Research Article
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Intelligent current-speed soft-starting controller for an induction motor drive system

Year 2024, , 221 - 236, 31.12.2024


In industry, three-phase induction motors (IMs) are the most used motors. IMs’ high starting supply current and large accelerating torque make their starting process a potential source of unnecessary energy waste, especially when it is repeated. To overcome the starting problems of an IM, an intelligent soft-starter controller based on an artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed. The controller contains two soft starting control schemes namely, current and speed controls. That allows one to select the soft starting control scheme based on the load requirements and/or supply utility capability. Current and speed controls are to keep the motor's starting current and accelerating torque constant at a specified level, respectively. That is achieved by selecting the appropriate firing angles for the thyristors in the soft starter. The online determination of the thyristor firing angles is resolved through the application of the ANN approach. First, the ANN models for two control techniques are developed using a MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox for training. Based on the current-speed and torque-speed characteristics, two ANN models are trained for a range of thyristor firing angles. Secondly, the ANN models of two control schemes are implemented using MatLab/Simulink for a 3kW three-phase IM. A variety of simulation tests prove that a validation on control technique's effectiveness under various load conditions (no-load, pump, constant, and linear loads) and reference values exists. The least inrush current and smooth acceleration are obtained with two control schemes.


  • [1] Akbaba M. A novel simple method for elimination of DOL starting transient torque pulsations of three-phase induction motors. Eng. Sci. Technol. an Int. J. 2020;24:145-157. DOI:
  • [2] Kłosowski Z, Fajfer M, Ludwikowski Z. Reduction of the Electromagnetic Torque Oscillation during the Direct online (DOL) Starting of a 6 kV Motor by Means of a Controlled Vacuum Circuit-Breaker. Energies 2022; 15: 4246. DOI:
  • [3] Larabee J, Pellegrino B, Flick B. Induction motor starting methods and issues. In: Record of Conference Papers Industry Applications Society 52nd Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference; 12-14 Sept. 2005, IEEE, Denver, CO, USA, pp. 217-222.
  • [4] Pillay K, Nour M, Yang KH, Datu Harun DN, Haw LK. Assessment and comparison of conventional motor starters and modern power electronic drives for induction motor starting characteristics. In: Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications; 4-6 Oct. 2009, IEEE, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 584-589.
  • [5] Liang X, Ilochonwu O. Induction Motor Starting in Practical Industrial Applications. IEEE Trans. On Industry Appl. 2011;47:271–280. DOI:
  • [6] Knežević I, Ćalasan M, Dlabač T. Novel Analytical Approaches for Induction Machine Direct Start-up Speed–Time Curve Modeling under Fan Load. Electrical Engineering 2023; 106: 1925-1938. DOI:
  • [7] Jiang F, Tu C, Guo Q, Wu Z, Li Y. Adaptive soft starter for a three-phase induction-motor driving device using a multifunctional series compensator. IET Electr. Power Appl. 2019; 13: 977-983. DOI:
  • [8] Chang Y, Yan H, Huang W, Quan R, Zhang Y. A novel starting method with reactive power compensation for induction motors. IET Power Electronics 2023; 16: 402-412. DOI:
  • [9] Malyar V, Hamola O, Maday V, Vasylchyshyn I. Mathematical modeling of starting modes and static characteristics of a wound-rotor induction motor in phase coordinates. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 2023; 10: 114-119. DOI:
  • [10] Huang W, Yuan Y, Chang Y. A novel soft start method based on auto-transformer and magnetic control. In: International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT); 14-17 March 2016, IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2108-2113.
  • [11] Ali A, Erçelebi E. A low cost modelling of the variable frequency drive optimum in industrial applications. Journal of Energy Systems 2018; 2: 28-42. DOI:
  • [12] Hassan A, Amin A, Farahat A. A three-phase induction motor performance under different loading types supplied from balanced and unbalanced Thyristorized supply voltage. Mansoura Engineering Journal 2013; 38: 15-39. DOI:
  • [13] Tytiuk V, Rozhnenko Z, Baranovska M, Berdai A, Chornyi O, Saravas V. Soft Starters of Powerful Electric Motors and Economic Aspects of Their Application. In: Problems of Automated Electrodrive. Theory and Practice (PAEP); 21-25 Sept. 2020, IEEE, Kremenchuk, Ukraine, pp. 1-4.
  • [14] Kosykh E, Udovichenko A, Lopatkin N, Zinoviev G, Grishanov E, Sarakhanova R. Analysis of the Control System for a Soft Starter of an Induction Motor Based on a Multi-Zone AC Voltage Converter. Electronics 2022;12:56. DOI:
  • [15] Wang Y, Yin K, Yuan Y, Chen J. Current-Limiting Soft Starting Method for a High-Voltage and High-Power Motor. Energies 2019;12:3068. DOI:
  • [16] Furtsev NG, Petrikov AS, Belyaev AN. Optimizing Soft Starter Algorithms for Heavy Induction Motors to Ensure Stable Operation of Autonomous Power Systems. In: Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus); 27-30 Jan. 2020, IEEE, St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia, pp. 1222–1226.
  • [17] Sharifian M, Feyzi M, Sabahi M, Farrokhifar M. A new soft starting method for wound-rotor induction motor. Journal of Electrical Engineering 2011;62:31–36. DOI:
  • [18] Simms S, Gabriel T, Thomas A. Novel voltage observer for reduced voltage soft-starter torque ramp: description and analysis results. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 2023;29:24–32. DOI:
  • [19] Abdel Menaem A, Beryozkina S, Safaraliev M. Starting current limiter for three-phase induction motors. In: International Conference on Clean Energy and Electrical Systems, 2024, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 51-61.
  • [20] Nannen H, Heiko Z, Gerd G. Predictive firing algorithm for soft starter driven induction motors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2021;69:12152–12161. DOI:
  • [21] Jang P, Hyon B, Hwang D, Park J, Choi J, Kim J. The seamless transition from discrete frequency control to phase control method using soft starter. IEEE Access 2024;12:13469–13476. DOI:
  • [22] Solveson MG, Mirafzal B, Demerdash NAO. Soft-started induction motor modeling and heating issues for different starting profiles using a flux linkage ABC frame of reference. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 2006;42:973–982. DOI:
  • [23] Nied A, Oliveira J, Campos R, Dias R, Marques L. Soft starting of induction motor with torque control. IEEE Trans. Industry Applications 2010;46:1002–1010. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2010.2045335
  • [24] Zenginobuz G, Çadirci I, Ermis M, Barlak C. Soft starting of large induction motors at constant current with minimized starting torque pulsations. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 2001;37:1334–1347. DOI:
  • [25] Sastry VV, Prasad MR, Sivakumar TV. Optimal soft starting of voltage-controller-fed IM drive based on voltage across thyristors. IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 1997;12:1041–1051. DOI:
  • [26] Zenginobuz G, Cadirci I, Ermis M, Barlak C. Performance optimization of induction motors during voltage-controlled soft starting. IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 2004;19:278–288. DOI:
  • [27] Mohanty M, Sahu SK, Nayak MR, Satpathy A, Choudhury S. Application of Salp Swarm Optimization for PI Controller to Mitigate Transients in a Three-Phase Soft Starter-Based Induction Motor. In: Pradhan G, Morris S, Nayak N, editors. Advances in Electrical Control and Signal Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 665. SINGAPORE: Springer.
  • [28] Nayak PSR, Rufzal TA. Performance analysis of feedback controller design for induction motor soft-starting using bio-inspired algorithms. In: International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC); 18-19 Jan. 2020, IEEE, Thrissur, India, pp. 1-6.
  • [29] Ghadimi M, Ramezani A, Mohammadimehro M. Soft Starter Modeling for an Induction Drive Starting Study in an Industrial Plant. In: UKSim 5th European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation; 16-18 Nov. 2011, IEEE, Madrid, Spain, pp. 245-250.
  • [30] Çelik E, Gör H, Öztürk N, Kurt E. Application of artificial neural network to estimate power generation and efficiency of a new axial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017;42:17692-17699. DOI:
  • [31] Çelik E, Uzun Y, Kurt E, Öztürk N, Topaloğlu N. A neural network design for the estimation of nonlinear behavior of a magnetically-excited piezoelectric harvester. Journal of Electronic Materials 2018;47:4412-4420. DOI:
  • [32] Çelik E. Neural network estimation of mutual inductance variation for a shaded-pole induction motor. The International Journal of Energy and Engineering Sciences 2019;3:36-45.
  • [33] Faizal A, Subburaj P. Intelligence based soft starting scheme for the three phase squirrel cage induction motor with extinction angle ac voltage controller. Circuits and Systems 2016;7:2752-2770. DOI:
  • [34] Ze Z, Ming H. Soft starter study of induction motors using fuzzy pid control. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2018;439:032115. DOI:
  • [35] Mallick TC, Dhar S, Khan J. Artificial neural network based soft-starter for induction motor. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT); Dec. 2015, Khulna, Bangladesh, pp. 228-233.
  • [36] Kashif SAR, Saqib MA. A neuro fuzzy application: Soft starting of induction motors with reduced energy losses. Electr. Power Components Syst. 2012. DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2012.694970
  • [37] Hamed SA, Chalmers BJ. Analysis of variable-voltage thyristor controlled induction motors. Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. 1990;137:184–193. DOI:
  • [38] Abdel Menaem A, Elgamal M, Abdel-Aty AH, Mahmoud EE, Chen Z, Hassan MA. A proposed ANN-based acceleration control scheme for soft starting induction motor. IEEE Access 2021;9:4253-4265. DOI:
  • [39] Aref M, Abdelmeneam A, Oboskalov V, Mahnitko A, Gavrilov A. Transient analysis of ac and dc microgrid with effective of SFCL. In: IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON); Nov. 2018, IEEE, Riga, Latvia, pp. 1-6.
  • [40] Karanayil B, Rahman MF. Artificial Neural Network Applications in Power Electronics and Electric Drives. In: Muhammad H. Rashidi, editor. Power Electronics Handbook: Devices, Circuits, and Applications. Florida, USA: Elsevier, 2018, pp. 1245–1260.
Year 2024, , 221 - 236, 31.12.2024



  • [1] Akbaba M. A novel simple method for elimination of DOL starting transient torque pulsations of three-phase induction motors. Eng. Sci. Technol. an Int. J. 2020;24:145-157. DOI:
  • [2] Kłosowski Z, Fajfer M, Ludwikowski Z. Reduction of the Electromagnetic Torque Oscillation during the Direct online (DOL) Starting of a 6 kV Motor by Means of a Controlled Vacuum Circuit-Breaker. Energies 2022; 15: 4246. DOI:
  • [3] Larabee J, Pellegrino B, Flick B. Induction motor starting methods and issues. In: Record of Conference Papers Industry Applications Society 52nd Annual Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference; 12-14 Sept. 2005, IEEE, Denver, CO, USA, pp. 217-222.
  • [4] Pillay K, Nour M, Yang KH, Datu Harun DN, Haw LK. Assessment and comparison of conventional motor starters and modern power electronic drives for induction motor starting characteristics. In: Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications; 4-6 Oct. 2009, IEEE, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 584-589.
  • [5] Liang X, Ilochonwu O. Induction Motor Starting in Practical Industrial Applications. IEEE Trans. On Industry Appl. 2011;47:271–280. DOI:
  • [6] Knežević I, Ćalasan M, Dlabač T. Novel Analytical Approaches for Induction Machine Direct Start-up Speed–Time Curve Modeling under Fan Load. Electrical Engineering 2023; 106: 1925-1938. DOI:
  • [7] Jiang F, Tu C, Guo Q, Wu Z, Li Y. Adaptive soft starter for a three-phase induction-motor driving device using a multifunctional series compensator. IET Electr. Power Appl. 2019; 13: 977-983. DOI:
  • [8] Chang Y, Yan H, Huang W, Quan R, Zhang Y. A novel starting method with reactive power compensation for induction motors. IET Power Electronics 2023; 16: 402-412. DOI:
  • [9] Malyar V, Hamola O, Maday V, Vasylchyshyn I. Mathematical modeling of starting modes and static characteristics of a wound-rotor induction motor in phase coordinates. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 2023; 10: 114-119. DOI:
  • [10] Huang W, Yuan Y, Chang Y. A novel soft start method based on auto-transformer and magnetic control. In: International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT); 14-17 March 2016, IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 2108-2113.
  • [11] Ali A, Erçelebi E. A low cost modelling of the variable frequency drive optimum in industrial applications. Journal of Energy Systems 2018; 2: 28-42. DOI:
  • [12] Hassan A, Amin A, Farahat A. A three-phase induction motor performance under different loading types supplied from balanced and unbalanced Thyristorized supply voltage. Mansoura Engineering Journal 2013; 38: 15-39. DOI:
  • [13] Tytiuk V, Rozhnenko Z, Baranovska M, Berdai A, Chornyi O, Saravas V. Soft Starters of Powerful Electric Motors and Economic Aspects of Their Application. In: Problems of Automated Electrodrive. Theory and Practice (PAEP); 21-25 Sept. 2020, IEEE, Kremenchuk, Ukraine, pp. 1-4.
  • [14] Kosykh E, Udovichenko A, Lopatkin N, Zinoviev G, Grishanov E, Sarakhanova R. Analysis of the Control System for a Soft Starter of an Induction Motor Based on a Multi-Zone AC Voltage Converter. Electronics 2022;12:56. DOI:
  • [15] Wang Y, Yin K, Yuan Y, Chen J. Current-Limiting Soft Starting Method for a High-Voltage and High-Power Motor. Energies 2019;12:3068. DOI:
  • [16] Furtsev NG, Petrikov AS, Belyaev AN. Optimizing Soft Starter Algorithms for Heavy Induction Motors to Ensure Stable Operation of Autonomous Power Systems. In: Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus); 27-30 Jan. 2020, IEEE, St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia, pp. 1222–1226.
  • [17] Sharifian M, Feyzi M, Sabahi M, Farrokhifar M. A new soft starting method for wound-rotor induction motor. Journal of Electrical Engineering 2011;62:31–36. DOI:
  • [18] Simms S, Gabriel T, Thomas A. Novel voltage observer for reduced voltage soft-starter torque ramp: description and analysis results. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 2023;29:24–32. DOI:
  • [19] Abdel Menaem A, Beryozkina S, Safaraliev M. Starting current limiter for three-phase induction motors. In: International Conference on Clean Energy and Electrical Systems, 2024, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 51-61.
  • [20] Nannen H, Heiko Z, Gerd G. Predictive firing algorithm for soft starter driven induction motors. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2021;69:12152–12161. DOI:
  • [21] Jang P, Hyon B, Hwang D, Park J, Choi J, Kim J. The seamless transition from discrete frequency control to phase control method using soft starter. IEEE Access 2024;12:13469–13476. DOI:
  • [22] Solveson MG, Mirafzal B, Demerdash NAO. Soft-started induction motor modeling and heating issues for different starting profiles using a flux linkage ABC frame of reference. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 2006;42:973–982. DOI:
  • [23] Nied A, Oliveira J, Campos R, Dias R, Marques L. Soft starting of induction motor with torque control. IEEE Trans. Industry Applications 2010;46:1002–1010. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2010.2045335
  • [24] Zenginobuz G, Çadirci I, Ermis M, Barlak C. Soft starting of large induction motors at constant current with minimized starting torque pulsations. IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. 2001;37:1334–1347. DOI:
  • [25] Sastry VV, Prasad MR, Sivakumar TV. Optimal soft starting of voltage-controller-fed IM drive based on voltage across thyristors. IEEE Trans. Power Electron. 1997;12:1041–1051. DOI:
  • [26] Zenginobuz G, Cadirci I, Ermis M, Barlak C. Performance optimization of induction motors during voltage-controlled soft starting. IEEE Trans. Energy Convers. 2004;19:278–288. DOI:
  • [27] Mohanty M, Sahu SK, Nayak MR, Satpathy A, Choudhury S. Application of Salp Swarm Optimization for PI Controller to Mitigate Transients in a Three-Phase Soft Starter-Based Induction Motor. In: Pradhan G, Morris S, Nayak N, editors. Advances in Electrical Control and Signal Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 665. SINGAPORE: Springer.
  • [28] Nayak PSR, Rufzal TA. Performance analysis of feedback controller design for induction motor soft-starting using bio-inspired algorithms. In: International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC); 18-19 Jan. 2020, IEEE, Thrissur, India, pp. 1-6.
  • [29] Ghadimi M, Ramezani A, Mohammadimehro M. Soft Starter Modeling for an Induction Drive Starting Study in an Industrial Plant. In: UKSim 5th European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation; 16-18 Nov. 2011, IEEE, Madrid, Spain, pp. 245-250.
  • [30] Çelik E, Gör H, Öztürk N, Kurt E. Application of artificial neural network to estimate power generation and efficiency of a new axial flux permanent magnet synchronous generator. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017;42:17692-17699. DOI:
  • [31] Çelik E, Uzun Y, Kurt E, Öztürk N, Topaloğlu N. A neural network design for the estimation of nonlinear behavior of a magnetically-excited piezoelectric harvester. Journal of Electronic Materials 2018;47:4412-4420. DOI:
  • [32] Çelik E. Neural network estimation of mutual inductance variation for a shaded-pole induction motor. The International Journal of Energy and Engineering Sciences 2019;3:36-45.
  • [33] Faizal A, Subburaj P. Intelligence based soft starting scheme for the three phase squirrel cage induction motor with extinction angle ac voltage controller. Circuits and Systems 2016;7:2752-2770. DOI:
  • [34] Ze Z, Ming H. Soft starter study of induction motors using fuzzy pid control. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2018;439:032115. DOI:
  • [35] Mallick TC, Dhar S, Khan J. Artificial neural network based soft-starter for induction motor. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT); Dec. 2015, Khulna, Bangladesh, pp. 228-233.
  • [36] Kashif SAR, Saqib MA. A neuro fuzzy application: Soft starting of induction motors with reduced energy losses. Electr. Power Components Syst. 2012. DOI: 10.1080/15325008.2012.694970
  • [37] Hamed SA, Chalmers BJ. Analysis of variable-voltage thyristor controlled induction motors. Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. 1990;137:184–193. DOI:
  • [38] Abdel Menaem A, Elgamal M, Abdel-Aty AH, Mahmoud EE, Chen Z, Hassan MA. A proposed ANN-based acceleration control scheme for soft starting induction motor. IEEE Access 2021;9:4253-4265. DOI:
  • [39] Aref M, Abdelmeneam A, Oboskalov V, Mahnitko A, Gavrilov A. Transient analysis of ac and dc microgrid with effective of SFCL. In: IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON); Nov. 2018, IEEE, Riga, Latvia, pp. 1-6.
  • [40] Karanayil B, Rahman MF. Artificial Neural Network Applications in Power Electronics and Electric Drives. In: Muhammad H. Rashidi, editor. Power Electronics Handbook: Devices, Circuits, and Applications. Florida, USA: Elsevier, 2018, pp. 1245–1260.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Amir Abdel Menaem 0000-0002-1009-9687

Svetlana Beryozkina 0000-0003-1593-129X

Murodbek Safaraliev 0000-0003-3433-9742

Early Pub Date December 31, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date August 15, 2024
Acceptance Date December 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver Abdel Menaem A, Beryozkina S, Safaraliev M. Intelligent current-speed soft-starting controller for an induction motor drive system. Journal of Energy Systems. 2024;8(4):221-36.

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