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Research Article
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Year 2020, , 121 - 144, 30.09.2020



  • [1] Besir, AB, Cuce, E. Green roofs and facades: A comprehensive review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018; 82(1): 915-939.
  • [2] Martínez, MA, Tort, AI, Cho, S, Vivancos, JL. Energy efficiency and thermal comfort in historic buildings: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 61: 70-85.
  • [3] IEA. Tracking Buildings https://www.iea.org/reports/tracking-buildings; 2019 [accessed May 14, 2020].
  • [4] Raji, B, Tenpierik, MJ, Van Den Dobbelsteen, A. An assessment of energy-saving solutions for the envelope design of high-rise buildings in temperate climates: A case study in the Netherlands. Energy Buildings 2016; 124: 201-221.
  • [5] Guo, Q, Wu Y, Ding, Y, Feng, W, Zhu, N. Measures to enforce mandatory civil building energy efficiency codes in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 119: 152-166.
  • [6] Peuportier, B, Thiers, S, Guiavarch, A. Eco-design of buildings using thermal simulation and life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 2013; 39: 73-8.
  • [7] De Boeck, L, Verbeke, S, Audenaert, A, De Mesmaeker, L. Improving the energy performance of residential buildings: A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 52: 960-975.
  • [8] Kampelis, N, Gobakis, K, Vagias, V, Kolokotsa, D, Standardi, L, Isidori D, et al. Evaluation of the performance gap in industrial, residential & tertiary near-Zero energy buildings. Energy and Buildings 2017; 148: 58-73.
  • [9] Cuce, E, Cuce, PM, Wood, CJ, Riffat, SB. Optimizing insulation thickness and analysing environmental impacts of aerogel-based thermal superinsulation in buildings. Energy and Buildings 2014; 77: 28-39.
  • [10] Cuce, E, Riffat, SB. Aerogel-assisted support pillars for thermal performance enhancement of vacuum glazing: A CFD research for a commercial product. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2015; 40(8): 2233-2238.
  • [11] Cuce, E, Cuce, PM, Young, CH. Energy saving potential of heat insulation solar glass: Key results from laboratory and in-situ testing. Energy 2016; 97: 369-380.
  • [12] Cuce, E, Riffat, SB. Vacuum tube window technology for highly insulating building fabric: An experimental and numerical investigation. Vacuum 2015; 111: 83-91.
  • [13] Cuce, E, Cuce, PM. The impact of internal aerogel retrofitting on the thermal bridges of residential buildings: An experimental and statistical research. Energy and Buildings 2016; 116: 449-454.
  • [14] Cuce, E. Toward multi-functional PV glazing technologies in low/zero carbon buildings: Heat insulation solar glass - Latest developments and future prospects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 60: 1286-1301.
  • [15] Cuce, E. Development of innovative window and fabric technologies for low-carbon buildings. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Nottingham, UK, 2014.
  • [16] Del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Domínguez Hernández, J, Álvarez Rabanal, FP. A FEM comparative analysis of the thermal efficiency among floors made up of clay, concrete and lightweight concrete hollow blocks. Applied Thermal Engineering 2010; 30: 2822-2826.
  • [17] Costa, VAF. Improving the thermal performance of red clay holed bricks. Energy and Buildings 2014; 70: 352-364.
  • [18] Antoniadis, KD, Assael, MJ, Tsiglifisi, CA, Mylona, SK. Improving the design of Greek hollow clay bricks. International Journal of Thermophysics 2012; 33: 2274-2290.
  • [19] Del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Díaz Pérez, LM, Riesgo Fernández, P. Nonlinear thermal analysis of multi-holed lightweight concrete blocks used in external and non-habitable floors by FEM. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2011; 54: 533-548.
  • [20] Cuce, E. Role of airtightness in energy loss from windows: Experimental results from in-situ tests. Energy and Buildings 2017; 139: 449–455
  • [21] Morales, MP, Juárez, MC, Muñoz, P, Gómez, JA. Study of the geometry of a voided clay brick using non-rectangular perforations to optimise its thermal properties. Energy and Buildings 2011; 43(9): 2494-2498.
  • [22] Li, LP, Wu, ZG, He, YL, Lauriat, G, Tao, WQ. Optimization of the configuration of 290 × 140 × 90 hollow clay bricks with 3-D numerical simulation by finite volume method. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40(10): 1790-1798.
  • [23] Morales, MP, Juárez, MC, López-Ochoa, LM, Doménech, J. Study of the geometry of a voided clay brick using rectangular perforations to optimize its thermal properties. Applied Thermal Engineering 2011; 31(11): 2063-2065.
  • [24] Sun, J, Fang, L, Han, J. Optimization of concrete hollow brick using hybrid genetic algorithm combining with artificial neural networks. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2010; 53(23): 5509-5518.
  • [25] del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Suárez Sierra, JL, Peñuelas Sánchez, I. Non-linear thermal optimization and design improvement of a new internal light concrete multi-holed brick walls by FEM. Applied Thermal Engineering 2008; 28(8-9): 1090-1100.
  • [26] del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Betegón Biempica, C, Prendes Gero, MB. Analysis and optimization of the heat-insulating light concrete hollow brick walls design by the finite element method. Applied Thermal Engineering 2007; 27(8-9): 1445-1456.
  • [27] Martínez, M, Huygen, N, Sanders, J, Atamturktur, S. Thermo-fluid dynamic analysis of concrete masonry units via experimental testing and numerical modeling. Journal of Building Engineering 2018; 19: 80-90.
  • [28] Pavlík, Z, Jerman, M, Fořt, J, Černý, R. Monitoring Thermal Performance of Hollow Bricks with Different Cavity Fillers in Difference Climate Conditions. International Journal of Thermophysics 2015; 36: 557-568.
  • [29] Del Coz Diaz, JJ, Garcia Nieto, PJ, Martin Rodriguez, A, Lazona Nartinez-Luengas, A, Betegon Biempica, C. Non-linear thermal analysis of light concrete hollow brick walls by the finite element method and experimental validation. Applied Thermal Engineering 2006; 26: 777-786.
  • [30] Del Coz Diaz, JJ, Garcia Nieto, PJ, Alvarez Rabanal, FP, Dominguez Hernandez, J. Non-linear thermal analysis of the efficiency of light concrete multi-holed bricks with large recess by FEM. Applied Mathematics and Computation 2012; 218: 10040-10049.
  • [31] Del Coz Diaz, JJ, Garcia-Nieto, PJ, Alvarez-Rabanall, FP, Alonso-Martínez, M, Dominguez-Hernandez, J, Perez-Bella, JM. The use of response surface methodology to improve the thermal transmittance of lightweight concrete hollow bricks by FEM. Construction and Building Materials 2014; 52: 331-344.
  • [32] Bi-Chao, YE, Zhou, H. Thermal performance analysis of concrete small hollow block. 9th Edition of the International SOLARIS Conference, 30-31 August 2018, Chengdu, China.
  • [33] Al-Tamimi, AS, Al-Osta, MA, Al-Amoudi, OSB, Ben-Mansour, R. Effect of Geometry of Holes on Heat Transfer of Concrete Masonry Bricks Using Numerical Analysis. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2017; 42(9): 3733-3749.
  • [34] Alhazmy, MM. Numerical investigation on using inclined partitions to reduce natural convection inside the cavities of hollow bricks. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2010; 49(11): 2201-2210.
  • [35] Al-Hazmy, MM. Analysis of coupled natural convection-conduction effects on the heat transport through hollow building blocks. Energy and Buildings 2006; 38(5): 515-521.
  • [36] Antar, MA, Baig, H. Conjugate conduction-natural convection heat transfer in a hollow building block. Applied Thermal Engineering 2009; 29(17-18): 3716-3720.
  • [37] Laaroussi, N, Lauriat, G, Raefat, S, Garoum, M, Ahachad, M. An example of comparison between ISO Norm calculations and full CFD simulations of thermal performances of hollow bricks. Journal of Building Engineering 2017; 11: 69-81.
  • [38] Arendt, K, Krzaczek, M, Florczuk, J. Numerical analysis by FEM and analytical study of the dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks with different cavity concentration. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2011; 50(8): 1543-1553.
  • [39] Coz Díaz, JJ de., Nieto, PJG, Sierra, JLS, Biempica, CB. Nonlinear thermal optimization of external light concrete multi-holed brick walls by the finite element method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2008; 51(7-8): 1530-1541.
  • [40] Li, LP, Wu, ZG, Li, ZY, He, YL, Tao, WQ. Numerical thermal optimization of the configuration of multi-holed clay bricks used for constructing building walls by the finite volume method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2008; 51(13-14): 3669-3682.
  • [41] Sun, J, Fang, L. Numerical simulation of concrete hollow bricks by the finite volume method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2009; 52(23-24): 5598-5607.
  • [42] Henrique dos Santos, G, Fogiatto, MA, Mendes, N. Numerical analysis of thermal transmittance of hollow concrete blocks. Journal of Building Physics 2017; 41(1): 7-24.

Improving thermal resistance of lightweight concrete hollow bricks: A numerical optimisation research for a typical masonry unit

Year 2020, , 121 - 144, 30.09.2020


Heat loss/gain through the walls accounts for about 30% of the total building energy losses. Bricks are indispensable parts of buildings as a very common masonry wall unit; hence the present work aims at optimising thermal resistance of lightweight concrete hollow bricks through a CFD based numerical research. The optimisation is conducted over a certain number of independent variables such as hollow geometry and design, number of hollow rows across the heat transfer path and hollow depth for natural convection aspects within the hollow enclosure. A reliable CFD software ANSYS FLUENT 18.1 is utilised in the research. The accuracy of the CFD results is justified first through the reference model brick (RMB). Overall heat transfer coefficient (U-value) of RMB is determined to be 0.916 W/m2. K, which is in good accordance with the manufacturer’s data report (0.9 W/m2.K). Following this, parametric research is carried out for various scenarios to optimise the U-value as a function of brick mass. Based on the findings, the maximum improvement is found to be about 53% (U-value 0.43 W/m2. K) through the case of B48 which has an h-ratio of 1 (continuous hollow from top to bottom). Moreover, depending on the increase in h-ratio, it is achieved that the thermal performance of the bricks proportionally increases. The minimum weight of the brick design (B45) is found to be 7.645 kg and the corresponding U-value is obtained as 0.44 W/m2. K.


  • [1] Besir, AB, Cuce, E. Green roofs and facades: A comprehensive review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018; 82(1): 915-939.
  • [2] Martínez, MA, Tort, AI, Cho, S, Vivancos, JL. Energy efficiency and thermal comfort in historic buildings: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 61: 70-85.
  • [3] IEA. Tracking Buildings https://www.iea.org/reports/tracking-buildings; 2019 [accessed May 14, 2020].
  • [4] Raji, B, Tenpierik, MJ, Van Den Dobbelsteen, A. An assessment of energy-saving solutions for the envelope design of high-rise buildings in temperate climates: A case study in the Netherlands. Energy Buildings 2016; 124: 201-221.
  • [5] Guo, Q, Wu Y, Ding, Y, Feng, W, Zhu, N. Measures to enforce mandatory civil building energy efficiency codes in China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2016; 119: 152-166.
  • [6] Peuportier, B, Thiers, S, Guiavarch, A. Eco-design of buildings using thermal simulation and life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 2013; 39: 73-8.
  • [7] De Boeck, L, Verbeke, S, Audenaert, A, De Mesmaeker, L. Improving the energy performance of residential buildings: A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015; 52: 960-975.
  • [8] Kampelis, N, Gobakis, K, Vagias, V, Kolokotsa, D, Standardi, L, Isidori D, et al. Evaluation of the performance gap in industrial, residential & tertiary near-Zero energy buildings. Energy and Buildings 2017; 148: 58-73.
  • [9] Cuce, E, Cuce, PM, Wood, CJ, Riffat, SB. Optimizing insulation thickness and analysing environmental impacts of aerogel-based thermal superinsulation in buildings. Energy and Buildings 2014; 77: 28-39.
  • [10] Cuce, E, Riffat, SB. Aerogel-assisted support pillars for thermal performance enhancement of vacuum glazing: A CFD research for a commercial product. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2015; 40(8): 2233-2238.
  • [11] Cuce, E, Cuce, PM, Young, CH. Energy saving potential of heat insulation solar glass: Key results from laboratory and in-situ testing. Energy 2016; 97: 369-380.
  • [12] Cuce, E, Riffat, SB. Vacuum tube window technology for highly insulating building fabric: An experimental and numerical investigation. Vacuum 2015; 111: 83-91.
  • [13] Cuce, E, Cuce, PM. The impact of internal aerogel retrofitting on the thermal bridges of residential buildings: An experimental and statistical research. Energy and Buildings 2016; 116: 449-454.
  • [14] Cuce, E. Toward multi-functional PV glazing technologies in low/zero carbon buildings: Heat insulation solar glass - Latest developments and future prospects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016; 60: 1286-1301.
  • [15] Cuce, E. Development of innovative window and fabric technologies for low-carbon buildings. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Nottingham, UK, 2014.
  • [16] Del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Domínguez Hernández, J, Álvarez Rabanal, FP. A FEM comparative analysis of the thermal efficiency among floors made up of clay, concrete and lightweight concrete hollow blocks. Applied Thermal Engineering 2010; 30: 2822-2826.
  • [17] Costa, VAF. Improving the thermal performance of red clay holed bricks. Energy and Buildings 2014; 70: 352-364.
  • [18] Antoniadis, KD, Assael, MJ, Tsiglifisi, CA, Mylona, SK. Improving the design of Greek hollow clay bricks. International Journal of Thermophysics 2012; 33: 2274-2290.
  • [19] Del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Díaz Pérez, LM, Riesgo Fernández, P. Nonlinear thermal analysis of multi-holed lightweight concrete blocks used in external and non-habitable floors by FEM. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2011; 54: 533-548.
  • [20] Cuce, E. Role of airtightness in energy loss from windows: Experimental results from in-situ tests. Energy and Buildings 2017; 139: 449–455
  • [21] Morales, MP, Juárez, MC, Muñoz, P, Gómez, JA. Study of the geometry of a voided clay brick using non-rectangular perforations to optimise its thermal properties. Energy and Buildings 2011; 43(9): 2494-2498.
  • [22] Li, LP, Wu, ZG, He, YL, Lauriat, G, Tao, WQ. Optimization of the configuration of 290 × 140 × 90 hollow clay bricks with 3-D numerical simulation by finite volume method. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40(10): 1790-1798.
  • [23] Morales, MP, Juárez, MC, López-Ochoa, LM, Doménech, J. Study of the geometry of a voided clay brick using rectangular perforations to optimize its thermal properties. Applied Thermal Engineering 2011; 31(11): 2063-2065.
  • [24] Sun, J, Fang, L, Han, J. Optimization of concrete hollow brick using hybrid genetic algorithm combining with artificial neural networks. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2010; 53(23): 5509-5518.
  • [25] del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Suárez Sierra, JL, Peñuelas Sánchez, I. Non-linear thermal optimization and design improvement of a new internal light concrete multi-holed brick walls by FEM. Applied Thermal Engineering 2008; 28(8-9): 1090-1100.
  • [26] del Coz Díaz, JJ, García Nieto, PJ, Betegón Biempica, C, Prendes Gero, MB. Analysis and optimization of the heat-insulating light concrete hollow brick walls design by the finite element method. Applied Thermal Engineering 2007; 27(8-9): 1445-1456.
  • [27] Martínez, M, Huygen, N, Sanders, J, Atamturktur, S. Thermo-fluid dynamic analysis of concrete masonry units via experimental testing and numerical modeling. Journal of Building Engineering 2018; 19: 80-90.
  • [28] Pavlík, Z, Jerman, M, Fořt, J, Černý, R. Monitoring Thermal Performance of Hollow Bricks with Different Cavity Fillers in Difference Climate Conditions. International Journal of Thermophysics 2015; 36: 557-568.
  • [29] Del Coz Diaz, JJ, Garcia Nieto, PJ, Martin Rodriguez, A, Lazona Nartinez-Luengas, A, Betegon Biempica, C. Non-linear thermal analysis of light concrete hollow brick walls by the finite element method and experimental validation. Applied Thermal Engineering 2006; 26: 777-786.
  • [30] Del Coz Diaz, JJ, Garcia Nieto, PJ, Alvarez Rabanal, FP, Dominguez Hernandez, J. Non-linear thermal analysis of the efficiency of light concrete multi-holed bricks with large recess by FEM. Applied Mathematics and Computation 2012; 218: 10040-10049.
  • [31] Del Coz Diaz, JJ, Garcia-Nieto, PJ, Alvarez-Rabanall, FP, Alonso-Martínez, M, Dominguez-Hernandez, J, Perez-Bella, JM. The use of response surface methodology to improve the thermal transmittance of lightweight concrete hollow bricks by FEM. Construction and Building Materials 2014; 52: 331-344.
  • [32] Bi-Chao, YE, Zhou, H. Thermal performance analysis of concrete small hollow block. 9th Edition of the International SOLARIS Conference, 30-31 August 2018, Chengdu, China.
  • [33] Al-Tamimi, AS, Al-Osta, MA, Al-Amoudi, OSB, Ben-Mansour, R. Effect of Geometry of Holes on Heat Transfer of Concrete Masonry Bricks Using Numerical Analysis. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2017; 42(9): 3733-3749.
  • [34] Alhazmy, MM. Numerical investigation on using inclined partitions to reduce natural convection inside the cavities of hollow bricks. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2010; 49(11): 2201-2210.
  • [35] Al-Hazmy, MM. Analysis of coupled natural convection-conduction effects on the heat transport through hollow building blocks. Energy and Buildings 2006; 38(5): 515-521.
  • [36] Antar, MA, Baig, H. Conjugate conduction-natural convection heat transfer in a hollow building block. Applied Thermal Engineering 2009; 29(17-18): 3716-3720.
  • [37] Laaroussi, N, Lauriat, G, Raefat, S, Garoum, M, Ahachad, M. An example of comparison between ISO Norm calculations and full CFD simulations of thermal performances of hollow bricks. Journal of Building Engineering 2017; 11: 69-81.
  • [38] Arendt, K, Krzaczek, M, Florczuk, J. Numerical analysis by FEM and analytical study of the dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks with different cavity concentration. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2011; 50(8): 1543-1553.
  • [39] Coz Díaz, JJ de., Nieto, PJG, Sierra, JLS, Biempica, CB. Nonlinear thermal optimization of external light concrete multi-holed brick walls by the finite element method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2008; 51(7-8): 1530-1541.
  • [40] Li, LP, Wu, ZG, Li, ZY, He, YL, Tao, WQ. Numerical thermal optimization of the configuration of multi-holed clay bricks used for constructing building walls by the finite volume method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2008; 51(13-14): 3669-3682.
  • [41] Sun, J, Fang, L. Numerical simulation of concrete hollow bricks by the finite volume method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2009; 52(23-24): 5598-5607.
  • [42] Henrique dos Santos, G, Fogiatto, MA, Mendes, N. Numerical analysis of thermal transmittance of hollow concrete blocks. Journal of Building Physics 2017; 41(1): 7-24.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Erdem Cuce 0000-0003-0150-4705

Pinar Mert Cuce 0000-0002-6522-7092

Ahmet Burhaneddin Besir This is me 0000-0002-2496-0001

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Acceptance Date September 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Vancouver Cuce E, Cuce PM, Besir AB. Improving thermal resistance of lightweight concrete hollow bricks: A numerical optimisation research for a typical masonry unit. Journal of Energy Systems. 2020;4(3):121-44.

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