Conference Paper
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Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 63 - 71, 15.08.2020



  • Abu Asaad, A. (2014). Counseling of the Gifted and Talented (2nd ed.). Amman. The Maisarah House Publishing.
  • Aljughaiman, A. (2018). Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Implementing Gifted Education Programs (1st ed.).Riyadh. Obekon Press.
  • Al-Sabati, I.T. (2017). Comprehensive Guide in the Study of Talent in Children (psychological and educational theories, research and applications). Saudi Arabia. King Faisal University: Al-Ahsa.
  • Al-Ateeq, A., & Abu Asaad, A. (2010). The effectiveness of a counseling program based on cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce excessive sensitivity to criticism in adolescents (unpublished Master Thesis). Mutah University, Karak. Retrieved from
  • Al Eqbali, L. (2018). Excessive sensitivity among outstanding students in Al-Laith governorate. International Specialized Educational Journal: Dar Simat for Studies and Research, 7(3), 162-171. Retrieved from
  • Al-Najjar, H. (2017). The effectiveness of training in self-organized learning strategies in improving self-academic motivation and attitudes toward school among a sample of gifted and underachieving students. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 18(3), 367-416.
  • Badr, Ismail bin Ibrahim Mohamed (2013). Emotional and behavioral problems for gifted and under achievement students Academic. The sixth and first Arab scientific conference of the Egyptian Society of Foundations of Education in cooperation with the College of Education, (2),1227-1247.
  • Bidjerano, T., & Dai, D. Y. (2007). The relationship between the big-five model of personality and self-regulated learning strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 17(1), 69-81.
  • Boekaerts, M. (2006). Self-regulation and effort investment. In K. Renninger & I. Sigel (eds.). Handbook of child psychology . V.4, child psychology in practice. (pp. 345-344). New Jersey: Wiley.
  • Brown, B. (2017). The predictive value of self-regulation to predict the underachievement of gifted preadolescent students (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alabama Libraries).
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.‏
  • Davis, A., Rimm, B. & Siegle, D. (2011). Education of the gifted and talented (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • DiBenedetto, M. & Zimmerman, B. (2010). Differences in Self-Regulatory Processes among Students Studying Science: A Microanalytic Investigation. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 5, 2-24.
  • Jarwan, F. (2014). Talent and excellence (5th ed.). Amman. Dar Al-Fikr Publishers and Distributors.
  • Keller, G. (1993). Das Lern- und Arbeitsverhalten leistungsstarker und leistungsschwacher Schüler. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 40, 125-129.
  • Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (2007). Judging interpretations: But is it rigorous? trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 2007(114), 11-25. doi:10.1002/ev.223
  • McCombs, B. L. (1989). Self-regulated learning and academic achievement: A phenomenological view Self-regulated learning and academic achievement (pp. 51-82): Springer.
  • McCoach, D., & Siegle, D.(2003). Factors that differentiate underachieving gifted students from high achieving gifted students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 47, 144-154.
  • McCoach, D. B. (2002).Avalidation study of the School Attitude Assessment Survey. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 35, 66-77.
  • Mendaglio, S.(2008). Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegrtion. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
  • Mills, G. E. (2003). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Nazeer, A. (2015). A suggested scenario to reveal the talented and unused students in mathematics at the preparatory stage. The Second Scientific Conference: Qualitative Studies, Society Requirements and the Labor Market: Ain Shams University, 1, 23 – 67
  • Phillips, R. (2017). Identification of gifted students at risk of underachievement using ROC curve analysis; using an understanding of the relationships and patterns of social coping, attitude toward school, and self-efficacy to identify underachieving gifted students: An Australian sample. The University of Wollongong School of Education.
  • Reis, S. M., & Greene, M. J. (2014). Using self-regulated learning to reverse underachievement in talented students. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development: University of Connecticut. Retrieved February, 23, 2014.‏
  • Ridgley, LM, DaVia Rubenstein, L, Callan, GL. (2020). Gifted underachievement within a self‐regulated learning framework: Proposing a task‐dependent model to guide early identification and intervention. Psychology in the Schools. 1-20.
  • Rimm, S. B. (1999). See Jane wins. New York; Crown Publishers, In Rimm, S. B. (2000). Why do bright children underachieve? The pressure they feel. To publish a newsletter for children. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, pp. 2-3.
  • Rubin, J. R., & Rubin, I. S. (2005). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data. (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Schunk, D. & Zimmerman, B. (2007). Influencing children's self-efficacyand self-regulation of reading and writing through modeling. Reading and writing Quarterly, 23, 7-25.
  • Schunk, D. H., & Zimmerman, B. J. (Eds.). (2012). Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications. Routledge.‏
  • Stoeger, H., & Ziegler, A. (2005). Evaluation of an elementary classroom self regulated learning program for gifted mathematics underachievers. International Education Journal, 6(2), 261-271.
  • Stoeger, H. & Ziegler, A. (2006). On the influence of motivational orientations on a training to enhance self-regulated learning skills. Georgian Electronic Scientific Journal: Education Science and Psychology, 2(9), 13-27.
  • Stoeger, H., Fleischmann, S., & Obergriesser, S. (2015). Self-regulated learning (SRL) and the gifted learner in primary school: the theoretical basis and empirical findings on a research program dedicated to ensuring that all students learn to regulate their own learning. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(2), 257-267.‏
  • Youssef, S. A. W. (2014). The predictive ability of learning and studying strategies in academic achievement among gifted and underachieving lower secondary students in mathematics. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Aswan. (28),111-45.
  • Zimmerman, B. J. (2009). Theories of self-regulated learning and academic achievement: An overview and analysis. In Self-regulated learning and academic achievement (pp. 1-37). Routledge

Indicative needs for gifted students with underachievement

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 63 - 71, 15.08.2020


This study aimed at investigating the effect of using self-regulated learning strategies on raising the academic achievement of one of the female gifted students. The study used the descriptive methodology that follows the case study on the female gifted student with underachievement. A measure has been used to detect the extent of excessive sensitivity to criticism in the female gifted student, the scale of learning styles, analysis of documents to find out the beginning of this problem, and the use of the interview tool to clarify the problem from the point of view of female gifted student with underachievement and indicative sessions that include applying self-regulated learning strategies with the female gifted student. The results have yielded that the female gifted student with underachievement suffers from a decline in certain courses. Thus, learning style is known. Also, the excessive sensitivity ratio of the criticism has been measured, and it has been found that it is very high (approximately 160). Thus, indicative sessions of a selective nature were used. The effectiveness of these sessions has been demonstrated in using self-regulated learning strategies with female gifted student with underachievement through the rise of academic achievement from 82% to 89% during the year. After sessions, post-measurement of the excessive sensitivity to criticism has been made, and it has been found that the excessive sensitivity ratio has decreased from 160 to 149 (approximately 10 degrees on the scale used). After mentioning the results of the study, it can be said that the effect of training on self-regulated learning was evident on the academic achievement of the gifted student.


  • Abu Asaad, A. (2014). Counseling of the Gifted and Talented (2nd ed.). Amman. The Maisarah House Publishing.
  • Aljughaiman, A. (2018). Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Implementing Gifted Education Programs (1st ed.).Riyadh. Obekon Press.
  • Al-Sabati, I.T. (2017). Comprehensive Guide in the Study of Talent in Children (psychological and educational theories, research and applications). Saudi Arabia. King Faisal University: Al-Ahsa.
  • Al-Ateeq, A., & Abu Asaad, A. (2010). The effectiveness of a counseling program based on cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce excessive sensitivity to criticism in adolescents (unpublished Master Thesis). Mutah University, Karak. Retrieved from
  • Al Eqbali, L. (2018). Excessive sensitivity among outstanding students in Al-Laith governorate. International Specialized Educational Journal: Dar Simat for Studies and Research, 7(3), 162-171. Retrieved from
  • Al-Najjar, H. (2017). The effectiveness of training in self-organized learning strategies in improving self-academic motivation and attitudes toward school among a sample of gifted and underachieving students. Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, 18(3), 367-416.
  • Badr, Ismail bin Ibrahim Mohamed (2013). Emotional and behavioral problems for gifted and under achievement students Academic. The sixth and first Arab scientific conference of the Egyptian Society of Foundations of Education in cooperation with the College of Education, (2),1227-1247.
  • Bidjerano, T., & Dai, D. Y. (2007). The relationship between the big-five model of personality and self-regulated learning strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 17(1), 69-81.
  • Boekaerts, M. (2006). Self-regulation and effort investment. In K. Renninger & I. Sigel (eds.). Handbook of child psychology . V.4, child psychology in practice. (pp. 345-344). New Jersey: Wiley.
  • Brown, B. (2017). The predictive value of self-regulation to predict the underachievement of gifted preadolescent students (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alabama Libraries).
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications.‏
  • Davis, A., Rimm, B. & Siegle, D. (2011). Education of the gifted and talented (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • DiBenedetto, M. & Zimmerman, B. (2010). Differences in Self-Regulatory Processes among Students Studying Science: A Microanalytic Investigation. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 5, 2-24.
  • Jarwan, F. (2014). Talent and excellence (5th ed.). Amman. Dar Al-Fikr Publishers and Distributors.
  • Keller, G. (1993). Das Lern- und Arbeitsverhalten leistungsstarker und leistungsschwacher Schüler. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 40, 125-129.
  • Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (2007). Judging interpretations: But is it rigorous? trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 2007(114), 11-25. doi:10.1002/ev.223
  • McCombs, B. L. (1989). Self-regulated learning and academic achievement: A phenomenological view Self-regulated learning and academic achievement (pp. 51-82): Springer.
  • McCoach, D., & Siegle, D.(2003). Factors that differentiate underachieving gifted students from high achieving gifted students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 47, 144-154.
  • McCoach, D. B. (2002).Avalidation study of the School Attitude Assessment Survey. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 35, 66-77.
  • Mendaglio, S.(2008). Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegrtion. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
  • Mills, G. E. (2003). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Nazeer, A. (2015). A suggested scenario to reveal the talented and unused students in mathematics at the preparatory stage. The Second Scientific Conference: Qualitative Studies, Society Requirements and the Labor Market: Ain Shams University, 1, 23 – 67
  • Phillips, R. (2017). Identification of gifted students at risk of underachievement using ROC curve analysis; using an understanding of the relationships and patterns of social coping, attitude toward school, and self-efficacy to identify underachieving gifted students: An Australian sample. The University of Wollongong School of Education.
  • Reis, S. M., & Greene, M. J. (2014). Using self-regulated learning to reverse underachievement in talented students. Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development: University of Connecticut. Retrieved February, 23, 2014.‏
  • Ridgley, LM, DaVia Rubenstein, L, Callan, GL. (2020). Gifted underachievement within a self‐regulated learning framework: Proposing a task‐dependent model to guide early identification and intervention. Psychology in the Schools. 1-20.
  • Rimm, S. B. (1999). See Jane wins. New York; Crown Publishers, In Rimm, S. B. (2000). Why do bright children underachieve? The pressure they feel. To publish a newsletter for children. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, pp. 2-3.
  • Rubin, J. R., & Rubin, I. S. (2005). Qualitative interviewing: The art of hearing data. (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Schunk, D. & Zimmerman, B. (2007). Influencing children's self-efficacyand self-regulation of reading and writing through modeling. Reading and writing Quarterly, 23, 7-25.
  • Schunk, D. H., & Zimmerman, B. J. (Eds.). (2012). Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications. Routledge.‏
  • Stoeger, H., & Ziegler, A. (2005). Evaluation of an elementary classroom self regulated learning program for gifted mathematics underachievers. International Education Journal, 6(2), 261-271.
  • Stoeger, H. & Ziegler, A. (2006). On the influence of motivational orientations on a training to enhance self-regulated learning skills. Georgian Electronic Scientific Journal: Education Science and Psychology, 2(9), 13-27.
  • Stoeger, H., Fleischmann, S., & Obergriesser, S. (2015). Self-regulated learning (SRL) and the gifted learner in primary school: the theoretical basis and empirical findings on a research program dedicated to ensuring that all students learn to regulate their own learning. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(2), 257-267.‏
  • Youssef, S. A. W. (2014). The predictive ability of learning and studying strategies in academic achievement among gifted and underachieving lower secondary students in mathematics. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Aswan. (28),111-45.
  • Zimmerman, B. J. (2009). Theories of self-regulated learning and academic achievement: An overview and analysis. In Self-regulated learning and academic achievement (pp. 1-37). Routledge
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Special Education and Disabled Education
Journal Section Counselling and Guidance of Gifted

‪ahood Alqahtani 0000-0003-4861-3335

Publication Date August 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Alqahtani, ‪. (2020). Indicative needs for gifted students with underachievement. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 7(2), 63-71.

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