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Year 2009, Volume: 43 Issue: 1-2, 7 - 12, 26.08.2013



  • Fasunloro A, Owotade FJ. Occupational hazards among clinical dental staff. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2004: 5: 134-52.
  • Kandemir S, Karataş S. Mesleğini sürdüren dişhekimlerinin şikayetlerinin Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. 2001: 4: 41-46. bağlı sağlık Cumhuriyet
  • Jacobsen N, Aasenden R, Hensten-Pettersen A. Occupational health complaints and adverse patient reactions as perceived by personnel in public dentistry. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1991: 19: 155-9.
  • Gijbels F, Jacobs R, Princen K, Nackaerts O, Debruyne F. Potential occupational health problems for dentists in Flanders, Belgium. Clin Oral Investig. 2006: 10: 8-16.
  • Chowanadisai S, Kukiattrakoon B, Yapong B, Kedjarune U, Leggat PA. Occupational health problems of dentists in southern Thailand. Int Dent J. 2000: 50: 36-40. 6. Kessler HE. The dentist’s hearing: and ultra speed equipment. Dent Survey. 1960: 36: 1034- 6. 7. Szymanska dentistry. Ann Agric Environ Med. 1999: 6: 13- 19. hazards of 8. Szymanska J. Work-related noise hazards in the dental surgery. Ann Agric Environ Med 2000: 7: 67-70 9. Porter K, Scully C, Theyer Y, Porter S. Occupational injuries to dental personnel. J Dent. 1990: 18: 258-62.
  • Al Wazzan KA, Almas K, Al Qahtani MQ, Al Shethri SE, Khan N. Prevalence of ocular injuries, conjunctivitis and use of eye protection among dental personnel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Int Dent J. 2001: 51: 89-94.
  • McDonald RI, Walsh LJ, Savage NW. Analysis of workplace injuries in a dental school environment. J Aust Dent J. 1997: 42: 109-13.
  • Szymańska J. Work-related vision hazards in the dental office. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2000: 7: 1-4.
  • Goldist GJ. Ocular injuries in dentistry. Can J Optomet. 1979: 41: 38-39.
  • Bezan D, Bezan K. Prevention of eye injuries in dental office. J Am Optm Assoc. 1988: 12: 929-934.
  • Colvin J. The care, protection and utilization of dentist’s eyes. Ann Aust Coll Dent Surg. 1977: 5: 76-80.
  • Robinson JM. The eyes have it. NZ Dent J. 1979: 75: 115 -116.
  • Wagner H. How healthy are today’s dentists? JADA 1985: 110: 17-24. 18. Leggat PA, Kedjarune U, Smith DR. Occupational Health Problems in Modern Dentisry. Industrial Health. 2007: 45: 611-621.
  • Chadwick RG. Alatsaris M, Ranka M. Eye care habits of dentists registered in the United Kingdom. Br Dent J. 2007: 203 (4): E7
  • Dubois-Poulsen A. Ophtalmologica. 1969: 158: 157-180. fatigue visuelle.
  • Wu J, Seregard S, Algvere PV. Photochemical damage of the retina. Surv Ophthalmol. 2006: 51: 461-81.
  • Glickman RD. Phototoxicity to the Retina. Mechanisms of Damage. International Journal of Toxicology. 2002: 21: 473-490.
  • Devlin PF, Kay SA. Cryptochromes--bringing the blues to circadian rhythms. Trends Cell Biol. 1999: 9: 295-8.
  • Hattar S, Lucas RJ, Mrosovsky N, Thompson S, Douglas RH, Hankins MW, Lem J, Biel M, Hofmann F, Foster RG, Yau KW. Melanopsin and rodcone photoreceptive systems account for all major accessory visual functions in mice. Nature 2003: 424: 76-81.
  • Ham WT, Mueller HA, Sliney DH. Retinal sensitivity to damage from short wavelength light. Nature 1976: 260: 153-5.
  • Ham WT Jr. Ocular hazards of light sources: review of current knowledge. J Occup Med. 1983: 25: 101-3
  • Geeraets WJ, Geeraets R, Goldman AI. Electromagnetic radiation damage to the retina(author’s transl). Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol. 1976: 200: 263-78.
  • Geeraets WJ, Berry ER. Ocular spectral characteristics as related to hazards from lasers and other light sources. Am J Ophthalmol. 1968: 66: 15-20.
  • Boettner EA, Wolter JR. Transmission of the ocular media. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1962: 1: 776-783.
  • Ham WT Jr, Mueller HA, Ruffolo JJ Jr, Clarke AM. Sensitivity of the retina to radiation Photochem Photobiol. 1979: 29: 735-43.
  • Dunaief JL, Dentchev T, Ying GS, Milam AH. The role of apoptosis in age-related macular degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002: 120: 1435-42.
  • Krauss JM, Puliafito CA, Steinert RF. Laser interactions with the cornea. Surv Ophthalmol. 1986: 31: 37–53. 33. Zuchlich JA, Elliot WR, Coffey DJ. Suprathreshold retinal lesions induced by laser radiation. Lasers Light Ophthalmol. 1992: 5: 51-59.
  • Schmidt J, Schmitt C, Kojima M, Hockwin O. Biochemical and morphological changes in rat lenses after long-term UVB irradiation. Ophthalmic Res. 1992: 24: 317-725.
  • Anderson DE, Badzioch M. Association between solar radiation and ocular squamous cell carcinoma in cattle. Am J Vet Res. 1991: 52: 784-788.
  • Anduze AL. Ultraviolet radiation and cataract development in the US. Virgin Islands. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1993: 19: 298-300.
  • Davidson CL, de Gee AJ. Light-curing units, polymerization, and clinical implications. J Adhes Dent. 2000: 2: 167–73.
  • Barghi N, Berry T, Hatton C. Evaluating intensity output of curing lights in private dental offices. JADA 1994: 125: 992-6.
  • Yengopal V, Naidoo S, Chikte UM. Infection control among dentists in private practice in Durban. SADJ 2001: 56: 580-4.
  • Bruzell Roll EM, Jacobsen N, Hensten- Pettersen A. Health hazards associated with curing light in the dental clinic. Clin Oral Investig. 2004: 8: 113-7.
  • Benedetto MD, Antonson DA. Ophthalmic concerns when using visible light curing units. J Dent Res. 1984: (Sp Iss) 63: 199, Abstr No. 260.
  • Satrom KD, Morris MA, Crigger LP. Potential retinal hazards of visible-light photopolymeri- zation units. J Dent Res. 1987: 66: 731-6.
  • Alternatives to dental amalgam: What do we know about their safety? Oral Care Report. 1999: 9: 1-3.
  • Chadwick RG, Traynor N, Maseley H, Gibbs N. Blue light curing units –a dermatological hazard? Br Dent J. 1994: 176: 17-21.
  • Eriksen P, Moscato PM, Franks JK, Sliney DH. Optical hazard evaluation of dental curing lights. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1987: 15: 197-201.
  • Bruzell EM, Johnsen B, Aalerud TN, Christensen TJ. Evaluation of eye protection filters for use with dental curing and bleaching lamps. Occup Environ Hyg. 2007: 4: 432-9.
  • Mester E, Mester AF, Mester A. The biomedical effects of laser application. Laser Surg Med. 1985: 5: 31-39.
  • Midda M, Rentan-Harper P. Laser in dentistry. Br Dent J. 1991: 9: 343-46.
  • Barkana Y, Belkin M. Laser eye injuries. Surv Ophthalmol. 2000: 44: 459-78.
  • Bader O, Lui H. FRCPC Laser Safety and the Eye: Hidden Hazards and Practical Pearls American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting Poster Session, Washington, D.C. 1996: February 10-15.
  • Fine S, Feigen L. MacKeen D. Corneal injury threshold to carbon dioxide laser irradiation. Am J Ophthalmol 1968: 66: 1+15.
  • Peppers NA, Vassiliadis A, Dedrick KG. Corneal damage thresholds for CO2 laser radiation. Appl Optics. 1969: 8: 377-81.
  • Fine BS, Fine S, Peacock GR, Geeraets WJ, Klein E. Preliminary observations on ocular effects of high-power, continuous CO2 laser irradiation. Am J Ophthalmol. 1967: 64: 209- 22. 54. Zuchlich JA, Elliot WR, Coffey DJ. Suprathreshold retinal lesions induced by laser radiation. Lasers Light Ophthalmol. 1992: 5: 51-9.
  • Sliney DH. Laser safety. Lasers in Surg Med. 1995: 16: 215-225.


Year 2009, Volume: 43 Issue: 1-2, 7 - 12, 26.08.2013


Modern dişhekimliğinde son yıllardaki teknolojik avantajlara karşın meslekle ilgili pek çok sağlık sorunu bulunmaktadır.
Bunlar arasında yaralanmalar, enfeksiyon, radyasyon, ses ve dental materyel zararları, kas-iskelet sorunları, alerjik ve
solunumla ilgili bozukluklar, göz-görme ve dokunma sorunları ve psikolojik bozukluklar bulunmaktadır. Görme ve işitme
duyusu, beş duyu içinde tat, koku ve dokunma duyularından daha çok ve çabuk bozulmaktadır. Yüksek hızlı aletler ve diştaşı
temizliği sırasında kullanılan aletlerden sıçrayan parçacıklar ve vücut sıvıları (bakteriyel ve viral aerosoller) ile göz zararı
meydana gelebilmektedir. Lazer ve polimerizasyon cihazlarında kullanılan ışık, gözde oluşabilen zararın diğer önemli
nedenidir. Koruyucu gözlük, bu cihazların kullanımı sırasında özellikle tavsiye edilmektedir. Bu yazıda sözü edilen ve
yapılan işle doğrudan ilişkili birçok faktör zararlı etkileri konusundaki farkındalığın arttırılması, sağlık ve güvenlik
önlemlerinin alınması, ergonomi ve korunma yöntemlerinin uygulanmasıyla ortadan kaldırılabilir.


  • Fasunloro A, Owotade FJ. Occupational hazards among clinical dental staff. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2004: 5: 134-52.
  • Kandemir S, Karataş S. Mesleğini sürdüren dişhekimlerinin şikayetlerinin Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. 2001: 4: 41-46. bağlı sağlık Cumhuriyet
  • Jacobsen N, Aasenden R, Hensten-Pettersen A. Occupational health complaints and adverse patient reactions as perceived by personnel in public dentistry. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1991: 19: 155-9.
  • Gijbels F, Jacobs R, Princen K, Nackaerts O, Debruyne F. Potential occupational health problems for dentists in Flanders, Belgium. Clin Oral Investig. 2006: 10: 8-16.
  • Chowanadisai S, Kukiattrakoon B, Yapong B, Kedjarune U, Leggat PA. Occupational health problems of dentists in southern Thailand. Int Dent J. 2000: 50: 36-40. 6. Kessler HE. The dentist’s hearing: and ultra speed equipment. Dent Survey. 1960: 36: 1034- 6. 7. Szymanska dentistry. Ann Agric Environ Med. 1999: 6: 13- 19. hazards of 8. Szymanska J. Work-related noise hazards in the dental surgery. Ann Agric Environ Med 2000: 7: 67-70 9. Porter K, Scully C, Theyer Y, Porter S. Occupational injuries to dental personnel. J Dent. 1990: 18: 258-62.
  • Al Wazzan KA, Almas K, Al Qahtani MQ, Al Shethri SE, Khan N. Prevalence of ocular injuries, conjunctivitis and use of eye protection among dental personnel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Int Dent J. 2001: 51: 89-94.
  • McDonald RI, Walsh LJ, Savage NW. Analysis of workplace injuries in a dental school environment. J Aust Dent J. 1997: 42: 109-13.
  • Szymańska J. Work-related vision hazards in the dental office. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2000: 7: 1-4.
  • Goldist GJ. Ocular injuries in dentistry. Can J Optomet. 1979: 41: 38-39.
  • Bezan D, Bezan K. Prevention of eye injuries in dental office. J Am Optm Assoc. 1988: 12: 929-934.
  • Colvin J. The care, protection and utilization of dentist’s eyes. Ann Aust Coll Dent Surg. 1977: 5: 76-80.
  • Robinson JM. The eyes have it. NZ Dent J. 1979: 75: 115 -116.
  • Wagner H. How healthy are today’s dentists? JADA 1985: 110: 17-24. 18. Leggat PA, Kedjarune U, Smith DR. Occupational Health Problems in Modern Dentisry. Industrial Health. 2007: 45: 611-621.
  • Chadwick RG. Alatsaris M, Ranka M. Eye care habits of dentists registered in the United Kingdom. Br Dent J. 2007: 203 (4): E7
  • Dubois-Poulsen A. Ophtalmologica. 1969: 158: 157-180. fatigue visuelle.
  • Wu J, Seregard S, Algvere PV. Photochemical damage of the retina. Surv Ophthalmol. 2006: 51: 461-81.
  • Glickman RD. Phototoxicity to the Retina. Mechanisms of Damage. International Journal of Toxicology. 2002: 21: 473-490.
  • Devlin PF, Kay SA. Cryptochromes--bringing the blues to circadian rhythms. Trends Cell Biol. 1999: 9: 295-8.
  • Hattar S, Lucas RJ, Mrosovsky N, Thompson S, Douglas RH, Hankins MW, Lem J, Biel M, Hofmann F, Foster RG, Yau KW. Melanopsin and rodcone photoreceptive systems account for all major accessory visual functions in mice. Nature 2003: 424: 76-81.
  • Ham WT, Mueller HA, Sliney DH. Retinal sensitivity to damage from short wavelength light. Nature 1976: 260: 153-5.
  • Ham WT Jr. Ocular hazards of light sources: review of current knowledge. J Occup Med. 1983: 25: 101-3
  • Geeraets WJ, Geeraets R, Goldman AI. Electromagnetic radiation damage to the retina(author’s transl). Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol. 1976: 200: 263-78.
  • Geeraets WJ, Berry ER. Ocular spectral characteristics as related to hazards from lasers and other light sources. Am J Ophthalmol. 1968: 66: 15-20.
  • Boettner EA, Wolter JR. Transmission of the ocular media. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1962: 1: 776-783.
  • Ham WT Jr, Mueller HA, Ruffolo JJ Jr, Clarke AM. Sensitivity of the retina to radiation Photochem Photobiol. 1979: 29: 735-43.
  • Dunaief JL, Dentchev T, Ying GS, Milam AH. The role of apoptosis in age-related macular degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002: 120: 1435-42.
  • Krauss JM, Puliafito CA, Steinert RF. Laser interactions with the cornea. Surv Ophthalmol. 1986: 31: 37–53. 33. Zuchlich JA, Elliot WR, Coffey DJ. Suprathreshold retinal lesions induced by laser radiation. Lasers Light Ophthalmol. 1992: 5: 51-59.
  • Schmidt J, Schmitt C, Kojima M, Hockwin O. Biochemical and morphological changes in rat lenses after long-term UVB irradiation. Ophthalmic Res. 1992: 24: 317-725.
  • Anderson DE, Badzioch M. Association between solar radiation and ocular squamous cell carcinoma in cattle. Am J Vet Res. 1991: 52: 784-788.
  • Anduze AL. Ultraviolet radiation and cataract development in the US. Virgin Islands. J Cataract Refract Surg. 1993: 19: 298-300.
  • Davidson CL, de Gee AJ. Light-curing units, polymerization, and clinical implications. J Adhes Dent. 2000: 2: 167–73.
  • Barghi N, Berry T, Hatton C. Evaluating intensity output of curing lights in private dental offices. JADA 1994: 125: 992-6.
  • Yengopal V, Naidoo S, Chikte UM. Infection control among dentists in private practice in Durban. SADJ 2001: 56: 580-4.
  • Bruzell Roll EM, Jacobsen N, Hensten- Pettersen A. Health hazards associated with curing light in the dental clinic. Clin Oral Investig. 2004: 8: 113-7.
  • Benedetto MD, Antonson DA. Ophthalmic concerns when using visible light curing units. J Dent Res. 1984: (Sp Iss) 63: 199, Abstr No. 260.
  • Satrom KD, Morris MA, Crigger LP. Potential retinal hazards of visible-light photopolymeri- zation units. J Dent Res. 1987: 66: 731-6.
  • Alternatives to dental amalgam: What do we know about their safety? Oral Care Report. 1999: 9: 1-3.
  • Chadwick RG, Traynor N, Maseley H, Gibbs N. Blue light curing units –a dermatological hazard? Br Dent J. 1994: 176: 17-21.
  • Eriksen P, Moscato PM, Franks JK, Sliney DH. Optical hazard evaluation of dental curing lights. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1987: 15: 197-201.
  • Bruzell EM, Johnsen B, Aalerud TN, Christensen TJ. Evaluation of eye protection filters for use with dental curing and bleaching lamps. Occup Environ Hyg. 2007: 4: 432-9.
  • Mester E, Mester AF, Mester A. The biomedical effects of laser application. Laser Surg Med. 1985: 5: 31-39.
  • Midda M, Rentan-Harper P. Laser in dentistry. Br Dent J. 1991: 9: 343-46.
  • Barkana Y, Belkin M. Laser eye injuries. Surv Ophthalmol. 2000: 44: 459-78.
  • Bader O, Lui H. FRCPC Laser Safety and the Eye: Hidden Hazards and Practical Pearls American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting Poster Session, Washington, D.C. 1996: February 10-15.
  • Fine S, Feigen L. MacKeen D. Corneal injury threshold to carbon dioxide laser irradiation. Am J Ophthalmol 1968: 66: 1+15.
  • Peppers NA, Vassiliadis A, Dedrick KG. Corneal damage thresholds for CO2 laser radiation. Appl Optics. 1969: 8: 377-81.
  • Fine BS, Fine S, Peacock GR, Geeraets WJ, Klein E. Preliminary observations on ocular effects of high-power, continuous CO2 laser irradiation. Am J Ophthalmol. 1967: 64: 209- 22. 54. Zuchlich JA, Elliot WR, Coffey DJ. Suprathreshold retinal lesions induced by laser radiation. Lasers Light Ophthalmol. 1992: 5: 51-9.
  • Sliney DH. Laser safety. Lasers in Surg Med. 1995: 16: 215-225.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Yıldız Türkozan

Publication Date August 26, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 43 Issue: 1-2


APA Türkozan, Y. (2013). DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 43(1-2), 7-12.
AMA Türkozan Y. DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI. J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent. August 2013;43(1-2):7-12.
Chicago Türkozan, Yıldız. “DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 43, no. 1-2 (August 2013): 7-12.
EndNote Türkozan Y (August 1, 2013) DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 43 1-2 7–12.
IEEE Y. Türkozan, “DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI”, J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent, vol. 43, no. 1-2, pp. 7–12, 2013.
ISNAD Türkozan, Yıldız. “DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 43/1-2 (August 2013), 7-12.
MLA Türkozan, Yıldız. “DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, vol. 43, no. 1-2, 2013, pp. 7-12.
Vancouver Türkozan Y. DİŞHEKİMLİĞİNDE MESLEKLE İLİŞKİLİ GÖZ SORUNLARI. J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent. 2013;43(1-2):7-12.