Research Article
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Hellenistic Period Mould-Made Oil Lamps From the Sinop Museum

Year 2024, Issue: 31, 299 - 333, 14.01.2025


Hellenistic Period mould-made oil lamps from the Hellenistic Period were first produced in the early 3rd century BC and remained in use until the first half of the 1st century AD. This study examines Hellenistic Period mould-made lamps housed in the Sinop Museum. These lamps, originating from the ancient city of Sinope, one of the most significant harbor cities in the Paphlagonia Region, were acquired through excavations, purchases, and donations. The museum collection was analyzed and categorized into three sub-types: Ephesus-type oil lamps, lamps with a channel on the nozzle, and lamps depicting antithetic Erotes. Due to the absence of stratigraphical dating data, the lamps were identified by comparing them with similar lamps from nearby neighboring and distant centers. The Ephesus-type oil lamps, known for their distinctive characteristics, are dated from the mid-2nd century BC to the late 1st century BC, their peak period of popularity. The substantial quantity of these lamps reveals intensive trade connections with Western Anatolia. The coexistence of high-quality examples alongside cruder, imperfect versions suggests that local workshops may have produced imitations of the Ephesus-type lamps. However, clay analyses are necessary to confirm this hypothesis definitively. A variation of the Ephesus-type oil lamp, featuring a channel on the nozzle, is represented by a single specimen in the collection. Similarly, an oil lamp depicting antithetic Erotes, also a singular example, dates between the mid2nd century BC and the 1st century BC. The latter underscores trade activity with the Eastern Mediterranean region.


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  • Fragnoli, P., Ugarkovic, M., Sterba, J. H.& Sauer, R. (2022). Looking for Ephesian workshops: an integrated petrographic, geochemical, and chrono-typological approach to Late Hellenistic Ephesos lamps, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences Vol. 14: 19. google scholar
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  • Giuliani, A. (2005). Hellenistische Matrizenlampen aus Ephesos. In: L. Chrzanovski (Ed.), Lychnological Acts 1. Actes du ler Congres International d’etudes sur le luminaire antique (Nyon - Geneve, 29.IX - 4.X. 2003). Monographies Instrumentum 31. Mergoil, Montagnac, 139-142. google scholar
  • Goldman H. & Jones F. F. (1950). The lamps. In: H. Goldman (Ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus 1. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Princeton, New Jersey, 84-134. google scholar
  • Günay Tuluk, G. (2003). Ionia Bölgesindeki Hellenistik Döneme Ait Kandiller. In: C. Abadie Reynal (Ed.), Les ceramiques en Anatolie aux epoques hellenistiques et romaines. Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 23-24 mai 1996. Varia Anatolica 15. Paris, 17-26. google scholar
  • Güngör Alper, E. (2019). Sinop Balatlar Yapı Topluluğu 2010-2013 Yılları Arasında Bulunan Pişmiş Toprak Kandiller (Sinop Balatlar Building Complex - terracotta lamps from 2010-2013). In: H. Kaba, G. Şahin Kan, B.M. Akarsu, & O. Bozoğlan (Eds), International Symposium on Sinope and Black Sea Archeology: “Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea”. Proceedings Book. Sinop, 162-175. google scholar
  • Gürler, B. (1994). Metropolis’in Hellenistik Dönem Seramiği, Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir. google scholar
  • Gürler, B. (2002). Ephesos-Lampen aus Metropolis/Ionien. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archaologischen Instituts 71, 133-147. google scholar
  • Gürler, B. (2003). Ephesos-Lampen im Museum von Tire. Jahreshefte des ÖsterreichischenArchaologischen Institutes 72, 123-131. google scholar
  • Hayes, J. W. (1980). Ancient Lamps in the Royal Ontario Museum I. Greek and Roman Clay Lamps: A Catalogue. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum Publications. google scholar
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  • Kajzer, M. (2013). The ‘Ephesian’ Terracotta Oil Lamps from the Agora of Nea Paphos. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 17, 249-253. google scholar
  • Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E. & Müller, N. S. (2021). Production and supply of ceramic oil lamps in Hellenistic and Early Roman Nea Paphos, Cyprus: integrated typological, chronological and provenance studies. Annual ofthe British School ofAthens 116, 291-357. google scholar
  • Kan Şahin, G. & Aksoy, E. (2019). Some Hellenistic and late Roman terracotta lamps in the Sinop Archaeological Museum in northern Turkey. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 28(1), 349-361. google scholar
  • Kassab Tezgör, D. & Sezer, T. (1995). İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri Pişmiş Toprak Kandiller Kataloğu, Cilt 1: Protohistorik, Arkaik, Klasik ve Hellenistik Dönemler, Varia Anatolica 6(2), İstanbul. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. (2021). The Cesnola Collection ofCypriotArt: Terracotta Oil Lamps. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications. google scholar
  • Oziol, T. (1977). Les lampes du Musee de Chypre. Salamine de Chypre 7. Paris: de Boccard. google scholar
  • Öztürk, N. (2003). Kyzikos Kandilleri. Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum. google scholar
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  • Svobodovâ, H. (2006). Ancient lamps in the Prague National Museum. Sbormk Nârodmho muzea v Praze, ActaMusei NationalisPragae, radaA -Historie, LX/3-4, 1-96. google scholar
  • Temür, A. (2019). Giresun Müzesi’nde Bulunan Pişmiş Toprak Kandiller. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 23(1), 311-337. google scholar
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  • Weinberg, S.S. (1971). Tel Anafa: The Hellenistic Town, Israel Exploration Journal, 21, 86-109. google scholar
  • Yorulmaz, L. (2020). Kurul Kalesi Pişmiş Toprak Kandilleri. Seleucia (ad Calycadnum), 10, 97-125. google scholar
  • Zaytsev, Yu. P. (2002). Imported Lamps and Candelabra from Ust’-Alma Necropolis (Crimea, Ukraine). In: D. Zhuravlev (Ed), Fire, Light and Light Equipment in the Graeco-Roman World. BAR International Series 1019. Oxford, 41-59. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. (2007). Lighting Equipment of the Northern Pontic Area in the Roman and Late Roman Periods: Imports and Local Production. In: V. Gabrielsen, J. Lund (Eds), The Black Sea in Antiquity: Regional and Interregional Economic Exchanges, Black Sea Studies, 6, 209-237. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. & Lomtadze G. (2007). Keramiceskie kompleksy ellinisticeskogo vre-meni iz nekropolya Ol’vii, ArkheologijaKiiv 1, 78-91. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D., Bykovskaya, N. & Zheltikova, A. (2010). Catalogues of the Lamps from the Collection of the Kerch Museum, Vol. II, Lamps of the second half of the 3rd century BC - 4th cent. AD, Hellenistic Imported Lamps, Bosporan Hellenistic and Roman Lamps. Kiev. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D.& Zhuravleva, N. (2014). Late Hellenistic Pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent Finds. In: P. Guldager Bilde, M. L. Lawall (Eds), Pottery, People, and Places: Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies,16, 255-286. google scholar
Year 2024, Issue: 31, 299 - 333, 14.01.2025



  • Akurgal, E. (1956). Sinop kazıları. Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 6/1, 47-61. google scholar
  • Akurgal, E. & Budde, L. (1956). Vorlauiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Sinope. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi. google scholar
  • Arslan, M. (2005). Arrianus’un Karadeniz Seyahati (Arriani Periplus Euxini). İstanbul: Odin Yayıncılık. google scholar
  • Bailey, D. M. (1975). A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum 1. Greek, Hellenistic and Early Roman Pottery Lamps. London: British Museum Publications. google scholar
  • Boysal, Y. (1958). Sinop’un En Eski Buluntuları ve Kolonizasyonu Hakkında, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 8/2, 23-29. google scholar
  • Broneer, O. (1930). Corinth: results of excavations conducted by the Americal School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol.4, Part.2, Terracotta Lamps. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. google scholar
  • Bruneau, P. (1965). Exploration archeologique de Delos, Fase. 26, Les Lampes. Paris. google scholar
  • Budde, L. (1956). Kurzer vorlauiger Bericht über die Grabungen in Sinope der Kampagnen 1951-1952, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 6(2), 5-10. google scholar
  • Bussiere, J. & Lindros Wohl, B. (2017) Ancient Lamps in the J. Paul Getty Museum. Los Angeles: Getty Publications. google scholar
  • Cahn Klaiber, E. M. (1977). Die antiken Tonlampen desArchaologischen Instituts der Universitat Tübingen. Tübingen: Wasmuth. google scholar
  • Chrzanovski, L. & Zhuravlev, D. (1998). Lamps from Chersonesos in the State Historical Museum, Moscow, Studia Archaeologica 94. Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider. google scholar
  • Connelly, J. B. & Mlynarczyk, J. (2002). Terracotta oil lamps from Geronisos and their context, Report of the Department of Antiquities Cyprus, 293-316. google scholar
  • Crowfoot, J. W., Crowfoot, G. M. & Kenyon, K. M. (1957). The Objects from Samaria. London: Palestine Exploration Fund. google scholar
  • Daux, G. (1966). Thasos. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 90 (2), 944-988. google scholar Demandel, R. & Laumonier, A. (1925). Fouilles de Notion (1921), Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 49, 322-346. google scholar
  • El Masri, M. (2019). Terracotta oil lamps from the Excavation at the BEY 004 Site (Beirut, Lebanon), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 28/1, 423-459. google scholar
  • Elgavish, J. (1972). The Excavations of Shikmona. A Seleucian Garrison Camp from Hasmonean Times. Haifa: Municipal Corporation of Haifa. google scholar
  • Erzen, A. (1956). Sinop Kazısı 1953 Yılı Çalışmaları, Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 6(1), 69-72. google scholar
  • Fragnoli, P., Ugarkovic, M., Sterba, J. H.& Sauer, R. (2022). Looking for Ephesian workshops: an integrated petrographic, geochemical, and chrono-typological approach to Late Hellenistic Ephesos lamps, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences Vol. 14: 19. google scholar
  • Gassner, V. (1997). Das Südtor der Tetragonos-Agora. Keramik und Kleinfunde, Forschungen in Ephesos XIII 1, 1. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. google scholar
  • Giuliani, A. (2005). Hellenistische Matrizenlampen aus Ephesos. In: L. Chrzanovski (Ed.), Lychnological Acts 1. Actes du ler Congres International d’etudes sur le luminaire antique (Nyon - Geneve, 29.IX - 4.X. 2003). Monographies Instrumentum 31. Mergoil, Montagnac, 139-142. google scholar
  • Goldman H. & Jones F. F. (1950). The lamps. In: H. Goldman (Ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus 1. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Princeton, New Jersey, 84-134. google scholar
  • Günay Tuluk, G. (2003). Ionia Bölgesindeki Hellenistik Döneme Ait Kandiller. In: C. Abadie Reynal (Ed.), Les ceramiques en Anatolie aux epoques hellenistiques et romaines. Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 23-24 mai 1996. Varia Anatolica 15. Paris, 17-26. google scholar
  • Güngör Alper, E. (2019). Sinop Balatlar Yapı Topluluğu 2010-2013 Yılları Arasında Bulunan Pişmiş Toprak Kandiller (Sinop Balatlar Building Complex - terracotta lamps from 2010-2013). In: H. Kaba, G. Şahin Kan, B.M. Akarsu, & O. Bozoğlan (Eds), International Symposium on Sinope and Black Sea Archeology: “Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea”. Proceedings Book. Sinop, 162-175. google scholar
  • Gürler, B. (1994). Metropolis’in Hellenistik Dönem Seramiği, Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir. google scholar
  • Gürler, B. (2002). Ephesos-Lampen aus Metropolis/Ionien. Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archaologischen Instituts 71, 133-147. google scholar
  • Gürler, B. (2003). Ephesos-Lampen im Museum von Tire. Jahreshefte des ÖsterreichischenArchaologischen Institutes 72, 123-131. google scholar
  • Hayes, J. W. (1980). Ancient Lamps in the Royal Ontario Museum I. Greek and Roman Clay Lamps: A Catalogue. Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum Publications. google scholar
  • Howland, R. H. (1958). Greek Lamps and Their Survivals. The Athenian Agora IV. Princeton, New Jersey: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens. google scholar
  • Kajzer, M. (2013). The ‘Ephesian’ Terracotta Oil Lamps from the Agora of Nea Paphos. Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 17, 249-253. google scholar
  • Kajzer, M., Marzec, E., Kiriatzi, E. & Müller, N. S. (2021). Production and supply of ceramic oil lamps in Hellenistic and Early Roman Nea Paphos, Cyprus: integrated typological, chronological and provenance studies. Annual ofthe British School ofAthens 116, 291-357. google scholar
  • Kan Şahin, G. & Aksoy, E. (2019). Some Hellenistic and late Roman terracotta lamps in the Sinop Archaeological Museum in northern Turkey. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 28(1), 349-361. google scholar
  • Kassab Tezgör, D. & Sezer, T. (1995). İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri Pişmiş Toprak Kandiller Kataloğu, Cilt 1: Protohistorik, Arkaik, Klasik ve Hellenistik Dönemler, Varia Anatolica 6(2), İstanbul. google scholar
  • Lightfoot, C. S. (2021). The Cesnola Collection ofCypriotArt: Terracotta Oil Lamps. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications. google scholar
  • Oziol, T. (1977). Les lampes du Musee de Chypre. Salamine de Chypre 7. Paris: de Boccard. google scholar
  • Öztürk, N. (2003). Kyzikos Kandilleri. Unpublished Phd. Thesis, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erzurum. google scholar
  • Pastutmaz Sevmen, D. (2018). Sinop Müzesi’nde Bulunan Üç Plastik Kandil (Three plastic lamps from Sinop Museum). Arkhaia Anatolika, 1, 93-107. google scholar
  • Rosenthal Heginbottom, R. (1995). Imported Hellenistic and Roman Pottery. In: E. Stern (Ed), Excavations at Dor, Final Report 1 B. Areas A and C: The Finds, Qedem Reports 2, 183-288. google scholar
  • Rosenthal, R. &Sivan, R. (1978). Ancient Lamps in the Schloessinger Collection, Qedem, 8, 1-179. google scholar
  • Schafer, J. (1968). Hellenistische Keramik aus Pergamon. PergamenischeForschungen, 2, Berlin: De Gruyter. google scholar
  • Shear, T. L. (1922). Sixth Preliminary Report on the American Excavation at Sardes in Asia Minor. American Journal of Archaeology, 26 (4), 389-409. google scholar
  • Strabon. Antik Anadolu Coğrafyası (Geographika: XII-XIII-XIV). Çev. Prof. Dr. Adnan Pekman. İstanbul 1993. google scholar
  • Svobodovâ, H. (2006). Ancient lamps in the Prague National Museum. Sbormk Nârodmho muzea v Praze, ActaMusei NationalisPragae, radaA -Historie, LX/3-4, 1-96. google scholar
  • Temür, A. (2019). Giresun Müzesi’nde Bulunan Pişmiş Toprak Kandiller. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 23(1), 311-337. google scholar
  • Vessberg, O. & Westholm, A. (1956). The Swedish Cyprus Expedition, Vol. IV, Part. 3. The Hellenistic and Roman Periods in Cyprus. Stockholm. google scholar
  • Waldhauer, O. (1914). Kaiserliche Ermitage. Die antiken Tonlampen. St. Petersburg: Kaiserliche Ermitage. google scholar
  • Walters, H. B. (1914). Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Lamps in the British Museum. London: British Museum Publications. google scholar
  • Weinberg, S.S. (1971). Tel Anafa: The Hellenistic Town, Israel Exploration Journal, 21, 86-109. google scholar
  • Yorulmaz, L. (2020). Kurul Kalesi Pişmiş Toprak Kandilleri. Seleucia (ad Calycadnum), 10, 97-125. google scholar
  • Zaytsev, Yu. P. (2002). Imported Lamps and Candelabra from Ust’-Alma Necropolis (Crimea, Ukraine). In: D. Zhuravlev (Ed), Fire, Light and Light Equipment in the Graeco-Roman World. BAR International Series 1019. Oxford, 41-59. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. (2007). Lighting Equipment of the Northern Pontic Area in the Roman and Late Roman Periods: Imports and Local Production. In: V. Gabrielsen, J. Lund (Eds), The Black Sea in Antiquity: Regional and Interregional Economic Exchanges, Black Sea Studies, 6, 209-237. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D. & Lomtadze G. (2007). Keramiceskie kompleksy ellinisticeskogo vre-meni iz nekropolya Ol’vii, ArkheologijaKiiv 1, 78-91. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D., Bykovskaya, N. & Zheltikova, A. (2010). Catalogues of the Lamps from the Collection of the Kerch Museum, Vol. II, Lamps of the second half of the 3rd century BC - 4th cent. AD, Hellenistic Imported Lamps, Bosporan Hellenistic and Roman Lamps. Kiev. google scholar
  • Zhuravlev, D.& Zhuravleva, N. (2014). Late Hellenistic Pottery and Lamps from Pantikapaion: Recent Finds. In: P. Guldager Bilde, M. L. Lawall (Eds), Pottery, People, and Places: Study and Interpretation of Late Hellenistic Pottery, Black Sea Studies,16, 255-286. google scholar
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Hellenistic Period Archeology
Journal Section Research Article

Suhal Sağlan 0009-0001-6361-9674

Publication Date January 14, 2025
Submission Date August 9, 2024
Acceptance Date November 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 31


APA Sağlan, S. (2025). Hellenistic Period Mould-Made Oil Lamps From the Sinop Museum. Anatolian Research(31), 299-333.

Since 1955

Anadolu Araştırmaları – Anatolian Research