Research Article
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The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 899 - 913, 15.12.2019


errors in communicating will let the listener gain a different meaning and
communication becomes impeded. The students’ errors are due to their lack of
understanding of the sound system of language, as their second-language
acquisition.  The problem in this
research is what type of phonological errors are made by students when they are
listening to the short story and will impact on their speaking. The data is
conducted in the language laboratory of The National University in Jakarta by second-semester students in the subject of
Spoken English. in the Faculty of Letters, English Department. The purpose of
this research study is to learnthe
difficulties of students when learning Basic Spoken English. The method used is
descriptive with content analysis techniques. The result showed the most the biggest of surface
structure taxonomy of phonological errors
created by the students when
they are listening to the short story and has impacted on speaking is global
errors in diphthong (61,29%). This is because in Indonesian there is no sound
of a diphthong. These global errors will have an effect on good communication. The
students should study the phonological system in the target language,
especially diphthong sound, in addition
to vowels and consonants. It is expected that the lecturer often guides
students’ pronunciation based on the point and
the manner of articulation and improve if they are not able to.

Supporting Institution

Nasional University, Jakarta Indonesia


We would like to thank Nasional University, Jakarta Indonesia and the students of English Language and Literature for their support in this research.


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  • Akbar, R. R. A., & Komarudin, K. (2018). Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Media Sosial Instagram sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 1(2), 209–215.
  • Alwi, H., Lapoliwa, H., & Darmowidjojo, S. (2003). Tata bahasa baku bahasa indonesia (3rd ed.). Jakarta: TBBI Balai Pustaka.Corder, S. P. (1981). Error Analysis, and Interlanguage. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Destaria, M., & Rini, Y. P. (2019). Analysis of Translation Strategy in Transferring meaning of English Idiom into Bahasa Indonesia in the subtitle of Pitch Perfect 3 Movie. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 34–48.
  • Diani, R., Herliantari, H., Irwandani, I., Saregar, A., & Umam, R. (2019). The Effectiviness of SSCS Learning Model: Its Impact on the Students’ Creative Problem-Solving Ability on the Concept of Substance Pressure. Jurnal Penelitian Fisika Dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 9(1).
  • Diani, R., Irwandani, I., Al-Hijrah, A.-H., Yetri, Y., Fujiani, D., Hartati, N. S., & Umam, R. (2019). Physics Learning through Active Learning Based Interactive Conceptual Instructions (ALBICI) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran IPA, 5(1), 48.
  • Finch, G. (1998). How to Study Linguistics. Macmillan Press Ltd.
  • Habibi, B., Hartinah, S., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Lestari, F., Abdurrahman, A., & Jauhariyah, D. (2019). Factor Determinants of Teacher Professionalism as Development of Student Learning Education at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City, Indonesia. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(2), 125–134.
  • Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Hartinah, S., Sholikhakh, R. A., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Andriani, S., Mujib, … Lestari, F. (2019). Application Auto-play Media Studio (AMS) 8 for Learning Me-dia of Logaritm Function. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8(2), In Press.
  • Hartinah, S., Suharso, P., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Lestari, B. D., Roslina, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Teacher’s performance management: The role of principal’s leadership, work environment and motivation in Tegal City, Indonesia. Management Science Letters, 9(14), 1–12.
  • Hasanah, Y. A. (2019). Enhancing The Speaking Performance Of Efl College Students Through Video Projects. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 1–10.
  • Holidun, H., Masykur, R., Suherman, S., & Putra, F. G. (2018). Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Kelompok Matematika Ilmu Alam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 1(1), 29–37.
  • Huda, S., Tsani, I., Syazali, M., Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2020). The management of educational system using three law Auguste Comte : A case of Islamic schools. Management Science Letters, 10(3).
  • Irwan D, D., & Indrasari, N. (2019). Designing Listening Tasks For English Students. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 11–21.
  • James, C. (1998). Error in Language Learning And Use: Exploring Error Analysis. Addison Wesley Longman Limited.
  • Lestari, F., Saryantono, B., Syazali, M., Saregar, A., Jauhariyah, D., & Umam, R. (2019). Cooperative Learning Application with the Method of Network Tree Concept Map : Based on Japanese Learning System Approach. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(1), 15–32.
  • Maskur, R., Syazali, M., & Utami, L. F. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Noam, C. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. USA: The MIT Press.
  • Ramadhani, R., Umam, R., Abdurrahman, A., & Syazali, M. (2019). The Effect Of Flipped-Problem Based Learning Model Integrated With LMS-Google Classroom For Senior High School Students. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young, 7(2), 137–158.
  • Richards, J. C., & Richard, S. (2010). Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, Pearson Education Limited. Fourth Edition.
  • Roach, P. (2002). English Phonetics and Phonology. A Practical Course.
  • Roaini, R., & Ansar, F. A. (2019). Prefix And Suffix Analysis In Relation With Students English Ability. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 49–62.
  • Sagala, R., Umam, R., Thahir, A., Saregar, A., & Wardani, I. (2019). The Effectiveness of STEM-Based on GenderDifferences: The Impact of PhysicsConcept Understanding. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 753–763.
  • Setyawan, H. (2019). Blended Method: Online-Offline Teaching And Learning, On Students’ Reading Achievement. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 22–33.
  • Strömbergsson, S., Tånnander, C., & Edlund, J. (2014). Ranking severity of speech errors by their phonological impact in context. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, (September), 1568–1572.
  • Suriati, S. (2019). Analisis Prestasi Belajar Matematika : Dampak Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think-Pair-Square Ditinjau dari Aktivitas Belajar. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 2(2), 181–188.
  • Syahrir, S., Syazali, M., Masykur, R., Amrulloh, M. A., Sada, H. J., & Listiani, B. (2018). Calculus Module for Derivative Application Materials with an Islamic Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach. IOP Conference Series: Journal of Physics, 1155.
  • Syazali, M., Putra, F. G., Rinaldi, A., Utami, L. F., Widayanti, Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Partial correlation analysis using multiple linear regression: Impact on business environment of digital marketing interest in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. Management Science Letters, 9, 1875–1886.
  • Syazali, M., Sari, N. R., Sukawati, S., Sari, W. R., Pertiwi, S. D., Putra, A., & Putra, F. G. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Linear Algebra Module with Problem-Based Learning Approach for Linear Equation System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Wibowo, E., & Pratiwi, D. D. (2018). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menggunakan Aplikasi Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Materi Himpunan. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 1(2), 147–156.
  • Yalloop, C. (1995). English Phonology. Macquarie University.
  • Zhang, S. (2014). An analysis of English majors speech perception problems. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(6), 2472–2483.
Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 899 - 913, 15.12.2019



  • Abdurrahman, Saregar, A., & Umam, R. (2018). Assessment Toward The Quantum Physics Concept Mastery Of The Prospective Physics Teachers. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(1), 34–40.
  • Akbar, R. R. A., & Komarudin, K. (2018). Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Media Sosial Instagram sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 1(2), 209–215.
  • Alwi, H., Lapoliwa, H., & Darmowidjojo, S. (2003). Tata bahasa baku bahasa indonesia (3rd ed.). Jakarta: TBBI Balai Pustaka.Corder, S. P. (1981). Error Analysis, and Interlanguage. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Destaria, M., & Rini, Y. P. (2019). Analysis of Translation Strategy in Transferring meaning of English Idiom into Bahasa Indonesia in the subtitle of Pitch Perfect 3 Movie. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 34–48.
  • Diani, R., Herliantari, H., Irwandani, I., Saregar, A., & Umam, R. (2019). The Effectiviness of SSCS Learning Model: Its Impact on the Students’ Creative Problem-Solving Ability on the Concept of Substance Pressure. Jurnal Penelitian Fisika Dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 9(1).
  • Diani, R., Irwandani, I., Al-Hijrah, A.-H., Yetri, Y., Fujiani, D., Hartati, N. S., & Umam, R. (2019). Physics Learning through Active Learning Based Interactive Conceptual Instructions (ALBICI) to Improve Critical Thinking Ability. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran IPA, 5(1), 48.
  • Finch, G. (1998). How to Study Linguistics. Macmillan Press Ltd.
  • Habibi, B., Hartinah, S., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Lestari, F., Abdurrahman, A., & Jauhariyah, D. (2019). Factor Determinants of Teacher Professionalism as Development of Student Learning Education at School of SMK PGRI in Tegal City, Indonesia. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 6(2), 125–134.
  • Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Hartinah, S., Sholikhakh, R. A., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Andriani, S., Mujib, … Lestari, F. (2019). Application Auto-play Media Studio (AMS) 8 for Learning Me-dia of Logaritm Function. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 8(2), In Press.
  • Hartinah, S., Suharso, P., Umam, R., Syazali, M., Lestari, B. D., Roslina, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Teacher’s performance management: The role of principal’s leadership, work environment and motivation in Tegal City, Indonesia. Management Science Letters, 9(14), 1–12.
  • Hasanah, Y. A. (2019). Enhancing The Speaking Performance Of Efl College Students Through Video Projects. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 1–10.
  • Holidun, H., Masykur, R., Suherman, S., & Putra, F. G. (2018). Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Kelompok Matematika Ilmu Alam dan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 1(1), 29–37.
  • Huda, S., Tsani, I., Syazali, M., Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2020). The management of educational system using three law Auguste Comte : A case of Islamic schools. Management Science Letters, 10(3).
  • Irwan D, D., & Indrasari, N. (2019). Designing Listening Tasks For English Students. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 11–21.
  • James, C. (1998). Error in Language Learning And Use: Exploring Error Analysis. Addison Wesley Longman Limited.
  • Lestari, F., Saryantono, B., Syazali, M., Saregar, A., Jauhariyah, D., & Umam, R. (2019). Cooperative Learning Application with the Method of Network Tree Concept Map : Based on Japanese Learning System Approach. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(1), 15–32.
  • Maskur, R., Syazali, M., & Utami, L. F. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Calculus Module with Open-Ended Approach in Real Number System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Noam, C. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. USA: The MIT Press.
  • Ramadhani, R., Umam, R., Abdurrahman, A., & Syazali, M. (2019). The Effect Of Flipped-Problem Based Learning Model Integrated With LMS-Google Classroom For Senior High School Students. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young, 7(2), 137–158.
  • Richards, J. C., & Richard, S. (2010). Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, Pearson Education Limited. Fourth Edition.
  • Roach, P. (2002). English Phonetics and Phonology. A Practical Course.
  • Roaini, R., & Ansar, F. A. (2019). Prefix And Suffix Analysis In Relation With Students English Ability. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 49–62.
  • Sagala, R., Umam, R., Thahir, A., Saregar, A., & Wardani, I. (2019). The Effectiveness of STEM-Based on GenderDifferences: The Impact of PhysicsConcept Understanding. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(3), 753–763.
  • Setyawan, H. (2019). Blended Method: Online-Offline Teaching And Learning, On Students’ Reading Achievement. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 12(1), 22–33.
  • Strömbergsson, S., Tånnander, C., & Edlund, J. (2014). Ranking severity of speech errors by their phonological impact in context. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, (September), 1568–1572.
  • Suriati, S. (2019). Analisis Prestasi Belajar Matematika : Dampak Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think-Pair-Square Ditinjau dari Aktivitas Belajar. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 2(2), 181–188.
  • Syahrir, S., Syazali, M., Masykur, R., Amrulloh, M. A., Sada, H. J., & Listiani, B. (2018). Calculus Module for Derivative Application Materials with an Islamic Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach. IOP Conference Series: Journal of Physics, 1155.
  • Syazali, M., Putra, F. G., Rinaldi, A., Utami, L. F., Widayanti, Umam, R., & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Partial correlation analysis using multiple linear regression: Impact on business environment of digital marketing interest in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. Management Science Letters, 9, 1875–1886.
  • Syazali, M., Sari, N. R., Sukawati, S., Sari, W. R., Pertiwi, S. D., Putra, A., & Putra, F. G. (2019). Islamic-Nuanced Linear Algebra Module with Problem-Based Learning Approach for Linear Equation System Material. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1155(1).
  • Wibowo, E., & Pratiwi, D. D. (2018). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menggunakan Aplikasi Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Materi Himpunan. Desimal: Jurnal Matematika, 1(2), 147–156.
  • Yalloop, C. (1995). English Phonology. Macquarie University.
  • Zhang, S. (2014). An analysis of English majors speech perception problems. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(6), 2472–2483.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Special Education and Disabled Education
Journal Section Teacher Education

Syahfitri Purnama

Farikah Farikah

Burhan Eko Purwanto This is me

Sri Wardhani

İdham Kholid This is me

Syamsul Huda This is me 0000-0002-6830-9720

Watcharin Joemsittiprasert

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 4


APA Purnama, S., Farikah, F., Purwanto, B. E., Wardhani, S., et al. (2019). The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(4), 899-913.
AMA Purnama S, Farikah F, Purwanto BE, Wardhani S, Kholid İ, Huda S, Joemsittiprasert W. The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education. JEGYS. December 2019;7(4):899-913. doi:10.17478/jegys.622005
Chicago Purnama, Syahfitri, Farikah Farikah, Burhan Eko Purwanto, Sri Wardhani, İdham Kholid, Syamsul Huda, and Watcharin Joemsittiprasert. “The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7, no. 4 (December 2019): 899-913.
EndNote Purnama S, Farikah F, Purwanto BE, Wardhani S, Kholid İ, Huda S, Joemsittiprasert W (December 1, 2019) The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7 4 899–913.
IEEE S. Purnama, F. Farikah, B. E. Purwanto, S. Wardhani, İ. Kholid, S. Huda, and W. Joemsittiprasert, “The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education”, JEGYS, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 899–913, 2019, doi: 10.17478/jegys.622005.
ISNAD Purnama, Syahfitri et al. “The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7/4 (December 2019), 899-913.
JAMA Purnama S, Farikah F, Purwanto BE, Wardhani S, Kholid İ, Huda S, Joemsittiprasert W. The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education. JEGYS. 2019;7:899–913.
MLA Purnama, Syahfitri et al. “The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 7, no. 4, 2019, pp. 899-13, doi:10.17478/jegys.622005.
Vancouver Purnama S, Farikah F, Purwanto BE, Wardhani S, Kholid İ, Huda S, Joemsittiprasert W. The Impact of Listening Phonological Errors on Speaking : A Case Study on English Education. JEGYS. 2019;7(4):899-913.