Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası


In scientific articles submitted to the Journal of Energy Recovery and Transfer Processes, COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors will be taken into account.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Authors
1. Ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all branches of science and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article. During article upload, the Ethics Committee Approval file must also be uploaded to the system in addition to the article file.
2. All authors in the article must sign the Copyright Form stating that they have given the publishing rights of their work to the Journal of Energy Gain and Transfer Processes. All legal responsibilities arising from the content of the articles to be published in the journal and any legal responsibilities that may arise regarding copyright belong entirely to the authors.
3. The article should state whether legal/special permission is required. If the study involves a practice carried out in an institution, it should be clearly stated on which date and with which decision or issue number permission was obtained from the relevant institution.
4. For the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others, permission must be obtained from their owners and this must be stated in the article (citing the source).
5. It must be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and artistic works used.
6. All financial support sources of the study should be stated in the acknowledgments section of the article.
7. Authors of articles submitted to the journal must ensure that their articles are original and citation methods in accordance with ethical principles must be used for quotations made in the article.
8. All authors are responsible for all parts of the article.
9. Authors must clearly declare any conflict or conflict of interest in their manuscripts. This declaration must be included in the article even if there is no conflict of interest regarding the subject of the article. The most common types of conflict/conflict of interest are; financial support, educational or other forms of funding, personal or institutional relationships and memberships.
10. Submitted articles must not have been sent to any other journal. When the process is completed in one journal and the relevant article is rejected, it can be sent to another journal for evaluation. Submitting the same article to more than one journal at the same time constitutes unethical publishing behavior. Authors must also not have previously published the article elsewhere.

11. When an author encounters a significant error or inaccuracy in his published work, he is obliged to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article.
12. Researchers who have made a major contribution to the concept, design, performance, data collection and/or analysis in a study, researchers who took part in the preparation or critical revision of the articles, and researchers who approved the final version of the articles and accepted their submission should be included in the study as responsible authors. Except this; Other contributors (e.g. technical support, writing and editing assistants, general contributions, etc.) should not be included in the list of authors, but their contributions should be included in the acknowledgments section.
13. If there is a need for operations such as adding authors, changing the author order, or removing authors to an article whose evaluation process has started, an application can be made to the journal management with the approval of all authors. The journal management reviews the application and notifies the responsible author of the decision.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
• Editors must make their decision about the article based on the original value of the article, the aims of the journal and ethical rules.
• Editors should include in the evaluation process the article that has a high original value and is prepared by taking into account the journal's objectives and ethical rules.
• Editors should take into account positive referee opinions unless there is an important reason.
• It is necessary to respond to requests and opinions from authors with feedback.
• Referees should be selected in accordance with the subject of the article.
• Care should be taken to ensure that there is no conflict of interest or relationship of interest between the referee and the authors.
• He is responsible for guiding the referees during the article evaluation process and providing the information they request.
• The editor is obliged to conceal the identity information of the author and referee through blind referee practice.
• Referees must take the necessary warnings and precautions to evaluate the article in a timely, impartial and scientific manner.
• Efforts should be made to increase the number of referees.

• Editors must take into account the opinions and suggestions of the advisory board about the articles.
• The decisions taken by the editors about the article must be independent of the journal owner and the publisher.
• Editors; It is responsible for observing the journal publishing principles, journal objectives and international standards in the articles to be published in the journal.
• Editors are responsible for not transferring the personal information of the article authors to third parties without their consent.
• Editors are responsible for protecting human and animal rights in case the article content contains studies conducted on humans or animals. If ethics committee approval is not submitted for studies requiring an ethics committee report, the person is responsible for rejecting the article.
• Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all articles submitted and published in the journal.
• Editors are responsible for taking precautions against relationships and conflicts of interest that may arise between authors, referees and third parties in order to complete the impartial and independent evaluation processes of the articles.
• Editors are obliged to take into account the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners about published studies and to take the necessary answers and actions.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
• Referees are responsible for not evaluating the article if they have a conflict of interest or relationship with the article.
• Referees are responsible for evaluating the article by paying attention to the principles of confidentiality and impartiality.
• Referees cannot use the work sent to them for any purpose until the evaluation process is completed and published.
• When evaluating the article, referees are responsible for not allowing the gender, nationality, religious beliefs and political views of the authors to affect the evaluation.
• Referees should use polite and constructive language when evaluating the article. Comments and expressions that contain insults, slander and hostility should be avoided.
• Referees are responsible for evaluating the article in a timely manner and paying attention to ethical rules.

1. Journal of Energy Recovery and Transfer Processes is an open access scientific research journal. This journal is a national and international refereed journal that publishes two issues per year (June-December).
2. Scientific articles in the original research category, written in Turkish or English, are published in our journal. Articles in this category: The information produced is expected to be new, suggest a new method, or add a new dimension to previously existing knowledge.
4. Our journal publishes research articles and reviews.
5. All articles sent to the Journal of Energy Recovery and Transfer Processes are checked using iThentica plagiarism detection software, and in line with the similarity report determined by the software, the editorial board decides to send the article to referee evaluation or to reject it directly. The similarity rate of articles should not exceed 25%, excluding references.
6. Articles that are suitable for evaluation in terms of writing and publication principles are directed to the referees. At least two referees are assigned to evaluate each article that passes editor's approval.
7. Blind refereeing is used in article evaluations in our journal. The names of the referees who evaluate the articles are not notified to the authors. Referees are also enabled to evaluate the articles without seeing the names of the authors.
8. The article that receives two positive referee reports from the article evaluation is entitled to be published. The article that receives one positive and one negative referee report is sent to a third referee. The final decision about the article is made by the editors.
9. The decision to accept or reject the article is made by the editors. In line with the recommendations of the referees, a major or minor revision decision is made for the development of articles that are not deemed sufficient. Articles that do not reach the desired level and are not deemed scientifically sufficient are rejected.
10. When submitting a revised version of a manuscript, authors must submit a detailed “Response to Reviewers” indicating how each issue raised by each reviewer was addressed and in which lines the changes were made, and the main document must be marked. Revised articles must be submitted within the time period specified in the decision letter.
11. Articles submitted for publication must not have been published anywhere or sent to any journal for publication.
12. All responsibility for the articles belongs to the respective authors. Articles must be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted scientific ethics rules. For situations specified in the ethical rules, a copy of the Ethics Committee Report must be attached.

13. Articles submitted for publication in our journal must be prepared according to the journal article writing format.
14. Articles sent for evaluation should be prepared according to the journal article writing format and should not exceed 15 pages. The article summary should contain 100-250 words and the number of keywords should be at least 3 and at most 6.
15. No evaluation or application fee is charged for articles submitted for publication in the Journal of Energy Recovery and Transfer Processes.