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Year 2011,
Volume: 69 Issue: 1-2, 299 - 315, 09.12.2011
BJ0RNSKOV Christian (2006); "The Multipl e Facets of Social Capital", European Journa l of Politica l Economy , Vol. 22.
BOSWORTH Kar l A. (1958); "The Manager Is a Politician", Public Administration Review, Vol. 18, No. 3,, erişim: 05.05.2010.
FINIFTER Ada W. (1970); "Dimensions of Political Alienation", The American Politica l Scienc e Review, Vol.64, No: 2.
GOLDSMITH Michae l (1980); Politics , Planning and the City, London. http : / /, erişim: 08.02.2010.
KARAMAN Zerrin Toprak (1995); "Kent Yönetiminde Güçlü BaşkanGüçlü Meclis Tercihi" Yen i Türkiye Dergisi, Sayı. 6, Ankar a
KELEŞ Ruşen & TOPRAK Zerrin (2000); 21 . Yüzyıla Girerken Türkiye'de Belediye Meclislerinde Siyaset, İzmir Yere l Gündem 21 Yayını, İzmir.
NALBANDIAN Joh n (1991); Professionalism in Loca l Government , Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco/Oxford.
ÖZER Yunus Emr e (2010); Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajanslarının Yapılanması ve İşlevselliği, Eki n Kitabevi, Bursa.
TOPRAK Zerrin (2008); Ken t Yönetimi ve Politikası, Birleşik Matbaacı lık, İzmir.
TOPRAK Zerrin (2009); "Democratic Gains i n Public Administration at Local Level i n terms of CSR: Theory- and Practice-Based Approaches- Turke y a nd Izmi r Metropolitan City", Samue l O Idowu, Walter Leal Filho (Eds.), Professionals ' Perspectives of Corporate Socia l Responsibility, Springer Social Policy Book.
TOPRAK Zerrin (2010); Yere l Yönetimler, 8. Baskı, Birleşik Matbaacılık, İzmir.
WHITE Leonard D. (1927); Municipal Government B y Cit y Manager, Municipal Government - United States , Chicago Publication:, erişim: 05.05.2010.
WIKSTROM Nelson (1979); "The Mayor as a Policy Leader i n the CouncilManager Form of Government: A View from the Field", Public Administration Review, Vol. 39, No. 3 (May - June), 975952?seq=2, erişim: 05.05.2010.