankara. google scholar
  • Çelik, Z. (2016). Asar-ı Atika-Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Arkeoloji Siyaseti. İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Çifçi, A. (2019). “John Garstang and Sakçagözü Excavations (1908-1911)” Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 34/2: 369-386. google scholar
  • Dilbaz, B.K. (2018). Osmanlı Devleti’nin Arkeoloji Politikası. İstanbul: Okur Tarihi. google scholar
  • Eldem, E. (2010). Osman Hamdi Bey Sözlüğü. İstanbul: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. google scholar
  • Edhem E. (2014). Nazlı’nın Defteri: Osman Hamdi Bey’in Çevresi = Nazlı’s guestbook: Osman Hamdi Bey’s circle, İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi. google scholar
  • Hawkins, J.D. (2000a). Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions I. Inscriptions of the Iron Age: Part 1. Text: Introduction, Karatepe, Karkamis, Tell Ahmar, Maras, Malatya, Commagene. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Hawkins, J.D. (2000b). Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions Volume I, Inscriptions of the Iron Age: Part 1. Text: Introduction, Karatepe, Karkamis, Tell Ahmar, Maras, Malatya, Commagene, Part 3 Plates. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Holod, R., Ousterhout, R. (2011). Osman Hamdi Bey the Americans, Archaeology, Diplomacy and Art. İstanbul: Pera Müzesi. google scholar
  • Humann, K., Puchstein, O. (1890). Reisen in Kleinasien und Nordsyrien. Verlag von Dietrich: Berlin. google scholar
  • Karaduman, H. (2004). “Belgelerle İlk Türk Asar-ı Atika Nizamnamesi” Belgeler XXV: 68-83. google scholar
  • Orthmann, W. (1971). Untersuchungen zur spathethitischen Kunst, Saarbrücker Beitrage zur Altertumskunde. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Verlag. google scholar
  • Özkan, S. (2019). Osmanlı Devleti’nde Arkeolojik Kazılar ve Müzecilik (Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı). İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi. google scholar
  • Pears, Sir E. (1916). Forty Years in Constantinople - The Recollections of Sir Edwin Pears 1873-1915. London: Herbert Jenkins. google scholar
  • Pucci, M. (2020). “Excavating Zincirli’s Archives: The Discovery of the Southern City Gate” In S. Alaura (ed.) Digging in the Archives: From the History of Oriental Studies to the History of Ideas (33-49). Roma: Edizioni Quasar. google scholar
  • Rutland, F.P. (2014). The Lost Gallery: John Garstang and Turkey - A Postcolonial Reading University of Liverpool, School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology. Unpublished PhD. google scholar
  • Sayce, A.H. (1923). Reminiscences. London: Macmillion. google scholar
  • Schloen, J.D., Fink, A.S. (2009). “New Excavations at Zincirli Höyük in Turkey (Ancient Sam’al) and the Discovery of an İnscribed Mortuary Stele” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 356: 1-13. google scholar
  • von Luschan, F. (1893). Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. V. 1: Einleitung und Inschrift. Berlin: Spemann. google scholar
  • von Luschan, F. (1898). Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. V. 2: Ausgrabungsbericht und Architektur. Berlin: Spemann. google scholar
  • von Luschan, F. (1902). Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. V. 3: Thorsculpturen. Berlin: Georg Reimer. google scholar
  • von Luschan, F. (1911). Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. V. 4: Ausgeführt und herausgegeben im Auftrage des Orient-Comites zu Berlin. Berlin: Georg Reimer. google scholar
  • von Luschan, F., Andrae, W. (1943). Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. V. 5: Die Kleinfunde von Sendschirli. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. google scholar
  • Wartke, R.-B. (2005). Sam’al: EinAramaischerStadtstaat des 10. bis 8. Jhs. v. Chr. unddie Geschichte semer Erforschung. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern. google scholar
  • Wartke, R.B. (2009). “Felix von Luschan und die Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli” P. Ruggendorfer, H.D. Szemethy (eds.) Felix von Luschan (1854-1924). Leben und Wirken eines Universalgelehrten, (307320). Wien: Böhlau Verlag. google scholar
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeological Science, Archeology of Ottoman
Journal Section Research Article

Oğuz Satır 0000-0002-7700-6166

Ali Çifçi 0000-0002-1404-9820

Publication Date January 14, 2025
Submission Date December 1, 2024
Acceptance Date December 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 31


APA Satır, O., & Çifçi, A. (2025). The “Worthless Stones” of Zincirli: Osman Hamdi Bey and the German Excavations of 1888–1902. Anatolian Research(31), 213-244.

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