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Year 2016, Volume: 74 Issue: 2, 879 - 918, 29.12.2016


Geçtiğimiz yıllarda karşılaştırmalı hukuka yönelik işlevsel yaklaşımın, hukukun uygulandığı toplumun sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel ve siyasi yapısıyla iç içe geçen karakteri gerekçe gösterilerek çeşitli şekillerde eleştirildiği görülmüştür. Bu makalede ise araştırma yapılırken kullanılacak yöntemin çoğulluğu üzerinde durulmuş ve karşılaştırmalı hukuk araştırmasına başvuran “kullanıcıların” ihtiyaçlarına cevap verecek yöntemin seçilmesinin isabetli olacağı ileri sürülmüştür. Bu yönde öncelikle karşılaştırmalı hukuk araştırmasının gelişimindeki çeşitli aşamalar üzerinde durulmuştur: yabancı bir hukuk hakkında bilgi edinme amacıyla yapılan araştırmalar, hukuk sistemlerinin ortak kaynağını keşfetme amacıyla yapılan çalışmalar, iç hukukun gelişmesinde örnek alınacak model hukuk enstrümanlarının ortaya konulması amacıyla yapılan çalışmalar, hukukun yeknesaklaştırılması ve son olarak ortak metinlerin yeknesak uygulamasının sağlanması amacıyla yapılan çalışmalar. Makalede daha sonra karşılaştırmalı hukuk araştırması yapılırken benimsenecek yönteme şekil veren farklı kullanıcılar üzerinde durulmuştur: akademisyenler, avukatlar, mahkemeler, kanun koyucular, yeknesaklaştırma faaliyetini yürüten organizasyonlar vb. Her bir grubun karşılaştırmalı hukuktan beklentisinin farklı olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Bu kullanıcıların büyük bir çoğunluğunun hukukun söz konusu ülkedeki uygulamasıyla ilgilendiğini söylemek mümkün olmakla birlikte bazı kullanıcılar tarafından hukukun sosyal, ekonomik, siyasi ve kültürel boyutlarının incelenmesinin de talep edildiği görülmektedir.


  • American Law Institute, Intellectual Property: Principles Governing Ju- risdiction, Choice of Law and Judgments in Transnational Disputes, St. Paul, Minn. 2008 Axel Metzger, Extra legem, intra ius: Allgemeine Rechtsgrundsâtze im Europâischen Privatrecht, Tübingen, 2009 Bernd von Hoffmann, Das Recht des Grundstückskaufs, Tübingen, 1982 Bundesminister der Justiz (ed.), Abschlussbericht der Kommission zur Überarbeitung des Schuldrechts, Köln, 1992 Bundesministerium der Justiz (ed.), Erster Bericht der Kommission für Insolvenzrecht, Köln, 1985 Carlos Esplugues/Jose Luis Iglesias/Guillermo Palao, Application of Fo- reign Law, Münih, 2011
  • Jürgen Basedow, Conclusions: Du Code Napoleon a la codification eu- ropeenne - 200 ans de codification a la lumiere de ses fonctions, Le Code civil français dans le droit europeen, Jean-Philippe Dunand/Benedict Winiger (ed.), Brüksel, 2005 Jürgen Basedow, Die Reform des deutschen Kaufrechts, Rechtsvergleic- hendes Gutachten des Max Planck Instituts für auslândisches und internatio- nales Privatrecht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Justiz, Köln, 1988 Jürgen Basedow, Kartellrecht im Land der Kartelle, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 2008 Jürgen Basedow, Klaus Hopt, Hein Kötz, Dietmar Baetge (ed.), Die Bün- delung gleichgerichteter Interessen im Prozess, Tübingen, 1999 Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopy/Hein Kötz/Peter Dopffel (ed.), Die Rechtss- tellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften, Tübingen, 2000 Jürgen Basedow/Till Fock (ed.), Europâisches Versicherungsvert- ragsrecht, C. 1- 3, Tübingen, 2002-03 Jürgen Basedow/Dagmar Coester-Waltjen/Heinz-Peter Mansel (ed.), Gutachten zum internationalen und auslândischen Privatrecht (IPG) 2007/2008, 2010 Jürgen Basedow/John Birds/Malcolm Clarke/Herman Cousy/Helmut Heiss (ed.), Principles of European Insurance Contract Law, Münih, 2009 Jürgen Samtleben, Der unfâhige Gutachter und die auslândische Rechtspraxis, NJW, 1992 Klaus Hopt, Felix Steffek (ed.), Mediation - Rechtstatsachen, Rechtsverg- leich, Regelungen, Tübingen, 2008. (Eserin İngilizcesi için bkz. Mediation - Principles and Regulation in Comparative Perspective, Oxford, 2013 Klaus Hopt/Bernd Rudolph/Harald Baum (ed.), Börsenreform, Stuttgart, 1997 Knut Pissler, Chinese Law, Influence of European Private Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopt/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Hamburg, 2012 Konrad Zweigert/Hein Kötz, Introduction of Comparative Law, çeviren: Tony Weir, Oxford, 1998 Konrad Zweigert/Ulrich Drobnig (ed.), International Encylopedia of Comparative Law, C. 1-17, Dordrecht ve Tübingen, 1964 ve sonrası. Lado Chanturia, Recht und Transformation Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht eines rezipierenden Landes, RabelsZ 72, 2008 Leon Brittan/Karel van Miert, Towards an International Framework of Competition Rules, International Business Lawyer, 1996 lrich Drobnig/Sjef van Erp (ed.), The Use of Comparative Law by Courts. Reports to the XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law Athens 1994, Lahey, 1999 Mark van Hoecke, Deep Level Comparative Law: ed. Epistemology and Methodology of Comparative Law, Oxford, 2004 Martin Gebauer, Rechtsvergleichung,, Leitgedanken des Rechts, ed. Hanno Kube ve diğerleri, Paul Kirchhof zum 70. Geburtstag, Heidelberg, 2013
  • Martin Stanford, Some Reflexions on Four Decades of Involvement in the International Unification of Private Law, Zeitschrift für Luft und Weltraumrecht (ZLW) 62, 2013 Mi Jian, On the Communication of Legal Culture and the Subjective Consciousness of Culture, China Legal Science 1, 2013 Nadjma Yassari, Islamic Countries, Influence of European Private Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopt/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), C. 2, Hamburg, 2012 Ole Lando/Hugh Beale (ed.), Principles of European Contract Law- I. ve II. Bölümler, Lahey, 2000 Ole Lando/Eric Clive/Andre Prüm/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Principles of European Contract Law- III. Bölüm, Lahey, 2003. Peter Bouwen, Corporate lobbying in the European Union: The Logic of Access, Journal of European Public Policy 9, 2002 Peter de Cruz, Comparative Law in a Changing World, Londra, 2007 Peter Dopffel (ed.), Kindschaftsrecht im Wandel, Tübingen, 1994 Peter North, Problems of Codification in a Common Law System, RabelsZ 46,1982 Pierre Arminjon/Boris Nolde/Martin Wolff, Traite de droit compare, C. 13, Paris, 1950-51 Pierre Legrand, Variations on the Main Theme: Fragments on Laws-as Culture, Deventer, 1999 Ralf Michaels, The Functional Method of Comparative Law: The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, Mathias Reimann/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Oxford, 2006 Reinhard Zimmerman, Der europâische Charakter des englischen Rechts, ZEuP, 1993 Reinhard Zimmermann, “In der Schule von Ludwig Mitteis”- Ernst Ra- bels rechtshistorische Ursprünge, Rabels Zeitschrift für auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) 65, 2001 Reinhard Zimmermann, Codification: The Civilian Experience Reconside- red on the Eve of a Common European Sales Law, European Review of Private Law, 2012. Bu makalenin Türkçe çevirisi için bkz. Kodifikasyon - Avrupa Ortak Satım Hukuku Arifesinde Kıta Avrupası Deneyimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi, Reinhard Zimmermann, Çev.: Yard. Doç. Dr. Ece Baş Süzel, Av. Meliha Sermin Paksoy, İÜHFM C. LXXIII, S. 2, 2015. Rene David, Le Code civil ethiopien de 1960, RabelsZ 26, 1961 Rene David, The International Unification of Private Law, in: Internatio- nal Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (IECL), C. II, Bölüm 5, Tübin- gen/Paris/New York, 1971 Rene David/John Brierley, Major Legal Systems in the World Today, Londra, 1985. Richard Buxbaum, Is There a Place for European Delaware in the Corpo- rate Conflict of Laws?, 74 RabelsZ, 2010 Robert A. Leflar, The Law of Conflict of Laws, Indianapolis, 1959 Rodolfo Sacco, Le droit africain -Anthropologie et droit positif, Paris, 2009 (çeviren: Michel Cannarsa)
  • Rodolfo Sacco, Antropologia guiridica, Bolonya, 2007 Rolf Knieper, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Verpflanzbarkeit von Recht - Juristische Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht eines Beraters, RabelsZ 72, 2008 Rudolf B. Schlesinger, The Common Core of Legal Systems, in: XXth Century Comparative and Conflicts Law. Legal Essays in Honor of Hessel E. Yntema, Leyden, 1961 ve Konrad Zweigert/Hans-Jürgen Puttfarken (ed.), Rechtsvergleichung, Darmstadt, 1978. Sandro Schipani (ed.), Augusto Teixeira de Freitas il diritto latino ameri- cano, Padova, 1988 Sarah Piek, Die Kritik an der funktionalen Rechtsvergleichung, Zeitsch- rift für Europâisches Privatrecht (ZEuP), 2013 Takashi Uchida, Contract Law Reform in Japan and the Unidroit Princip- les, Uniform Law Review, 2011 Ulrich Drobnig/Peter Dopffe, Die Nutzung der Rechtsvergleichung durch den deutschen Gesetzgeber, RabelsZ 46, 1982 Ulrich Hübner, Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen des Wettbewerbs in der Versicherungswirtschaft, Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zu den Rechtsord- nungen Grossbritanniens, Frankreichs, der Schweiz und der Vereinigten Staa- ten von Amerika, Baden-Baden, 1988 Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdictions, Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Jan Smiths (ed.), Cheltenham, 2006 Wolfgang Wurmnest, Common Core, Grundregeln, Kodifikationsentwür- fe, Acquis-Grundsâtze - Ansâtze internationaler Wissenschaftlergruppen zur Privatrechtsvereinheitlichung in Europa, ZEuP, 2003 Wulf-Henning Roth, Freier Warenverkehr und staatliche Regelungsgewalt in einem gemeinsamen Markt - Europâische Probleme und amerikanische Er- fahrungen, Münih, 1991 Yeşim M. Atamer, Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations,, Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopt/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Hamburg, 2012


Year 2016, Volume: 74 Issue: 2, 879 - 918, 29.12.2016


Over the years, the so-called functional approach to comparison has att- racted much criticism from authors stressing the embeddedness of legal rules and institutions in a given legal system, and its intertwining with the characte- ristics of a specific society, economy, culture and political system. This article advocates a pluralism of methods and selection of the method of enquiry in accordance with the demand of those who intend to make use of comparative knowledge (“the clients”). Therefore, it sheds light upon its development over several stages: the aim to obtain knowledge about a foreign nation, to discover the common core of legal systems, to search for a model guiding the develop- ment of domestic law, to prepare uniform law instruments and to maintain or restore uniformity. The Article then focuses on the demand side; the various clients who shape the proper method of comparative inquiry: scholars, practiti- oners, courts, legislators, unification agencies etc. For each group, a specific type of demand for comparative law can be ascertained. Many of these custo- mers are interested in the black letter law of foreign as applied in those count- ries in practice. In some instances, the demand extends to the social, econo- mic, political and cultural environment of the law.


  • American Law Institute, Intellectual Property: Principles Governing Ju- risdiction, Choice of Law and Judgments in Transnational Disputes, St. Paul, Minn. 2008 Axel Metzger, Extra legem, intra ius: Allgemeine Rechtsgrundsâtze im Europâischen Privatrecht, Tübingen, 2009 Bernd von Hoffmann, Das Recht des Grundstückskaufs, Tübingen, 1982 Bundesminister der Justiz (ed.), Abschlussbericht der Kommission zur Überarbeitung des Schuldrechts, Köln, 1992 Bundesministerium der Justiz (ed.), Erster Bericht der Kommission für Insolvenzrecht, Köln, 1985 Carlos Esplugues/Jose Luis Iglesias/Guillermo Palao, Application of Fo- reign Law, Münih, 2011
  • Jürgen Basedow, Conclusions: Du Code Napoleon a la codification eu- ropeenne - 200 ans de codification a la lumiere de ses fonctions, Le Code civil français dans le droit europeen, Jean-Philippe Dunand/Benedict Winiger (ed.), Brüksel, 2005 Jürgen Basedow, Die Reform des deutschen Kaufrechts, Rechtsvergleic- hendes Gutachten des Max Planck Instituts für auslândisches und internatio- nales Privatrecht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Justiz, Köln, 1988 Jürgen Basedow, Kartellrecht im Land der Kartelle, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 2008 Jürgen Basedow, Klaus Hopt, Hein Kötz, Dietmar Baetge (ed.), Die Bün- delung gleichgerichteter Interessen im Prozess, Tübingen, 1999 Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopy/Hein Kötz/Peter Dopffel (ed.), Die Rechtss- tellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Lebensgemeinschaften, Tübingen, 2000 Jürgen Basedow/Till Fock (ed.), Europâisches Versicherungsvert- ragsrecht, C. 1- 3, Tübingen, 2002-03 Jürgen Basedow/Dagmar Coester-Waltjen/Heinz-Peter Mansel (ed.), Gutachten zum internationalen und auslândischen Privatrecht (IPG) 2007/2008, 2010 Jürgen Basedow/John Birds/Malcolm Clarke/Herman Cousy/Helmut Heiss (ed.), Principles of European Insurance Contract Law, Münih, 2009 Jürgen Samtleben, Der unfâhige Gutachter und die auslândische Rechtspraxis, NJW, 1992 Klaus Hopt, Felix Steffek (ed.), Mediation - Rechtstatsachen, Rechtsverg- leich, Regelungen, Tübingen, 2008. (Eserin İngilizcesi için bkz. Mediation - Principles and Regulation in Comparative Perspective, Oxford, 2013 Klaus Hopt/Bernd Rudolph/Harald Baum (ed.), Börsenreform, Stuttgart, 1997 Knut Pissler, Chinese Law, Influence of European Private Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopt/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Hamburg, 2012 Konrad Zweigert/Hein Kötz, Introduction of Comparative Law, çeviren: Tony Weir, Oxford, 1998 Konrad Zweigert/Ulrich Drobnig (ed.), International Encylopedia of Comparative Law, C. 1-17, Dordrecht ve Tübingen, 1964 ve sonrası. Lado Chanturia, Recht und Transformation Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht eines rezipierenden Landes, RabelsZ 72, 2008 Leon Brittan/Karel van Miert, Towards an International Framework of Competition Rules, International Business Lawyer, 1996 lrich Drobnig/Sjef van Erp (ed.), The Use of Comparative Law by Courts. Reports to the XIVth International Congress of Comparative Law Athens 1994, Lahey, 1999 Mark van Hoecke, Deep Level Comparative Law: ed. Epistemology and Methodology of Comparative Law, Oxford, 2004 Martin Gebauer, Rechtsvergleichung,, Leitgedanken des Rechts, ed. Hanno Kube ve diğerleri, Paul Kirchhof zum 70. Geburtstag, Heidelberg, 2013
  • Martin Stanford, Some Reflexions on Four Decades of Involvement in the International Unification of Private Law, Zeitschrift für Luft und Weltraumrecht (ZLW) 62, 2013 Mi Jian, On the Communication of Legal Culture and the Subjective Consciousness of Culture, China Legal Science 1, 2013 Nadjma Yassari, Islamic Countries, Influence of European Private Law, Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopt/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), C. 2, Hamburg, 2012 Ole Lando/Hugh Beale (ed.), Principles of European Contract Law- I. ve II. Bölümler, Lahey, 2000 Ole Lando/Eric Clive/Andre Prüm/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Principles of European Contract Law- III. Bölüm, Lahey, 2003. Peter Bouwen, Corporate lobbying in the European Union: The Logic of Access, Journal of European Public Policy 9, 2002 Peter de Cruz, Comparative Law in a Changing World, Londra, 2007 Peter Dopffel (ed.), Kindschaftsrecht im Wandel, Tübingen, 1994 Peter North, Problems of Codification in a Common Law System, RabelsZ 46,1982 Pierre Arminjon/Boris Nolde/Martin Wolff, Traite de droit compare, C. 13, Paris, 1950-51 Pierre Legrand, Variations on the Main Theme: Fragments on Laws-as Culture, Deventer, 1999 Ralf Michaels, The Functional Method of Comparative Law: The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, Mathias Reimann/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Oxford, 2006 Reinhard Zimmerman, Der europâische Charakter des englischen Rechts, ZEuP, 1993 Reinhard Zimmermann, “In der Schule von Ludwig Mitteis”- Ernst Ra- bels rechtshistorische Ursprünge, Rabels Zeitschrift für auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ) 65, 2001 Reinhard Zimmermann, Codification: The Civilian Experience Reconside- red on the Eve of a Common European Sales Law, European Review of Private Law, 2012. Bu makalenin Türkçe çevirisi için bkz. Kodifikasyon - Avrupa Ortak Satım Hukuku Arifesinde Kıta Avrupası Deneyimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi, Reinhard Zimmermann, Çev.: Yard. Doç. Dr. Ece Baş Süzel, Av. Meliha Sermin Paksoy, İÜHFM C. LXXIII, S. 2, 2015. Rene David, Le Code civil ethiopien de 1960, RabelsZ 26, 1961 Rene David, The International Unification of Private Law, in: Internatio- nal Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (IECL), C. II, Bölüm 5, Tübin- gen/Paris/New York, 1971 Rene David/John Brierley, Major Legal Systems in the World Today, Londra, 1985. Richard Buxbaum, Is There a Place for European Delaware in the Corpo- rate Conflict of Laws?, 74 RabelsZ, 2010 Robert A. Leflar, The Law of Conflict of Laws, Indianapolis, 1959 Rodolfo Sacco, Le droit africain -Anthropologie et droit positif, Paris, 2009 (çeviren: Michel Cannarsa)
  • Rodolfo Sacco, Antropologia guiridica, Bolonya, 2007 Rolf Knieper, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Verpflanzbarkeit von Recht - Juristische Zusammenarbeit aus der Sicht eines Beraters, RabelsZ 72, 2008 Rudolf B. Schlesinger, The Common Core of Legal Systems, in: XXth Century Comparative and Conflicts Law. Legal Essays in Honor of Hessel E. Yntema, Leyden, 1961 ve Konrad Zweigert/Hans-Jürgen Puttfarken (ed.), Rechtsvergleichung, Darmstadt, 1978. Sandro Schipani (ed.), Augusto Teixeira de Freitas il diritto latino ameri- cano, Padova, 1988 Sarah Piek, Die Kritik an der funktionalen Rechtsvergleichung, Zeitsch- rift für Europâisches Privatrecht (ZEuP), 2013 Takashi Uchida, Contract Law Reform in Japan and the Unidroit Princip- les, Uniform Law Review, 2011 Ulrich Drobnig/Peter Dopffe, Die Nutzung der Rechtsvergleichung durch den deutschen Gesetzgeber, RabelsZ 46, 1982 Ulrich Hübner, Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen des Wettbewerbs in der Versicherungswirtschaft, Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zu den Rechtsord- nungen Grossbritanniens, Frankreichs, der Schweiz und der Vereinigten Staa- ten von Amerika, Baden-Baden, 1988 Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdictions, Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Jan Smiths (ed.), Cheltenham, 2006 Wolfgang Wurmnest, Common Core, Grundregeln, Kodifikationsentwür- fe, Acquis-Grundsâtze - Ansâtze internationaler Wissenschaftlergruppen zur Privatrechtsvereinheitlichung in Europa, ZEuP, 2003 Wulf-Henning Roth, Freier Warenverkehr und staatliche Regelungsgewalt in einem gemeinsamen Markt - Europâische Probleme und amerikanische Er- fahrungen, Münih, 1991 Yeşim M. Atamer, Turkish Civil Code and Turkish Code of Obligations,, Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law, Jürgen Basedow/Klaus Hopt/Reinhard Zimmermann (ed.), Hamburg, 2012
There are 4 citations in total.


Journal Section Translations

Jürgen Basedow This is me

Publication Date December 29, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 74 Issue: 2


APA Basedow, J. (2016). COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 74(2), 879-918.
AMA Basedow J. COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. December 2016;74(2):879-918.
Chicago Basedow, Jürgen. “COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 74, no. 2 (December 2016): 879-918.
EndNote Basedow J (December 1, 2016) COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 74 2 879–918.
IEEE J. Basedow, “COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS”, Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 879–918, 2016.
ISNAD Basedow, Jürgen. “COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty 74/2 (December 2016), 879-918.
JAMA Basedow J. COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2016;74:879–918.
MLA Basedow, Jürgen. “COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS”. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, vol. 74, no. 2, 2016, pp. 879-18.
Vancouver Basedow J. COMPARATIVE LAW AND ITS CLIENTS. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty. 2016;74(2):879-918.