Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 535 - 545, 30.12.2022



  • Altemeyer, R. A., & Hunsberger, B. (1992). Authoritarianism, Religious Fundamentalism, Quest, and Prejudice. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 2, 113-133.
  • Bales, W.D., & Mears, D. P. (2008). Inmate Social Ties and the Transition to Society: Does Visitation Reduce Recidivism? Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 45(3), 287-321.
  • Bidwell, D., (2018). When one religion isn't enough: The lives of spiritually fluid people. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Bosch, D.J. (1991). Transforming mission. Paradigm shifts in theology of mission, Orbis, New York, NY.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U., (1979). The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  • Bryman, A., (2008). Of methods and methodology. Qualitative Research in Organisations and Management: An International Journal of Research, 3(2), 159-168.
  • Buffel, O.A., (2004) ‘Deliver us from individualism and clericalism: Liberating pastoral care from Western individualism and clericalism’, Practical Theology in Southern Africa, 19(2), 37–51.
  • Burnell, K., George, M. J., Vollet, J. W., Ehrenreich, S. E., & Underwood, M. K., (2019). Passive social networking site use and well-being: The mediating roles of social comparison and the fear of missing out. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 13(3).
  • Clear, T. R., B. D. Stout, H. R. Dammer, L. Kelly, P. L. Hardyman, & C. Shapiro. (1992). Does involvement in religion help CCL adjust to prison? NCCD Focus
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K., (2007). Research Methods in Education (6th ed.). London and New York, NY: Routledge Falmer.
  • Conger, J.A. & Kanungo, R.N., (1998). Charismatic Leadership in Organizations, 1,000 Oaks. Sage, 633.
  • Creswell, J., (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • D’Cruz, H. & Jones, M., (2007). Engulfing Darkness: The impact of HIV/AIDS on the family. Families in Society, 83, 416-430.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S., (2005). Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research (pp. 1–32).
  • Doehring, C., (2018). Teaching theological empathy to distance learners of intercultural spiritual care. Pastoral Psychology, 67(5), 461–474.
  • Evans W.R., Stanley M.A., Barrera T.L., Exline J.J., Pargament KI., & Teng E.J., (2017). Morally injurious events and psychological distress among veterans: Examining the mediating role of religious and spiritual struggles. Psychological Trauma, 10(3), 360-367.
  • Fontana, A. & Frey, J.H., (2005). The Interview: From Neutral Stance to Political Involvement. In: Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S., Eds., The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3rd Edition, Sage Publication, London, 695-727.
  • Graham, L. K., (2017). Moral injury: Restoring wounded souls. Nashville: Abingdon.
  • Griffith, M. E., (1995). The Body Speaks: Therapeutic Dialogues for Mind-Body Problems. New York: Basic Books.
  • Hayes, B. C., & Dowds, L., (2015). Religion and attitudes towards gay rights in Northern Ireland: The god gap revisited. In S. D. Brunn (Ed.), The changing world religion map: Sacred places, identities, practices and politics (pp. 3321–3340). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
  • Helsel, P. B., (2015). Pastoral power beyond psychology’s marginalization: Resisting the discourses of the psycomplex. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Herholdt, M. D., (1998). Postmodern Hermeneutics, in S. Maimela & A. König (eds), Initiation Into Theology, 451-470. Pretoria: JL van Schaik.
  • Koenig, H. G., (2002). An 83-year-old woman with chronic illness and strong religious beliefs. Journal of the American Medical Association, 288(4), 487–93.
  • LaMothe, R., (2018). Pastoral reflections on global citizenship: Framing the political in terms of care, faith, and community. New York: Lexington.
  • Larson, R.W. & Verma, S., (1999). How Children and Adolescents Spend Time across the World: Work, Play, and Developmental Opportunities. Psychological Bulletin, 125, 701-36.
  • Lashlie, C., (2002). The Journey to Prison: Who Goes and Why, Harper Collins, Auckland.
  • Lester, A.D., (1995). Hope in pastoral care and counselling. Westminister /John Knox, Louisville, KY
  • Lincoln, Y. S. & Guba, E. G., (2005). Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging influences. In N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln (eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research (2nd ed., pp. 163-188). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Lofland, J., D.A. Snow, L. Anderson, & L.H. Lofland., (2005). Analyzing social settings: a guide to qualitative observation and analysis. (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Louw, D.J., (2013). Mechanics of the human soul: About maturity and life-skills, Sun Press, Stellenbosch.
  • McClure, B. J., (2013). Divining the sacred in the modern world: Ritual and the relational embodiment of spirit. Pastoral Psychology, 62(5), 727–742.
  • Merriam, S.B., (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco.
  • Morgan, A., (2000). What is narrative therapy? An easy-to-read introduction. Adelaide, South Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.
  • Moyo, H., (2014). March, ‘Dual Observances of African Traditional Religion and Christianity: Some Implications for Pastoral Care in the Pluralistic Religious Worldview of the Ndebele People of Matabo in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 148, 115–132.
  • Nieuwenhuis A.J., (2012). State and religion, a multidimensional relationship: Some comparative law remarks. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 10(1), 153–174.
  • Paquette, D., & Ryan, J., (2001). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Retrieved from
  • Patel, V, R Araya, N Chowdhary, M King, B Kirkwood, S Nayak, G Simon, & H A Weiss, (2009). Detecting common mental disorders in primary care in India: a comparison of five screening questionnaires, Psychological Medic, 38(2), 221–228.
  • Pargament, K., Wong, S., & Exline, J., (2016). Wholeness and holiness: The spiritual dimension of eudaimonics. In J. Vittersø (Ed.), The handbook of eudaimonic wellbeing (pp. 379–394). Switzerland: Springer International.
  • Ramsay, N. J., (2017). Resisting asymmetries of power: Intersectionality as a resource for practices of care. Journal of Pastoral Theology, 27(2), 83–97.
  • Ribbins, P. & Zhang, J., (2007). Culture, societal culture and school leadership: a study of selected headteachers in rural China, International Studies in Educational Administration, 34, 1, 71–89.
  • Schurink, W., Fouché, C. B., De Vos, A. S., Strydom, H., & Delport, C. S. L., (2011). Research at Grass Roots: For the Social Sciences and Human Service Professions. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
  • Sykes, G., (2007). The Society of Captives: A Study of a Maximum Security Prison. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Todd C., (2011). Choosing a Study Design, University of Manchester, Manchester
  • Van Breda, A. D., (2012). Military social work thinking in South Africa. Advances in Social Work, 13(1), 17-33.
  • Van der Ven, J.A., (1993). Practical theology: An empirical approach. Kok Pharos, Kampen.
  • Walliman, N., & Scott Buckler S., (2008). Your dissertation in education. Los Angeles. SAGE Publications.
  • Waters, S., (2018). Addiction and pastoral care. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
  • Werdel, M. B., Dy-Liacco, G. S., Ciarrocchi, J. W., Wicks, R. J., & Breslford, G. M., (2014). The unique role of spirituality in the process of growth following stress and trauma. Pastoral Psychology, 63(1), 57–71.
  • Wilber, K., (2007). Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World. Boston and London: Shambhala.

Pastoral care for children in conflict with the law at correctional facilities

Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 535 - 545, 30.12.2022


The purpose of this paper is to examine pastoral care standards afforded to children in conflict with the law (CCL) at correctional facilities. Pastoral care is the response by caregivers to the needs of young offenders such as emotional suffering and moral injury. Pastoral care plays an essential role in the lives of the CCL. The need for pastoral care and assistance for CCL with several personal problems is growing. This study employs interpretive qualitative paradigm to investigate the experiences of the young offenders and the role played by pastoral care in correctional facilities, the content of pastoral care and the degree to which pastoral care is beneficial to rehabilitation. The study, which took place in 2020, included eighteen participants. The findings reveal that pastoral care utilise a combination of religious and lay methods of counselling and is highly favourable to rehabilitation. Further, it was found that the people offering pastoral care view rehabilitation of CCL as fundamental to correctional treatment and has been linked to the decline in reoffending. The article concludes that the serious shortage of trained individuals to offer beneficial pastoral care and counselling for (CCL).


  • Altemeyer, R. A., & Hunsberger, B. (1992). Authoritarianism, Religious Fundamentalism, Quest, and Prejudice. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 2, 113-133.
  • Bales, W.D., & Mears, D. P. (2008). Inmate Social Ties and the Transition to Society: Does Visitation Reduce Recidivism? Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 45(3), 287-321.
  • Bidwell, D., (2018). When one religion isn't enough: The lives of spiritually fluid people. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Bosch, D.J. (1991). Transforming mission. Paradigm shifts in theology of mission, Orbis, New York, NY.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U., (1979). The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  • Bryman, A., (2008). Of methods and methodology. Qualitative Research in Organisations and Management: An International Journal of Research, 3(2), 159-168.
  • Buffel, O.A., (2004) ‘Deliver us from individualism and clericalism: Liberating pastoral care from Western individualism and clericalism’, Practical Theology in Southern Africa, 19(2), 37–51.
  • Burnell, K., George, M. J., Vollet, J. W., Ehrenreich, S. E., & Underwood, M. K., (2019). Passive social networking site use and well-being: The mediating roles of social comparison and the fear of missing out. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 13(3).
  • Clear, T. R., B. D. Stout, H. R. Dammer, L. Kelly, P. L. Hardyman, & C. Shapiro. (1992). Does involvement in religion help CCL adjust to prison? NCCD Focus
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K., (2007). Research Methods in Education (6th ed.). London and New York, NY: Routledge Falmer.
  • Conger, J.A. & Kanungo, R.N., (1998). Charismatic Leadership in Organizations, 1,000 Oaks. Sage, 633.
  • Creswell, J., (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.
  • D’Cruz, H. & Jones, M., (2007). Engulfing Darkness: The impact of HIV/AIDS on the family. Families in Society, 83, 416-430.
  • Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S., (2005). Introduction: The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research (pp. 1–32).
  • Doehring, C., (2018). Teaching theological empathy to distance learners of intercultural spiritual care. Pastoral Psychology, 67(5), 461–474.
  • Evans W.R., Stanley M.A., Barrera T.L., Exline J.J., Pargament KI., & Teng E.J., (2017). Morally injurious events and psychological distress among veterans: Examining the mediating role of religious and spiritual struggles. Psychological Trauma, 10(3), 360-367.
  • Fontana, A. & Frey, J.H., (2005). The Interview: From Neutral Stance to Political Involvement. In: Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S., Eds., The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research, 3rd Edition, Sage Publication, London, 695-727.
  • Graham, L. K., (2017). Moral injury: Restoring wounded souls. Nashville: Abingdon.
  • Griffith, M. E., (1995). The Body Speaks: Therapeutic Dialogues for Mind-Body Problems. New York: Basic Books.
  • Hayes, B. C., & Dowds, L., (2015). Religion and attitudes towards gay rights in Northern Ireland: The god gap revisited. In S. D. Brunn (Ed.), The changing world religion map: Sacred places, identities, practices and politics (pp. 3321–3340). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
  • Helsel, P. B., (2015). Pastoral power beyond psychology’s marginalization: Resisting the discourses of the psycomplex. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Herholdt, M. D., (1998). Postmodern Hermeneutics, in S. Maimela & A. König (eds), Initiation Into Theology, 451-470. Pretoria: JL van Schaik.
  • Koenig, H. G., (2002). An 83-year-old woman with chronic illness and strong religious beliefs. Journal of the American Medical Association, 288(4), 487–93.
  • LaMothe, R., (2018). Pastoral reflections on global citizenship: Framing the political in terms of care, faith, and community. New York: Lexington.
  • Larson, R.W. & Verma, S., (1999). How Children and Adolescents Spend Time across the World: Work, Play, and Developmental Opportunities. Psychological Bulletin, 125, 701-36.
  • Lashlie, C., (2002). The Journey to Prison: Who Goes and Why, Harper Collins, Auckland.
  • Lester, A.D., (1995). Hope in pastoral care and counselling. Westminister /John Knox, Louisville, KY
  • Lincoln, Y. S. & Guba, E. G., (2005). Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging influences. In N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln (eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research (2nd ed., pp. 163-188). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Lofland, J., D.A. Snow, L. Anderson, & L.H. Lofland., (2005). Analyzing social settings: a guide to qualitative observation and analysis. (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Louw, D.J., (2013). Mechanics of the human soul: About maturity and life-skills, Sun Press, Stellenbosch.
  • McClure, B. J., (2013). Divining the sacred in the modern world: Ritual and the relational embodiment of spirit. Pastoral Psychology, 62(5), 727–742.
  • Merriam, S.B., (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco.
  • Morgan, A., (2000). What is narrative therapy? An easy-to-read introduction. Adelaide, South Australia: Dulwich Centre Publications.
  • Moyo, H., (2014). March, ‘Dual Observances of African Traditional Religion and Christianity: Some Implications for Pastoral Care in the Pluralistic Religious Worldview of the Ndebele People of Matabo in Zimbabwe’, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 148, 115–132.
  • Nieuwenhuis A.J., (2012). State and religion, a multidimensional relationship: Some comparative law remarks. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 10(1), 153–174.
  • Paquette, D., & Ryan, J., (2001). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Retrieved from
  • Patel, V, R Araya, N Chowdhary, M King, B Kirkwood, S Nayak, G Simon, & H A Weiss, (2009). Detecting common mental disorders in primary care in India: a comparison of five screening questionnaires, Psychological Medic, 38(2), 221–228.
  • Pargament, K., Wong, S., & Exline, J., (2016). Wholeness and holiness: The spiritual dimension of eudaimonics. In J. Vittersø (Ed.), The handbook of eudaimonic wellbeing (pp. 379–394). Switzerland: Springer International.
  • Ramsay, N. J., (2017). Resisting asymmetries of power: Intersectionality as a resource for practices of care. Journal of Pastoral Theology, 27(2), 83–97.
  • Ribbins, P. & Zhang, J., (2007). Culture, societal culture and school leadership: a study of selected headteachers in rural China, International Studies in Educational Administration, 34, 1, 71–89.
  • Schurink, W., Fouché, C. B., De Vos, A. S., Strydom, H., & Delport, C. S. L., (2011). Research at Grass Roots: For the Social Sciences and Human Service Professions. Pretoria: Van Schaik.
  • Sykes, G., (2007). The Society of Captives: A Study of a Maximum Security Prison. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Todd C., (2011). Choosing a Study Design, University of Manchester, Manchester
  • Van Breda, A. D., (2012). Military social work thinking in South Africa. Advances in Social Work, 13(1), 17-33.
  • Van der Ven, J.A., (1993). Practical theology: An empirical approach. Kok Pharos, Kampen.
  • Walliman, N., & Scott Buckler S., (2008). Your dissertation in education. Los Angeles. SAGE Publications.
  • Waters, S., (2018). Addiction and pastoral care. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
  • Werdel, M. B., Dy-Liacco, G. S., Ciarrocchi, J. W., Wicks, R. J., & Breslford, G. M., (2014). The unique role of spirituality in the process of growth following stress and trauma. Pastoral Psychology, 63(1), 57–71.
  • Wilber, K., (2007). Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World. Boston and London: Shambhala.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Sustainability of Education

Lloyd Daniel Tlale 0000-0002-4658-0421

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


APA Tlale, L. D. (2022). Pastoral care for children in conflict with the law at correctional facilities. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 10(4), 535-545.
AMA Tlale LD. Pastoral care for children in conflict with the law at correctional facilities. JEGYS. December 2022;10(4):535-545. doi:10.17478/jegys.1185369
Chicago Tlale, Lloyd Daniel. “Pastoral Care for Children in Conflict With the Law at Correctional Facilities”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 10, no. 4 (December 2022): 535-45.
EndNote Tlale LD (December 1, 2022) Pastoral care for children in conflict with the law at correctional facilities. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 10 4 535–545.
IEEE L. D. Tlale, “Pastoral care for children in conflict with the law at correctional facilities”, JEGYS, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 535–545, 2022, doi: 10.17478/jegys.1185369.
ISNAD Tlale, Lloyd Daniel. “Pastoral Care for Children in Conflict With the Law at Correctional Facilities”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 10/4 (December 2022), 535-545.
JAMA Tlale LD. Pastoral care for children in conflict with the law at correctional facilities. JEGYS. 2022;10:535–545.
MLA Tlale, Lloyd Daniel. “Pastoral Care for Children in Conflict With the Law at Correctional Facilities”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 10, no. 4, 2022, pp. 535-4, doi:10.17478/jegys.1185369.
Vancouver Tlale LD. Pastoral care for children in conflict with the law at correctional facilities. JEGYS. 2022;10(4):535-4.
By introducing the concept of the "Gifted Young Scientist," JEGYS has initiated a new research trend at the intersection of science-field education and gifted education.