Healthcare Professionals' Knowledge Level Regarding Forensic Cases in The Intensive Care and Operating Room
Year 2025,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 141 - 149, 31.01.2025
Esra Özkan
Şeyma Sürmeli
Tuna Albayrak
Amaç: Adli vakalarla sadece acil servislerde değil, ameliyathanelerde ve yoğun bakım ünitelerinde de karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu alanlarda adli olgularla ilgili bilgi düzeyinin artırılmasının sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesini artıracağı düşünülmektedir. Bu durum, yoğun bakım profesyonellerinin sorumluluklarını yerine getirmesinde önemli bir rol oynamakta ve yasal sürece katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma, ameliyathane ve yoğun bakım ünitelerindeki sağlık çalışanlarının adli vakalara ilişkin bilgi ve uygulamalarını değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve karşılaştırmalı bir tasarım olan bu çalışma, 17 Mart - 1 Mayıs 2023 tarihleri arasında Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi'ndeki bir üniversite hastanesinde görev yapan sağlık çalışanlarını kapsamaktadır (n=116). Veriler araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen bir anket aracılığıyla toplanmış ve analizler tanımlayıcı istatistikler, t-testleri, varyans analizi ve korelasyon analizi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların yaş ortalaması 30,6±7,7 yıl olup, %56'sı ameliyathanelerde çalışmakta ve %56,9'u hemşiredir. 53.4'ü adli olgularla ilgili eğitim almışken, %82.8'i bu tür olgularla karşılaşmıştır. Eğitim hem bilgi düzeyini (p=0.00) hem de uygulamayı (p=0.02) önemli ölçüde etkilemiş olup bilgi ve uygulama arasında orta düzeyde pozitif bir korelasyon (r=0.541, p=0.000) bulunmaktadır.
Sonuç: Çalışma, ameliyathane ve yoğun bakım ünitelerindeki sağlık çalışanları arasında adli vakalara ilişkin bilgi ve uygulama eksikliğini vurgulamaktadır. Adli olaylarla ilgili ayrıntılı ve düzenli eğitim verilmesini önermekte ve bu konuyu kapsamlı bir şekilde ele almak için daha büyük bir örneklem büyüklüğüyle daha fazla araştırma yapılmasını önermektedir.
- Ozsaker E, Kaya A, Okgun Alcan A, Yavuz van Giersbergen M, Aktas EO. Forensic Cases in the Operating Room: Knowledge and Practices of Physicians and Nurses. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 2020;35(1):38–43.
- Güven T. Adli Tıp, Ölüm, Ölü Muayenesi ve Otopsi (içinde), Adli Hemşirelik, Ed. Kalfacıoğlu, EA Köprülü ŞA, Hazmzaoğlu, N. Adli Hemşirelik. 2019. 269–288.
- Özden D, Özveren H, Yılmaz İ. The impact of forensic nursing course on students’ knowledge level on forensic evidence. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2019;66(June):86–90.
- Ribeiro GPDO, Dixe MDACR. Knowledge of Forensic Nursing Practices: Efficacy of an Intervention for Nursing Students. Journal of Forensic Nursing 2020;16(3):154–60.
- de Oliveira Musse J, Santos VS, da Silva Santos D, dos Santos FP, de Melo CM. Preservation of forensic traces by health professionals in a hospital in Northeast Brazil. Forensic Science International 2020;306:6–10.
- Silva RX, Ferreira CAA, Sá GG de M, Souto RQ, Barros LM, Galindo-Neto NM. Preservation of forensic traces by Nursing in emergency services: a scoping review. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. 2022;30.
- Çilingir D, Hintistan S. The Scope and Legal Aspects of Forensic Nursing. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2012;9(1):10–5.
- Singh RR, Bharti AK, Mittal R, Yadav PK. Forensic Nursing and Healthcare Investigations: A Systematic Review. International Medicine. 2023;9(3):1–8.
- Swami O, Paintola N, Yadav M, Hasan M, Kangesvari P, Kaur S. Forensic Nursing as An Overview of Growing Profession. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2024;5(2):767–9.
- Filmalter CJ, Heyns T, Ferreira R. Forensic patients in the emergency department: Who are they and how should we care for them? International Emergency Nursing 2018;40:33–6.
- Sharma S, Joseph J. The paradigm of forensic nursing for nursing aspirants in India: Promises, caveats & future directions. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 2022;86:102321.
- Arshad H, Jantan A, Omolara E. Evidence collection and forensics on social networks: Research challenges and directions. Digital Investigation 2019;28:126–38.
- Rahmqvist Linnarsson J, Benzein E, Årestedt K. Nurses’ views of forensic care in emergency departments and their attitudes, and involvement of family members. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2015;24(1–2):266–74.
- Erkan İ, Yesilyurt A, Kayserili A. Analysis of Awareness for Healthcare Professionals in Forensic Nursing. Foresic Research & Criminology International Journal. 2017;5(3):285–8.
- McGillivray B. The role of Victorian emergency nurses in the collection and preservation of forensic evidence: a review of the literature. Accident and Emergency Nursing 2005;13(2):95–100.
- Çelik P, Çelik Ş, Hastaoğlu F, Mollaoğlu M. Multicenter evaluation to determine the deficiencies of emergency nurses in forensic case management. International Emergency Nursing 2024 1;74:101440.
- Kent-Wilkinson A. An exploratory study of forensic nursing education in North America: Constructed definitions of forensic nursing. Journal of Forensic Nursing. 2009 Dec 1 [cited 2024 Dec 6];5(4):201–11.
- Özden D, Yıldırım N. Adli Vakaya hemşirelerin yaklaşımı. Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing Journal 2009;16(3):73–81.
- Kirmizigül H, Taştekin B, Özensoy HS, Hekimoğlu Y. Acil Serviste Çalışan Hemşirelere Verilen Adli Vakalarda Bilgi ve Determining The Effect of Training on The Knowledge and Its Applications in. İzmir Katip Çelebi University Fakülty pf Health Journal 2023;8(2):273–80.
- Yelken, N Tunalı, G Gültekin G. The status of forensic nursing in Turkey. Sted. 2004;13(5):171–2.
- Seviner M, Kozacı N, Ay MO, Açıkalın A, Çökük A, Gülen M, et al. Analysis of Judicial Cases at Emergency Department. Cukurova Medical Journal 2013;38(2):250–60.
- Yazar A, Akın F, Türe E, Odabaş D. Evaluation of Forensic Cases Admitting to Pediatric Emergency Clinic. Dicle TMed Journ 2017;44(4):345–53.
- Karabulutlu Ö, Aydın CM, Temel MÖ. Acil Servis Çalışanlarının Adli Vaka Yönetimine Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri: Kars Örneği. Caucasian Journal of Science 2023;10(1):12–24.
- Akcin A, Güven-Yılmaz D. Acil Serviste Çalışan Sağlık Profesyonellerinin Adli Vakalar İle İlgili Bilgi Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. MAUN Sag Bil Derg 2024;4(1):38–48.
- Turkish Criminal Code). Law number: 5237, Enacted: 12.10.2004 P date of official journal: 12. 10. 200. Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi [Internet]. [cited 2024 Dec 6]. Available from:
- Farzadfar S, Jafaraghaee F, Karkhah S, Javadi-Pashaki N, Kazemnezhad Leyli E, et al. Clinical Decision Making in Forensic Nursing: A Cross-Sectional Study From an Emergency Nursing Perspective. J Forensic Nurs 2023;19(3):24–9.
- Kihlgren AL, Nilsson M, Sørlie V. Caring for older patients at an emergency department- Emergency nurses’ reasoning. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2005;14(5):601–8.
- Şentürk S, Büyükaslan B. Determination of Knowledge and Opinions About Forensic Nursing of Senior Nursing Students. Bozok Medical Journal 2013;3(3):19–26.
- Eisert P, Eldredge K, Hartlaub T, Huggins E, Keirn G, O’brien P, et al. CSI: New @ York: development of forensic evidence collection guidelines for the emergency department. Crit Care Nurs 2010;33(2).
- Cunha M, Libório R, Coelho M. Knowledge Questionnaire over Forensics Nursing Practices. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 2016;217(2016):1089–97.
- Donaldson AE. New Zealand emergency nurses knowledge about forensic science and its application to practice. International Emergency Nursing 2020;53:100854.
- Feizi Nazarloo L, Sedghi Sabet M, Jaafar-Aghaii F, Kazem Nezhad Leyli E, Rahbar Taromsari M, Jolly A. Emergency Department Nurses’ Knowledge About Forensic Nursing. Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery 2017;27(3):27–36.
- Eldredge K. Assessment of trauma nurse knowledge related to forensic practice. Journal of Forensic Nursing 2008;4(4):157–65.
- Alsaif DM, Alfaraidy M, Alsowayigh K, Alhusain A, Almadani OM. Forensic experience of Saudi nurses; An emerging need for forensic qualifications. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 2014;27:13–6.
- McGillivray B. The role of Victorian emergency nurses in the collection and preservation of forensic evidence: A review of the literature. Accident and Emergency Nursing 2005;13(2):95–100.
- Ilçe A, Yildiz D, Baysal G, Özdoǧan F, Taş F. Examination of Health Care Personnel’s Knowledge and Practices Regarding the Protection and Storage of Evidence in Forensic Cases. National Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2010;16(6):546–51.
- Sakallı D, Aslan M. Levels of knowledge of emergency nurses regarding forensic cases and approaches to evidence. Signa Vitae 2020;16(1):65–72.
Healthcare Professionals' Knowledge Level Regarding Forensic Cases in The Intensive Care and Operating Room
Year 2025,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 141 - 149, 31.01.2025
Esra Özkan
Şeyma Sürmeli
Tuna Albayrak
Purpose: Forensic cases are encountered in not only emergency units but also operating rooms, and intensive care units. It is believed that increasing the level of knowledge about forensic cases in these areas will improve the quality of healthcare services. This plays an important role in fulfilling ıntensive care professional responsibilities and contributes to the legal process. This study aims to assess the knowledge and practices of healthcare professionals in operating rooms and intensive care units regarding forensic cases.
Material and Methods: A descriptive comparative design study was conducted, involving healthcare professionals from a university hospital in the Eastern Black Sea Region between March 17 and May 1, 2023 (n=116). Data were collected through a questionnaire developed by the researchers, and analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, variance analysis, and correlation analysis.
Results: Participants had a mean age of 30.6±7.7 years, with 56% working in operating rooms and 56.9% being nurses. While 53.4% had received training on forensic cases, 82.8% had encountered such cases. Education significantly influenced both knowledge level (p=0.00) and application (p=0.02), with a moderate positive correlation between knowledge and application (r=0.541, p=0.000).
Conclusion: The study highlights a lack of knowledge and practices among healthcare professionals in operating rooms and intensive care units regarding forensic cases. It recommends providing detailed and regular training on forensic events and suggests further research with a larger sample size to address this issue comprehensively.
Ethical Statement
: Ethical Considerations Approval for the study was obtained from the Ethics Committee of Giresun University. In writing, consent was obtained from each participant before starting the survey. The study was carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and with the participant's approval without any ethical violation. (Number: 13.03.2023 \14 - E-53593568-771-211277236)
Supporting Institution
There is no funding
The authors gratefully thank the health professionals.
- Ozsaker E, Kaya A, Okgun Alcan A, Yavuz van Giersbergen M, Aktas EO. Forensic Cases in the Operating Room: Knowledge and Practices of Physicians and Nurses. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 2020;35(1):38–43.
- Güven T. Adli Tıp, Ölüm, Ölü Muayenesi ve Otopsi (içinde), Adli Hemşirelik, Ed. Kalfacıoğlu, EA Köprülü ŞA, Hazmzaoğlu, N. Adli Hemşirelik. 2019. 269–288.
- Özden D, Özveren H, Yılmaz İ. The impact of forensic nursing course on students’ knowledge level on forensic evidence. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 2019;66(June):86–90.
- Ribeiro GPDO, Dixe MDACR. Knowledge of Forensic Nursing Practices: Efficacy of an Intervention for Nursing Students. Journal of Forensic Nursing 2020;16(3):154–60.
- de Oliveira Musse J, Santos VS, da Silva Santos D, dos Santos FP, de Melo CM. Preservation of forensic traces by health professionals in a hospital in Northeast Brazil. Forensic Science International 2020;306:6–10.
- Silva RX, Ferreira CAA, Sá GG de M, Souto RQ, Barros LM, Galindo-Neto NM. Preservation of forensic traces by Nursing in emergency services: a scoping review. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. 2022;30.
- Çilingir D, Hintistan S. The Scope and Legal Aspects of Forensic Nursing. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing. 2012;9(1):10–5.
- Singh RR, Bharti AK, Mittal R, Yadav PK. Forensic Nursing and Healthcare Investigations: A Systematic Review. International Medicine. 2023;9(3):1–8.
- Swami O, Paintola N, Yadav M, Hasan M, Kangesvari P, Kaur S. Forensic Nursing as An Overview of Growing Profession. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 2024;5(2):767–9.
- Filmalter CJ, Heyns T, Ferreira R. Forensic patients in the emergency department: Who are they and how should we care for them? International Emergency Nursing 2018;40:33–6.
- Sharma S, Joseph J. The paradigm of forensic nursing for nursing aspirants in India: Promises, caveats & future directions. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 2022;86:102321.
- Arshad H, Jantan A, Omolara E. Evidence collection and forensics on social networks: Research challenges and directions. Digital Investigation 2019;28:126–38.
- Rahmqvist Linnarsson J, Benzein E, Årestedt K. Nurses’ views of forensic care in emergency departments and their attitudes, and involvement of family members. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2015;24(1–2):266–74.
- Erkan İ, Yesilyurt A, Kayserili A. Analysis of Awareness for Healthcare Professionals in Forensic Nursing. Foresic Research & Criminology International Journal. 2017;5(3):285–8.
- McGillivray B. The role of Victorian emergency nurses in the collection and preservation of forensic evidence: a review of the literature. Accident and Emergency Nursing 2005;13(2):95–100.
- Çelik P, Çelik Ş, Hastaoğlu F, Mollaoğlu M. Multicenter evaluation to determine the deficiencies of emergency nurses in forensic case management. International Emergency Nursing 2024 1;74:101440.
- Kent-Wilkinson A. An exploratory study of forensic nursing education in North America: Constructed definitions of forensic nursing. Journal of Forensic Nursing. 2009 Dec 1 [cited 2024 Dec 6];5(4):201–11.
- Özden D, Yıldırım N. Adli Vakaya hemşirelerin yaklaşımı. Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing Journal 2009;16(3):73–81.
- Kirmizigül H, Taştekin B, Özensoy HS, Hekimoğlu Y. Acil Serviste Çalışan Hemşirelere Verilen Adli Vakalarda Bilgi ve Determining The Effect of Training on The Knowledge and Its Applications in. İzmir Katip Çelebi University Fakülty pf Health Journal 2023;8(2):273–80.
- Yelken, N Tunalı, G Gültekin G. The status of forensic nursing in Turkey. Sted. 2004;13(5):171–2.
- Seviner M, Kozacı N, Ay MO, Açıkalın A, Çökük A, Gülen M, et al. Analysis of Judicial Cases at Emergency Department. Cukurova Medical Journal 2013;38(2):250–60.
- Yazar A, Akın F, Türe E, Odabaş D. Evaluation of Forensic Cases Admitting to Pediatric Emergency Clinic. Dicle TMed Journ 2017;44(4):345–53.
- Karabulutlu Ö, Aydın CM, Temel MÖ. Acil Servis Çalışanlarının Adli Vaka Yönetimine Yönelik Bilgi Düzeyleri: Kars Örneği. Caucasian Journal of Science 2023;10(1):12–24.
- Akcin A, Güven-Yılmaz D. Acil Serviste Çalışan Sağlık Profesyonellerinin Adli Vakalar İle İlgili Bilgi Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. MAUN Sag Bil Derg 2024;4(1):38–48.
- Turkish Criminal Code). Law number: 5237, Enacted: 12.10.2004 P date of official journal: 12. 10. 200. Mevzuat Bilgi Sistemi [Internet]. [cited 2024 Dec 6]. Available from:
- Farzadfar S, Jafaraghaee F, Karkhah S, Javadi-Pashaki N, Kazemnezhad Leyli E, et al. Clinical Decision Making in Forensic Nursing: A Cross-Sectional Study From an Emergency Nursing Perspective. J Forensic Nurs 2023;19(3):24–9.
- Kihlgren AL, Nilsson M, Sørlie V. Caring for older patients at an emergency department- Emergency nurses’ reasoning. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2005;14(5):601–8.
- Şentürk S, Büyükaslan B. Determination of Knowledge and Opinions About Forensic Nursing of Senior Nursing Students. Bozok Medical Journal 2013;3(3):19–26.
- Eisert P, Eldredge K, Hartlaub T, Huggins E, Keirn G, O’brien P, et al. CSI: New @ York: development of forensic evidence collection guidelines for the emergency department. Crit Care Nurs 2010;33(2).
- Cunha M, Libório R, Coelho M. Knowledge Questionnaire over Forensics Nursing Practices. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 2016;217(2016):1089–97.
- Donaldson AE. New Zealand emergency nurses knowledge about forensic science and its application to practice. International Emergency Nursing 2020;53:100854.
- Feizi Nazarloo L, Sedghi Sabet M, Jaafar-Aghaii F, Kazem Nezhad Leyli E, Rahbar Taromsari M, Jolly A. Emergency Department Nurses’ Knowledge About Forensic Nursing. Journal of Holistic Nursing and Midwifery 2017;27(3):27–36.
- Eldredge K. Assessment of trauma nurse knowledge related to forensic practice. Journal of Forensic Nursing 2008;4(4):157–65.
- Alsaif DM, Alfaraidy M, Alsowayigh K, Alhusain A, Almadani OM. Forensic experience of Saudi nurses; An emerging need for forensic qualifications. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 2014;27:13–6.
- McGillivray B. The role of Victorian emergency nurses in the collection and preservation of forensic evidence: A review of the literature. Accident and Emergency Nursing 2005;13(2):95–100.
- Ilçe A, Yildiz D, Baysal G, Özdoǧan F, Taş F. Examination of Health Care Personnel’s Knowledge and Practices Regarding the Protection and Storage of Evidence in Forensic Cases. National Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2010;16(6):546–51.
- Sakallı D, Aslan M. Levels of knowledge of emergency nurses regarding forensic cases and approaches to evidence. Signa Vitae 2020;16(1):65–72.